Your heart is free

Chapter 147 If you are an enemy of the world

Chapter 147 If you are an enemy of the world
Elder Jin said again: "Otherwise, you come with me, and we two, grandpa and grandson, are going to be proud of the world, how about it?"

As soon as these words came out, Elder Jin felt a gaze shot towards him like a sharp arrow.

"Look at that kid, he's cold-tempered and stinky. It's not fun, it's not fun. If you want to follow, just follow, I'm leaving." After Jin Lao finished speaking, he really didn't care about anything. He slapped his ass and laughed. Galloped away in the blink of an eye.

"Uncle!" Kong Xiu called out a step too late.

"Old man, pay us back some money!" Lou Qi didn't expect that he would leave as soon as he said it, and she didn't have a chance to say what she wanted to say!She couldn't help but lowered her face and murmured, "Did you guess that I wanted money and that's why you ran so fast?"

He took his boat to Yunfeng Mountain Villa before, and paid him so much gold leaves. Later, Yue told her that the silver they brought out this time was really running out, and Lou Qi shamelessly wanted to go to Jin Ye. I always ask for some money back, even if I borrow it from him, I never thought that this person would slip away so quickly.

Lou Qi looked at Kong Xiu speechlessly.She wanted to ask for some money from Mr. Jin because she wanted to give it to Kong Xiu. She talked with him last night, and after telling him some things that could be said about the old man, Kong Xiu decided to go back to the teacher's school for a while. Let's see if I can ask you something about the stinky old man.He has been imprisoned for more than ten years, so it is impossible for him to have any money on him, so he has to make money.

"Lou Qi." When she was in a dilemma, Yue waved to her not far away.

Lou Qi walked over wonderingly: "What's the matter, Lord Yuewei?"

Yue handed over a silver bag, "Master told you."

Lou Qi took it over and opened it, and found another small bag of gold leaves!Seeing Shen Sha leaning on the carriage with closed eyes and resting his mind, Lou Qi pursed his lips and smiled, "Master is better."

She was not polite, and handed the bag of gold leaves to Kong Xiu, "Uncle Kong, things may have changed in 11 years, if something happens to you, take care of yourself first." She knew that Kong Xiu was going to help She clarified the matter and found out the old man's whereabouts, and was a little worried about his safety.After all, he himself said that the stinky old man's kung fu is higher than his, but he still appeared in modern times, which means that something happened here.If Kong Xiu met someone who harmed the old Taoist, he might not be able to resist.

If Kong Xiu hadn't said that his sect doesn't like outsiders entering, his situation is unclear now, and she would have wanted to go with him.

"Understood, don't worry, as soon as there is any news, I will send you a letter." Kong Xiu nodded with a smile.

After seeing off Jin Lao and Kong Xiu, Lou Qi turned around and got into the carriage without hesitation, and the group prepared to return to Poyu.Shen Sha and Yue naturally knew the situation that Mr. Jin could find out. The situation in the broken domain at this time must not be good. It is really dangerous to leave only Ying and Xue in the broken domain.What's more, in Lou Qi's eyes, that Xuewei is clearly an idiot.Some of the remaining people are the old subordinates of the city that broke the domain. Although they seem to have surrendered to Shen Sha on the surface, they are actually somewhat dissatisfied and even ambitious in their hearts.They have been in the domain longer than Shen Sha, the old city lord is dead, if no one has a different heart, Lou Qi will never believe it.

In addition, the various forces in the Territory Breaking Wasteland are ready to move, and Shen Sha has countless things to face, not to mention that he himself still has poisonous and extreme Gu.

Now it seems that although the two sides check and balance, no one can tell when one side is weak, the poison and Gu will explode at the same time, no matter how strong his body is, has he taken the thousand-year-old stone marrow and iceberg blood lotus? , all the same is unbearable, there is only one dead end.

So although she thought about going with Kong Xiu before to investigate the matter of the stinky old man, she also knew that Shen Sha would never let her go, just because she could relieve his pain every fifteen days .Even if he was willing, Ying and Yue who knew about this would definitely not be willing. She understood their loyalty to Shen Sha, and they might chase her back and tie her back if they were desperate.

And Shen Sha, don't look at the weird things she has learned, and her skill is unfathomable now, but she has not yet found out the bottom of Shen Sha, that is to say, she is not sure whether she can completely defeat him with her own abilities. Shen Sha.Besides, it seems that he is still good to her at present, and she has no intention of becoming an enemy of him.

In short, her idea of ​​running alone is simply unrealistic, so she can only stay by his side temporarily.And according to Lou Qi's character, whoever she wants to stay with, even if this person is protected by her, she will naturally not let go of those who want to harm him or take his place.

Lou Qi just doesn't know how much she has feelings for Shen Sha, is it enough? What did she come here for? She felt that she would be able to ask clearly if she dreamed a few more times, so it was useless to be anxious now.

