Your heart is free

Chapter 201 A well-developed chapter

Chapter 201 Developed Rhythm
It is a wetland with luxuriant grass, and there are several natural steps if you walk quickly. Every step is a mouth-watering and rich land, covered with all kinds of weeds, no, it is the place of weeds It is full of various medicinal materials.The top step is the natural spring, and beside the spring is the flower of mystery.The spring water is full and flows down, and the ground below is moist. I don't know if it is because of this reason that this place is full of good medicinal herbs.

Is the spring water particularly good?
But Lou Qi didn't have much time to check it carefully at this time, she took out a slightly larger bottle from her backpack, filled a bottle of water, then stretched out her hand to pick off the Lost Flower without hesitation, and took another The box was packed.That's right, after she knew that there were a lot of medicinal materials in the Valley of Gods and Demons, she made preparations for collecting medicinal materials before she came in.In addition to two sets of clothes, her backpack was filled with all kinds of bottles and boxes, as well as the bags of Chen Shi and Lou Xin, all of which were used to hold medicinal materials.The last time the Lost Flower said that after picking it, it would be sent back within three days to be preserved by the genius doctor, but she later asked the genius doctor about the preservation method, and it would be fine to make it into powder first.

After tidying up the Mysterious Flowers, she quickly took Napoleon and dug up a lot of medicinal materials, regardless of whether they were a thousand years old or a hundred years old, she didn't look carefully, she took a cloth bag and stuffed them all in first.It's a pity that she is in a hurry, so I can only pick and pack these carefully when I have time.

Just when she was digging excitedly, there was a sudden cry from Lou Xin.

Surprised, Lou Qi stuffed the cloth bag into his backpack, then flew back.Seeing this, she was also taken aback.

On a big tree in front, there is a monkey with a golden hair all over. It is a monkey, right?But the golden monkey has a long black tail.At this time, it was hooking the branch with its tail, its body was hanging upside down, and its two claws were constantly grabbing.A few black hairs still stuck to that paw—

Lou Qi's eyes moved to Lou Xin's head, the headband that used to tie his hair had been torn off, and his hair was scattered, it was obvious that the hair on the golden monkey's paw belonged to him.

"Girl, this monkey moves so fast!" Lou Xin was terrified.

The tree that the monkey was hanging upside down happened to grow on the side of the road they were going to pass, and the branches protruding out were very long, that is to say, the monkey was hanging on top of the road they had to pass.Is this a scratch just waiting for them to pass?It would be fine if it was just pulling their hair, but seeing that the monkey's claws were extremely sharp, Lou Qi had no doubt that it could scratch their heads and watchcases.

"Pick some fruit and throw it to see if you can lure it away." Chen Shi said.

Wen Jian immediately went to pick a few fruits, but fortunately, there are not many wild fruits in the Valley of Gods and Demons, and now it is the autumnal equinox season, and many wild fruits are ripening.

He threw a fruit at the monkey, and sure enough, the monkey caught it.

But just when their expressions relaxed, the monkey squeaked, and with a wave of its arm, the fruit had already slammed towards Wenjian.

What was shocking was that the fruit made a sound of breaking through the air!Wen Jian's expression changed, and he narrowly escaped the attack with a backflip. The fruit hit the ground behind, and instead of falling into pieces, it sank into the ground intact!

In other words, that monkey smashed a hole in the ground with fruit!

I'm so hungry.Is this still a monkey?This is clearly a master insider, okay?

Only then did Lou Qi finally face up to the rumors that wild beasts were rampant in the Valley of Gods and Demons, and animals mutated.

The monkey seemed very dissatisfied that his attack was dodged, so it screamed.Only then did they see its open mouth and its teeth.

The monkey actually had a mouthful of extremely sharp and long-looking teeth, and four of them were the longest, at least four centimeters in length.

Could this be a vegetarian monkey?
Don't be funny!


The monkey rushed towards them, and the target was still asking for the sword!

Asking Sword immediately dropped the fruit and drew out his saber——

Yes, just drew the saber, and then the action froze, because the monkey had jumped on his shoulder!The action is so fast that he vomits blood.


The monkey opened its mouth excitedly, and its fangs were about to bite towards Qjian's head!
"Bastard!" Wen Mo was indeed loved by his colleagues, and immediately stabbed at the monkey with his sword. "Squeak!" The monkey turned his head and bit his sword. He bit his sword!

Just a click.

Wen Mo's sword was bitten off.

Everyone was stunned, what kind of monkey is this?This tooth is also very good!Ask if the sword of the guard of the Tianshan Shengnv Pavilion is not that bad, so it is the monkey's teeth that are too strong!
But what made them even more shattered was that after the monkey bit off the sword, he flicked his head, and the half of the broken sword in his mouth shot towards Wen Mo's face.

This can even use local materials as hidden weapons!

Wen Mo's face changed, and he threw the broken sword in his hand, and then shot down the broken blade.But the monkey just shook his head casually, and he threw the broken sword with [-]% of his strength!
Lou Qi frowned, she didn't want to waste time here.Immediately, he shot towards the monkey with a smashing weapon in his hand.

