Chapter 417
She always felt very mysterious, maybe there was indeed something controlling everything in the dark, so these things still fell into her hands.If it was said that the colorful Phoenix Bu Yao was given to her mother by her biological father, she would not want to send it back now that it has such a use, at most, she would just give her the beauty fruit.And the spring heart medicine spoon.
She asked Yunfeng, in fact, Yunfeng didn't know how to use the spring heart medicine spoon, but he said that his father or the ancestors of the family should know, he voluntarily went back to his father to inquire, and would bring the Dragon Yin Continent to the present day. No matter what the situation is, even Helian Jue, he also wants to find out how much the other party knows, and why he is looking for the little princess.

"Yunfeng, Helian Jue doesn't look simple, will it be dangerous if you do this?" When Yunfeng was about to leave the next day, Lou Qi took Chen Shi to see him off.

Yun Feng looked at Shen Sha who was looking towards this side not far away, and smiled slightly: "It's okay, I will be careful."

"Then. Thanks." Lou Qi knew that it would be hypocritical to say more, she really wanted to know the situation over there, and according to Yunfeng, they used to have no one to stop the people from Longyin Continent when they passed by, but Sifang Continent If some people want to go to Longyin Continent, many people will be alarmed, such as the Duanchen Sect in the middle of the two continents, or the Eight Great Royal Clans.So it is not suitable for them to go there in person.

"You don't need to say thank you to me." Yunfeng's voice was very soft, "Actually, there was one thing I didn't say to you last night, that is, I don't know why, the first time I saw you, I felt that."

Before he could finish his words, Shen Sha's icy voice came over. Although it was a distance away, he actually used his inner strength to transmit the words, which was even clearer than standing in front of them.

"If you don't talk nonsense, you don't have to leave. Let's go down to the Tiankeng."

These words were really cold, and suddenly shot into Yunfeng's heart like a ray of ice light.He could only smile wryly, and cupped his hands to Lou Qi: "Then I will take my leave first, and when there is news, I will pass it on."

Lou Qi nodded: "Take care."

Yunfeng took a deep look at her, then turned around resolutely and left.

Looking at his back, Lou Qi always felt that his back was a bit bleak in the deep summer.

"Are you reluctant to part with me?" Shen Sha's voice rang in his ears, Lou Qi came back to his senses, but was startled to realize that Shen Sha had arrived by his side at some point, and was condescending with his natural height advantage Looking at her intently, his eyes were full of darkness.

This guy is so jealous all day long!I don't know if I will acidify my stomach to death if I eat it.Lou Qi rolled his eyes, "Dear Emperor, can we stop being jealous? Why don't we think about what to do next."

"Jealous? I don't like that kind of sour food. Besides, why are you so jealous? If you are hungry, let Chen Shi go hunting." Dijun glanced at her proudly, turned and walked away.

Lou Qi stared at his back, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Install, install again!

She couldn't believe that he really didn't know what it meant to be jealous.

"Girl, are you hungry?" Chen Shi only heard the second half of the sentence, and immediately came over and asked solemnly.

Lou Qi stroked her forehead, "Let's find something to eat while walking."

She walked towards Shen Sha, and Chen Shi and Lin Shengwei dispersed to find something to eat.Although they all brought dry food, if there is hot and fresh food, it is naturally better than dry food.

It’s already a long way to go around the tiankeng. The strange thing is that the temperature gets lower and lower as we go. It was already two or three degrees lower than the temperature outside, but after walking for half a day, it’s a few degrees lower.Fortunately, they are all martial arts learners, and they are ordinary people. Wearing summer clothes, they will definitely feel very cold in the autumn temperature, especially the further they go in, the stronger the wind will be. It makes people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.

Because of her looking at Yunfeng's back and saying that he was jealous, Shen Sha's arrogant guy had walked for half an hour without talking to her. When Chen Shi and the others caught two hares, they would stop and rest by the way Barbecue, he just opened his mouth.

"You go to the barbecue."

It's been a long time since he had eaten meat grilled by her, and he really missed it.

Lou Qi glared at him, and asked Chen Shi and the others to clean up the hare first, then pulled Shen Sha to the other side, took a small bottle, and handed it to him: "Take a drink."

Shen Sha recognized that what was in her bottle was the mucus of that beast. Yun Feng had already told them the name of the Shenshui catfish and the function of its mucus.

"My emperor is already healed now, why do you want to drink this?"

"No, I think your situation is very strange. I can't find the reason yet, but it must be very strange." Lou Qi is not as optimistic as he is. His previous internal strength is indeed exhausted, and his internal injuries are indeed serious. Seriously, without any treatment or medicine, she suddenly said that the internal injury was healed, and her power suddenly increased so ridiculously, she couldn't find out the reason, so she didn't dare to take it lightly.

