Your heart is free

Chapter 548 Kill Me

Chapter 548 Kill Me
"Retreat first, retreat first!" Xuanyuan Chongzhou cried out with a drastic change in expression.The current Shen Sha has no problems for the time being, but they are the ones who have problems!

Everyone retreated one after another and exited the square.But those puppets approached him one after another because there was only Shen Sha left in the field.

However, what followed was a one-sided lore.

Those incomparably powerful puppets were almost killed by one move against Shen Sha.

This seems to be a carnival of blood-drinking swords.

Every move of Shen Sha is a killer move, beheading, splitting the waist, or piercing the heart with a sword, even splitting the head of a puppet in half.The black night was stained with thicker blood, as if Hades himself came up to harvest lives.

The wind whistled, Shen Sha killed unstoppably, but the others felt chills watching.Because their emperor had done something to Xuanyuan Chongzhou just now, which meant that when he finished killing these puppets, he would do something to his own people.If he stays like this, he's truly a killing machine.

"Empress, what should we do now?"

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer puppets on the field, and none of them could stop him, Yun, Qin Shubao and the others all turned pale and their hearts were about to jump out.

The ghost army stood in front of them.

However, they were not afraid of death, but they didn't want to die at the hands of their own emperor, and he became a murderous puppet king.

Suddenly, there was the sound of horseshoes, as if there was a strong wind and rain, and the brigade was rushing towards this side in a hurry.Qin Shubao was overjoyed, "The army is here!"

Tens of thousands of gods and ghosts finally arrived.

Xuanyuan Yi said with a gloomy expression, "At this time, the arrival of the army does not seem to be something to be happy about."

Do they dare to attack Shen Sha?If he can't do it, is he going to kill him?Based on Shen Sha's current situation, it is estimated that he can tirelessly kill tens of thousands of people and keep killing.

Everyone froze when they heard the words, and it was true.

Bell, bell, bell.

In the night wind, the sound of the wind chimes on the pillars of the blessing platform seemed to be clearer, and the sound became more and more urgent.

In the square, with a bang, the last puppet was cut in half by Shen Sha's sword, and he strode over from the two halves of the corpses, approaching them step by step.

A large number of torches swam over like a fire dragon, and tens of thousands of soldiers arrived.In the front, two tall horses galloped over. When they were only two meters away from them, they both jumped off their horses and rushed towards them.

"Lord Moon Guard, Lord Eagle Guard?" Er Ling was taken aback when he saw the two of them.When they set off, Yue and Ying were not arranged to come together.

The person who came was Yue Heying who should have stayed in Dasheng.Judging by their busy appearance, it is obvious that they are chasing all the way non-stop.

Because the two were on the periphery, they didn't see Shen Sha who was alone after killing so many puppets in the square, but they saw the tall and slender figure in the crowd first.


Lou Qi, who had been looking at Shen Sha in the field just now, with a serious expression and a silent expression, turned his head when he heard the voices of the two, "Why are you here?"

"The subordinates have already arranged the affairs and people." After Shen Shalouqi and the others left, Yue and Ying were still worried. It would be dangerous to leave this time. They were the emperor's bodyguards, so how could they stay in Dali with peace of mind? Sheng?So, after five days, they arranged things and rushed over without stopping, and caught up with the large army halfway, so they felt relieved.

Lou Qi nodded without saying anything, and turned his eyes to the square again.

All eyes followed her.

The moon came out of the clouds at some unknown time, like a silver plate, the brilliance poured down, halfway through the moon, the moonlight finally brightened normally.

There were dead bodies all over the place, and the scene was bloody.

Among the broken arms and limbs, one person was slowly turning around.His crimson eyes turned around, obviously red should represent fire and enthusiasm, but his eyes were so cold that everyone shivered at the same time, as if frost spread rapidly in their hearts, making their limbs feel as if they were frozen.

He was holding the sword, no, maybe it should be said that he was dragging the sword.The blood-drinking sword tip dragged on the ground, making a chilling sound.


Yue and Ying didn't know what happened. The first thing they felt strange was why the emperor was not with the empress on the fifteenth day.

Looking at him like this, no matter how you look at it, it seems that something happened.

The two were so anxious that they even rushed towards Shen Sha at the same time. "Dijun, what's wrong with you?"

"Come back!" Xuanyuan Zhongzhou's words were still a step slower, the two had already reached in front of Shen Sha, and they were still reaching out to help him.

With a flash of cold light, the Blood Drinking Sword ruthlessly swung straight up, and slashed towards the chests of the two of them at the same time.


The sound of a sharp weapon cutting through flesh and blood was extremely penetrating.

Blood gushed out.This sword actually sliced ​​through the chests of both of them at the same time, not only the skin was ripped apart, but the belly was almost ripped apart.

