Your heart is free

Chapter 291 Fairy Liuyun

Chapter 291 Fairy Liuyun
Is it stupid to be a person who knows how to spend money?People have been fighting inside for a long time!
Suyun stared angrily, "Do you think you only need to pay 5000 taels of gold?"

Lou Qi blinked, "Then what?"

The maid is very loyal to her duties, and she will answer whenever she has any questions, "5000 taels of gold is the basic price, and it will be calculated by how much silver the distinguished guests spend themselves."

"What about the old rabbit's previous consumption? It won't be counted on us, right? Also, this room has to be refurbished, so don't ask me for money." The decoration inside is so luxurious that everything is broken, If she wants to order this golden room, she is not willing to just clean it up and give it to her like this, but it will definitely cost a lot of money to do it all over again. I don't know how much money it will cost if it is damaged or replaced. Although there was a lot of money, I didn't want to be taken advantage of, so I handed over all the money.

"Huihualou will find a customer to ask for a debt." The maid said.

"Can't find it?" Lou Qi couldn't help being a little curious.

The maid said very calmly: "There is no debt that Hualou will not pay back."

ox.Lou Qi gave a thumbs up.

"Then quickly remove the corpses inside, and make the arrangements beautiful and delicate, otherwise your signboard will be damaged."

Suyun was so angry that his teeth itched, he pointed at her and scolded: "Why are you so shameless, woman? Didn't you also take part in the destruction? You are threatening her now!"

Lou Qi rolled her eyes: "I said, it's none of your business?"

"You, you, you, brother-in-law, she is so vulgar, why do you—"

Shen Sha narrowed his eyes slightly, "What are you? You can scold the emperor's woman? Also, I have already warned you that if you don't want your tongue, I will cut it off for you—" As he said that, he was about to swing out the Shasha in his hand.

"Young master Shen is merciful."

A soft female voice sounded, and Ling Sha, who appeared once before, shot over, wrapped Su Yunxin's waist, and quickly pulled her back, avoiding Shen Sha's move.

Lou Qi narrowed her eyes slightly, and a slender and elegant figure entered her field of vision.

Dressed in clouds, with the moon as her posture, her black hair was like a waterfall, without any bun, it was draped softly behind her back, only a crescent-shaped forehead ornament carved from suet jade fell on her smooth forehead.

Her eyebrows are curved, her nose bridge is small, her cherry lips are a light pink color, her eyes are soft, and there is a faint smile on her lips.

This is Su Liuyun.

Shen Yunshan Liuyun Fairy Su Liuyun.

Lou Qi never thought that she was completely different from what he had imagined.

Nalan Huaxin is very beautiful, so beautiful that she has a frightening brilliance, and her character can almost be seen from her expression and behavior as being arrogant, mad, and not easy to get close to.

Su Liuyun was different, just having such a face-to-face meeting, Lou Qi began to doubt whether the ecstasy formation plus mechanism technique she encountered before to kill her was not Su Liuyun's handwriting.

Because looking at her, I really couldn't see that she would be such a woman who wanted other people's lives before meeting her.

She gave people the impression of being too elegant, too peaceful, and too gentle.It was so good that it seemed insulting to just suspect that she would do something like that.

Su Liuyun walked over slowly, and turned to Lou Qi with a smile: "Liuyun has heard of Miss Lou for a long time, and I am finally lucky to meet her this time. I wonder if Miss Lou would like to have a drink with Liuyun. ?”

Lou Qi couldn't see any hostility in her eyes.

"Oh, by the way, Liuyun walked away just now because I saw Ziyun Fox running away. I originally wanted to chase it, but Ziyun Fox was too fast, and I couldn't catch up. I'm really sorry"

A gentle voice interrupted her, "Qiqi, Wuwu is here."

Zhao Yun came over with Ziyunhu in his arms.

Lou Qi always feels that the current situation is a bit overwhelming, isn't it too lively?She glared at classmate Ziyunhu Wuwu: "Wuwu, are you dead? Come here quickly if you're not dead!"

This troublemaker, I don't know how he provoked that Wu Zun, and how she was discovered by Wu Zun that she had something to do with Ziyun Fox, and they beat him half to death inside. He sneaked out and ran back to Zizijian to find Zhao Yun.

What made her even more depressed was that Zhao Yun didn't know what was going on, but suddenly called her Qiqi!
She could feel the big iceberg around her start to chill again.Da Bingshan wants to kill Wu Zun, there must be a mortal hatred between the two, and Wu Zun keeps saying that he is an evil species, which also makes her very puzzled, aren't Shen Sha's parents husband and wife?Aren't they just an ordinary couple in Broken Domain?

However, how can it be possible for someone who can make Wu Zun hate him so much that he is just an ordinary person?

She suddenly felt that she and Shen Sha were really in the same sympathy, and their backgrounds were very strange.

Wuwu rushed over from Zhao Yun's arms, and was about to jump into Lou Qi's arms, when Shen Sha reached out with one hand, grabbed it just in time, and threw it forward.

Du Wenhui, who followed Zhao Yun, was about to pick it up, but Wuwu turned a corner in the air and fell into Xiaosi's arms.

Du Wenhui looks too ordinary, too ordinary.

Still beautiful.

Everyone fell silent.

