Your heart is free

Chapter 149 Curse

Chapter 149 Curse
At this time, Mulan was lying on her stomach, but she could tell that this person was Mulan from her clothing and figure.

Shen Sha was a little surprised. Originally, he had guessed the other party's purpose in his heart, but he could already catch everyone, so why didn't he take it away? "Pick her up."

Chen Shi went over and grabbed her by the collar at the nape of her neck and lifted her up. When they saw her face, they all gasped.Is this still Mulan?Is this still Mulan with the incomparably beautiful face of their Lou girl?
"What's the matter?" Yue couldn't help laughing.

Mulan's face didn't seem to be injured, but instead of the original whiteness, it was strangely like a layer of wood color, with some grains on it, and those grains were like the grain of wood, and her face was still the same. , the appearance is still the same, but it seems that the face has a wooden texture, as if it was carved out of wood, only the eyebrows and eyes are normal, but it is also because of this that it makes her look very weird, It's like a face carved from wood with real eyes and real eyebrows.

"I guess someone felt scared when they saw this face, so they got angry with her. After all, it's one thing to look weird. It's her fault to run into such a bamboo forest to scare people."

Lou Qi snapped her fingers with a smile, and Mulan woke up immediately. Lou Qi relieved her deep hypnosis at this time, but after she woke up, she still felt dizzy and tingling, as if someone had taken countless sticks. It's like a needle is pricking your own head.This kind of pain didn't seem to be that painful, but it was actually unbearable. Before she could see her situation clearly, she immediately cried out with her headache in her arms.

"It hurts, it hurts to death"

Lou Qi was a little strange when she saw this, "I didn't do anything to her, so the pain is like this?"

Shen Sha ordered someone to take Mulan back, and led Lou Qi into the carriage by himself. There was a mechanism set up here. Although the person had already left, they didn't want to continue camping here, so they might as well drive a little further to see if there were any more. Let's talk about the city.

Moreover, it is not known whether the opponent will continue to lay traps in front.

Shen Sha was still holding Lou Qi in his arms all the time in the car, he didn't show any special emotions on the outside, but Lou Qi could feel the restlessness in his heart at this moment.

"Why didn't you speak?"

Shen Sha held her hand in his hand. Her fingers were long and slender, maybe longer than ordinary women's fingers. The fingers were very sharp and looked very beautiful.

He was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "I often see your fingers twisted into various strange shapes, what's that called?"

This was the first time he asked about her skills, and Lou Qi didn't have anything he couldn't tell him, and he wasn't even afraid of being heard. Even if she said these things, others might not be able to learn them.

"The spell." She said, and her memory returned to the winter when she was three years old. She remembered it very early, and she still remembered everything about the three-year-old.That year, the old man coaxed and taught her a very fun skill. At first, she thought it was fun, and she really thought he was going to teach her. Who knew that the unreliable old man turned out to be himself. On a whim, he came up with a method, wanting to try to see what kind of effect it would have if he combined the spell-breaking technique he realized with qigong, but he had never learned qigong himself. In a certain respect, qigong is the same as internal force, but the There are still some differences. Almost no one can practice internal strength in modern times. That is because the aura of the earth is too thin to assist in practicing qigong, but qigong is still learned by some people.

Under his coaxing, Lou Qi learned internal strength and qigong, and then learned spells. Of course, what he learned most was the technique of breaking spells, and he had to combine the two because of the old man's whimsical idea. together.

Fortunately, after two years like this, Lou Qi suddenly discovered that there was a kind of energy in her body, maybe it was another kind of energy generated by the combination of internal force and hard qigong. There are some tricks that she realized by herself, which became her own mantra.It may be because she practiced knotting techniques every day since she was a child, so her fingers gradually grew a little longer than others.

"Curse formula, who did you learn from?"

This is also the first time Shen Sha asked about her master.

Lou Qi shook her head with a smile and said: "If you say there is a master, you can also say that there is no master." Her skill is not even learned by old Taoists, let alone others.

"My adoptive father, that is, the master, named Xuanyuan Que, is a good friend of Kong Xiu, and Mr. Jin also knows about him." Although this was roughly told to him when he was going to Yunfeng Mountain Villa to rescue Kong Xiu Yes, but it was just a general sentence, and the old man's name was not mentioned.

But seeing Shen Sha's calm face, she suddenly felt helpless again: "Haven't you heard his name?"

At first, she thought that the old man knew so many people, and Hua Yucun, so at least he is quite famous in this world. Who knew that his best friend had been found, but no one in this world seemed to have heard of him. Name, she has never heard anything about Xuanyuan.

