Chapter 377
At first, Lou Qi thought that they had already rushed past the place where the strange attack sound waves were emitted, but when they were looking for water and food, they walked along the deep ditch, and unexpectedly found that the deep ditch made a bend, and then went back to the original place. that place.

The sound came from underground, and she didn't seem to be able to hear it when she saw Helianjue walking in front, so she rolled her eyes.

Although she heard the voice, it was not aggressive towards her.She knows that if the frequency of certain infrasound waves is similar to the vibration frequency of certain organs of animals or people, it is easy to resonate, which will cause strong harm.


It was fine before, but now even Wuwu feels uncomfortable. Is this because of the proximity?
Wuwu rushed into Lou Qi's arms, stared at her with pitiful eyes, Lou Qi could tell what it meant, it was going to go back, it couldn't go forward, and going forward might be Right above that sound wave, Woohoo could get hurt.

But what reason did she use to go back?They haven't found water yet, and they haven't found food.

"Hey, Helian Jue, let's go back. I don't want to be too far away from Dabai. I can endure without water for a night. It seems that there is nothing to gain from this."

He Lianjue didn't stop, and didn't look back, but said indifferently: "Go forward."

Lou Qi is helpless, he has a luminous belt, if she doesn't follow him, she can only walk back in the dark, but after He Lianjue knew that she had digested Quan Xin, she could tell that she was staring at her intentionally or unintentionally, He would never let her go alone.

"Wuwu, you go back and guard Dabai." Wuwu absolutely can't go any further, otherwise I don't know what kind of injury it will suffer.

Wuwu wanted to follow her very much, but the more he walked, the more uncomfortable he was, and he couldn't hold on any longer. "Woohoo." It jumped off her body, turning around three times a step at a time.

He Lianjue didn't say anything, and continued to move forward lightly.

Lou Qi touched his nose and followed.

After walking for a while, huge vines cover the sky, interweaving into a dense net, covering the road ahead as a passage made of vine nets, which looks like a weird entrance.

It was already dark, and relying on the light from Helianjue's luminous belt, it couldn't illuminate very far.Seeing Helianjue walking in without even thinking about it, Lou Qi became suspicious and stopped, "Hey, Helianjue, it's scary inside, I don't want to go."

If you are just looking for water and food, most people will hesitate and stop going forward when they see such a place. After all, they are just looking for water, not for adventure.But without even thinking about it like this, the speed is a little faster, isn't it normal at all?
As soon as her voice fell, Helianjue said calmly: "There will be water ahead."

Liar ah.

She has always been extremely sensitive to water sources. Now that she has digested the medicinal effect of the spring heart, her five senses are more sensitive. She doesn't even feel the moisture. How can he be so sure that there is water?
He Lianjue turned his head, because the background was those thick vines growing crazily and weaving into the tunnel, his handsomeness felt a little strange.

But when she came back to her senses, he still had that indifferent appearance, as if it was her illusion just now.

"Miss Lou had better follow me closely. If she wants to escape, I might be unhappy."

Lou Qi chuckled.

What does the word "escape" mean?Doesn't this mean that he has already regarded her as his criminal?He wants to stare at her because now she has digested Quanxin, so it is useful to him.

"No escape, no escape, let's go, but if there is any danger, you have to protect me, otherwise I don't know what I will do when I am afraid."

"Let's go."

He Lianjue didn't respond to her words, turned around and walked towards the vine passage.

Lou Qi looked at his back and followed him.But she was slandering in her heart, this guy is really deep in the city, although he is very good-looking and good at kung fu, he seems to treat her well, and many questions she asks are always answered, but she feels that she is still I don't like such people very much.

There are also vines under the feet, and it is not fast to walk on it, because you have to prevent your feet from stepping into the gaps between the interweaving, which is easy to sprain your feet.

The width of this passage is larger than that of one person, but it is a bit crowded for two people.Walking a few more steps inside, the vines are more densely intertwined, making it difficult to see outside.

"I don't know how many years these vines have grown."

Lou Qi talked to himself, but He Lianjue didn't respond.

The further you go in, the duller the air becomes.

A rattling sound came from under his feet, Lou Qi looked down, it was a small mummy, a gray-haired rabbit, he didn't know how long it had been dead, but the rare thing was that it didn't rot, it just air-dried into such a dry body Rabbit carcass.Going forward, it didn't take long to find another animal mummy, and then there were one or two almost every other period.This situation made Lou Qi's brows furrow tighter and tighter, what's going on?She is not surprised at all that the small animals died here, because of the sound wave attack, it is normal for such a small animal to be unable to resist and lose its life all at once, and it is also normal without wounds, she wondered why these animals turned into Mummy.