This change was unexpected by everyone.Even Xuanyuan Zhongzhou, who had spoken out, was somewhat lucky after drinking that sentence, and felt that Shen Sha would at least pause and hesitate for a moment when he saw the two of them.Although Shen Sha also attacked him before, he felt that he came late after all. Shen Sha may not have that deep affection for him, but Yue and Ying are different. They both followed Shen Sha so much. For many years, for so many years, they were the ones who guarded and guarded Shen Sha when the Gu poison broke out, at least the relationship is completely different!

She never expected that Shen Sha would strike without any hesitation, and it was also a killer move!Originally, Yiyue and Ying would not be unable to avoid it, but they didn't have the slightest defense against Shen Sha!
They happened to be going to help him, how could they have thought that he would use his sword like this!

Even now, the severe pain from the chest and abdomen made them almost unable to stand, and the two still couldn't believe it.This must not be true.
"Emperor, Emperor."

Ying clutched the wound tightly, even felt that his intestines were going to be left out, but his horrified eyes met a pair of extremely red eyes, filled with killing intent and coldness, without any emotion.

He raised the blood drinking sword in his hand again.

Yue and Ying finally believed at this moment that their master was going to kill them, and they froze in place, unable to move at all.

"Dijun, I am Yue!" Yue shouted loudly.

"I am an eagle!" The eagle followed suit.

Such a big drink caused a concussion in the chest cavity, and the blood gushed out again.

But they ignored it completely, their eyes were flushed, and they looked at Shen Sha stubbornly.They don't believe it!I don't believe their master will become like this!

But the next moment, they were pulled back by two forces. At the same moment, Shen Sha raised his sword with his right hand, but his left hand tightly clasped his right wrist.

The angle of the blood-drinking sword swung across, just enough to cut through the position of Yue and Ying's necks when they were standing just now.

If this sword was really swung over, with Shen Sha's strength, the heads of the two of them would have flew out together at this moment.

"It's called a miracle doctor." Lou Qi took out three bottles of medicine from his waist, and among them was Shenshui catfish.But their wounds were too severe, and the genius doctor had to stitch them up first.

Supporting Ying and Yue were Xuanyuan Zhongzhou and Yun Wei, they looked at the calm Lou Qi with worry, heartache and horror, "Little Qi, be careful."

They had never seen Lou Qi like this.

When encountering such a thing, she was still calm, so calm that they felt a little chill in their hearts.

However, Shen Sha controlled himself just now, didn't he?At the last moment, when he was able to split Ying and Yue's heads with a sword, he controlled it.

Everyone saw this scene, and there was hope in their eyes.

Lou Huantian waved his fist and shouted, "Brother-in-law! I believe in you, defeat that Gu! You can't be controlled anymore!"

Night Breeze seemed to be whimpering.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin wanted to go forward, but Lou Qi said in a low voice without looking back: "No matter what happens, no one is allowed to come without my order."

This order was as cold as iron, with determination, as if her back gave them the same feeling at this moment.

Everyone dared not move.

Lou Qi walked towards Shen Sha step by step.

She always thought that he would die if the poisonous Gu in him broke out. It should be said that everyone thought so, and no one thought that the result would be like this.First of all, the poison was just to temper him and make him suffer for so many years, and then let them get rid of the poison smoothly.Detoxification is a necessary part, because in this way, the Gu can be triggered smoothly, no wonder no one really stopped them from getting the medicine although there were spies around them all the time.

She never thought that after his Gu attack, he would become like this, a puppet king who was disowned by his relatives, and in the future, he would only be controlled by the enemy and kill for him?
No, no, no.She absolutely does not accept such an ending. Her man has always looked down on the world like that, proud and arrogant, how could he be willing to let himself become such a murderous puppet king?

That was the greatest insult to him, worse than death!
"Go, Qiqi, I can't control it, I will kill you." Shen Sha held his right hand tightly with his left hand, veins burst out on the back of his hand, his hands were shaking all the time, and his eyes instantly returned to darkness, but The pupil's heart began to have crimson accumulation again.

He looked at Lou Qi almost greedily, thinking that he wanted to engrave her face into his mind, but he also had boundless despair. He was not afraid of anything else, but he was afraid that he would forget her, or even kill her.

When she approached just now, there was Yue and Ying's pained voice, which made his strong will suppress the poison, but he could feel his powerlessness, he couldn't control it, because of this suppression, the backlash became stronger .

Lou Qi looked at him with a calm expression, but what he uttered were these two words, "Fart."

"Kill me, Qiqi." He would rather die in her hands.

At this time, the crimson in his eyes instantly appeared, and the hand he controlled himself trembled even more.

"Shen Sha, listen to me, keep going, if you dare to give up, I will sleep with all the men present and wear tens of thousands of green hats for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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