Chapter 498
Let others see Amu's body?Want to touch?Yun naturally refused.

That's all, so be it, he will naturally be responsible for her. "Please teach me the imperial concubine."

Lou Qi nodded, it's not that easy to unravel the Gu, although the Gu worms are forced out, but she still needs to use her internal force to expel her blood energy, and then force out some dirty blood, which consumes her internal energy and energy, where is she at this time? If she could do it, there were still many people waiting for her to save her.

Let Yunlai be the most suitable.

After talking about the way of walking with internal strength, she warned: "You will be very weak after that, and when you finish this, someone will call me over to treat you."


Lou Qi nodded immediately, and pulled the needle out of Amu's body. Amu opened his eyes, but before he could react, he heard Lou Qi asking in a low voice: "Amu, why did you follow Yunwei to the Medicine Hall? ? Or, were you going to find Yunwei at that time?"

Amu's thoughts were immediately taken away by her words, and she subconsciously said: "It's the Erqing girl from the Erchong Palace. At that time, she told me that Brother Yun seemed unhappy, and his face was not good-looking, no Knowing if he was sick, he told me that there are many good medicines from the genius doctor, and I wanted to call Brother Shangyun to come to the medicine hall." But before she could call, I saw Xiaosi pulling him Arriving at the Medicine Hall quickly, she naturally hurried to follow.

Lou Qi hurried out, "Yuewei! Immediately send someone to arrest a maid named Er Qing in the Erchong Hall. Also, ask who she is usually close to, and arrest her together!"

Just after saying this, a drug boy in the corner of the hall suddenly froze and was about to run out.Xuanyuan Zhongzhou happened to see his abnormality, and immediately reached out to grab him, lifted him and threw him into the hall.

The drug boy screamed, and before everyone could react, he had already bled to death from seven holes.

"Damn it. Hurry up." Lou Qi had a little impression of this medicine boy, after all, she often went to the medicine hall, and the genius doctor even praised the medicine boy's cleverness to her, and once said that he wanted to teach her medical skills.

Leaving the matter of the traitor to Yue, she immediately took Yin Yaofeng and Xiaosi to the back pharmacy to get blood pills without stopping.

Qiu Qingxian watched her cut a wound on the belly of her finger, and after taking a pill, the blood flowed like a stream, and she couldn't help being shocked and painful. "Emperor, do you really want to do this?"

Why use her blood for medicine?

Lou Qi's face remained normal, and while resting his chin and watching himself bleeding profusely, he said, "Actually, there are other ways, but they are time-consuming and labor-intensive. The main reason is time-consuming. I don't have time." If you follow the normal method, you can find The medicine is prepared and decocted, and the medicine will not work so quickly. It will take at least half a month to save all these people. Where does she have so much time?

Moreover, maybe after half a month, everything will be too late.

Just when a bottle of blood flowed out, her heart suddenly beat violently. This feeling was something she had never experienced before. The force of the beating made her hands tremble, and she suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"Emperor Concubine, what's the matter?" Er Ling came over to cook blood-enriching soup for her, just in time to see her face turn pale suddenly, her brows wrinkled tightly, and her heart couldn't help but lift up suddenly.

"I" she wanted to say, but couldn't say anything.

Shen Sha walked in, pulled a chair beside her and sat down, took the blood-enriching soup in Er Ling's hand, picked up a spoon to scoop it up, and brought it to Lou Qi's mouth.

"Qiqi, this emperor suddenly feels flustered."

Lou Qi suddenly looked at him in a daze: ".Me too."

why is that?The intuition of both of them should be stronger than that of ordinary people, or maybe they both have an unexplainable feeling for certain people and certain things that are stronger. Is this feeling that the people related to them are in danger? ?

When she conjectured about this, Shen Sha's face was not very good-looking: "Then why do we have such a sense of anxiety and panic at the same time? Could it be such a coincidence that people related to you and me will be in danger at the same time?"

Lou Qi fixedly looked at him and said, "There is another reason, and that is—"

"They were together in the first place." Qiu Qingxian said subconsciously suddenly, after finishing speaking, both Shen Sha and Lou Qi looked over, and hurriedly pleaded guilty: "Qingxian shouldn't speak nonsense."

"No, maybe you're right."

Lou Qi and Shen Sha looked at each other, feeling a little heavy in their hearts.

"Don't think too much, I think we can solve this confusion when we go back," Lou Qi said.

Shen Sha nodded.

Lou Qi took half of the blood, first taught Yin Yaofeng and Qiu Qingxian how to make the medicine, and asked them to make the medicine and give it to everyone to take, and then she went to treat the genius doctor and Wuwu.

The miracle doctor woke up an hour later. After waking up, he felt that his whole body didn't look like his anymore, but when he saw that his body was covered with needles and blood symbols, he almost lost his breath in shock. go.

"Miraculous doctor, come back to your senses, I still have a lot of things to tell you." Lou Qi's face was as white as paper at this moment, she was almost unable to hold on anymore, Shen Sha kept hugging her, with a gloomy face, one hand was still pressing on her On the shoulder, the internal force was continuously input into her body.

