Your heart is free

Chapter 166 Ask someone from Tianshan Mountain

Chapter 166 Ask someone from Tianshan Mountain

"Lou Qi, how can you act like nothing happened now?"

"Otherwise what should I do?"

"Do you know that the person who asked Tianshan is here?"

Lou Qi glanced at her, didn't answer, but turned to Er Ling first and asked, "When will dinner be ready? I'm hungry."

"Miss Lou, you will be able to eat in half an hour, how about Er Ling go get you some snacks first?" Er Ling replied, while peeking at Xuewei a little anxiously.

"Forget it, I'll wait."

"Lou Qi!" Xue Wei couldn't bear it anymore, she wished she could tear Lou Qi's face to pieces!On the way over, she told herself that no matter what Lou Qi said, she would hold her breath and not let her lead her by the nose, but when she got in front of her, she found that she couldn't help it!
too difficult!
It was as if Lou Qi was born to be angry with her!

"What did Master Xuewei want to say when he came here?" Lou Qi sighed, "You just keep calling me by my name without saying what you're here for, it's really bothering me."

"You—" She didn't say anything, didn't she ask her if she knew the person who asked Tianshan came?She doesn't answer herself—

"Oh, I see, you mean to ask the people of Tianshan?" Lou Qi was stunned, "But it is the master's and yours' business to welcome the important guests, so you don't want me to be a maid to entertain you? Speaking of this, I would rather It's a bit strange, Master Xuewei still doesn't entertain, what are you doing here?"

"Do you want face? What do you mean come here? This is the master's place!"

"Then you go and ask the master if this is my territory."

Er Ling looked at Xue Wei with a bit of worry, she always felt that Xue Wei looked like he was going to die, his face was blue, red and white, so she wouldn't be afraid of being angry if things went on like this Come?Why do you always come to trouble Miss Lou? I really can't figure it out.

"Okay, hello." Xue Wei gritted his teeth and said, "I just want to tell you that the people who came to Tianshan this time must want to avenge you for destroying Nalan Dan'er's Golden Thunder Whip last time. I hope that when they really come to you, you can do things alone, and don't drag the master!"

After she finished speaking, she immediately turned around and left, and stayed to listen to her one more sentence. She suspected that she would really vomit blood and die.

Looking at her back, Er Ling was extremely worried, "Miss Lou"

"It's okay, let's go see what we made for dinner." Lou Qi shrugged.

The genius doctor and Ying learned that Shen Sha not only ate the thousand-year-old stone marrow, but also the iceberg blood lotus when he went out this time, and successfully got the teardrop from the East China Sea. The two were so happy that they almost jumped up and clapped their hands like children. .

"Put things away." Shen Sha handed the teardrop of Donghai to the genius doctor and asked him to put it away.

"Dijun, there is still a lack of seven-flavored medicine, so we have to speed up the search. Fortunately, this time the emperor got the thousand-year-old stone marrow and the iceberg blood lotus, which should be able to suppress the poison to some extent, which bought us some more time." The genius doctor took the pulse for him, and his eyes showed joy, "The emperor's body is really much stronger now. Miss Lou got something good?"

At that time, he asked Lou Qi to pay attention to whether there were snowflakes in the ice field, and he didn't know if Lou Qi got it.

"She's in the triple hall now, you go find her." Shen Sha waved his hand, the woman said she was his first maid, the master hadn't rested yet, but she went back early, it was unreasonable.But Shen Sha couldn't bear to let someone call her here, she was really exhausted after going out this time.

"Thank you, Emperor." The genius doctor left happily.Ying looked at him and felt a little uncomfortable, what is Le Le, like a child, thinking that someone would bring him candy when he went home?What a shameless old man.

"Is Xi Changli still there?"

It was said that Xi Changli blamed his younger brother Xi Changyi's disappearance on him and stayed in Poyu all the time, so he had a thick skin.

Ying showed a strange look, and said: "He's still there, not only did he not leave, but he also sent someone to deliver the news yesterday, saying that their saintess will also leave for Poyu soon."

As soon as these words came out, both Shen Sha and Yue Wei were taken aback.

"The Saintess of Southern Border has been elected?"

Half a year ago, it was reported that Southern Xinjiang was the time for the election of the Holy Maiden. There has been no new news. I did not expect that the Southern Xinjiang Holy Maiden was selected quietly.

"What the hell is Xi Changli trying to do? And what is that saintess, who just became a saintess not to mention consolidating her power in southern Xinjiang, why did she travel all the way to Poyu?" Yue frowned, " Master, this matter is strange."

Shen Sha's face was heavy: "It's okay." Even if there was something weird, they couldn't prevent the saintess from Nanjiang from coming.In order to truly establish a country after breaking the territory, such exchanges and entertainment are unavoidable. It is impossible for a country to be completely isolated from the world.However, if the other party really wanted to do something wrong to Po Yu, he would not be merciful.

Ying said again: "Master, I also want to ask the people from Tianshan Mountain that they are now in the middle of the mountain, what countermeasures will Master have?" For them, the most important thing now is this level.Asking people in Tianshan is not easy to mess with, this time it is impossible for Nalan Daner to come alone.

"The people from Tianshan came here this time, probably to support Nalan Daner. The people there flaunt their weaknesses, so how can they make it through if they don't come to protect them?" Shen Sha showed a sneer, "Wait until they arrive outside the Jiuxiao Temple. .”

