Your heart is free

Chapter 328 Bloodline Organ

Chapter 328 Bloodline Organ

Lou Qi originally wanted to ask, isn't it true that no one from the Longyin Clan has ever entered?How would anyone know that there's a place in here that's scary?But this time is not the time to ask, even Shen Sha's expression changed, presumably it is a very powerful mechanism.

Just as she was thinking, Shen Sha had already grabbed her wrist, "Have you heard of mercury?"

mercury?Lou Qi's expression also changed.She knew that some princes in ancient times would pour mercury into their tombs, firstly to prevent the corpse from decomposing, and secondly, to prevent tomb robbers. The gas volatilized by mercury is poisonous and can poison tomb robbers to death.

But this is not a tomb. Could it be that there are really rare treasures inside, and they need to be guarded with mercury?

Looking at her appearance, Shen Sha knew that she must know about mercury, "Did you see the holes where the arrows came out of? If the emperor guessed correctly, mercury will flow out of those small holes. This kind of arrows will be poured with mercury after the formation." The institutions of the Eastern Qing Dynasty once existed in the tombs of the princes of the Eastern Qing Dynasty."

Lou Qi cried secretly: "You mean, this is a deadly game?"


What Lou Qi didn't understand was that she knew the mechanism that came down. If she didn't guess wrong, that mechanism might have been set up by someone related to her. That's why she vaguely remembered that footwork. When Elder Jin told her that only the Lou family's innate bloodlines could be practiced with the natal blood curse, she understood a little bit that the unique skills of herself and the Lou family probably came from some subconscious impressions, and the old man didn't know that it was her When she was a few years old, she was brought to modern times. Perhaps someone had taught her these exercises when she was two or three years old. She remembered them subconsciously, but it is not surprising that she did not have them in her superficial memory.

But if it was a formation set up by someone related to her, shouldn't there be such a possibility when designing it?Being able to come down with the footwork of the Lou family means that it may be a descendant of the Lou family. This shouldn't be a must-kill game!
Do you want to kill people related to the Lou family?

Shen Sha was looking for other traps with a serious face, turned to see Lou Qi's expression of confusion, shook his head and said: "Not all traps were set up at the same time, perhaps, after someone set up the first level After the agency, someone came here again, and set up a killer bureau."

Lou Qi's heart brightened.

Therefore, it is also possible that this is a second-level mechanism set up by an enemy who knows the person who set up the formation that is related to the Lou family. The purpose is to kill the formation-breaker who is related to the person who set up the formation before. people.

"I don't want to think about anything else at this time, so I'm looking for an agency." Shen Sha said lightly again.If the person who set up the formation before was really from the Lou family and had some relationship with her, then it would be more reliable to rely on her to find the agency.What's more, the institutions here are really different from those of Shen Yunshan's faction, and it may take longer for him to come to find them.

Lou Qi nodded and calmed down.

"There's mercury left!" Shi Mingji yelled in horror.

Shen Sha said in a deep voice: "Hold your breath, cover your mouth and nose without holding your breath."

Every time in an emergency, Shen Sha has never panicked, his voice is always cold but calm, which may make people scared at ordinary times, but at this time it can make people feel at ease.

The same is true for Lou Qi, he always looks so cold and calm, which makes her feel much calmer.

He took out a bottle and threw it to Yue, asking him to distribute one to everyone and swallow it quickly.Temporarily resisting the poisonous gas is fine, but if a large amount of mercury is poured in, the hall will be filled with thick poisonous gas, let alone the poisonous gas, and they will have no place to stand at that time. If the skin comes into contact with mercury in large quantities, That too will break.

Urgent situation.

Yue, Chen Shi and the others also worked hard to find the mechanism.

Lou Qi believes that there must be an exit from this place, otherwise, what is the purpose of building such a palace.

Everyone was looking for tricks, only she stood there, seemingly in a daze, but something suddenly flashed in her mind, "Why should the arrows be set as random arrows? There are so many and so complicated, although this can hit every arrow. The corner, but since there is mercury in the follow-up, it is completely superfluous, so many arrows were used, and when they were shot down just now, they were flying all over the sky, and it was hard to see where the arrows were shot from. Shen Sha!"

Shen Sha turned to look at her, and saw that her eyes were as bright as stars.

"The rain of arrows just now, do you remember where they all came from?"

If Lou Qi just likes to talk to smart people, Shen Sha understood what she meant when she said that.Moreover, others may be concerned about avoiding the rain of arrows, but he is the only one who is truly fearless in the face of danger. Under such circumstances, he can still see all directions, see and remember which direction the arrows are shot from.

She also has a rough impression, but she needs his confirmation.

"What do you mean?" Shen Sha pondered for a moment, and with a flash of figure, she immediately came to a corner.Lou Qi also followed quickly, and made everyone follow with a move.