Originally, the purpose of chasing the little white beast in was to treat his internal injuries, but now it is better to have Shenshui catfish.

"Then why didn't you give it to the emperor before?" Shen Sha was a little strange, she had already given it to Chen Shi and the others before, but why didn't you let him take it at that time?

After hearing what he said, Lou Qi blushed slightly, "Okay, I'll tell the truth, I dare not give it to you casually." Just now, she was not sure whether this thing can be taken internally, she needs to see Lin Shengwei and the others take it Make a decision later.

Shen Sha's eyes lit up in an instant: "Do you mean that this emperor is the most important and special in your mind? Otherwise, you don't need them to try the medicine before letting this emperor take it." He was very Happy, that's right, that's how it should be, as his woman should be like this, put him in the most important position.

Lou Qi didn't bother to explain to him, this guy has always been arrogant, if he thinks so, it's up to him, if she explains it, it will be endless.In fact, she is not that despicable, she just wanted to let Lin Shengwei and the others test the medicine. They were fine. If they were poisoned after eating Shenshui catfish, she would be able to cure it, so there was no great danger, but Shen Sha's situation was very special. There are two kinds of difficult-to-detox poison Gu in the body, so it is natural to be careful and make sure that the Shenshui catfish is safe before giving it to him.

No matter what she actually thought, Shen Sha decided it was right, took the bottle over when she took it, and took a couple of sips without hesitation.

But they didn't expect that after these two mouthfuls, his face suddenly turned as if frozen, white to a little ice blue, his skin almost became transparent in an instant, his whole face was like an ice sculpture suddenly, it felt incomparably beautiful. Weird!
Lou Qi stood up abruptly, her hands trembling in shock.

"Shen Sha! Tell me how it feels right now? Pain? Cold?" She was startled and anxious, her voice trembling.

Shen Sha's lips moved, but no sound came out, no, there was a sound, but the sound was softer than a mosquito, she put her ear to his lips and couldn't hear what he was saying clearly.

Lou Qi has never been so panicked, she has never been so frightened, most of the things she encountered in the past can be solved, but if she can't, it's better to ignore the big deal, anyway, she is a cold person, even if she has some friendship, she works hard It's enough to have a clear conscience, but Shen Sha is different, he is already the person in her heart, how could she say that she just needs to work hard?

What if he died?

Died in front of her like this, died in front of her because she made him drink the medicine, what's the difference between being killed by her?
She can't accept it at all!

"." Shen Sha said something that he didn't know, and then he fell straight backwards on his back.

At that moment, the fear in Lou Qi's heart rose to an indescribably unprecedented height, and she screamed: "Shen Sha, no!"

Chen Shisan and the others were dealing with the rabbit, when someone went to pick up firewood, their hearts jumped at the same time when they heard her voice, and they rushed over immediately, just in time to see their emperor fell, and Lou Qi hurriedly reached out to catch it.

"Emperor Concubine!"

"Girl! What's wrong with Dijun?"

The three were shocked and immediately surrounded the past.

There was a bang, but there was a sudden thunder in the sky.

Lou Qi had never been so flustered and frightened as before. After Shen Sha fell into her arms, he passed out almost immediately, and his body suddenly became icy cold. At such a close distance, she could even I saw the capillaries on his face, and those blood vessels seemed to be frozen, and I could vaguely see strips of frost.

In this way, didn't he become a humanoid ice sculpture?

There was another thunder, and the sky quickly darkened. Big dark clouds were quickly accumulating, and the heavy rain was about to come down.


Chen Shi had never seen such a scene before. Lou Qi was a bit out of his wits. He glanced at the sky, and immediately said to Lin Shengwei: "Hurry up and find out if there is a place nearby that can shelter from the rain. Hurry up. Xiao Wu, Go and pick some big leaves."


Although Lin Shengwei and Wu Xiaoyu were also terrified, they immediately obeyed Chen Shi's order and left quickly.

Chen Shi put his hand on Lou Qi's shoulder, exerted a little force, and said in a deep voice: "Girl, you have to calm down, the emperor still depends on you for treatment!"

These words really woke Lou Qi up all at once.That's right, she can't just panic like this, she will definitely save Shen Sha!
She reached out to catch his pulse.

But this time, her hand trembled immediately, and his pulse was almost impossible to feel!
She pressed her ear to his chest again. Originally, his heartbeat had always been very strong, but now it was so weak that it was almost inaudible.

Lou Qi simply could not accept such a fact.

How is it possible, how is it possible!
A bolt of lightning struck down, and the sky was as dark as night. At this moment, the two colors of light in the pit suddenly and slowly weakened.

It looked like someone was taking the light source away.

(End of this chapter)

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