Your heart is free

Chapter 430 Fighting Curse

Chapter 430 Fighting Curse
Shen Sha stood a few steps away from the entrance of the cave. Although his complexion was blue and white, and he was obviously not energetic, he still insisted on standing upright and never sat down.

She was fighting outside, and he couldn't make a move now, and he didn't want to sit and wait, so let him stand like this and accompany her like this.

The violent wind and thunder, and the dense fog naturally dispersed the people.It was at this time that the medicine added to the curse formation came into play, and the guards who walked to the center of the formation all fainted, and as a result, there were only dozens of people left in the formation.

"Tweety, someone here has set up a large spell array!"

Lou Qi heard a male voice, it was gloomy and cold, making people feel that this person is not easy to get along with just hearing the other person's voice.

At this time, the other party noticed the existence of her curse array, which was unexpected and expected.She has known for a long time that the people who came here are masters of spells, and these people under her are learning and selling, not very proficient, they are lacking in time control and reaction sensitivity, and it is normal for the other party to notice.

But Lou Qi didn't feel ashamed, it was beyond her expectation to be able to persist until now before being discovered by the opponent, these players are talented!

Now that the other party has noticed, she is going to confront each other now. This is the best opportunity to teach the team members!Since Lou Qi encountered this opportunity, he would naturally not miss it.

The other party is covered with fog, and they may think that this is hiding their faces. In fact, it is easier to argue this way. As long as there is no fog on other people, they are the best to recognize like this!
"My lord, what should we do now?" Tweety asked in a low voice.

Lou Qi sneaked up to them, and after probing, he found that although the man in the middle of the other party was a master of spells, but his internal strength was not as good as hers, she was so close that the other party didn't even notice.Son?Where did you come from, what son?
"Guardian Xing'er, Tweety, take out the things, and I will fight the spell with the other party! I want to see if the other party's spells are stronger, or this young master is better!"


Lou Qi watched the three of them cooperate tacitly, and found that the woman named Xing'er had the highest kung fu, and the man in the middle had the highest spell skills, but that Cui'er's spell skills were not low, both of them had higher spell skills than The previous West African Huan!Could it be that they also came from Western Xinjiang?
With a sneer, she immediately dodges away, rushes to Xiao Wu's side, takes him in another direction, pinches his hand to form a trick for him, reaches out and takes out a handful of ghost grass powder and sprinkles it beside him. One lap, "Listen, you're still a variable, but you're standing here until I give the order."

Xiao Wu nodded.

Lou Qi came to Lin Shengwei's side again, and stuffed Posha into his hand, "Wait a minute, if someone finds you and wants to do something to you, you can just use Posha."

Lin Shengwei was a little hesitant, "Those are all from the Nine Heavens Palace"

"That can only be killed." Lou Qi's face was condensed, "Don't be soft."

If the other party really listened to the words of the three people, it proved that he had been cast by the other party's spell. If she couldn't solve it in time, they would attack Lin Shengwei. If Lin Shengwei was killed, it would be better to kill others.

Lin Shengwei gritted his teeth and nodded.

Lou Qi shuttled through the formation again, and taught the team members new spells again.

The sky darkened again, with dark clouds and thunder, and when the few people in the cave were frightened, they heard the thunder of war drums again. The dense drumbeats seemed to hammer people's hearts, as if countless people were desperately shouting and fighting.

"What a battle spirit spell formation!" Lianhuazi gritted his teeth and clapped his palms, fine silver dust flew down from his palms, Tweety raised her hand, and a strange bird flew out from her cuffs. The bird is no more than two fingers long and two fingers wide. Its body is black, but it has a pointed white beak. Its spread wings flew over the silver dust, covered with silver dust, and then flapped its wings and flew out. .

Lou Qi knew that something was wrong with this little bird, but she didn't know whether she should kill it for a while, but at the moment she hesitated, the little bird had already flown in a big circle, and the silver powder fell down one after another during its flight. , some of them fell on the team members, and three of them fell down before they could make a sound.

In an instant, the formation technique fluctuated a little.

Lou Qi was slightly startled, and immediately took out three poisonous needles, and shot them towards the bird at lightning speed. The three poisonous needles hit the bird at the same time, and it fell to the ground with a wailing cry. With a loud noise, it turned into a cloud of black smoke and spread out towards the surroundings.

"Xiaowu!" Cui'er yelled, blushing with anger: "Who is it? Get out of here! How dare you kill my Xiaowu!"

Xing'er had a cold face, "Xiaowu can pull a few backs even if he dies, why are you in a hurry."

Where the black smoke was, there were six team members around, Lou Qi had already moved towards that place since the loud noise, and before the black smoke covered them, the whole body was blocked. In front of them, with a slap, the air wave swept away all the black smoke.At the same time, she also knew that the other party would definitely notice this movement, so she flicked her left and right hands at the same time as soon as she turned her head, and swept the six people away in two directions.