Su Liuyun smiled slightly and said, "I didn't expect Miss Lou to be acquainted with Zhao Shaodong's family from the Sheng Yao shop."

Lou Qi said: "Not very familiar, this is the second time we meet."

Suyun, who was startled by Shen Sha's ruthless attack just now, jumped out again, "Cheating a three-year-old child? If you are not familiar, Mr. Zhao will call you Qiqi? I said that you are a woman who is too good at hooking." Three matches—”

Before finishing the four words, there was a loud snap, and Su Yunliu's mouth became red and swollen all of a sudden.

Lou Qi clapped his hands, and said apologetically to Su Liuyun: "I'm sorry, I only like to hear others praise me for being good-looking, and I'm a good person, but I don't like others scolding me. I'll hit whoever scolds me."

Zhao Yun chuckled: "Well, you look good."

Shen Sha glanced at the past coldly, "If Zhao Shaodong's family wants to live in the prison area for a few days, this emperor can meet your request."

Zhao Yundao: "What mistake did I make?"

"Call me by the emperor's concubine's nickname," Shen Sha said slowly, then added after a pause: "The body should have been divided by five horses."

"Is there such a law in Poyu?" Zhao Yun was stunned.

"It wasn't there before, but now it has." Shen Sha said with a blushing face and heartbeat.

Lou Qi stroked his forehead, someone, come and pull these two naive men down——

Su Liuyun seemed a little envious and said: "Master Shen has really good feelings for Miss Lou."

At this moment, Lou Qi noticed her two addresses, Young Master Shen and Miss Lou.

Now people all over the world call Shen Sha the emperor, and Nalan Huaxin purposely called him affectionate in front of her, but she found it ridiculous when she heard it, and she was not as close as Su Liuyun's young master Shen.

While Shen Sha was emphasizing that she was his concubine, Su Liuyun was also surprised, as if she didn't hear her at all, and just continued to call her Miss Lou.

She immediately gasped.

"It will take some time to re-arrange the golden letter room. If you don't dislike it, why don't you sit in the scarlet letter room."

Su Liuyun suggested.

It's not a problem for them to stand here all the time, and Lou Qi still has something to ask Su Liuyun, so she nodded and said: "Okay, then disturb Fairy Liuyun."

Su Liuyun said softly: "Don't bother, Liuyun has to borrow the light of the girl from the building, so that he can have another chance to have a cup of tea with Young Master Shen."

As she spoke, she looked at Shen Sha, and said with a slight smile: "Maybe Young Master Shen has already forgotten the taste of the Dragon Well before Yu on Yuzhong Lake?"

Su Yunxin looked at her brightly, "Sister and Master Shen have gone boating in the rain before?"

"You better talk less, girl, you're really childish." Su Liuyun nodded her forehead in reproach.

When she said that, it would be too petty to care about Su Yunxin.

Su Liuyun was able to book the red-character room next to the gold-character room, which shows that Shen Yunshan's status is higher than that of Bixian Mountain. Can a beauty be as famous as Nalan Huaxin and Suliuxin?
The decoration of the red letter room is more delicate and delicate, and Su Liuyun's style can be seen almost at a glance.

"After Liuyun came, the owner of Huihua Building specially asked people to change it." After Su Liuyun invited everyone to sit down, he saw Lou Qi looking at a string of small white porcelain cups and wind chimes with white feathers on the window sill. smiled.

"Fairy Liuyun knows the owner of Huihua Building?" Lou Qi raised her eyebrows.

It was Mrs. Lou just now, but now it is Mr. Lou who knows how to spend?The network is really big.

"It's just that there was a once-in-a-lifetime relationship. Liuyun and Master Shen have met more times." Su Liuyun said while making tea with his own hands. Refreshing.

"Master Shen drinks this tea, which Liuyun specially brought. It is the same tea tree that he drank in the painting in the rain."

With slender fingers, Su Liuyun brought a cup of tea to Shen Sha, waiting for him to reach out to take it.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows.

At this time, Zhao Yun also brought a cup of tea, and brought it to Lou Qi, with a gentle smile: "Come on, Seventh Young Master, try the tea from Fairy Liuyun to see if it's particularly delicious."

Shen Sha was going to pick up Su Liuyun's tea, but when she saw Zhao Yun's move, her face turned dark all of a sudden.As soon as he turned his hand, he took the cup of tea in Zhao Yun's hand, and drank it in one gulp as if he tilted his head up, without caring about the taste.

Su Liuyun didn't change his face, he was still smiling, so he turned the cup of tea to Zhao Yun. "Zhao Shaodong's family is getting more and more humorous."

Zhao Yun also smiled.

At this time, there was a burst of cheers in the hall downstairs, and someone shouted loudly, "The flower master has come out!"

"Flower Lord Flower Lord, who is the flower owner this time?"

"Just take a look and you'll know. When has the flower owner of Huihualou let us down?"

"Come out, there, there."


"Look up, idiot, you're floating down on the third floor!"

Lou Qi was also very interested, got up and walked to the big window specially designed to watch the flower terrace in the lobby.When they first came, the hall was not full, but now it is full. It seems that too many people came for this flower owner.

At this time, they all raised their heads and looked at the sky above the flower platform, a woman in a long purple dress floated down.

(End of this chapter)

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