He Lianjue squatted down to inspect the animal corpses, immediately held his breath, looked back at Lou Qi, but said nothing.

Lou Qi just looked up, seeing his movements and eyes, his heart skipped a beat.He Lianjue discovered something, but kept it from her, and it must have something to do with her.

Lou Qi calmed down and felt it carefully.Only then did she realize that there was a very faint smell of blood in the space, which most people should not be able to smell, but her nose is super sensitive, so she could smell it.

She walked along quietly and carefully analyzed the bloody smell, and found that it was not the real smell of blood, but a plant smell, and this smell was the vines intertwined around them. exudes.This is a kind of poisonous vine, and the medicinal properties emitted by it should be able to keep the poisoned animal corpse from decomposing, and it will become a mummified corpse after a long time.

These poisonous smells must also have an impact on people, but Helian Jue didn't remind her at all, did he want to see the effect after she absorbed the spring heart?It's a pity that he didn't know that she was already invulnerable to all poisons.Lou Qi rolled her eyes, thinking in her heart, should she wait and pretend to be fainted by poison?

But if she faints, maybe He Lianjue will do something, such as where to take her, she also has a boyfriend now, wow, she is still jealous.Since she asked him to be dedicated and not let women get close, she also had to be strict with herself.

Therefore, in order not to pretend to be unconscious and make herself passive, Lou Qi decided that even if He Lianjue was testing herself, she would continue to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

After walking for a while, Helianjue's eyes flashed.

He suddenly turned around, stretched out his hand towards Lou Qi quickly, his movement was as fast as lightning, and he clasped Lou Qi's right shoulder all at once, half of Lou Qi's body went numb suddenly, and he couldn't use his strength.

"Helian Jue, what are you doing?" Lou Qi's face turned cold.Sure enough.

"I forgot to tell you, Miss Lou, I'm going to a place, and I need your physique that has absorbed the heart of Quan, you can come with me." Helianjue's eyebrows and eyes were still very gentle, but her tone was unresistably tough .

"If you need help, you can just say it. Why use such a method? Besides, am I just walking with you now?"

"No, you can follow me here, but what if the place I'm going is far away from here?"

"The farthest one is the Duanchen sect. Are you going to Duanchen sect?" Lou Qi was annoyed at He Lianjue in her heart. Just a cliché.

"It's farther than Dust Sect."

"Are you from Longyin Continent?" Lou Qi raised his eyebrows.

He Lianjue glanced at her, "Do you know Dragon Yin Continent?"

"I know. It's not impossible to go with you. Tell me about the situation over there?"

"There is nothing to say, you will know when you go."

Lou Qi gritted her teeth, she really wanted to visit Longyin Continent, but now is not the time!Besides, she still has to wait for Lou Huantian to come to her. No matter what, she has to confirm her life experience first. Lou Huantian will bring back news, and his mother's words. She wants to know, Lou Huantian's Mother, is it her mother, is it the veiled woman in her dream!
He Lianjue clasped her shoulders and led her to continue walking. Lou Qi now understood that he would not take her back to Dabai's side again, because if there was Dabai, she would take her by then. Dabai goes, he can't catch up even if he flirts with a horse!

"If you want to go, there is no need to take the risk of taking this road. The front looks a bit wrong." Lou Qi has already noticed that the terrain is getting lower and lower, and if you go down, it must lead to some weird place, because you can send out That kind of infrasonic place will not be so fun.

"Are you afraid?"

"Of course I'm afraid, I'm most afraid of death."

"Don't worry, I won't let you die." Helian Jue said.

She is useful to him now, how could he let her die.

Lou Qi rolled her eyes, "But you don't mind if I get hurt, do you?" She glanced at his hand on her shoulder, sat down on the ground suddenly, and yelled loudly: "It hurts so much, it hurts so much!" I'm dead, I won't go, I won't go, you just let me die of pain!"

He Lianjue was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that such a big person like her would fall to the ground and play tricks, the noise was really loud enough that his ears couldn't bear it.

He couldn't help but let go of his hand.

At this time, a black shadow rushed out, trying to cross them and rush towards the way they came from.

Lou Qi was sitting on the ground, just when his long legs swept him away, he tripped the man.He Lianjue immediately stretched out his hand to grab the man.

It's now!

Lou Qi took this opportunity to jump up and rushed straight towards the way he came.

She wouldn't be so stupid to be grabbed by Helian Jue.She can't waste time with him, get out of here first!

"Have fun here, Helian Jue, I have to leave beforehand!"

(End of this chapter)

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