Your heart is free

Chapter 405 I won't let you continue acting

Chapter 405 I won't let you continue acting
"Xiao Zhangzi, you just go, the treasure is yours, and I won't get involved."

Lou Qi said that he was going to retreat out of the cave.

"Emperor Concubine." Lin Shengwei hesitated for a moment, did the Emperor Concubine really not go there to see?That's such a pity, why did you take advantage of that bastard?

Lin Shengwei and the others hated Zhang Ming very much. A man who was nearly forty years old had a boyish face, and he had lied to them for so long. Now that I think about it, it's really disgusting.

Lou Qi made a gesture, signaling them to step back immediately.

Zhang Ming didn't expect Lou Qi to be able to resist the temptation of the golden and green light and the little beast at all, and he didn't want to go to explore the treasure at all, so he was taken aback for a while.Then, a haze filled his eyes, and he was about to slap the little soldier he threw on a stone beside him just now, "Then, I will kill this little guy first."

She was going to save the little soldier just now, and he didn't believe that she could leave him alone, and only took the other six people back.

But he soon realized that he was wrong again.

Lou Qi turned his head and smiled brightly at him again, "Xiao Zhangzi, you can kill your own people if you want to, don't be polite. You can see if you want to steam it, or braise it in brown sauce, or just sweep him into the void and kill him." Okay, clean and easy."

Not only Zhang Ming was stunned, the little soldier was stunned, even Lin Shengwei and others were shocked.

Another little soldier, Wu Xiaoyu, couldn't bear it, and said to Lou Qi: "Emperor Concubine, Ah Guota."

They all thought that Lou Qi gave up on him because he couldn't save the little soldier.Unexpectedly, Zhang Ming gritted his teeth and glared at Lou Qi suddenly, "How did you know that he is the deity's person?"

Lou Qi blinked, "Xiao Zhangzi, do you think I'm stupid? If you wanted to kill him, you would have killed him long ago. How much more do you need to move than to stay still for so long? You were forced by me before When picking a stone, it is obvious that the stone he is on is the largest recently. In that case, if you are enemies, and your kung fu is so much higher than him, you will naturally rush to kick him down, but you I gave him the stone, and picked the smallest one myself. Hey, I am still performing Golden Rooster Independence. I have to say, you are so gentle and considerate, and you are so heartwarming. We will not Excuse me for bothering you two, I wish you two love as strong as gold and grow old forever."


Lin Shengwei and the others, who were originally shocked by this truth, couldn't help it at all, and burst out laughing.

Unexpectedly, two of the people they get along with day and night are traitors.They should have been quite angry at first, but when they heard Lou Qi's words, they just laughed and didn't remember getting angry.

After all, it was quite refreshing to see them blushing and about to vomit blood from the anger of their imperial concubine.

The little soldier was dismantled by Lou Qi, with a blushing face, he stopped acting, and stood up from the stone directly, and said to Zhang Ming: "My lord, I killed that bitch!"

"Shut up." Zhang Ming shouted at him, turned his head to look at Lou Qi, "Girl, you'd better come here by yourself, otherwise you won't be sympathetic if you want me to do it. I know you are good at martial arts, so I might not be able to kill you at this distance. You, but you have to figure it out, it’s more than enough to kill those guys around you.” As he said that, he immediately stretched out his hand to grab the void, and a little soldier was unprepared, and slid towards him at once, quickly fell down.

He shot as soon as he said, Lou Qi didn't even have time to react, when she whipped, she was already a step too late.

The little soldier fell into the void, and the ground visible to the naked eye was gradually swallowed by black.

I can't tell what the darkness is, it's not like smoke, it's not like liquid, it's light, it seems to be just a kind of pure black, covering the little soldier, and then there is no trace.

While Lou Qi was furious, he couldn't help being shocked, what exactly is this?
She was extremely angry in her heart. In front of her eyes, one of her own people died like this. These people are likely to be elites in the future, so they just died like this!
This ageless old monster!

Zhang Ming seemed to have finally won the game, and he was proud of himself, so he said to Lou Qi: "You don't have to think about running away, you can run away, their speed is not as fast as this deity."

"Emperor Concubine, let's go, don't worry about us!" Lin Shengwei said as he was about to stand in front of her.

Lou Qi shook his head at him and took a step forward.Zhang Ming was right, she might barely be able to escape, but the six under her command couldn't escape, Zhang Ming's kung fu was much better than them.

In addition, she herself was willing to give up and explore the other side of the void, and she didn't want to just give up on that little beast.

She just retreated to advance, but because she didn't like to see this pervert pretending to be in front of her.He is obviously a deep-minded person, but he pretends to be very happy, as if he is superficial and ignorant.She is used to acting, but she can't see others acting in front of her, let alone an old monster who is nearly forty years old but has the face of a seventeen or eighteen boy.

