Chapter 534
The soldiers are divided into several groups.

But they said that Kong Xiu was here.

They almost tried their best to rush out of the Lou family, and then relied on the bravery of the ghost soldiers to fight back and get rid of the Lou family's pursuit.

He galloped all the way along Tongtian Cliff, not knowing how far he was from Lou's house, so he stopped.

"Isn't the Lou family a big family? Why are there so many despicable tricks?" Lou Xin was furious.In his arms, Jin Qiaoxian, the sixth miss of the Jin family, was pale and unconscious.

This little girl is also true, he has martial arts, he will dodge if he is shot in the dark, why should she jump over to block it?

This is a good time, if it weren't for the medicine of Shenshui catfish on Chen Shi's body, she might be in danger.Because the hidden arrow didn't know what was wiped on it, and the blood flowed continuously after being shot, and it couldn't stop no matter what.None of the other medicines worked, so she had to be given Shenshui catfish in the end.But even so, she had already lost too much blood, and she was unconscious all the way.

Not only her, but many others were injured.

The Lou family's back arrows are really powerful. Not only can they shoot very far, but they can also turn around and chase people.This has a certain similarity with the breath-chasing arrow of Shenjian Villa.

Also, they were despicable enough to drag a man out and say it was Lou Huantian, and threatened them to go back immediately, otherwise they would kill Lou Huantian.If it wasn't for Long Yanbian's recognition, they wouldn't have dared to leave.

However, it also exposed a message to them, that is, Lou Huantian is not necessarily in the hands of those people.This should be called good news, right?
"I don't think the Lou family is like the Lou family anymore." Long Yan, who had been sitting silently on the shaft of the car, suddenly spoke at this moment, with a solemn expression on his face. "It's absolutely abnormal that none of our people can get in touch. Also, something is wrong with the old lady."

Kong Xiu pondered for a moment and said: "Now it seems that Mrs. Lou is really not quite right. When Shen Sha and Girl Qi saw her, she seemed to be deliberately embarrassing. At that time, she only thought that she was unreasonable and her attitude was too much. Now I think Think, could it be that she is using tricks to force us away?"

At that time, Mrs. Lou's behavior was too strange, but now Long Yan said that something was wrong with her.

Long Yan was startled when he heard the words, and then said: "The relationship between the young master and the old matriarch has never been good, and the old matriarch has always been alienated from his wife and the young master. Shi also seemed very reluctant, so I wouldn't find it strange if the old lady stood on the opposite side of us, but if she really wanted to force Xiao Qizhu and the others to leave, could it be because of the appearance of a more powerful person in Lou's family? A terrible enemy?"

Chen Shi was sitting on a rock, while Xiaosi was bandaging his arm wound.Looking at the Tongtian Cliff in front of him, he said in a deep voice: "These are not the most important things. The most important thing now is to find the emperor and empress first."

He didn't worry about other things, what he worried most was the safety of the emperor and empress, and he was very depressed that he didn't follow them at that time.

Qiu Qingxian and Yin Yaofeng went to explore the Tantongtian Cliff, and when they came back, both of them had weird expressions on their faces. Qiu Qingxian said: "It's not particularly high from here, but we saw a house."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words: "One room?"

How can there be a house here?
But Long Yan jumped up, "Is there a room? Maybe the young master will be there!"

"Why?" Yun asked, frowning.

"People from the Dragon Group have checked this place before, and the young master once sent people to investigate carefully, but none of the people who went there came back. The young master once said that there must be something strange in that place, and the lady is in Tongtian Cliff. The one who is missing, if the young master is not in Lou's house, maybe he will be there."

The logic of this statement is not very logical, and it is all guesswork out of thin air, but everyone thinks it makes sense.

"No, we need to find the emperor and empress first." Chen Shi insisted.

"Lord Xiaoqi is also at the bottom of Tongtian Cliff. Let's go down here and search all the way." Long Yan patted him on the shoulder: "Besides, didn't the landlord of Xiaoqi come here to save the young master? If we Finding the young master, that is also to share the responsibility for the little seventh master."

Kong Xiu thought for a while and said, "Long Yan is right. Since we have seen it, let's go and explore it. However, we can't let everyone pass it. The goal is too big. I will take a few people there first. After you get off the cliff, look for it." somewhere to wait."

Because the masters and sons were not there, Kong Xiu was considered Lou Qi's elder, so he was in command here, Qin Shubao just followed his advice, and Yun didn't say anything on the premise of agreeing with his opinion.

They searched for a while, and the ghost army found a secret path. The secret path was wide and flat, and it was built with a gentle slope, even a carriage could go down.

If it wasn't for the ghost army, they shouldn't be able to find this secret path.

Lou Xin called obediently: "To build such a flat and wide road, there should be cars and horses going back and forth. The nearest place is the Lou family. Could it be another secret place of the Lou family?"

"Anyway, something happened to the aristocratic family. It is always a little suspicious that the Lou family is independent. Everyone, be careful." Qin Shubao warned in a deep voice.

