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Chapter 139 Almost Give Up

Chapter 139 Almost Give Up

But when he saw Lou Qi's face, he was terrified.

I saw that Lou Qi's face seemed to be printed with the pattern in the water, as if the huge skeleton had shrunk many times and then stuck it on her face.Her originally smooth and white face was now covered with black patterns, and he couldn't see her frontal face, but such a side face already made him extremely horrified.

He wanted to ask her if she was in pain now, more painful than him, but he couldn't speak.

It was too difficult for Lou Qi to swim forward with such a tall man on his back, it was too difficult, in Shen Sha's feeling, they seemed to have swam in the water for such a long time, in fact, they just passed the water. Less than a quarter of an hour.

Then, he saw a huge mouth suddenly opened on the gloomy and slightly shiny water in front of him, with sharp Senli's teeth on it.Nothing but a mouth like this, waiting for them at the exit, as if waiting for them to throw themselves into a trap.

But Lou Qi's speed suddenly increased at this time, very quickly, very quickly, as if he suddenly lost weight, and he was no longer a burden to her.He looked at Lou Qi's face, and found that the black pattern suddenly turned dark red, Lou Qi's face was distorted, and he could still hear the sound of her gritting her teeth, as if she was enduring something terrible pressure.

Shen Sha's heart really ached, he tasted the feeling of heartache, his heart was very painful, this kind of pain actually resisted the pain of his body, but it was also uncomfortable, not uncomfortable at all.

He knew that it was impossible for him to let go of this woman again in this lifetime. Impossible, even if she was about to die, he would die with her, never alone.

Lou Qi was also speechless at this time.There seemed to be countless hands in the water pulling her, her hair, her feet, her hands, and even hands that seemed to be pulling her clothes.

That feeling was very eerie, but she knew she couldn't stop, as long as she stopped, she and Shen Sha would be dragged into it forever, and would never be able to get out again.

She bit her own tongue, and the instant pain and the effect of the medicine in her blood gave her a certain amount of strength.As she swam forward, she formed a tactic with one hand, which she had been practicing before, with one mind and two tasks.

The tactic she formed has the function of purifying water, helping her to displace the current of water in front of her, and making her move faster.It was precisely in this way that her speed suddenly became faster.

But making such a tactic exhausted her energy, and she still had to swim forward with Shen Sha on her back. If she lost her strength, the two of them would still be dead.

Naturally, she also saw the big mouth in front of her, and that was another difficulty she had to overcome.The laughter of living beings does not mean that living beings can really laugh when they come out. That kind of laughter is very weird, like the kind of indulgence that the devil has been let go and wants to return to the world to do harm.

In fact, Lou Qi had only heard of the formation of Shenglingxiao, but she didn't know how to break it. After all, she had never experienced it personally, not even the old man.When they were discussing this formation, the two of them assumed how to break it if they really met.

At that time, what Lou Qi thought was, how could it be possible, how could she encounter this formation?So she wasn't very serious about her idea at the time.

But she never imagined that one day she would actually encounter this formation, and she had to break it.Yes, it must be broken, she absolutely must not want to die here, not in such an evil formation.

Smelly old man, if I can see you again one day, it must be a good fight!Lou Qi thought viciously in her heart.

At this time, she was already close to the big mouth.At this moment, suddenly there was a powerful pulling force on his back, as if he was going to pull Shen Sha away, Lou Qi was startled, and the other hand's broken kill was slashed behind him.

It's water, it's all water.The water that seemed to be condensed into a hand dispersed after being smashed, but soon continued to gather again, and it was another big hand, reaching out to grab Shen Sha's feet.


Lou Qi formed a tactic in his hand and moved towards that hand, the water wave suddenly surged, and countless water bubbles burst, the thrust of such a water bubble explosion was also extremely strong, and Lou Qi was blown away all at once. He and Shen Sha pushed into that big mouth.At this time, Lou Qi was almost out of breath. They were in the water. She didn't know if Shen Sha's ability to hold her breath was much better than hers, but now it was time to come out of the water to breathe. Her chest It's about to explode.

However, if she was really sucked into that big mouth, Lou Qi guessed that it would be an illusion.Because it is impossible for Shengshengxiao to be such a simple formation.

Illusions are always illusions. If they are trapped in an illusion, but they are actually still in the water, forget to hold their breath, and forget to go up to inhale oxygen, they will drown silently in the illusion.

If you die, you will die, but it is not so fun to die in the spirit laughter formation, it is impossible to kill everything, she estimates that the two of them will be caught and made into puppets with secret techniques.

When they become puppets, their kung fu will not disappear, but will be more powerful than when they were alive, especially Shen Sha, who still has the ultimate Gu and poison on his body, which are extremely effective.She didn't want the two of them to have a chance to go out again one day, with pale faces and eyes listening to other people's commands, like two robots, who could kill whoever they were told to do, and do what they were asked to do.

Perhaps, it is also possible that the two of them will kill each other, and finally fight for a puppet king.

