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Chapter 337 Medicine Curse

Chapter 337 Medicine Curse
This time, Lou Qi was really angry.

She originally thought of ignoring those idlers when she first came back, and at least let them have another peaceful night, but those people cherish them at all, are you going to make trouble?Want to fight?
She just wants to accompany her.

"Sky Shadow!"

Seeing her serious face and burning eyes, she was clearly angry.But being able to make her angry shows that the bed is not so simple to move.Shen Sha also lowered his face.Before calling Tianying, he didn't forget to grab the cloak with one hand and put it on for Lou Qi with his own hands.

Even his personal bodyguard, he would not let him see his woman disheveled.Lou Qi rolled her eyes, her underwear was actually not revealing at all, it was already very conservative pajamas for her.At this time, he still remembered this.

Tianying swept in from the window, "Dijun, Difei."

"Who has entered the emperor's bedroom?"

Tianying was startled, "Miss Erling has always cleaned up, and her subordinates, other than that, no one has ever come in."

"Er Ling?" Lou Qi frowned, "Call Er Ling here."

Er Ling had not gone far before being called back again, seeing Lou Qi's complexion, he asked, "Emperor Concubine, did something happen?"

"Er Ling, did you tidy Dijun's bed today?"

Er Ling nodded: "I cleaned it up this morning, because Master Yingwei said that the emperor and the emperor will come back today."

Lou Qi walked over, gently pinched a long hair on the pillow, and asked: "So, did you lose your hair on the pillow?"

Er Ling looked at the hair with wide eyes, and immediately shook his head: "No, it's impossible, the subordinate even patted the pillow at the end, it's impossible for such a long hair to fall on it and not know it."

Lou Qi walked over and touched her hair, "It's really not Er Ling's hair." And she also believed that Er Ling was fine.

Er Ling bit her lips and asked, "Concubine Di, is there something wrong with this hair?"


Others can't see it, but Lou Qi can see it, the hair is covered with a faint pink light.

"Go and fetch a bowl of water, and chop half a spoonful of minced garlic."

Erling quickly brought the things, Lou Qi threw the hair into the clear water, and then poured the minced garlic down, only to see that the originally clear water suddenly became pink, and soon the whole bowl of clear water turned into Pink.

Now, even Shen Sha's expression changed.From this point of view, such a small strand of hair was painstakingly prepared.

He looked at Lou Qi, Lou Qi said: "Xijiang Curse."

Fury surged in Shen Sha's eyes. "Xijiang, good, good." It's Xijiang again!They had already killed several spies from Xijiang who were lurking in the Nine Heavens Palace before. Could it be that someone from Xijiang has sneaked in now?

"This spell will never be so simple." Lou Ran didn't relax at all. She looked at the big bed and said, "It can't be just a hair that has been manipulated. This whole bed makes me feel very uncomfortable."

She knew that the person who came this time must be a master of spells. She had never come across someone who could cast a spell that only made her feel uncomfortable, but she couldn't see the clue for a while.

The most important thing is that she really still can't see what the effect of this spell is.You can't let Shen Sha really lie on it and try it out.

Shen Sha's expression darkened, "Come here."

Only then did Tianyi push the door open, and Shen Sha said coldly, "Go and find out who came to the emperor's bedroom today."


When Tianyi went to investigate, Lou Qi walked to the bedside, and Shen Sha was about to come, but she pushed him away, "This spell is aimed at you, don't come here."

"then you?"

"I'm fine." Lou Qi made a trick, and pressed his backhand to the center of his brow.She needs a clearer mind and thinking. Moreover, she always felt that there was something wrong with the spell this time. It was a hidden spell. If she didn't look carefully, she would be in trouble if she made a mistake. .

And when she put down her hand and looked at the big bed again, she couldn't help but gasped.

"What did you see?" Shen Sha frowned slightly, wanting to reach out and pull her back to his side.

Tianying took a step forward: "Emperor Concubine, what can I do for you?"

Lou Qi didn't look back, but just waved his hands and said, "Don't come here either, this seems to be a spell against men, Er Ling, come here."

this spell
The entire big bed was filled with pink smoke, and in the pink smoke, many fine black particles could be seen floating.

"Curse," she whispered.

"What is a medicinal curse?" Shen Sha asked.

Lou Qi asked Er Ling to prepare a piece of white linen in a low voice, then turned to Shen Sha and said, "Why don't you go to the side hall to rest first, leave it to me here."

"I am waiting for you." Shen Sha stood behind without moving, just waiting for something wrong with her to rescue her immediately.

Lou Qi didn't show any politeness to him, she knew that Shen Sha was also an uncompromising master.

"The medicinal curse is to use medicinal powder, add spells, grind the powder into a very fine powder, so fine that it is almost invisible to the naked eye, and then use spells to sprinkle the powder on the place where the spell is to be cast, bringing The powder of the spell enters the body with the breath while sleeping, and it will be absorbed by the body immediately, this is an irreversible spell." Lou Qi was speaking, and his ten fingers were fast forming formulas, which they could not see In the air, black powder gathered together with her fingering, as if attracted, it gathered towards her hand.

