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Chapter 433 Very Embarrassing

Chapter 433 Very Embarrassing

In the end, Lou Qi did not go to see Mr. Lianxin. Although his spells were powerful, she found out clearly that he was not her opponent.His greatest value is to help her team learn spells and have real opportunities to practice them.

It was just two and a half hours of study and practice. Her team has been completely reborn. It is different inside and out. There are even several people who have used several spells with ease and are extremely proficient.

This has to be said to be another harvest this time.

As for the origin of Mr. Lianxin, she also taught Lin Shengwei another way to interrogate him.This is actually not difficult. From the few words they said before, she knew that the pitiful young man was a womanizer, and all he needed was a spell to make him think that there was a woman beside him asking delicately, and he would He told the origin of his identity and the purpose of coming to break the domain.

Of course, this is also because although Mr. Lianxin's spell is powerful, his martial arts are very mediocre, and he was seriously injured, so he naturally couldn't resist this enchanting spell.

It was Zhang Ming who gave Lou Qi a headache.

Zhang Ming has deep internal strength, they don't know his fatal weakness for the time being, and he may be able to ask some innocuous words with the enchantment spell, but he clenched his teeth on the big secret of the 50 soldiers and horses. Say it.

Even with hypnosis.

Even Zhang Ming knows that this is the only thing that can save his life now.

Lou Qi didn't say anything just now, and he didn't spend much time on him, now the most important thing is to draw the blood formation on Shen Sha's body well.

Nearly a hundred guards were cast by Young Master Lianxin's spell, and after undoing it, all of them blushed and felt guilty, which made Lin Shengwei and others more powerful.They thought that after learning the spell, they would not be manipulated to deal with their own people like those guards in the future. This is a good thing to be happy about. Therefore, everyone is enthusiastic about learning spells and formations. All-time high.

This place is in the mountains after all, the conditions are too poor, Lou Qi is afraid that something will happen here again and he is not fully prepared, so he drew a blood formation on Shen Sha's back and suppressed it before and after, and then ordered everyone to pack up and go down the mountain.

This time, it was still Lin Shengwei who led the way, and everyone followed his footprints. No one fell into the void, and they all got out safely.

Lou Qi let the calf hold that little beast and let him take care of it.

Those gangsters in Xiaoshanju Village were all killed, and the villagers
There were really only a dozen or so village girls left, and it was impossible for them to stay in this bloody village, so Lou Qi sent them back to Qi City, and Zou Li sent someone to settle them down.

They re-lived in the City Lord's Mansion.

These few days in the mountains are really tossing, Lou Qi washed her hair comfortably and soaked in the bath, let the maid dry her hair, and only tied it loosely with a ribbon, which made her feel much more relaxed.

"Emperor Concubine, the Emperor hasn't come out for a long time, and the people waiting outside don't know what to do."

The person who came to report was one of the servants assigned to Shen Sha by the mansion.

Those guards are also tired, they have to take turns to rest, Chen Shi, Lou Xin and others, Lou Qi also let them have a good rest, she was a little tired before, first set up a formation in the yard where they live , at least a layer of defense.

"Is the emperor taking a bath?"

Lou Qi was also going to draw a blood formation for him, after hearing this, he lifted his belt and followed them to the east wing.

Although she was in the same courtyard as Shen Sha, she was arranged in the west wing, and Shen Sha was in the east wing, separated by a garden with flowers and plants, connected by a red-painted wooden corridor, Now they walk on this wooden corridor.

The sound of footsteps is clear and shallow, and there are raindrops dripping from the eaves of the corridor, making the courtyard even more quiet.

One autumn rain and one cool, summer has passed, and autumn is approaching.

"Dijun is taking a bath, but no one is waiting for him. It's just that the little ones have been guarding outside for a long time, but Dijun has not come out for a long time."

They didn't dare to open the door and go in, because Hongxia and the maids in the mansion were in front of them, so how could they dare to make their own decisions.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately opened his eyes wide and looked at the scene in front of him.

They had already reached the east chamber, where the door was open, and another servant stood at the door looking in, and there were two maids walking around in the room.

His heart skipped a beat, and he immediately shouted, "What are you doing?"

What is this for?Didn't Dijun say that he doesn't like maids to be close to him? Now that Dijun is taking a bath, they dare to go in!Who gave this courage?
The boy at the door turned his head, saw Lou Qi, panicked, and immediately knelt down, "Emperor, concubine, please spare me!"

Lou Qi walked in with a blank face. If she had dealt with this city lord's mansion once and something like this happened again, she can't be blamed for wanting to attack Zou Li.

As soon as she entered, she could feel the heat in the room, without the slightest chill.

A screen cut off the situation inside, and the two maids, one holding a glass of boiling water and the other holding an incense burner, turned around in panic and knelt down to her.

