Chapter 379
Tianyi and Dier gritted their teeth, these people, these people actually want to ignore the two of them and besiege their emperor!When are they vegetarian?
The two were aroused into anger, and they shot more bravely and mercilessly.For a while, about 20 people were stopped by them, and the remaining half surrounded Shen Sha.

The moonlight elongated the shadows of so many people, and all of them were intertwined. Shen Sha didn't have any fear at all, and didn't wait for them to make a move. , Sweeping, upside-down, the swordsmanship is weird and ethereal, one person will definitely be hit in the vital point, but after a while, several people have fallen around him, but they didn't even get a piece of his clothes!

This is really frightening.

"Up, up, up!"

"Don't go back!"

There were leaders on both sides screaming nervously. The biggest reason for these people to persevere was that even if they wanted to retreat, Shen Sha would never let them escape.Originally, they wanted to kill him, but now they felt that they had to kill him before they could escape.

There was boundless darkness in Shen Sha's eyes, and the magic weapon in his hand was extremely ferocious because of the lack of sword soul. He was able to suppress the evil spirit of the magic weapon, but at the same time, this evil spirit did make his shots more ruthless.

call out.

With a sound of the sword, the sword light flashed across, cutting off the heads of both of them at the same time!Blood spurted everywhere, dyeing the moonlight red.

"Shen Sha, there are so many of us, you can't kill them all!" One couldn't help but yelled loudly, not knowing whether he was scaring Shen Sha or emboldening himself.But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a burst of cold air enveloping him. The cold air seemed to come up from hell, covering his head and reaching his heart, making him almost feel My heart is still beating.

He held his breath, a black light flashed in front of his eyes, blood gushed out of his mouth instantly, and when the strong smell of blood radiated, he lowered his head to look at his mouth, but saw a sword drawn from his mouth, with a With an unbelievable speed, it pierced into the chest of a companion beside him.

He seemed to still be able to hear the sound of the sharp weapon piercing into the flesh.

Shen Sha didn't even look at the person he had stabbed, as soon as he succeeded with the sword, he would immediately kill the next person, without any pause in the middle, and without delay.He may not know how terrifying he is like this, like a killing robot, no one can resist it.

More and more people died under his sword, five, ten, fifteen, and soon more fell to the ground, surpassing those who were still alive.

"Can't finish killing?" Shen Sha said in a deep voice, "Try."

As soon as the cold voice fell, his stalwart figure had already rushed straight up, his dark eyes were full of murderous intent, he was in mid-air, and the evil spirit soldier swung down in the air, and the surging sword energy was like a long rainbow in the night , and instantly slashed down towards everyone.



There was a sound of screams, blood sprayed out, and the scene was like the king of Hades on a tour.

With one strike, seven people were killed!Seven people!

These seven people were all dead, and there was not a single one who gasped for breath!

Even Tianyi and Dier secretly swallowed their saliva, my God, their emperor's martial arts have improved so much after having this magic weapon!In the past, he fought with both hands, and he didn't use the sword very much. He occasionally used the smash, but although the smash was powerful, the emperor didn't like to use the dagger very much.

Now this magical long sword really fully stimulated the emperor's ability!

"Can't you finish killing?" Shen Sha's cold voice like the king of Hades sounded again, and fell back to the ground without a sound. When the sword qi slashed down from behind, one of them was cut in half at once, and the sword qi slashed across his body, and hit the second person in front, leaving a long wound on his back. , the clothes were all torn.

Two strokes, nine people.

There were only a few people left, and seeing him like this, they all retreated.

They were originally just a small force in this wilderness, and they shouldn't have come to this muddy water!It's just that they were a little excited by the letter, and they formed an alliance with another small neighboring force, thinking that they could at least gather a crowd to suppress the few. Could it be that four or fifty people couldn't kill three people?
Even if you can't kill them, at least you can fight them half to death, right?
How did they know that they were here to die!They can kill seven with one move!seven!In addition, his two bodyguards are also super martial arts, and the two of them have killed nearly ten people just now. If things go on like this, the forty or so of them are simply not enough for the opponent to kill a few times!How dare you shout that sentence to provoke him just now!What is endless killing?

The remaining 20 people want to cry but have no tears. Do you have regret medicine?ask for a few dozen
"Emperor, Emperor, we were wrong, let's go now, and we will return to the territory in the future." A man was so frightened that his legs softened and he fell to the ground all of a sudden. Crawled over, hugged his thigh and cried bitterly.

"It's late." Shen Sha said two words coldly.

He has already done something, these people have offended him, and he will never let them go.


A cold word shattered everyone's hopes.

In the bloody night, there were more than forty people, not one remained.