"Pink, it may be a spell related to women."

"Emperor Concubine, here's the cotton cloth." Er Ling hurried over.

"Unfold, Er Ling, just stand there." Lou Qi waited for her to unfold the cotton cloth, and slowly moved her hands to the cotton cloth. The powder followed her gestures and flew onto the cotton cloth, and then all adhered to the cotton cloth.

Soon, all the dust was absorbed.What was left was those pink mist.The medicine curse, she just took off the medicine, but not the curse yet.

"This." Lou Qi was tilting his head to think of a solution, when his heart suddenly moved.Now that she has detoxified the medicine, there is still a curse left. However, although she roughly guessed who cast this medicine curse, she doesn't understand what it does. If this is the case, why don't you try it?
Lou Qi rolled her eyes, turned around and asked Shen Sha: "I can be sure that this medicinal curse should not kill you, but I really don't know exactly what will happen, but the pink medicinal curse is usually It's about women, you think it's okay."

Before she finished her words, Shen Sha's eyes flashed, and said: "When breaking the domain city before, there was a fierce general in the city lord's mansion, named Zhu Shi, who had an extremely powerful sword and strong arms. However, this man is a pockmarked man. , the lack of front teeth makes it difficult to speak, and the whole body is extremely smelly. At the beginning, the emperor thought that his kung fu was hard to practice, and he did not kill him. He has been locked in the prison area for the past two years. If he wants to use it, Hua Yucun can be released immediately .”


After hearing what he said, Lou Qi couldn't help but spit out, absolutely.He was able to understand what she meant all at once, and immediately found such a person.

To let such a person enter Shen Sha's dormitory to sleep overnight, Shen Sha absolutely disagrees.Moreover, this bed was broken with the curse, cleaned up, and he would never sleep on that bed again, so in the end, he moved that bed out to a remote place in the Triple Hall. The man pushed over, tapped his acupoints, and let him sleep on the bed overnight.

And Shen Sha followed Lou Qi to sleep in the side hall that night, Lou Qi gritted his teeth, and decided to find a way to get him to a palace, how could it be unmarried who always share the same bed!
The emperor returned, and this time the discussion was no longer just like before, when everyone sat down in the meeting hall and talked like a meeting, but started the early court mode.

Lou Qi was dug out from the bed when the sky was not yet bright, and he almost didn't get up very angry.

"Go early with the emperor."

Lou Qi was so speechless that she wanted to cry. "Do you know what it means that the harem must not interfere in politics?"

Shen Sha frowned: "I haven't heard this sentence before. This is the first morning court. As an imperial concubine, you will also participate. And you will also participate on the first day after the founding of the country. The rest of the time you just stay in bed, This emperor will not talk about you."

Lou Qi caressed his forehead.

However, when she thought that there was still a play to watch today, she also cheered up, "Okay, let's go."

"Come on."

Erling came in with a maid each carrying a set of clothes, Lou Qi was speechless again when she saw the dress.

The Nine Heavens Palace is actually really big, but Lou Qi hasn't visited it all yet, she hasn't lived here for a long time, this time when she came to the main hall, she didn't know how big the Second Floor Hall was, one palace connected to one palace, one palace Then a temple.

Shen Sha is wearing a brand-new black robe embroidered with gold and red thread, with a stalwart figure, straight as a pine.The hair is tied with a golden crown, which adds a bit of royal air than usual.

What made Lou Qi unable to complain was her red embroidered gold phoenix robe, which was said to have been rushed out by the embroiderer for a month. It was extremely exquisite, and after putting it on, her back couldn't help but straighten.It's not the queen, who wears the phoenix robe first.

They walked through the long garden corridor, Lou Qi suddenly noticed several sharp eyes staring at her, she glanced slightly, guessed who it was, but did not stop.

She walked side by side with Shen Sha, Yue and Ying followed behind, Er Ling walked beside Lou Qi, and there were eight guards behind.

Lou Qi suddenly thought of a question, will there be eunuchs in the Nine Heavens Palace in the future?
At this moment, she saw Xue Wei.

Xuewei stood outside the main hall, she was the only one standing there alone, the other officials had to wait outside the door of the second-level hall, and Xue lived in the second-level hall, so, here She was the only one waiting.

Originally, she thought that in this first morning court, she could at least stand in the same position as Ying and Yue, and it would be an honor to come with them.

However, the emperor actually said that she can just wait here.

Why?Isn't she also one of the four guards?Although, she is one of the four guards who came to rely on the relationship with Dijun's neighbors when she was a child.

Standing alone in the cold wind, she watched Lou Qi wearing a phoenix robe and coming side by side with Shen Sha, the fire of jealousy in her heart was about to burn her to death.

Xue couldn't help but take a step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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