Chapter 153

As soon as her words fell, Shen Sha had already walked towards Feihen, turned on the horse in a very handsome manner, and said to Lou Qi: "Get on the horse."

Taxue walked towards Lou Qi, and rubbed her horse's head, very affectionately.

Lou Qi patted it, and got on the horse as well.Seeing this, Pu Yuhe opened his eyes wide, and called out sadly: "Mr. Chen, don't you take a carriage?"


What answered her was the figure of Shen Sha galloping out.Immediately afterwards, Lou Qi also chased after him.

Although they brought people, their speed did not slow down much compared to before.Pu Yuhe's original plan was that she and Shen Sha could ride in the carriage all the time, and if she tried her best, with her beauty, she would definitely be able to develop a relationship along the way, and she would be able to ask his name clearly. , age, where she came from, how her family is like, when the time comes, he might not be willing to send her to Jinzhou.She even thought about it. At that time, she had to bear with herself first, and persuaded him that the runner would be a concubine. If he wanted to marry her, he had to do it for her own good, and send her to Jinzhou first, and let her live in his aunt's house. Then go to her aunt to discuss their marriage.

She thought so much, never thought that the truth would be like this.

They were on their way all the time, and took a break at noon, but at this time she didn't see Shen Sha and Lou Qi when she got out of the car, she asked the guards, and the guards only said that the master took Miss Lou to rest elsewhere.

Then they came back when she got into the carriage.

At night, if she goes to the city, she shares a room with Aunt Hua Xi'er, but Shen Sha shares a room with Lou Qi. She knocked on the door twice, but it was Lou Qi who opened the door and she blocked it. Then, she didn't even have a chance to enter the door, so how could she say anything to Shen Sha.

So, after four days, she didn't even have the chance to say a word to Shen Sha.

Pu Yuhe felt like a cat scratching her heart, and gradually became impatient.

Moreover, she became more and more dissatisfied with Lou Qi.She is obviously just a maid, at most a concubine, how can she be so close to the master?In the same room every night, how shameful is she?


Xi'er yelled just now, thinking of Pu Yuhe who was being irritable, she stretched out her hand and twisted her arm hard. "What's it called? Didn't you see that Miss Ben was in a bad mood?"

Xi'er didn't dare to cry out, but her eyes were still slightly red, she lowered her head and said aggrievedly: "Miss, I want to say that Master Yuewei just said that we will arrive in Hengzhou in two days, where they are passing by On the route, the city closest to Jinzhou—”

Pu Yuhe's heart skipped a beat, and she asked anxiously, "So what? Are they going to abandon us?"

They have been on the road these days. They have never tried such an experience. Although they are sitting in a carriage, it is very bumpy if they are in a hurry. They are all exhausted. Slow down a bit, unexpectedly arrived in Hengzhou.

If she was just let go, what would happen to her plan?After seeing Shen Sha, who will she marry in the future?She can't even look down on other men.

"Master Yuewei said, this is what I agreed with the lady at the beginning—"

"No, no, I won't go, I want to follow them, I want to follow Young Master Chen!"

But after this day passed, she still had no chance to get close to Shen Sha.

They didn't rush to the city that night, so they slept outside as usual. Fortunately, they were getting closer to Poyu and farther away from the north. The temperature is not so low now, and it is considered warm after lighting a fire.It's just that there aren't many flat places in this area, Shen Sha didn't even get out of the car and took Lou Qi away, when Pu Yuhe was helped out of the car by Aunt Hua, his eyes lit up immediately when he saw Shen Sha.

She straightened up her makeup immediately, and was about to walk over there, when she saw a dove flying over from the sky, Shen Sha raised her hand, and the dove fell into his hands. Pu Yuhe was taken aback, and then his eyes became hot again, this man is indeed very powerful!

Shen Sha took out the note from the small bamboo tube tied to the pigeon's leg, and handed it to Lou Qi.

"Have you finally received Master Yingwei's carrier pigeon?" Lou Qi's eyes lit up, and he opened the note.

They were too far away before, and the pigeons may not be able to find them, so there has been no news, and they have not sent a letter back. Now this is the first message recovered in a long time.

Glancing at the note, Lou Qi immediately raised her eyebrows, and couldn't help but glance in the direction of the carriage, just in time to meet Pu Yuhe's angry eyes, she thought for a while, and finally figured out why she was angry, probably The action of Shen Sha casually handing the note to her just now.

"What did you say?" Shen Sha's face was cold and cold. After traveling for so many days, he almost forgot for a moment that the fifteenth day is coming again. Now his body has already reacted. Fortunately, with her by his side, have her.

"Good thing." Lou Qi said: "Master Yingwei got another medicine to guide the whereabouts."

Shen Sha's eyes flashed, "Huh?"

"East China Sea Tears."

Lou Qi hadn't heard of this thing either, but once he heard it, he knew it was a good thing.The poison Shen Sha poisoned was really rich, even the medicine Yin was so hard to find and precious, and she didn't know who made the poison, but she really admired it.

