Chapter 224
"Girl, if that purple cloud fox is really the one of Mr. Jin, shall we take a picture of it?" Lou Xin asked.

Lou Qi glanced at him: "Do you really think your girl is so rich and stupid? This girl tamed her, why should I pay for it?"

"Could it be robbed?"

"Stupid, if it's really that purple cloud fox, do I need to grab it?" That purple cloud fox is very spiritual, so it must still remember her.Even if she doesn't remember, she can tame it once, and she can tame it a second time, and then she can abduct people, ah no, abduct foxes
Anyway, today she inquired about some internal information with Manager Zhu. The Ziyun Fox was not actually caught by someone from the Sheng Medicine Store. It means that someone else sent the photo today, but that person hoped not to publish his information. Sheng medicine line.This is somewhat against the rules of Sheng Yao, but——

"That man's martial arts are unfathomable. In order not to cause trouble, I had no choice but to agree." Chief Manager Zhu said.

A person with unfathomable martial arts, why would he hide his identity and auction Ziyun Fox?
Just as she was guessing in her heart, the singing of the little girl outside had stopped, and Manager Zhu came onto the stage in person.

"Everyone, are you in a hurry? Liuguang Ziyun Fox will send it out immediately. Before that, let me announce one thing. The Luoyang City branch of the Shengyao Store, which is the branch, has the honor of collecting a plant today. Top-grade Tianjicao will hold a small-scale medicine appraisal meeting in a few days, all pharmacists are welcome to attend."

"What? Top grade Tianji grass?"

"Yes, yes, I heard that Patriarch Han also got three celestial secret grasses!"

"Damn it, which god actually sells so many Tianji grass? Is Tianji grass turned into tofu now?"

"Tofu? You should take a few pieces of tofu to see. No matter how much Tianji grass is, it can't be made into tofu. Condensing Gongdan needs it. No matter how much you get, its price won't drop."

The ordinary seats in the hall were immediately discussing.

Patriarch Han also came, right next door to Lou Qi.However, he didn't know that the next door was Lou Qi, but he was somewhat displeased after hearing what Manager Zhu said, and he could guess that the Tianji grass in Shengyao Store was also sold by that seventh son, but, There are four Tianji grasses, why not sell them all to him?

Seeing his face darken, Second Miss Han who was sitting next to him bit her lower lip, and said in a low voice: "Father, are you angry that Master Qi sold Tianjicao to Sheng Yao?"

"Juer, are you angry too? You should sell all the four Tianji grass to me."

"Father, Zhuer is not angry," Han Xiaozhu quickly shook his head and said, "Dad, think about it, Mr. Zhu may want to buy two stalks of Tianji grass, but the seventh son only gave him one and gave you three. ah."

"You seem to be right about what you said." Patriarch Han frowned and said, "However, I think it's better to give it all to me. Zhuer, you have been saying good things about Young Master Qi since yesterday. Do you like it? him?"

Han Xiaozhu blushed and lowered her head.

Is this the default?
Patriarch Han was startled, and then said: "The Seventh Young Master's origin is unknown, he doesn't even have a name, you just fell in love with him so much—"

"Father, can't you ask for your name again? Also, if you are an ordinary person, how can you take out four Tianji grass at once? Maybe the seventh son is the son of the hidden family who came out to travel. His name is the seventh son, maybe It's because she is the seventh in the family, so it must not belong to a small family."

"Don't be stupid. I heard that the young owner of Shengyao Store is also a handsome man. As a father, I still think it's better for you to marry him."

"Father, you haven't even seen him yet! Isn't the Young Master's family even more mysterious? I heard from Manager Zhu that he had only seen the Young Master's family before, and the Young Master's family was still wearing a mask. Maybe it's because they are so ugly? I don't want it." Han Xiaozhu cried anxiously.

"Father will figure out a way. In short, your marriage must be decided by dad!"

"Then how can my sister choose her husband?"

Patriarch Han stared, "Your sister has been lost since she was a child, and didn't grow up under her parents' knees. Can she be the same as you? Besides, the Nine Kings she is looking for - Chang Yi is also good! He is enough to match the Han family Missy."

"The seventh son may not be worse than brother-in-law!"

"You!" Patriarch Han's face sank, and he continued to say that on the stage outside, Manager Zhu had already sent Ziyunhu up.

It was a big iron cage that could hold two grown men, but the gap between the iron bars was small because the purple cloud fox inside was not big.

The iron cage was lifted up and placed in the middle of the stage. As soon as the covering cloth was pulled away, there was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

"It's really Liuguang Ziyun Fox!"

"That's right, that's a pretty purple cloud fox!"

The streamer purple cloud fox is not difficult to identify, its silver-purple hair that is shining with streamer has already explained its identity.The most beautiful part of this purple cloud fox is that there is a small silver-white fur on its forehead, like a crystal snowflake falling into the purple.