At this point, there is a small area on the stone wall where no arrow holes come out, and naturally there is no mercury infusion.

Yue reached out to touch it, and knocked it, "This stone wall is extremely strong, it may be extremely difficult to drill a hole, so..."

"No, it's more because, this is where the exit is, this is a door." Lou Qi smiled.

Behind the door is the exit, where is the possibility of dumping mercury.And the dense rain of arrows is just trying to confuse the people here, making them think that there are arrows shooting out of every place, which leads people to think that there is actually a place where no arrows are shot.

Even if I thought about it, I couldn't see it clearly at the time, the arrow rain was too dense.

It's a pity, Shen Sha's eyes, Lou Qi's eyes.

Shen Sha also relaxed his expression, "That's right, this is the exit." He slapped one of them with his hand, and a small jade cup a little bigger than the cover of his thumb popped out from the stone wall.

Everyone was amazed.

"What does it mean?"

Shen Sha looked at Lou Qi, "Blood organ."

"What is a bloodline mechanism?" Lou Qi was taken aback, "You don't mean to say, dripping blood?"

"Yes, that's what you think." Shen Sha said: "In this place, maybe the person who set up the formation is only willing to let his relatives enter, so only people who are blood relatives of him can enter."

What are you kidding, there is such a mechanism?
Lou Qi expressed disbelief.But the mercury flowing out of the arrow holes in other places is getting bigger and bigger. If they don't try again, they really have to explain everything here.

"Just try it!" She immediately wanted to take over the broken killing to cut her fingers, but Shen Sha held her hand, "This emperor is here."

He picked up the Posha, and only lightly scratched her fingernails, and did not really scratch her with the Posha, but the cold light and sharp blade of the Posha just cut a little bit of her flesh, just enough for a drop. As soon as the blood dripped, he had already pinched her fingers tightly, and no more blood would come out.

That drop of blood dripped into the tiny little jade cup, and the little jade cup immediately retracted into the jade wall.

Everyone waited holding their breath, only to hear a squeak inside, and in front of them, a stone door board wide enough for one person was really slowly retreated.

Inside, the aroma that was smelled on it before was ten times stronger!
Lou Qi felt that his brain was not enough.

They all went through the door quickly, and then the door closed softly and tightly again.

"Is blood really useful? Could it be that anyone's blood can be used at will?" She looked at Shen Sha.

Shen Sha shook his head and said: "No. The bloodline mechanism has existed for many years, but now very few people can deploy this kind of mechanism."

"So, I really have a relationship with the person who set up the formation."

Shen Sha looked at her, the meaning expressed in that look was very clear.

Yes, that's right, it really does matter.

Lou Qi stroked her forehead, "Hey, life experience, I hate this kind of complicated things the most." She patted Shen Sha on the shoulder as if she was a brother, and then sighed: "It's okay, we share the same disease."

Yue and the others were a little speechless.

Before she could speak, her eyes suddenly lit up again: "No, no, we already smelled that kind of aroma just now, but in fact, this aroma is still separated from the hall just now by a stone gate." Space, the fragrance that can pass through the wall!" She looked at Shen Sha, raised her eyebrows and said, "What kind of good fruit do you think it will be?"

Having said that, everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

Yeah, what the hell is it?The aroma is already very strong here.

Shen Sha looked at Shi Mingji's father, "Tell me what you know."

Just now, before the mercury came out, he said that the old man in the clan said that there is a very dangerous place in the forbidden area, how did he know?In other words, how did the elders in the clan know?
Father Shi was caught by his cold gaze, and immediately took a step back, not daring to meet his eyes at all, he took a breath, as if he needed to mobilize some courage to come up, "Old, old man is not very clear, It’s just that when I was young, I heard the previous patriarch say that the forbidden area is very dangerous. There is also a place that is very scary. If you enter it, you will die. However, there may not be a mechanism at that time. I guess there was a lot of mercury there .”

This place must have existed for more than ten or twenty years.However, no one knows when the agency was set up.

Lou Qi always felt a little helpless when he thought of the colorful Phoenix Bu Yao he got, and the drop of blood from the blood mechanism just now.

At this moment, she knew that it was impossible for her to live a free life regardless of what she really wanted.

The hand was held by Shen Sha, and he pulled her forward: "No matter what it is, go and have a look when you come."

Lou Qi looked at the hand held by him, his eyes were finally firm.Anyway, she is not a person who really likes to escape, so just carry it when things happen!

There is a road in front of you, with green vines hanging down from your head, blocking your sight, and there is a faint light in the gap.

"If the people who set up the formation later hadn't entered here, then there should be no more danger inside, because the door was opened by someone related to their own blood, and the people who set up the formation would not set up dangerous traps." Shen Sha said.

Lou Qi looked at him: "Then how can you be sure that the second formation man never came in?"

Not sure, so still not sure if there is any danger in it.

However, standing here, the scent is even more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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