Chapter 466
How charming and tempting Lou Qi was just now, how cold and indifferent Lou Qi is now makes him feel uneasy.

For Lou Qi, children are the continuation of love, so they can only be the crystallization of love, and they can never be a means of trading or repaying favors, which is a blasphemy to children and feelings.

But for men in ancient times, spreading branches and leaves to carry on the family line is not a sentimental thing, it is more of a responsibility. Similarly, children are more important than their mothers.

For Shen Sha, before he met Lou Qi, he didn't think that he would fall in love with a woman one day.So, before that, he felt that when he conquered the world and sat in a high position, he should have a few women in order to carry on the family line. He had never thought about who those women were and what they looked like.He will give them rich clothes and fine food, but he will never allow them to appear in front of him more.In that case, what does it matter if one of the women is the daughter of the Su family?
Even if Su's daughter gave birth to his child, so what?
In his opinion, it is simply irrelevant.

But after falling in love with Lou Qi, he has no way to accept other women, he only wants her and his child.Therefore, the thing that was promised back then was very problematic.

He knew that Lou Qi would definitely care, she couldn't tolerate a grain of sand in her eyes.Of course, he felt she was right.

So she was angry and he decided to coax her well.

"This emperor has never been tolerant of her. Besides, after seeing her, I feel a little disgusted."

"Disgust? Why can't I see it?"

"Then how about the emperor killing her?" Shen Sha knew that if she didn't explain and comfort her well today, she would definitely not have to talk about the Empress Dowager after a month. Moreover, it is estimated that this girl would not let him sleep in his arms at night. "Because of the promise I made back then, I paid a little attention to her life experience." So the previous meeting on the boat was also related to checking her life experience.

Lou Qi was startled, "Birth experience?"

"Well, Su Liuyun said she was the adopted daughter of Chief Shen Yunshan, but she is actually her own daughter." He frowned slightly, "Some disgusting background."

"Then what do you promise to do?" Lou Qiming knew that it happened a long time ago and it didn't come true, but she was just angry that he used the child as a means of repaying favor.

Besides, why did Su Liuyun's aunt make such a request?Don't you think it's weird?
He didn't even think about it before agreeing, is it a pig's head?
Shen Sha reached out to her armpits with both hands, lifted her up, his gaze was level with his own, this action made Lou Qi's emotions a little broken, she stared at him, and was about to speak, when Shen Sha looked at her firmly and said : "I don't even want a harem for you, why can't I break my promise to others once for you?" This is a matter of course.

Lou Qi was startled.

Although this person is not a good person, and he is indeed a bit cruel, but the promise he made to the person who saved his life should be more important than Mount Tai in his heart. As a man, he stands upright and speaks without words Faith is a despicable act.

But he said it so frankly.He is naturally not the kind who doesn't take promises seriously, but just puts her in front of everyone.

Lou Qi suddenly felt that Shen Sha is really a very talented person when it comes to love and romance, because he can coax people with just one word——

At least half of her anger has dissipated now.

"You can't keep your promises, can't you?"

Sensing that her attitude had softened, Shen Sha immediately approached her and kissed her on the lips, "Anyone who doesn't like this emperor, just come and kill me—as long as they can beat it." He So what if you don't believe what you say for the sake of the sharp-eyed person?He never said that he is a gentleman or a good person. It doesn't matter what the whole world thinks of him, as long as she is by his side, that's fine.

Lou Qi was silent again.Arrogant, really arrogant.

Shen Sha pecked her lips again, and said: "Besides, the emperor was young and ignorant at the time, so he agreed and agreed, but after thinking about it, if the woman really wanted to save the emperor, if they wanted to frame the emperor Wouldn't it be better to report a letter earlier than to let the emperor be knocked off the poisonous mist peak?"

He's not a fool either, maybe he didn't think much when he was young, but when he grew up, he thought back and found something was wrong.

"So you didn't want to repay the favor at all?"

"After the age of 17, I decided to break my word." He said nonchalantly.

Lou Qi couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Then why didn't you explain it clearly to me, and still hesitated?"

"I originally thought this was a trivial matter, and I just made you feel uncomfortable after talking about it." Although he didn't intend to keep his word, he had an intuition that she would be angry if he told her about it.But if he didn't say anything, he felt that no matter how small the matter was, he was hiding it from her. After being so entangled, she felt that he hesitated.

"Don't you really have Su Liuyun in your heart?" Lou Qi squinted at him.

Shen Sha put her down, and turned around: "I am going to ask if she is here. If she is, I will shoot her to death."


It didn't look like he was joking like that, Lou Qi couldn't laugh or cry, and immediately pulled him back: "Leave her for me to play with."

Shen Sha turned around, "I don't like your suspicion."

Lou Qi rolled his eyes and pulled him to gossip: "Let me tell you about Su Liuyun's life experience?"

"What to say"

However, he still couldn't entangle Lou Qi later, so he wentssiped with her for a while.