In the next second, the woman named Xing'er had already moved here quickly, and a sharp knife in her hand accurately stabbed her in the face.

"No matter who you are, stay alive!"

Lou Qi raised her long eyebrows, showing a sneer, without saying a word, and avoided her thorn by turning around.

What a joke, if she was stabbed so easily, the old man would jump out and call her incompetent!
At the same time, she jumped to the side of a team member, and formed a tactic in her hand, so that he could learn it immediately, then dodged to the other side, and drew a talisman.

Xing'er chased around in the formation, but every time she felt that she was about to stab the opponent, she would slip past her, and instead, she would lead her around, beads of sweat dripping down her forehead, she was very angry, but unfortunately there was nothing she could do with Lou Qi .

But at this time the drums in the formation were louder, like a gust of wind and rain, and there was a whining sound in the wind and thunder, as if someone was suffering endless torture.

Lou Qi turned his head and looked at the man, the man's spells were indeed powerful, these screams were not illusions, but real!He completely disregarded the safety of the remaining dozens of guards, and the spell directly acted on them, making them all mistakenly think that they were suffering from torture, and they all fell to the ground, rolling and screaming on the ground.For a while, the formation was like purgatory.

This further proves that those three people are the enemy, otherwise how would they want to torment these guards like this!

And his move was extremely vicious, because Lin Shengwei and others saw the miserable state of Jiuxiao guards, their hearts were shrinking, and they all felt that they couldn't bear it. In this way, the cohesion of the formation was much weaker all of a sudden!
The cruelty of this man's heart and the use of spells are far beyond Xi Africahuan's comparison!Therefore, the incantations that Lou Qi learned from Xi Africahuan were naturally weak to him.

"Hmph, the pearl of rice grains dares to show its brilliance in front of this young master. Who are you, why don't you admit defeat yourself? Maybe this young master can spare your life for the sake of your ability to control the nightmare."

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows and didn't answer.

How did he know that he would cast Nightmare Control?
But when she was thinking of a way to deal with him, Ying, Shen Sha and the others heard the screams of the guards in the cave.

Their faces all turned pale.

"Master, it's Yu Shilong's team!"

Chen Shi also looked out immediately, "That's right, it's them."

They were the guards of Group A before, but naturally they knew the guards of Group B. They are all brothers who have come through wind and rain for several years, and they are very familiar with each other.

"Why are they here?" Ying originally asked them to stay at the foot of the mountain after cleaning up the bandits in Xiaoshanju Village. Even if they went up to Xiannu Mountain, they shouldn't run across the void pumice on their own. Come here.

"Could it be that the imperial concubine didn't recognize them, so they killed each other?" Ying was afraid of this.

On this point, Chen Shi and Lou Xin were not sure.

But Shen Sha was silent for a moment but shook his head, "Qi Qi won't."

She would not commit such an oolong, he believed her.

Because of this trust, he prevented Ying and the others from going out to remind Lou Qi.Since she doesn't let them go out, their greatest support to her is to obey.

But those voices sounded too intrusive, and he was worried, because there was no result for so long, which proved that she had met an opponent, and she was also in danger.

Shen Sha hated her dilapidated body very much.His face was gloomy, and he couldn't help but began to think about the things before he was five years old again, but when he thought about it, his mind felt a sharp pain, and he couldn't think of anything at all.

He doesn't even know who installed the poisonous Gu, and he doesn't even know who installed the secret method of suppression.

If he finds out, he must cut him into pieces!

He glanced at Zhang Ming, who was thrown in a corner, and felt that his breath was slightly disturbed, his eyes flashed, and he walked over two steps and said, "You know who is here."

This is an affirmative sentence, not an interrogative sentence.

Knowing that Zhang Ming had discovered him by pretending to be asleep, he simply opened his eyes, but he just snorted and turned his head away.The big acupoints all over his body were tapped, and the dumb acupoints were also tapped. He had never been so embarrassed before, but he knew that he still had a bargaining chip, and Shen Sha probably wouldn't kill him.

Xiao Niu saw him like this, so he said to Shen Sha angrily: "Dijun, he is disrespectful, can I punish him for Dijun?"

The corner of Shen Sha's mouth hooked slightly, and he shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't say anything, your imperial concubine will defeat you."

"The emperor thinks that the imperial concubine can win, right?" Maverick's eyes brightened.

Shen Sha felt that this kid was quite bold, and he was not afraid of those terrifying voices outside, but he was willing to say something more to him.

"Yes. She's amazing."

Xiao Niu excitedly said: "Xiao Niu also thinks that the Empress Dowager is very powerful, Xiao Niu wants to worship the Empress as a teacher!"

Chen Shi and the others couldn't help laughing.

Outside, Mr. Lianhua couldn't wait for Lou Qi to reply, his face turned dark with annoyance. "My son sees that you are toasting and don't eat fine wine."

(End of this chapter)

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