She doesn't want that, no!

Lou Qi's eyes were about to bulge out, she bit the tip of her tongue again, Shen Sha could feel her body trembling, he saw traces of blood oozing out from the corner of her mouth, melting into the water inside.Shen Sha's heart was shaken, he didn't need to ask, she didn't need to tell, he knew that she was suffering no less pain than himself at this time.

Shen Sha felt that he had such a virtue and ability that he could have such a her!

No matter what her life experience is, he will never let go, absolutely not.

Lou Qi inserted Po Sha back to her waist, and quickly formed a formula with both hands in the water at the same time. She could feel her spirit was passing by so fast, and her mind began to feel that it couldn't move.

A faint light suddenly appeared in her hand. Although the light was very weak, it quickly merged into a light curtain, which became bigger and bigger, and Lou Qi's chest was about to explode due to lack of oxygen. It was about to burst, just a little bit, just a little bit, she puffed her eyes and continued to hold on.

With his hand, he slapped the light curtain towards the huge mouth.

The light curtain was much smaller than the mouth, as if it was sucked in all at once.

Lou Qi's eyes darkened, and she felt that she really couldn't hold on any longer, it was only a little bit, just a little bit of time, and now she didn't have the strength to float up to the surface of the water to breathe, she couldn't do it anymore.

Lou Qi felt miserable, but there was nothing she could do, she couldn't even move her fingers, she couldn't even make another tactic, she couldn't do it anymore.

At this moment, suddenly a pair of hands held her face, turned her away, a cold lip pressed against her equally cold lips, and then slowly moved over in one breath.

Lou Qi shuddered, her consciousness came back, she opened her eyes, and saw Shen Sha's pale face.

Lou Qi shook her head in horror and tried to break away from him, but his lips pressed against hers tightly, and continued to breathe for her.

"Hmm." Okay, okay!

Shen Sha let go of her, feeling that he was about to die of pain, but he couldn't faint, couldn't faint, otherwise what would he do if he was in the danger just now.

Although Lou Qi was terrified, he didn't dare to waste any more time, and rushed towards the water immediately.


They were finally out of the water, both sucking in greedily for oxygen.

"How can you move!"

Lou Qi pulled him to the front and glared at him angrily.Theoretically, after being sealed with such a medicine needle by her, he would never be able to move, absolutely not!
Hearing this, Shen Sha just looked at her deeply. At that critical juncture, he just saw her eyes closed, her whole body lost strength, and she was about to sink into the water softly, as if it was not just her physical failure, She also gave up in her heart.No one could understand the horror and fear in his heart at that time, and he was so out of breath that he broke free.

But the sequelae of doing so are coming now. He feels pain all over his body that makes him want to die. This pain is several times stronger than before. Another wave of severe pain refreshed his cognition again.

He endured it, but in the end he couldn't help it, and a mouthful of black blood spewed out wildly.

"Idiot!" Lou Qi's eyes were red, and he cursed fiercely, and several long needles appeared in his hand, and quickly plunged into several big holes of his.Right here, the surface of the water suddenly calmed down with waves.

It was just a short stream of water flowing into the bottom of the river, but suddenly it seemed to be a water pot, the water was bubbling, as if it was boiling.Lou Qi was overjoyed: "I thought I failed, but I didn't expect to succeed!"

It was the light curtain she had just played a role. It exploded in that mouth, blowing up the illusion, which is equivalent to blowing up the exit.

"No, we will never go out if we don't go out again."

Lou Qi tied him up again, she knew that at this time he would definitely be in excruciating pain, if someone else would have passed out early in the morning, but he kept clenching his teeth, this may be because she was not afraid of him at first, The reason he has a little affection.That night on the barren mountain, he looked like that, with his eyes open all the time, the pain was extreme, and he was also awake to the extreme.At that time, she should know that this is an extremely powerful man.

"This creature laughs, if you want to break the formation, you have to go through the water, so I can't use light work to take you out." She gritted her teeth and explained to him before diving into the water again, without even waiting for his eyes Responding, she plunged into the water again.

Perhaps it was because he broke through the confinement to save her, Lou Qi was more brave this time than before, and immediately swam towards the exit.

At this time, on the big boat that was slowly floating outside, Yu Huang was pushed forward by several people, and he wanted to open his mouth, but seeing the expressions of the people in front of him, he felt speechless.

"Say!" Yue got angry and glared at him.If you say anything, you fart, does this make them feel irritable?
"Master Yuewei," since they recognized Shen Sha, they also recognized Yuewei, one of the four guards beside him. Now that Shen Sha is not around, in their eyes, this Yuewei is naturally the one with the highest status. "Can we sail away? We don't know what will happen if we wait any longer"

They didn't know what a living laugh was, but after such a long time, the two of them still didn't come out, so it was obviously bad luck. If we wait any longer, what if someone comes out again, or is there another trap?They were very quiet on this river, without a single boat, but this did not make them feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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