Shen Sha and the others came late, but Bixianmen was even later than them, and it is said that they are still on the way.

Wen Tianshan did not invite the royal family, no one came from the Eastern Qing Dynasty and the northern Cangzhou, Lou Qi thought about the invited guests, and felt that there was almost no one who had no hatred against him.

That night, no one asked the elders of Tianshan to show up, and there was no such thing as a welcome dinner, but the dinner brought to them was quite delicate and delicious.

After dinner, Lou Qi and Shen Sha took a walk in the garden to digest food, Shen Sha hugged her waist the whole time, the two whispered from time to time, Lou Qi also smiled sweetly from time to time, looking affectionate.

The news reached Nalan Huaxin, she could hardly sit still, she wanted to rush to Qingyiju before the scheduled time, push Lou Qi away, and pull Shen Sha into her arms!
However, her maid dissuaded her.

The night is deep, and the Tianshan Mountains are quiet, but there is another kind of beauty.I don't know if it's because of the height of the mountain, but the moonlight in Tianshan is brighter and clearer than other places. The moon hangs in the sky. Although it is a crescent, it is also very big, bigger than what Lou Qi has seen before. , like a beautiful silver hook.

The mountains are clear and beautiful, the moonlight is soft, and the amazing scenery in the daytime is hazy and dreamy under such moonlight.

Accompanied by the night, a quiet piano sound came faintly.

Almost as soon as the piano sound started, Lou Qi woke up, and Shen Sha woke up faster than her.After all, in this kind of place, it is absolutely impossible for them to sleep soundly, and Lou Qi has been waiting for Nalan Huaxin to make a move, and it is beyond her expectation that she can endure until midnight.


Shen Sha was very angry.Damn it, he managed to suppress the fire of greed towards Lou Qi in his body and wanted to sleep peacefully, but now someone woke him up again.

Whoever it is, deserves to die.

Lou Qi groaned and touched his face: "This is a romantic invitation, if you don't go, wouldn't it be a waste of his heart?"

"You want this emperor to go to another woman's appointment?" Shen Sha's face darkened immediately, and he reached into her clothes with a big hand, and shook it vigorously.

Lou Qi let out a low voice, and hastily pulled his hand away, "What are you doing!"

It was rare for her to be so shy with a hint of anger, her face was so pretty and vivid, and Shen Sha's throat was astringent again.In the past, he felt that he must be a person with few desires, and even thought that even if he had multiple women in the future, he would only go to their room occasionally and fulfill his responsibilities in order to have children, but after meeting Lou Qi, he found that I have become a disciple, thinking about it all the time.A little bit of her voice, a look, or a little expression can arouse the fire in his body.

Terrible, really fatal.

"I don't want to go."

Lou Qi was angry and funny, "If you don't go, how can we watch a good show?" The most important thing is, why is she so mad at Nalan Huaxin?

"You said you would cooperate with me."

At the end of coaxing, Shen Sha reluctantly went out with suppressed anger.

Lou Qi also got up and quickly prepared, and called Chen Shi.

Naturally, Nalan Huaxin didn't invite her, because the dinner delivered in the evening had a dessert, and there was only one dessert, and Shen She didn't eat it, so she ate it.Later, when I was walking in the garden to digest food, there was a flower in the garden, and the fragrance of the flower
When Lou Qi ate the dessert, he didn't find any problem. It was only when he smelled the fragrance of the flowers that he realized that he had a high opinion of Nalan Huaxin. The chronic onset of drugs, and the onset of this drug is well controlled, she should fall into a deep sleep almost before the sound of the piano.

In this way, Shen Sha would not be suspicious.

Nalan Huaxin seems to have prepared carefully for a long time.

It's a pity that she found out when she smelled the fragrance of flowers, but now she is still willing to follow Nalan Huaxin's plan. She is also a little curious and wants to know what Nalan Huaxin wants to do.

Naturally, Long Yan also followed her. Long Yan's concealment skills were three points better than Tianying's.Those whose internal strength is lower than Lou Qi's, no one can detect his existence, and Lou Qi's kung fu is already top-notch in Sifang Continent.

"Chen Shi, you go" Lou Qi pulled Chen Shi and whispered a few words in his ear, Chen Shi nodded and said "be careful, girl," and then she jumped into the night.

Lou Qi was as light as a breeze, and flew towards the place where the sound of the piano came from.

At this time, Shen Sha was slowly heading towards the maple forest in front. It was called a forest, but it could not be called a forest. There were only about twenty small maple trees growing together, and the leaves were all red, fiery red. Looking at it, it is extremely beautiful.There is a pavilion over there, built on a boulder that floats out, the mountain is already high enough here, there will be occasional thin clouds outside the pavilion at night, the view from the pavilion is like a fairy, it is extremely beautiful.He knew it, but if the person sitting in the pavilion was Nalan Huaxin, he felt that no matter how beautiful the scenery was, it would be useless.

(End of this chapter)

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