Chapter 428

"Shen Sha!" Zhang Ming gritted his teeth, why did he still meet him?

"You really didn't die."

Shen Sha didn't care about his expression as if he was going to swallow herself alive, and also ignored his plan for the time being.

Zhang Ming clenched his fists, but suddenly laughed, "This deity wants to dominate the domain, how could he die so easily? But you, you people, are waiting to be killed by these little things"

"A lot of nonsense."

Shen Sha's voice hadn't finished yet, and with a sudden force on his feet, the boulder floating above slowly sank.

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Ming was shocked.

"This thing will go back wherever it came from." Shen Sha said coldly.The internal force is applied under the feet, and then sinks, the speed of the boulder's sinking is much faster, and it is lower than the level of the tiankeng all at once.

Although the little black balls that were exploding kept jumping out of the little monsters, but because they had already been pressed down into the tiankeng, the little monsters fell into the tiankeng one after another as soon as they burst out, and there was no way to jump out.What's even more strange is that none of them thought of jumping on this huge boulder, as if this side is light and the bottom side is darkness, and the darkness will never come to the light side.

"You're crazy, you're crazy!" Zhang Ming jumped angrily, "If you push down the sky rock, you won't be able to get up by yourself!"

"This emperor needs you to worry?" Shen Sha glanced at him, "Tianshi? You are lucky, but it's a pity that you met this emperor!"

Tianshi, a kind of flying stone from the sky, is said to have magical energy, and many people want to get it.I didn't expect there to be such a huge piece under the tiankeng.

If Lou Qi was here, she would definitely curl her lips and say, what kind of sky rocks are just meteorites, it is said that some meteorites contain radioactive and poisonous substances, and exposure to too much will cause great harm to the human body.

Those little monsters adsorbed under the sky stone are probably insects that have been mutated by radiation.


Lou Xin and the others exclaimed, because they could no longer see Shen Sha and Zhang Ming when they were standing on it, and the boulder was pushed down by Shen Sha, and a lot fell down.

They only need to burn the little monsters with fire on it, and no new ones will explode.

Ying and the others found dry wood and lit a torch, rushed over to join the camp, but quickly burned all the little monsters to death.

Xiao Niu and Yin Yaofeng stood behind, looking around frequently.

"Where did the imperial concubine go, why didn't she come?"

Xiao Niu comforted her and said, "The imperial concubine will definitely come back without incident."

In the tiankeng, Zhang Ming looked at the top of his head and gritted his teeth. He didn't want to play with Shen Sha, a pervert, he went up first and then talked!But just as he was about to make a move, Shen Sha slapped him with a palm. He had no choice but to dodge, but the dodge almost fell off the boulder, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Shen Sha! Don't bully people too much!"

"This emperor is willing to deceive people, what do you do?" Shen Sha was expressionless, but the words he said were so arrogant that it made people vomit blood.

He only exerted force under his feet, and the huge boulder sank slowly with a heavy drop, but his hands were still free, and it was not particularly difficult to deal with Zhang Ming.

What's more, he could tell at a glance that Zhang Ming had indeed suffered a serious internal injury when he hit him with the palm before, and now the internal injury is not healed.

"Shen Sha, we can have a good talk! There are still secrets in the wasteland, and it is related to 50 soldiers!" Zhang Ming felt a little complicated after saying this, and he didn't know whether it was right or wrong. But now he can only take this secret in exchange for his life.

If you lose your life, you lose everything, so what's the use of keeping a secret.

He was sure that this secret was enough to attract Shen Sha.

Sure enough, Shen Sha's sword that was about to stab stopped, and the tip of the sword stopped two inches away from his heart.

"50 soldiers?"

This secret was indeed enough to surprise Shen Sha.You know, he only has [-] to [-] soldiers in his hands now, and the elite troops are only [-], and the other [-] were just recruited in the past six months, and the combat power is not enough.

If there are another 50 soldiers, then he will have the capital to fight against any country.

With no soldiers in hand, she is like a clever woman without rice to cook.

"I don't need to lie to you." At this time, Zhang Ming also went all out. Now that he has said it, he must be convinced. "If there are no soldiers, and there is only one person in this deity, how could he want to pull you down and become the master of the domain?"

"Go on."

Zhang Ming was very annoyed, he hated Shen Sha's expression and tone of speaking, he was so superior!Obviously he is the one who may become the master of the domain!This kid is damned. "It's really inconvenient to talk about it here, why don't we go up and talk about it?"

At this height, it is still possible for them to go up, but if they sink down, they will never be able to go up again.

Shen Sha was not nervous, looked down and asked again: "Where are the 50 soldiers?"

"Let's go up and talk about it." Zhang Ming stared at him, "If I don't go up, my deity will never say anything!" People like Shen Sha may kill him at any time. A gentleman's agreement is a joke.He could only hold on tightly to the straw.

It's not impossible to go up. "How to deal with this sky stone?"

