Chapter 449

"Xiaoqi, don't you have a good talk with Big Brother first?" Lou Huantian raised his voice, but pulled the wound on his face, and immediately hissed.

He thought that Lou Qi would not be able to resist asking about his mother first, what happened when she went back this time, and what kind of reaction her mother would have when she heard about her, shouldn't these be her most concerned thing?

Lou Qi looked at him and smiled slightly, "Brother, someone bullied me."

Somebody bullied her, forced her to marry her man, and sent fifty elite soldiers with a hundred or so bullets to kill her, how could she bear it.

She has always had a grudge for revenge, and if she can repay it that day, she will report it that day, and if she can't, she will repay it.
For example, Nalan Huaxin and the like, she never forgot it for a day, and she would definitely report it when she got the chance.

"What? Who dares to bully you?"

As soon as she heard someone bullying her, Lou Huantian's face immediately sank, "Who is it?"

"Songshan Hujun, I heard that the commander of the Hujun's daughter wanted to rob me of the emperor, and sent people to surround and kill me." For the first time, Lou Qi tasted the feeling of suing his parents and begging a tiger to touch him. His eyes blinked and blinked, as if he was saying to Lou Huantian, brother, won't you help me out?

How can Lou Huantian resist, this precious little sister is always on top of his heart, now when he hears someone bullying her, he immediately gets angry.

"I'm really impatient to live, let's go, brother help you beat them up!" He said with a sideways glance at Shen Sha, "Although this guy is mediocre, but my little Qi didn't say no, so no one is allowed to snatch it!"

Shen Sha's face darkened, isn't that a good thing to say?

On one side of the mountain behind Jiuxiao Temple, Shen Sha’s adoptive parents were buried. It’s just a tomb of clothing. The other side is a bit barren, just a piece of miscellaneous forest. Only a hexagonal flying pavilion was built on the hillside with the remaining materials from the palace at that time.

This is the perfect place to experiment with bombs.

The group followed Lou Qi to the pavilion with great anticipation.

"Emperor Concubine, is there anything I need my subordinates to do?" Tian Yi and Di Er also followed.

Lou Qi shook her head, with her internal strength, if she didn't hear anyone in that deserted forest, then it's fine, no need to make any preparations.

Standing beside Yuewei, Shu Chongzhou couldn't help asking, "What kind of power does this little iron ball have?"

Before Yue could answer him, Lou Qi had already pulled off a small ring on the iron ball, then raised his arm and threw the iron ball out.


There was a loud noise, accompanied by a shock on the ground under their feet, and smoke and dust even fell from the pavilion, which shocked them a lot.

Rao was already mentally prepared, but he was also shocked by this, and no one spoke for a long time.

There was still smoke and dust lingering there.

Lou Qi glanced at them, his eyes fell on Shu Chongzhou and Yue, and said to Tian Yi Di Er: "Go and have a look with Yue Wei and Mr. Chong Zhou."

Seeing the narrow light in her eyes, they all knew that what she said to look must not be purely looking, but knowing this, they were still eager to try.

The four of them leaped several times and entered the smoke and dust.

They could still see the movements of the four people clearly in the pavilion, but after watching for a while, they were all shocked, because the four people seemed to be unable to see each other in the smoke and dust. But he ran straight towards him, and Yuewei was groping in front with his hands, and there was a big crater blown out by the bomb under his feet, but he stepped on it as if he couldn't see it, and fell into it. In the big pit, the pure white brocade robe was immediately covered with dust.

And Di Er stood there motionless, looking around wonderingly, pricking up his ears to listen to the movement next to him.

The smoke and dust had all fallen, but they still behaved like this, which made the people watching in the pavilion very puzzled, only Shen Sha raised his eyebrows and asked: "Did you use the Sanshenghua?"

Lou Qi nodded, "Yes." It's really clever, to be able to see it all at once.

"It's so powerful." Lou Huantian looked at Lou Qi with burning eyes, "Xiao Qi is so powerful!" He felt a sense of pride.

Shen Sha thought for a moment, then raised her thin lips, cupped Lou Qi's face with one hand, and pressed a kiss on her lips.

OK, OK, really good stuff!

Those four people just went over to check, they were not enemies, and this place was not on the battlefield, so they would not shoot anyone who bumped into them.

But what if this is used on the battlefield?

Yue and the others returned to the pavilion, still dazed, looking at the remaining bomb in Lou Qi's hand, but their eyes were as bright as sparks.

"This thing can't be mass-produced, at least not now." Shen Sha quickly calmed down.Bombs can be made, but Sanshenghua is gone.

And if they manufacture this kind of bomb in large quantities now, they will definitely attract the attention of the four countries. With this kind of weapon, it will inevitably cause panic in the four countries. Break through the domain.

At this time, the force of breaking the domain is not enough, and it has not yet been unified. If they intervene, he will be very passive.