But she came out to know that in this world, it is not so easy for a woman to come out and set up her own family. She just met Mrs. Baihua along the way, and Mrs. Baihua is such a number one person. reputation.

Although there are quite a few women walking outside, they either have husbands, or they have joined various sects, and they have sect marks on their bodies.All sects in this world like uniform clothing. If it is a well-known sect, such as the Bixian sect, as long as you wear the costumes of the sect, people will be able to recognize it. There is a sect logo on the collar.It's like telling others that I have a backer.

There are really very few women who walk out on their own without anything.

And the cost of going out is really a lot. Although the chance of encountering a greedy and willful high-ranking person like Jin Lao is extremely rare, the price of staying in a restaurant is not cheap, especially in a country like Dongqing. nation.

Thinking of Dong Qing, Lou Qi couldn't help asking: "Master, I was taken away at that time, what about Dong Shiyu and the others?" He took a sip to Shen Sha, Shen Sha must have merged much faster than her at that time, but I don't know if Dong Shiyu and others noticed it.

Shen Sha didn't answer her question, but just looked at her with those deep and bottomless eyes, and didn't speak.

It wasn't until Lou Qi couldn't bear it and wanted to speak again that he spoke slowly, but when he opened his mouth, he asked rhetorically. "If this emperor is going to be the enemy of the whole world, Qiqi, what should you do?"

After asking, he still looked at her like that.

It was dusk at this time, and they had been rushing for a day. Now that the carriage slowed down, they were probably preparing to see if they should continue their journey or if there was a place to stay ahead.The wind was stronger, and the curtains on the side of the carriage were blown, and the setting sun just shone in, cast on his face, and coated his face with a layer of golden light, where there was light, there was darkness. The facial features appear more three-dimensional.Lou Qi had to admit that Shen Sha was the most dazzling man she had ever met.But his brilliance is not warm and bright, but cold and domineering.

She thought of his life experience again, saying that he was just a child raised by an ordinary family. She really didn't believe it. How could ordinary parents raise such a son? Such a cool and domineering person came out.

Lou Qi is more willing to believe that he is genetic and born, so his life experience is as intriguing as hers.

Seeing that he asked a word, she didn't answer but looked at him in a daze instead, Shen Sha's eyes dimmed, and her upper body leaned towards her.

It was only when his strong breath enveloped him that Lou Qi came back to his senses, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to block him.

Seeing the darkness in his eyes, she remembered that he was waiting for her answer, and after thinking about his question again, she asked back: "You are an enemy of the world, will you be an enemy of me?"

"will not."

Shen Sha's tone was very light, but Lou Qi could hear the weight of these two words, he did what he said.

She laughed: "Then, I will not be your enemy. Even if you kill all the people in the world, I will not feel bad about you." Anyway, people in the world have nothing to do with her, she has always been cold Thin temperament.

Shen Sha shook his head, dissatisfied, he was not satisfied with this answer.

"Eh?" Lou Qi could see his dissatisfaction, but she didn't know where the answer was wrong, obviously she thought her answer was very reliable, and she didn't think he was bad when he killed all the people in the world. Is it unprincipled enough?

Shen Sha was about to speak, when Yue's voice sounded outside: "Master, there is no city ten miles ahead, and no one can be seen."

"Sleep in the open." Shen Sha said.

Yue responded, and the carriage stopped.Lou Qi just felt her stomach swell a bit, and as soon as the car stopped, she opened the curtain and jumped down, the movement was so fast that Shen Sha didn't have time to catch her.

The place where they are now is not an official road, because they are in a hurry to go back, so they took a shortcut, surrounded by a continuous mountain range, and the road opened between these mountains and mountain ranges.On the right side of their carriage, there is a large and very dense bamboo forest. I can't see what is beyond the forest, but it is probably a mountain range.There happened to be a flat open space in front of the bamboo grove, and it wasn't raining now, so it wasn't too hard for them to rest here at night.
Lou Xin was pulling Mulan off the horse at this time, because he had to go on a journey, and Shen Sha didn't want Mulan to get on the carriage. He felt that the carriage smelled of her and he couldn't stay, and he didn't want to let Lou Qi stay with her She was in a small space, so Lou Qi had no choice but to change another hypnosis method for her, making her dazed and only obeying her passwords.

Therefore, she can still ride a horse, but just in case, Lou Qi asked her to ride on Treading Snow, which has aura and can consciously keep up with the large troops.She could order her to get off the horse by herself, but Lou Xin didn't like her at all, so he didn't wait for Lou Qi to give her the order, and directly dragged her off the horse.

Lou Qi was in a hurry at first, but when he saw Mulan being dragged to the ground, his heart suddenly moved, he paused and walked over, "Lou Xin, take Taxue to eat some grass, and leave her to me."

(End of this chapter)

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