The women are in the carriage.Yin Yaofeng and Qiu Qingxian stayed in the same carriage, and Princess Chenxiang was still lying in the carriage.After Xuanyuan Yi left, Chen Xiang's spirit also seemed to retreat all of a sudden, and she fell asleep like this all the time.

"Princess Chenxiang's face is getting greener and greener, Qingxian, have you noticed?" Yin Yaofeng was very worried.Xuanyuanyi entrusted Princess Chenxiang to her, if something happened, how could she bear the responsibility.

"Well, yes, but we can't do anything now, we can only bless you and find the empress as soon as possible."

They guarded Chen Xiang worriedly, and in the car behind, Amu was talking to Lou, "Don't worry, Brother Lou, I will take good care of Miss Jin Liu.

Lou Xin rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "What worries me? She is not someone like me."

"Anyway, Miss Jin Liu saved you regardless of her own safety." Chen Shi rode beside him, and glanced at him upon hearing this.

Lou Xin rolled his eyes and asked, "Then if Miss Qiu Er saved you regardless of her own safety, Chen Shi, do you want it, hehe, what?" It seems that Chen Shi and Miss Qiu Er are also very compatible.

He was enjoying himself there alone, and Chen Shi continued to have his face paralyzed. When he had had enough, he said calmly: "The empress is the one who saved me."

Lou Xin was speechless for a moment.

Back in the Valley of Gods and Demons, the scene where the empress used the blood curse of her own life to save Chen Shi was something that even he would never forget, let alone Chen Shi?Presumably, if there is another woman who saves him desperately, it will not make waves in his heart, right?

For a moment, he had a strange feeling in his heart. If Qiu Qingxian and Yin Yaofeng really fell in love with him, they would be miserable in this life, right?
Imagining how Yin Yaofeng felt sad for Chen Shi, Lou Xin suddenly felt that the feeling for her faded away.

At this time, a weak cry came from the carriage next to it.

"How is Brother Lou Xin? Where is he?"

Miss Jin Liu seems to have woken up.But Lou Xin didn't expect that she would look for him as soon as she woke up, and brother Lou Xin?What the hell?When did you change the name?

He heard Amu's voice coaxing her, but Miss Jin Liu still seemed to want to get up, "I have to see with my own eyes that Brother Lou Xin is fine to be at ease."

Lou Xin felt a sudden irritability, rode his horse over, lifted the curtain of the car with his sword, and said impatiently, "What are you seeing? I said Jin Qiaoxian, next time you meddle in my own business, I won't be polite to you!"

At the beginning, Jin Qiaoxian looked down on them and was mean and mean. Later, when their large team came and beat her in the face, she calmed down. When she saw that the Jin family was wiped out and the head of the family disappeared, she immediately acted like a cat.In Lou Xin's view, this is a typical master who does not beat up and is not sober.

However, she was so arrogant in the past, and now she was so weak that her face was white and her eyes were full of tears, which really made him a little uncomfortable.

Jin Qiaoxian's eyes lit up when he saw him, and then shrank his neck after hearing his words, "Yes, brother Lou Xin, I will definitely not trouble you."

Lou Xin felt restless for a while, threw down the curtain of the car, rode his horse and walked forward.

Coincidentally, although they were divided into three groups, they all gathered at the same place at this time.

Lou House, underground secret room, Lou Ruowan and Lou Yutian are walking towards the old woman sitting on a chair with her head bowed.

"The old lady is in good spirits now?" Lou Ruowan looked at the old woman with hatred in her heart.

The old woman raised her head, and it was the Old Madam Lou.But at this time, a piece of skin broke out on her previously injured face, revealing a small piece of skin with another skin color inside, which looked a little weird.

She looked at Lou Ruowan and smiled mockingly, "Lou Ruowan, are you still from the Lou family? Don't you feel very happy that the Lou family was destroyed in your hands?"

Lou Ruowan looked ugly, strode over, raised her hand and slapped her hard on the face, only to slap the old lady Lou's head sideways, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

And because the slap was too hard, a small piece of skin on her face was cut off, revealing the slightly darker skin inside.Originally, the broken skin would have flesh and blood, but I have never seen another layer of skin. This is not a mask, because the skin is too real, not fake at all.

Mrs. Lou covered her face with her hand, her eyes were pained, and locked Lou Ruowan tightly. "You won't end well. The Lou family is already in turmoil. With Huantian supporting you, maybe there will be a chance. Now it's all ruined by you!"

Lou Ruowan sneered: "Then what's your business? This is my Lou family's business! You, an outsider, have occupied the Lou family's position of power for so long, how shameless you are?"

Seeing that Mrs. Lou was trembling with anger, she paused and said, "You have no face at all, hahaha, or else you won't dare to recognize your granddaughter when you come to me?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"I don't know? Brother and sister Lou Qi and Lou Huantian will meet at the bottom of Tongtian Cliff sooner or later, tell me, how can I let them die?"

(End of this chapter)

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