As soon as he heard him ask this, Zhang Ming vomited to death. Originally, he wanted to use these things under the boulder to go out and wipe out Shen Sha and others. It took a lot of effort to raise the boulder, but now it is bamboo The basket was empty.But in order not to let himself die here, he had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Only the top of this tiankeng has buoyancy, and it will lose buoyancy if it goes down a little bit, and the skystone will fall by itself." He had already disposed of the stone pillars. He originally only wanted to climb up and up again, but he didn’t expect that the skyrocket would float up as soon as the stuck stone pillars were disposed of. He was afraid that something would happen outside, so he lay down on his back. Play dead.

Who made him suffer serious internal injuries now?

Shen Sha knew that he couldn't lie at this time, grabbed his collar with one hand, kicked it, and the boulder sank down suddenly, and he kicked it, grabbed Zhang Ming and flew straight up.

"The emperor is coming up!"

Everyone outside looked at Shen Sha in admiration, seeing him like a god, with the power of thunder, he kicked those little black ball monsters back to the sinkhole with his own strength.

There were not many people left outside just now, and more than [-] people fought together, and they were all burned to death in a short time.

"Dijun is so mighty." Maverick's eyes lit up, and he murmured in admiration.

Yin Yaofeng nodded, with the same obsessed look on her face, she always knew the might of the emperor, but it's a pity that the emperor already has a concubine, and he still doesn't want to accept another concubine, otherwise she really wouldn't be willing to give up.

She subconsciously looked at Chen Shi, but saw him looking back frequently.

"Brother Chen, what are you looking for?"

"The girl hasn't come back yet." Chen Shi was a little worried. Others only saw the mighty power of the emperor, but he knew that the girl had been drawing the suppression blood formation for the emperor before.
Yin Yaofeng didn't think too much, just smiled reluctantly: "Brother Chen doesn't have to worry about the imperial concubine, she is so powerful."

Chen Shi did not explain.

Shen Sha stretched out his hand and tapped several big acupuncture points on Zhang Ming's body before letting him go.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, his body swayed, and he almost fell, but fortunately the eagle immediately supported him.

Zhang Ming froze for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses: "Are you injured too?"

Damn it!If I had known that he was also injured, I might have escaped just now!But now the big acupoints all over his body were restrained by Shen Sha's unique technique, and there was nothing he could do.

"Master, how are you doing now?" Ying helped Shen Sha under a tree and let him sit back.

Shen Sha didn't speak, and opened his clothes, and found that the blood on his shoulders and arms had faded a lot, and it looked as if it was about to disappear.

Tianying flashed out: "Dijun, you must not use your internal strength anymore, the blood formation of the imperial concubine has not been drawn yet."

Before the painting was finished, his body was still very fragile. At this time, if he used his internal strength again, the effect of suppressing the blood array would explode.

It can be said that if Lou Qi's blood formation hadn't been suppressed just now, he would have turned into an ice sculpture again with such a move.

"Take care of him." Shen Sha was actually holding on to it before, he couldn't move arbitrarily, but no one could see that there was something wrong with his body before he relaxed.

Zhang Ming continued to swear, but Lou Xin kicked him in the Ya point, and he couldn't even swear. "Find a rope and tie him up!"

Shen Sha glanced at it, and said to Chen Shi, "Go and find the imperial concubine."

She left suddenly for so long and hasn't come back, so he guessed that something happened.


Chen Shiben was waiting for the order, and when he heard the order, he felt relieved, and was about to leave, when he just turned around and saw Lou Qi floating towards him like a fairy.

"Lin Shengwei, let the team members assemble, now I will teach you a large spell!"

Lou Qi arrived before the sound, and originally wanted to talk to Lin Shengwei and the others when he stood on time, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Shen Sha who was leaning against the tree.

Seeing this, she immediately became angry, and with a flash of her figure, she was already in front of Shen Sha.

She locked her eyes on him, with flames dancing in her eyes, "Tell me, did you use force?"

Ying and Chen Shijing quietly took two steps back, sweat beaded from their foreheads.This is Xingshi's questioning, they should stay away, so as not to cause a fire at the city gate and harm the fish in the pond.

Shen Sha raised his head to meet Shanglou Qi's gaze, only felt that the woman's eyes were so beautiful, the corners of his lips twitched: "I don't use martial arts, wouldn't I be a waste?"

"If you can't bear it for a while, aren't you afraid that you will be a waste for the rest of your life?" Lou Qi went crazy, she only left for a while, and he made himself like this again!His complexion was clear and he was already a little bit depressed!The spirit raised up after finally being suppressed with the blood array is gone again, gone!She strode forward and tore off his collar, and sure enough, the large blood formations on his shoulders and arms faded to the point where no traces could be seen.

"Your sister!" She was furious, but at the last moment she suppressed her voice, leaned closer to him, gritted her teeth and cursed in a voice that only two of them could hear: "You think my girl's blood is tap water, don't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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