Lou Qi could smell it, but the fragrance was not soothing fragrance, but rather refreshing and refreshing.

What is this for?
"Emperor Empress, slaves, slaves are."

Although they were panicked, they didn't show any guilt, so Lou Qi felt relieved and asked calmly, "What are you doing?"

"The servants want to ask the emperor if he needs to drink water."

It's just that they didn't get a response after they opened the door, so they pushed the door open and wanted to get closer to ask someone outside the screen. Drinking water or aromatherapy was just an excuse to find out.

The emperor was behind the screen, and they were on the side of the screen, so they dared not turn around no matter what.

Lou Qi waved his hand and said, "Get up."

They are just kind and careful.

She couldn't hear the muffled sound over there, not even the sound of water, she might just fainted.Lou Qi was also anxious, and immediately went around the screen, and saw Shen Sha leaning on the edge of the tub at a glance, he clearly passed out like that.

Lou Qi was startled, and walked over quickly, only to see that his face was frozen with frost, and his brows were covered with white frost, but the strange thing was that the water in the bathtub was gurgling as if it had been boiled, and it was still boiling. Has a strange smell.

It's really like someone is adding firewood to the bottom of the barrel and cooking him.

"Shen Sha!"

Lou Qi immediately rushed over to pull him up, but when she stuck her hand into the water, she couldn't help but yelled, "Hiss!"

The water is really hot!

If ordinary people soaked in it, it would probably be cooked, why is there still frost on his face?
She looked at the blood array on his chest again, only to see that there was faint red light flowing in the already bright red blood array, like a flame.

However, Shen Sha's expression at this time could not tell whether it was pain or indifference. She was afraid that he was used to enduring the pain, and he always remained expressionless no matter what.

With luck in his hands, Lou Qi quickly pulled him up and carried him on his back.

"Come on."

Hearing her cry, two servants ran over immediately, "Emperor Concubine?"

Seeing Shen Sha's appearance, both of them were taken aback. They took two steps back and almost fell to the ground.

"Take clothes and put them on the emperor!" Lou Qi yelled coldly, "You are not allowed to say a word about everything you see, otherwise this concubine will not spare you."

"Yes Yes."

The two responded in a panic, took clothes and put them on Shen Sha, and Lou Qi carried him to the dormitory by herself.The two maids outside the screen exclaimed, and one of them hurriedly asked: "Emperor Empress, do you need a servant?"


She doesn't want other women to see Shen Sha's body, and she doesn't want too many people to see the strange condition on his body now.

Put Shen Sha on the bed, pulled the brocade quilt to cover her, she turned to look at the two young servants, they both fell to their knees with a plop, "Emperor Empress, the little one will never go out and talk nonsense. !"

There have been precedents before, the news of Shen Sha's injury spread all over the city, at least she could go out to deal with it at that time, but now, in the next two days, she will paint blood formations all over his body, and she can't go away, if the news spreads If you go out, you may cause some trouble.

Logically speaking, she should have killed the two of them.But she is not the kind of person who kills her own people casually, so she just waved her hand and said: "Stay outside the door, and no one is allowed to come in without my concubine's order."

"Yes Yes."

The two backed out, closed the door, Lou Qi showed anxiety, threw herself back on the bed, lifted the quilt with one hand to check Shen Sha's condition.

Out of the water, his whole body unexpectedly became cold again, and his blood was glowing red, but this was not the appearance of overwhelming power, on the contrary, it seemed that he was about to be overwhelmed and was about to be washed away.

She couldn't delay any longer, she had to quickly paint his whole body in blood formations.

Lou Qi took off her shoes and went to bed, sat cross-legged beside him, bit her finger and began to draw blood.

When Tianying came back from a rest, the door of the room was closed tightly, and the two young men were dozing off by the door.The night was surging, and the autumn rain was falling, and the two of them were obviously cold with their arms crossed.

He woke up the two of them, and only after asking about it did they know what happened two hours ago.

It's been two hours now.

"Emperor Concubine?"

He wanted to enter the door, but two servants blocked the door and refused to let him in, so he had no choice but to make a noise, no matter what, he had to go in and have a look.

Luckily Lou Qi heard his voice and replied, "Tianying, stay outside."

With Lou Qi's voice, he felt relieved at last, so he let the two young men go, and hid himself to guard.

Lou Qi drew quickly in the past two hours, and she had already drawn the blood array to Shen Sha's lower abdomen. She was about to draw further, when her eyes suddenly touched one place, and she jumped up in shock.

She was in a hurry before, and didn't look at it at all, but now that she drew here, she realized that some places are not easy to draw!

"Cough cough."

Shen Sha coughed twice and opened his eyes, just in time to see Lou Qi's glowing red face, and the eyes flickering away in panic, the panic and embarrassment he had never seen before.

His body was cold, he lowered his eyes and looked down at himself, and was immediately embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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