"Girl, it's woo woo!" Chen Shi exclaimed.

At that time, Lou Qi named the purple cloud fox Wuwu.

He didn't know what was going on, but when Chen Shi's voice sounded, Lou Qi noticed that Wuwu looked up suddenly.

Could it be that it could still hear Chen Shi's voice from such a distance?
In order to verify it, she waited for a while, and when the purple cloud fox lowered its head again, she raised her voice slightly and said: "It seems to be really woo woo."

The purple cloud fox really suddenly raised its head and looked towards this direction again. It was very anthropomorphic for a moment, and then quickly ran towards this direction.

Lou Qi covered his eyes.


The stupid fox slammed its head against the iron railing, then fell back in a daze.

Many people in the audience laughed.

Next door, Han Xiaozhu's eyes lit up: "What a cute Ziyun fox! Dad, can you take a photo of it and give it to me? I want to keep it!"

Patriarch Han scolded: "Nonsense! It's not like you don't know that Dad needs Ziyunhu's blood for medicine!"

"No, dad, it's so cute, don't kill it!"

At this time, Lou Qi faintly heard the voice from the next door.The father and daughter of the Han family also want this purple cloud fox?

On the stage, Manager Zhu's voice sounded again, "Everyone has seen this purple cloud fox with their own eyes, and now you can start bidding. There are no rules, and the highest bidder wins. However, there is a special preferential treatment, which may allow you to bid." You can take this purple cloud fox away without paying a penny!"

Hearing this sentence, Lou Qi raised her eyebrows suddenly, why did she have a bad premonition?
Manager Zhu continued: "As long as you have a way to make this purple cloud fox go with you voluntarily, then it will be yours!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the room.

"Master Zhu, is what you said true?"

"You mean what you say? Can medicine work?" Someone screamed, but was quickly booed down.However, whoever thinks so in his heart, can he use any means?

Manager Zhu looked in one direction, then paused and said, "As long as it doesn't hurt this purple cloud fox, any method is fine."

Lou Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, and followed his gaze to a private room diagonally opposite.

"Girl, aren't you sure you will win?" Lou Xin was overjoyed.

Chen Shi also breathed a sigh of relief: "In this way, we can bring back this purple cloud fox. I don't know what happened to old Jin. Could it be that this purple cloud fox sneaked away by itself?"

Lou Qi was not as happy as the two of them, she always felt that this special condition was a bit strange.

"Now let me explain that the base price of this purple cloud fox is 50 taels. If you are not sure that you can let it follow you voluntarily, you can bid first. If no one can take it away in the end, it will be the one with the highest price." .”

As soon as the words fell, several people impatiently raised the price, and soon, the price soared to 2000 million taels of silver.

However, there is already a long line of people who register to try to see if they can get Ziyunhu in vain. There is no threshold for this. Everyone wants to try it.As a result, those who had just come to watch the excitement and had no money at all rushed to register.

Lou Qi glanced at it, curled her lips and said, "A bunch of idiots."

They only thought about having a chance to win Ziyunhu for nothing, why didn't they think about it, even if they got it, would they have the ability to keep Ziyunhu?There are a lot of people who get killed because they are not capable enough to get the strange treasure.

When the price soared to 3000 million, it stopped temporarily. Those people were eager to give it a try, and Manager Zhu asked people to start preparing.

"Master Zhu, this purple cloud fox is in the cage, how can it get away?" Someone asked with a loud voice.

"After a while, the cage will naturally open a small door," Chief Manager Zhu said.

"Then what if it runs away? I heard that Ziyun Fox is extremely fast. If it runs away, won't everyone cry?"

This remark drew a crowd of echoes.

The speed of the Ziyun fox is indeed extremely fast, and it is small in stature, jumping up and down, jumping up and down, even if it is easy, it may not be able to catch it.

Manager Zhu looked at the private room again. "Sheng Yaohang has invited experts to help out, and will ensure that Ziyunhu cannot escape."

Hearing what Manager Zhu said, everyone was relieved and surprised at the same time. What kind of expert was invited?
But in front of Ziyunhu, this question was thrown aside.

"Ju'er, you have liked small animals since you were a child, so go and try it with Weifu!" Patriarch Han dragged Han Xiaozhu out.Guests in the noble seat do not need to register, and they can also try it first.

Chen Shi looked at Lou Qi: "Girl, aren't we going out?"

Lou Qi shook his head: "Let's see first."

As soon as the head of the Han family showed up with Han Xiaozhu, the others knew that they had to give way. After all, the Han family's status in Luoyang City was the highest.

When Han Xiaozhu saw the Ziyun Fox at close range without any shelter, she loved it very much. She has been close to small animals since she was a child. She also raised kittens, dogs and rabbits at home. approach.

"Patriarch Han, Second Miss Han, pay attention, the cage is about to be opened now."

On the side of the iron cage, a small exit was opened, and Ziyun Fox's body had to squeeze out slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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