When Xi Changli and Xue chased here, the three of Shen Sha had already left, leaving corpses lying all over the ground with a strong smell of blood.

Xi Changli got off the horse, looked at the scene in front of him with a gloomy expression.

"Shen Sha is indeed extremely cruel." I didn't expect so many people to be unable to touch him!
Xue was trembling slightly all over, she was terribly heavy, she knew better than anyone now, and because she was so clear, she was afraid, if he knew what she had done, she might die without a place to bury her!
At this moment, Xue suddenly wanted to leave, she didn't want to follow him anymore, she didn't want to be arrogant in front of him who was dying. "Prince Li, why don't we leave Poyu first? Didn't you say that the situation in Western Xinjiang is not very good now? You can't leave for too long."

"Why, is Xue'er afraid?" Xi Changli glanced at her.

Afraid, why not be afraid.

She loves and hates Shen Sha, but she is also afraid, very afraid.

"Don't forget, this time you want to watch him die, even if you don't want to watch him die, don't you want to watch Lou Qi die?"

Snow's eyes lit up again.

That's right, even if she doesn't watch Shen Sha die, she still wants to watch Lou Qi die!
She hated Shen Sha, but Lou Qi was the one she hated the most!It's all because of her, if it wasn't because she won Shen Sha's heart, how could he be so cruel to himself who has been with him for so many years?
"But Lou Qi entered Qinshan, how can he watch her die? Do you know her whereabouts?"

"Some of my subordinates have entered Qinshan long ago. Although he was looking for medicine, he was wrong. I have already sent a letter to ask him to look for Lou Qi's whereabouts. As soon as he has news, he will send pigeons to pass on the letter." Come here." Xi Changli's gloomy face added a bit of viciousness, "We may not be able to find Lou Qi before Shen Sha, besides, my subordinates can also poison the curse, even if Lou Qi can detoxify it, I'm afraid we can't prevent it A curse in the dark."

Snow's eyes lit up.

Unfortunately, Xi Changli didn't know that his subordinates went into the poisonous vines to collect herbs during the earthquake, and they were already poisoned when they heard the voices of Helian Jue and Lou Qi, and they panicked , he had already forgotten his mission, and when he came out, Lou Qi used it as a tool to block He Lianjue, and was killed by He Lianjue.

If he made a mistake, he could say that it was wrong and hit the right thing. In short, if he wanted to wait for that person's pigeon to send a message, he would definitely not be able to wait.

At this time, the three of Shen Sha encountered a second wave of ambushes.The dozens of people before could only be regarded as appetizers. When Shen Sha saw hundreds of masked men in uniform costumes, Shen Sha knew that many forces would appear in the wilderness tonight, and he also knew, definitely Someone leaked his whereabouts.

Presumably he was too merciful during this time.

Under the moonlight, a sinister aura floated in Shen Sha's dark eyes.

These people are going to waste his time looking for Qiqi, all of them should be damned!
Tianyi and Dier felt the murderous aura surging out of him instantly, and immediately tensed up, kill!

In the deep ditch, the light cast from behind elongated her shadow to the front, Lou Qi couldn't help closing her eyes, He Lianjue caught up, but that person couldn't stop him for long.Moreover, his internal strength and lightness kung fu are higher than she imagined, which somewhat frustrated Lou Qi, she thought that she would go against the heavens after having a thousand-year-old stone marrow, who knew that the internal strength had not yet surpassed Shen Sha, and now Here comes another Helian Jue.

"Miss Lou, I haven't found any water or food, why don't you stop and save some energy." He Lianjue's voice came over, and after running all the way, his voice was still calm and without any breath, which made him Lou Qi was even more frustrated, which meant that he hadn't tried his best yet, right?

Running away like this is really not her style, she stopped, turned her head, but was slightly taken aback when she met his gaze.Because Helian Jue's eyes were far less calm than his tone, there was eagerness in his eyes.

"Helian Jue," she sighed, "I don't have time to go to Dragonsong Continent with you right now."

"What do you want? I can give it to you." When He Lianjue found out that Lou Qi's strength was so strong, he was very happy.In fact, he has already used [-]% of his internal energy, and she looks a few years younger than him, and she already has such a cultivation level, which is really admirable.With such high skill, the chance of success will be much higher if you go to that place.

"Can you give me anything?" Lou Qi blinked.

"As long as I can give it."

"Cut, add this sentence, if you say you can't give it at that time, it's not in vain. Forget it, I can help you, I don't want anything, but you have to wait for me."

"Waiting for you? How long?"

how long?It's hard to say this time.Lou Qi tilted his head and thought for a while, "One year."

(End of this chapter)

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