Another point is that this kind of bomb is too lethal and powerful, and blood will flow into rivers.He is not a soft-hearted person, but he also knows that breaking the domain is unstable now. If there are casualties that shock the world, the people will be afraid if it is spread, and he still wants to attract the people to come to break the domain.

In fact, Lou Qi is not willing to make a large number of bombs, and the troubles caused by the corpses all over the field will be depressing.

But Shen Sha, who has always been brutal, can resist the temptation of such a sturdy weapon and stabilize his heart, which is very rare.She looked at him and loved it.

The eagle king, who spread his wings to cover the sky and block out the sun, flitted across the mountain with a proud cry, like a fighter jet, majestic and majestic.As it passed by, black iron balls fell from the sky one after another, and when they landed, there was a loud bang, shrapnel exploded in all directions, shocking the earth, and then there was a strange smell wafting out, which could spread far away.

At the foot of the mountain, there are soldiers breaking the domain roaring to attack, kill kill kill!The sound is shocking and horrifying.

The tree fell and the landslide collapsed, and thousands of tiger troops on the mountain fled in all directions, but they ran around like headless chickens.

From time to time, people were blown away, and broken arms and limbs were scattered on the ground, but the soldiers were as blind as a group. They couldn't see the pits on the ground, and they couldn't see the people running from the opposite side. They could only hear the sound of explosions and shouting. The sound of killing and screaming is confusing.

Eagle King swooped down from time to time to create chaos, and the strong fan blown by his wings knocked down a large number of tiger troops, causing them to fall into a ball. When they got up, there should be people around them, but they couldn't see them.In this situation, they could only draw out their swords and knives, fighting frantically without seeing anyone.

Little did he know that the ones he killed were all his own people.

At the foot of the mountain, Eagle stood in front of the formation on horseback. He only led the soldiers to shout a few words from time to time. No one made a move. Everyone watched such a very special battle with their eyes wide open, but their hearts were extremely hot.

Who likes to fight, who likes to fight.

It's a bit cruel and shameless for our own side to fight without bloodshed and just watch the other side kill each other.
They like.

They like it, hahaha!
The emperor said before when comforting the army, it is the emperor's concubine's credit!It is the imperial concubine, so that they can make such a contribution on the battlefield without getting injured or losing their lives, and win this battle!
Long live the imperial concubine!

"Don't shoot! Don't hit! Hide, hide!"

On the Eagle King's back, Gao Yingying, who was condescending and saw clearly the chaotic and evil battle, screamed at the top of her lungs, but none of her soldiers below could hear her.Even if they heard it, no one could follow her order at this time.From time to time, bombs blow people away. They don't know where they will be bombed next. How to hide?
Gao Yingying looked at one of his lieutenants who was slashing at one of his personal soldiers with a knife, his eyes were tearing apart. "don't want!"

No, they are the Songshan Tiger Army!They are the miracles of this domain-breaking wasteland!how can there be such an ending
It's all Lou Qi, it's all her!

Gao Yingying turned her head with hatred and stared fiercely at Lou Qi who was sitting beside her. She was being surrounded by Shen Sha's arms. He was afraid that she would not sit still, so he tightly protected her.

But she was trampled on the back by Lou Huantian, unable to fall off, but very humiliated.She is the apple of the eye of the commander of the Songshan Tiger Army. She is a female general in the Tiger Army. She will be a queen in the future. Even if she is not a queen, she should be a princess!Her father-in-law will defeat Shen Sha, lay down the territory, and become the emperor!She is the princess.

She had chosen these two paths for countless nights, but she never thought that there would be a third ending!

"Who allows you to look at my young master's younger sister like this?" Lou Huantian stepped on her feet hard, and stepped on her again.This woman is so ugly, she has lost a lot of her hair, and she wants to snatch Xiao Qi's husband, and even kill Xiao Qi, it is impossible to relieve her anger.

"Lou Qi! Why, why did you beat me!"

Gao Yingying hissed, she refused, she refused!
Lou Qi hooked his ear with his little finger, and said disgustedly: "Why? There is nothing to say about success and defeat, but since you want to ask clearly, I can tell you kindly and generously. My fist is harder than yours. Taller than you, luckier than you, um," she squinted at her arrogantly, and continued angrily, "Also looks prettier than you, any one can beat you!"

Isn't Gao Yingying proud?Relying on the backing of Hu Jun and her father, she broke into Shen Sha's camp alone and arrogantly forced the marriage. Now she is crazier and prouder than her.

"Tsk tsk, Xiaoqi, you have a thick skin." Lou Huantian slipped, and Gao Yingying almost broke free.

"Thank you brother for your compliment." Lou Qi smiled sweetly at him.


Gao Yingying's chest stagnated and stagnated, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

"You are washing the hair of the elite Tiger Army soldiers below." Lou Qi blinked, "Spray a few more if you have the ability."


Gao Yingying was really provoked by her and squirted again.

Lou Huantian said speechlessly: "Miss Gao, although she is my younger sister, I will tell you from your side, you really don't need to listen to her like this"


The third mouthful of blood gushed out again.

(End of this chapter)

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