"Master, don't you want to welcome me?" Ying was a little hesitant.

"Welcome? What qualifications do they have for this emperor to welcome them?" Shen Sha stood up and flicked the hem of his robe, "Let Xue go to welcome him."

Ying watched the back of him leaving, and stared blankly at Yuewei: "Let Xue go?"

"Go find Xue." Yue patted him on the shoulder: "I'm exhausted, I'll go back and rest too."

"Hey, Yue, you can't do this, why don't you just let go of it?" Ying watched his back as he walked away quickly and called unrelentingly.Yue just waved his hand and disappeared without a trace.

The sky suddenly became gloomy, and a few small whirlwinds rolled up and swirled a few fallen leaves. A maid followed behind Xuewei in a little panic, and walked quickly outside the gate of the double hall.

The arrogance of Tianshan Mountain can be seen from this. The gate of the Nine Heavens Palace is outside the first hall. If the envoy comes, the guests have to get off the carriage outside the gate of the first hall. Go in.However, people from Tianshan never need to wait outside the gate of the first hall when they come to Jiuxiao hall, they just drive directly outside the gate of the second hall.What's more, when they got to the gate of the Second Level Hall, the visitors didn't get out of the carriage. They didn't wait for someone to arrange whether to enter or not, they just waited for the people of the Second Level Hall to arrange the best guest house for them.

Xuewei hurried over, and when she saw the magnificent carriage with jeweled tassels hanging on the four corners of the hood, she couldn't help but gasped, not daring to be negligent, and immediately pressed her left hand into a fist and her right hand into a palm. Fisting, bowing his head and saluting: "Xuewei of Jiuxiao Palace, I have seen the envoy from Wentian Mountain, dare to ask, is the third elder?"

The curtain of the carriage didn't even shake at all, and the driver was a young man with a jade face, wearing the costume of Wen Tianshan's first-class disciple.Although Wen Tianshan has always advertised that he is uncontested and indifferent to fame and fortune, but seeing that his disciples are divided into ranks and grades, it is just self-deception.

The first-class disciples are directly worshiped under the names of the elders. For example, Nalan Dan'er is also a first-class disciple, and he is also a disciple of the great elder, so his status is extraordinary.

Now there is a first-class disciple driving a car, which shows that the identities of the people in the car are not simple, at least they are also elders.And Xue Wei knew that the Third Elder Wen Tianshan liked gorgeous things the most, and his carriage was much more gorgeous than those of other elders.

Even when Shen Sha took the position of Emperor of Breaking Domains, Wen Tianshan never had an elder come, most of them were first-class disciples, or Wen Tianshan's darling like Nalan Dan'er, and now he even sent the third elder out , this is no trivial matter.

Xuewei was a little panicked, and at the same time hated Lou Qi to death, if it wasn't for Lou Qi, where would there be such a big trouble?The current Nine Heavens Palace is simply not capable of withstanding Wen Tianshan's anger!She really wanted Shen Sha to be good, and she didn't want anything to happen to him. Why couldn't Shen Sha see her good, but wanted to pamper that slut of unknown origin?

"Who are you? Where is Shen Sha? Let him come out to meet the old man."

A somewhat indifferent voice came from the carriage. Although he didn't directly admit that he was the third elder, it was obvious from what he said. He was asking the third elder of Tianshan, Fan Changzi.

Fan Changzi is also the most uncertain among the several elders in Tianshan Mountain. One moment he may be talking to you, and the next moment he may directly attack and kill you.

I heard that Fan Changzi had a few disciples, but no female disciples. He himself liked Nalan Dan'er very much, and it was said that he treated her like his own daughter.In fact, when Nalan Dan'er was defeated and left Nine Heavens Palace last time, they all subconsciously wondered if it would be Fan Changzi who would come to make trouble next time, but they didn't expect to come.

Fan Changzi was really rude to Jiuxiao Temple, he called Shen Sha by name directly, and asked him to come out to greet him.

Xuewei showed a look of embarrassment on his face, but he didn't dare to show any reluctance, he just lowered his head and said: "Forgive me, the third elder, our emperor has just returned from going out, and he is tired——"

"How tired? I have to climb out for the old man! The old man is willing to come to his crappy place to show him face! Go, the old man will wait here and let him get out, otherwise don't blame the old man for being rude!"

He said these few words with internal force, the thick internal force shocked Xue Wei's chest with a dull pain, he could only raise his breath and press it down hard.But the maids behind her were in a terrible situation. They were so shocked that their faces turned pale. They all vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Even the other people here felt chest tight and irritable for a while when the voice came out with internal force.Fan Changzi's voice could be heard from every corner of the Erzhong Hall, Yue and Ying straightened their backs at the same time, their faces becoming serious.This time, those who come are really not good, and those who are kind do not come.

In the triple hall, Shen Sha, who was sitting next to Lou Qi with chopsticks and was about to have dinner with him, also heard this sentence.

He paused when he picked up the vegetables.

At this time, the voice came again. "It's just a scoundrel who asked Tianshan to drive him out of the school. He really thinks he is the emperor! To put it bluntly, it's just a dog that I asked Tianshan not to want!

(End of this chapter)

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