The monkey actually sensed that she was the strongest, and she came with boundless killing intent. After a while of squeaks, his figure leaped towards the tree like a golden light, his arms quickly climbed, and he disappeared into the forest all at once. inside.

Everyone fell silent.

Is this a sign of bullying?

Before they could react, there were a few creaks from above their heads, and then, like a rain of stones, more than a dozen fist-sized stones slammed towards Lou Qi's head one after another, making a whistling sound.

That monkey is going to move the weapon!

With this posture, he will not stop until Lou Qi's head is blown.

Wen Jian Wen Mo quietly retreated two steps away.

Lou Qi got angry, "If I don't show my power, you will treat me as a banana!" She reached out to catch a stone fiercely, and was about to throw it back at the monkey, when suddenly she froze.She was stunned, and then a stone hit her on the shoulder.


it hurts-

"Girl!" Chen Shi and Lou Xin were shocked. They immediately stood in front of her, and the other held a sword and shot towards the monkey, but their feet were caught.

Lou Xin looked back and saw that their girl was holding a stone in one hand, and grabbed his right foot with the other, and called him with a smile on her face: "Come back, let it hit you, let it hit you."

Is the girl being smashed into a fool-ahhhh.

But the monkey had no more stones, and the last two pieces were smashed together, and Lou Qi caught it squarely.

"Monkey, is there any more?" Lou Qi smiled at the monkey like a flower.When the monkey saw it, it squeaked, and this time it really ran away.

Lou Qi waited for a while without seeing it before coming out, and sighed in disappointment.

"Girl—" Chen Shi looked at her worriedly.

At this moment, Lou Qi laughed, "Quickly, help me pick up those stones." After speaking, he also quickly picked up the stones, and then stuffed them into a cloth bag.Now she is very glad that she brought several cloth bags to hold the medicinal materials.

A total of 16 yuan of stones were stuffed into a cloth bag for Lou Xin to carry, and she smiled half-opened from ear to ear.Although he was hit a bit, his shoulder still hurts, probably Yu Qing, but it was worth it.

"What do you want these stones for, Miss?" Wen Jian asked suspiciously.Although he wasn't bitten just now, the monkey's sharp teeth still scratched his face, and some blood oozes out.Wen Jian was very anxious. Although men should not care too much about appearance, all the guards in the Holy Maiden Pavilion are handsome. If he loses his appearance, I don't know if the Holy Maiden can reuse him.

After thinking about it, Wen Jian felt that he was thinking too much, he was going to break the domain, and the saint didn't know when she would be able to enter the Nine Heavens Palace.

Lou Qi blinked, "This is a beautiful stone."

"Beautiful, stone?"

"That's right." Lou Qi was about to go crazy with joy, wow ha ha ha ha, this is the rhythm to develop!

Without further explanation, they continued on their way.

The further you go in, the lower the terrain, and you can see some mountain wall faults from time to time, one of which looks like a cut.There are also some wastelands covered with gravel, where no grass grows.There are also some large pits that seem to be natural, and the pits are deep and the bottom cannot be seen.

However, miasma exists all the way.

It took another half a day to walk, and the setting sun turned the miasma red, and the green weaved some oranges. In front of them, a small stream appeared in the rocky stream. The gurgling water refreshed the people who had been thirsty all day.

That's right, except for the small spring that just entered the inner circle, they have never seen a source of water along the way. The water bladder has long been empty, and they are so thirsty that their throats are smoking.

But just as they were about to rush towards the creek, they saw Nalan Huaxin and his party.

I don't know what stopped her, it didn't seem like she was just resting, because she was sitting on a rock a little far away from the stream, wiping the sweat off her face, with two maids standing beside her, and four others The guards stood vigilantly in front, facing the creek, holding swords in full force.

Lou Qi pressed his hands, and they quickly hid behind a row of short bushes.

"Saint, what should I do now?"

They heard the voice of a maid who was a little flustered.Wen Jian and Wen Mo's expressions suddenly became solemn, Lou Qi glanced at it, and guessed that the maid should have a high level of cultivation, but even she couldn't calm down, which meant that the things or things they encountered were not simple .

Chen Shi licked his lips, his lips were already a little chapped, looking at the stream, he couldn't help it.And at this time, he found himself itching all over his body.

Nalan Huaxin frowned and said, "We must go there."

"Saint, this is really a bit too evil, or let's go around."

"Who knows where the source of this stream will be? Detour, how far does it have to go around?" The stream is obviously not wide, and they can jump across it with a single leap. It is really unwilling to make a detour like this.


"Shut up, let me think of another way." Nalan Huaxin scolded in a low voice.

The maid bowed her head and said yes.

Is there something evil about this creek?Lou Qi has been paying attention to Nalan Huaxin's side, and occasionally pays attention to Wen Jian and Wen Mo beside her, but she doesn't pay attention to Chen Shi and Lou Xin. When she is attracted by the sound of nails scratching her skin, she turns her head to look. To Chen Shishi, she almost swears.

(End of this chapter)

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