At this time, the others had already been healed and were assigned by him one by one.

"Emperor Concubine." Seeing her like this, the miracle doctor was shocked, but Shen Sha interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"Don't talk nonsense, listen to her."

He shut up immediately, Lou Qi roughly explained to the genius doctor what he had to do in three days, and he was about to pass out.

Shen Sha strode out of the Medicine Hall with her in his arms, and walked all the way towards the main hall of the Second Layer Hall.It was only then that Lou Qi realized that along the way, everywhere in the palace was brightly lit, the verandahs, pavilions, gardens and rockeries, palace lanterns were hung everywhere, reflecting an incomparably brilliant night.

"What is this?" she asked in surprise.But this sentence already made her breathe a little.

Shen Sha hugged her, "Compared to when you were in the Valley of Lost, you are much lighter." He still felt a little heavy when he was carrying her on his back, but now he feels extremely light, "From now on, this emperor will stare at you every day for eating .”

Lou Qi smiled lightly, "Okay."

Shen Sha carried her back to the triple hall, Chen Shi and Lou Xintian stood outside the door in two or four, watching them come with faint excitement.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu of the former publicity was not there.

Shen Sha carried her into the dormitory, Er Ling and Xiao Silk were putting the things in their hands on the bed, and Yin Yaofeng was waiting aside with a bowl of ginseng soup.

"Dijun, let's change the clothes of the imperial concubine." Er Ling stepped forward.

Shen Sha shook his head, "This emperor will come in person."

Lou Qi was weak all over, and he put her on the bed, and Xiao Si Erling supported her on the left and right.Shen Sha's slender hands were usually used to hold swords and kill people, but now they unbuttoned her coat with extremely gentle movements, and then put on the clothes they prepared for her one by one.

The color is bright red, and the phoenix is ​​embroidered with gold thread, which is gorgeous and dazzling.Er Ling put on her makeup carefully again.Under the light, Lou Qi looked at himself in the bronze mirror in a daze.

She used to wear heavy makeup in modern times before, but she had never used bright colors like this one.The colorful phoenix swing was inserted into her cloud-like temples, graceful and luxurious, glamorous and incomparable.

"This emperor will take you to participate in the grand ceremony that belongs to you." He said slowly.

Lou Qi was taken aback.

Outside the main hall stood two long teams, surrounded by flowers and brilliant palace lanterns.There is a red carpet stretched all the way, stretching long and straight to dozens of white jade steps, and paved into the main hall.

Hundreds of officials stood in front of the hall, followed by envoys from the four countries. Thousands of people were present, but no one spoke, solemn and solemn.In front of the dragon and phoenix wall, there was a four-legged bronze cauldron, Minister Xiang, Xuanyuan Chongzhou, and Yue, Ying, and Yun all stood aside, watching them approach with a slight smile.

The courtesy officer raised his voice and sang: "Knock! Long live the emperor!"

"Long live the emperor!"

The ear-shattering sound merged into one sound, and thousands of people knelt down at the same time, including the envoys of the four countries.

"Let me down." Lou Qi said softly.

Shen Sha said: "I will hold you in my arms. All red tape will be avoided, and I will just carry you up."

While everyone was kneeling, he hugged her and walked up the white jade steps step by step on the red carpet, which made her feel extremely safe.

Finally, when they reached the bronze cauldron, he put her down gently, but still put his arm around her waist and let her lean against him.

Xuanyuan and his son handed them lit sandalwood respectively, and Shen Sha took her, worshiped the sky slightly, and then inserted them into the bronze cauldron together.

The fragrance curled up, and a melodious bell sounded out.

Shen Sha led her to face everyone, and used her internal force to send out her voice.

"This emperor is here to pray to the heavens. In this world of mortals, I only wish to be side by side with Lou Qi in this life. She will be the grand empress, the only wife of this emperor, and the only mistress in this palace. The world in your hands, share it with Lou Qi!"

"The empress is a thousand years old! The empress is a thousand years old! The empress is a thousand years old!"

This sound shook Lou Qi's eardrums slightly, she was not someone who shed tears easily, but at this moment her eyes were hot and she wanted to cry.

But in the end, what she said was: "But you can't have sex yet."

Shen Sha froze and couldn't help but glared at her.

She can destroy such a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Xuanyuan Zhongzhou on the side burst out laughing.

Isn't this the saddest emperor in history? It's fine if he can't eat for so long, but he has to hold back the most important wedding night in his life.


It was a... nothing to write home about big wedding night.

Early the next morning, the envoys of the four countries left the Jiuxiao Temple and returned separately.

Two hours later, outside the Hall of Nine Heavens, the sun was shining brightly and brightly.

Everyone was full of energy and stood upright, looking at the emperor who was striding out.He was dressed in a brand-new dark red brocade robe, hugged the newly-promoted empress in red, and walked towards a luxurious carriage in the team.

At this time, Lou Qi had completely passed out.

They are leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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