"where is it?"

"Jinzhou, Heqing Palace." Lou Qi read out.Ying also said in the letter that almost the whole world is looking for their whereabouts, so please be careful.

Lou Qi also felt a little strange that a palace was not in the capital.

Shen Sha frowned, Yue had already walked over: "Master, is it a letter from Eagle?"

Lou Qi handed him the letter.Yue glanced at it quickly, but was pleasantly surprised, "Donghai Tears? It's so wonderful! Master, we are not far from Jinzhou, why don't we just drop by!"

None of them thought that they didn't want to send Pu Yuhe to Jinzhou, but now they really happened to be on the way.

Moreover, every time they entered the city, the city guards would check them strictly. If it wasn't for Pu Yuhe and the three masters and servants who happened to cover them these few days, their whereabouts might have been leaked.

Dong Shiyu, Bei Furong and the others must still be obsessed with the Millennium Chalcedony, they can't be caught, and they also want to kill them outside the broken domain, otherwise it will be difficult to kill them after they return to the broken domain.After all, breaking the domain has the power to break the domain.

It's a pity that they seem to have disappeared. Everyone knows that they should go to the broken domain, but they have not been found.

They changed their clothes in the past few days, including Shen Sha and Lou Qi Mulan, they all wore inconspicuous uniform blue clothes, guarding the carriage and driving on the road, they looked like Pu Yuhe's guards and maids.What's more, Lou Qi has a make-up skill that is incomparable to people of this era, and he puts on a rough make-up for them, so that people can't recognize them when they enter the city.

It can be seen that most of the people they interrogate are just a few men and one woman, or a team of several men. They don't check carefully at all.

Maybe the people at the top demanded a strict investigation, but the order to go down to the grassroots level must lose some strength, which is normal.

"Who is King Heqing?" Lou Qi asked.

"We don't know about King Heqing either. I heard that he is an uncle of Dong Shiyu. I don't know why he doesn't want to stay in the capital, but he came to Jinzhou where the princess's mother's home is."

"Princess Heqing is from Jinzhou?"

"Yes. However, the palace is not afraid. Even if it is Dong Shiyu's East Palace, as long as there is something the master needs, we will not miss it." Yue laughed.

Lou Qi naturally thought so too.She hasn't rested much since she came. She went to find the Flower of Mystery, the Marrow of the Millennium, and then picked the Bingshan Blood Lotus. One by one, they were all in a harsh natural environment, but now a piece from the East China Sea came. Lai Mingzhu didn't want to go to the valley, not to go to the ice fields and snow mountains, but to be in the palace, so she felt a little fresh.

At this time, another carrier pigeon flew over, and the three of them were taken aback. They did not expect Ying to send two letters in succession. This letter asked them if they knew the whereabouts of Xi Changyi, the Ninth Prince of Xijiang.It is said that Xi Changli went to Jiuxiao Temple and asked the Poyu Emperor about the whereabouts of his brother.

At that time in the ice cave, Xi Changyi took the woman he liked to follow in first to find Lou Qi, but after they went in, Lou Qi disappeared, Xi Changyi and the woman also disappeared.It's just that the two of them didn't take it seriously, so they didn't mention it all the time. Now that Xi Changli went to the Nine Heavens Palace to ask for someone, what was his plan?
"I didn't see Xi Changyi at the time." Lou Qi shook his head and said, "Maybe they arrived in the cave, but I was about to practice at the last moment at that time, so I don't know."

"Let Ying tell Xi Changli that Po Yu is not interested in his younger brother, and let him find someone else." Shen Sha said flatly.This may not be able to drive Xi Changli away, but it is certain that such an attitude makes him feel uncomfortable.

Isn't Xi Changli looking for an excuse to break the domain, just waiting for him to go back?Dong Shiyu and the others didn't want him to go back to Poyu, but Xi Changli was waiting for him to go back, which is really strange.

But does he want to wait for him to come back?

Shen Sha snorted.Now it is only four or five days away from Jinzhou. Since they know that the Pearl of the East China Sea is in Jinzhou, how could they not go.

"Mr. Chen, drink some water." Pu Yuhe still came over and looked at him with a glass of water.She has never seen Lou Qi serving tea and water to Shen Sha, since she won't do it, then she will come, maybe after comparing them like this, he will know who is the most suitable to be by her side .

She raised the glass a little higher, looked at Shen Sha expectantly, but unexpectedly reached out with a hand and took her glass of water, Lou Qi drank the water in one gulp, and said to her with a smile Voice: "Thank you, Miss Pu."

Pu Yuhe was so angry that she couldn't control herself and shouted: "Lou Qi! You are so courageous! How can a little maid have the right to drink the water I serve?"

Her voice was a little sharp for a moment, making everyone look over, but they all looked at her with unkind eyes.

"You are the one who is bold." Shen Sha's face suddenly darkened: "Who gave you the right to yell at my people?"

(End of this chapter)

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