But with his old-fashioned ability, he shouldn't be unknown, and he doesn't know why he came to modern times. Maybe he encountered an accident like her and traveled through time, but there should at least be some rumors about him here. .

"Not only your master, but also Kong Xiu, I have never heard of it." Shen Sha shook his head and said: "Kong Xiu has been imprisoned for more than ten years, and no one in the world has mentioned him. Have you ever thought about it? Maybe they're not from here?"

Lou Qi was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"For example Dust Dust Sect." Shen Sha said: "We all know that Dust Dust Sect is extraordinary, with countless masters, those who are in charge of Dust Dust Sect have a high status, but except for the people in Dust Dust Sect, there is no one outside People know their names."

Lou Qi's heart brightened, this makes sense.

"The Duanchen sect knows a lot of things in the world, and they even know what kind of masters are there. If they can see them, they will send people to bring them to the Duanchen sect, but the outsiders don't know Duanchen What about Zongli?" Shen Sha continued: "Actually, apart from the Duanchen Sect, there are several hermit families in the world who haven't appeared in front of people for decades or even hundreds of years."

"So, my adoptive father, Kong Xiu and the others might be from some hidden family?" Lou Qi only felt that the fog in his heart had cleared up, and only now did he have a clue.


Therefore, it is not good for Kong Xiu to take her back rashly without seeing the current situation in the family or division, where there may be more rules.

Although there is no useful discovery yet, with such a clue or direction, Lou Qi at least feels a little better, and his heart is not so heavy.

If that's the case, then something must have happened to the old-fashioned teacher, or the family, and it's not a trivial matter. It's just that she doesn't know where to ask now, and can only wait for Kong Xiu's news.

Kong Xiu said that although he and Mr. Smelly were close friends, he hadn't actually asked about the sects of both sides. At that time, he thought it didn't matter where his friends came from, but now that he thinks about it, it's really nonsense.

Lou Qi nestled in Shen Sha's arms and thought, if this is the case, doesn't she need to hide it?When she makes a fuss and makes it known to the world, maybe those people will notice her and come to her door?
But as soon as the thought flashed through her mind, she immediately shook her head to shake it away.Are you kidding? If the old man didn't make it clear, she would never sacrifice her own life to investigate his origins.

Love to talk or not.

She still has the same original intention, thinking about her happy life!

just this one
In the distance, a few lights flickered slightly in the night.Yue's heart relaxed, and there was a family.The fear is that someone is secretly watching them and preparing to do something. Moreover, it is always better to have a tile to cover your head than to eat the wind, dew and snow outside.

"Go over there, speed up."

It's getting colder and colder this day. It's the north side, and it's very cold at night. Although we've left the ice fields and snow-capped mountains, it's not snowing here yet, but it's really cold at night, and there's no need for a fire. It can be warmed up too much, and a little hot water can soak your feet to relieve the fatigue of the day.

It can hardly be regarded as a village there, just a few ordinary houses with a large fruit forest next to it, which seems to be some kind of Zhuangzi.

Some large families have vegetable gardens and fruit forests, and build Zhuangzi next to them, where the servants live and manage the income here.These houses seem to be such places.There were two red lanterns hanging at the door of the nearest Zhuangzi, and the door was closed tightly, and occasionally a dog barked from inside.

This kind of dog barking made Yue Xin feel a little relieved, because if someone had already come, if the dog had not been killed, it would have barked louder and more irritable, but at this moment it was a few normal barks, which seemed The night is more peaceful.

As soon as this feeling came to the fore, they heard a curse coming from inside: "You bitch, what use is there to be alive, you can't handle even small things!" Then a woman cried Voice.

Lou Xin, who reached out to knock on the door, was stunned immediately, is this still knocking on the door?

The one who cursed was probably just a young girl, because her voice was delicate, and even when she cursed, people felt that her voice was very nice, and it was easy to have some expectations for her appearance.

"If I continue to stay in this village, who else in the city will remember me? If I am forgotten, what will happen to my marriage? Bitch, you have wasted a good opportunity like this. What do you take?" What are you going to pay me for?"

"Miss, it's not the servant's fault. Who would have thought that the carriage would break down halfway?" The crying girl couldn't help crying out.

"Knock on the door."

month said.

Lou Xin immediately knocked on the door.His hands were strong, although the master and servant were still talking, and they should be in the inner courtyard, still far away from the gate, but they still heard the knock on the door.Because the scolding girl called out: "Aunt Hua, go and see who it is."

(End of this chapter)

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