He wanted to act, but she wanted to interrupt his plan.Because she felt that he must have his intentions in acting like this.

Zhang Ming's plan was completely disrupted by Lou Qi, and it was really Yu Zu's death. He didn't want to come up by himself because this place was too weird. It forced him to get on the rock, which made him secretly angry.

As soon as he came up, he knew that he could only come in here, he couldn't exit, there was an invisible resistance blocking the edge, he didn't feel it when he came in, but there was no way to go out, so he could only stand here and negotiate with her.

Lou Qi must also be able to see it.

"Since Xiao Zhangzi wants me to go up, it's not impossible, but I have a condition."

"You still dare to negotiate conditions with this deity?" Zhang Ming narrowed his eyes.

Lou Qi raised his index finger and shook it: "If you don't want to talk about it, at worst you kill them all, I have no choice but to leave by myself at most."


Lou Qi looked at him so angry that his face was a little distorted, and he was also puzzled, why did he have to go by himself?If there is a treasure, isn't it better to know that you have taken it?If you take her with you, aren't you afraid that she will snatch her?Or is it that he thinks highly of himself and thinks that without her, he won't be able to turn the tide?

"Tell me your conditions." Zhang Ming said bitterly.

"I will go, they will stay."

"Emperor!" Lin Shengwei and others shouted in unison.How could they let the imperial concubine take risks alone.

Zhang Ming also disagreed: "You bring two people with you." This little bitch has a lot of eyes, isn't this thinking that she can slip away at any time if she is alone?How can he do what she wants. "If you don't bring them, the deity will kill them now."

Seeing that he was very persistent, Lou Qi secretly scolded the old monster, so he had no choice but to pick Lin Shengwei and Wu Xiaoyu together.She secretly sent a voice transmission to the other four people, telling them to send a message to Shen Sha after they returned.

But when she found that Zhang Ming didn't seem to mind the man leaving, she suddenly felt a little weird.He knew that they had brought a lot of people here, and even if the news of Shen Sha's injury got out, these thirty or so soldiers didn't know that they had no internal strength, at least they should be a little jealous of him.

"Your condition has been agreed to by the deity, why don't you come?"

Being urged by him like this, Lou Qi's sense of weirdness was squeezed away at once.

She did find out just now that they are not in danger as long as they stand on those rocks, and they cannot get out once they enter, but there is no hindrance to entering.

"Be careful." She told Lin Shengwei and Wu Xiaowu, and looked at Zhang Ming, "you should jump forward, otherwise how would we go up?"

The distance between these stones is not equal, but it must be borrowed from these stones.


Zhang Ming snorted, and signaled the little soldier named Ah Guo to jump forward, seeing his movement of jumping a stone in front, Lou Qi knew that this man was also a master, and he was also acting just now.

Zhang Ming also jumped forward, and Lou Qi jumped up first, only to feel that the stone under his feet swayed slightly, it felt like he was on a boat, swaying, but soon stabilized again.

In the void, it didn't feel like the weightless feeling she had expected, it was just that their bodies were lighter, as if their lightness skills had greatly improved, which also made it easier for them to jump between the stones.

Several people jumped forward in the void, feeling extremely small.The previous section went smoothly, and every stone supported them firmly. For a master, this kind of journey is really not difficult, even Wu Xiaowu, who is the least skillful here, doesn't think there is any difficulty.

Just when they were all relaxed, Ah Guo, who was at the front, jumped lightly, and was about to land on a stone in front for the Nth time. He repeated this action countless times. He was a little careless, but when he stepped down, His feet suddenly sank, and he was startled. He was about to jump up again, but the stone under his feet sank faster than he thought, and his figure had already fallen.

"My lord, save me!" He was startled, and immediately called out.

The stone had already fallen, and he found that his foot did not step on the stone, and his body immediately became much heavier. His kung fu was also considered to be top-notch, but he couldn't lift his breath up.The scene of the little soldier being swallowed by the darkness without a sound just now was still in his mind, which made him even more frightened.

Zhang Ming immediately pulled out his belt and rolled it towards him.

But before the belt caught him, a long black whip intercepted him, with a small knife at the tip, and cut off his belt in one fell swoop.

Under this stop, Ah Guo had already fallen, and the blackness covered his body, and soon merged into the void, and no one could be seen anymore.

Zhang Ming was so angry that he almost spurted blood.

"Little bitch! How dare you."

Lou Qi said indifferently: "Old bitch, this is just reciprocity."

Just now he killed her alone, and she also killed him. It's fair, isn't it?Don't think that she is the kind of soft-hearted, if given the chance, she always takes revenge on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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