Chapter 587
The 90 army, because Lou Qi belonged to the Xuanyuan Dynasty, they have already come outside the gate of the country, but they dare not cross the border casually.Because Maverick was raising Dabai during this period of time, Dabai listened to him, so Tu Ben volunteered, brought Maverick and Dong Shiyu to find Lou Qi and Shen Sha.

As long as they can order, the army will travel day and night to the front line.

"Don't worry, you two. During this time, we have worked hard to train our troops. Now we dare not say that we are better than the army of Longyin Continent, but we are definitely not vulnerable." Dong Shiyu said, as gentle as him, at this time There is also a hint of arrogance.

"What is the purpose of Dongqing and Beicang?" Shen Sha asked in a deep voice.

Originally, Dongqing and Beicang were just scared by Dasheng, and the three parties were definitely not a friendly country, but now they suddenly became entangled. Why didn't this make them feel strange?
Dong Shiyu raised his eyes and looked a little bewildered, "Why? Because we all want to see how magnificent this Dragon Yin Continent is! Because without you here, we really dare not set foot here! Now, let us borrow With your might, come a different kind of journey! If you win, wouldn’t it be great, joyful, and courageous! We want to tell future generations that the Dragon Yin Continent is not scary!"

He said, turning to Shen Sha and Lou Qi, "Do you believe this reason?"

Lou Qi and Shen Sha looked at each other, and then the corners of their lips curled up at the same time, their appearances were actually very similar.

"Believe it, why don't you believe it?"

"Get down." Shen Sha hugged Lou Qi's waist, and the two jumped off Dabai's back.

Dong Shiyu followed closely behind, and Tu Ben also pulled Mavericks down. At this moment, Mavericks shouted loudly: "Empress, Mavericks can fight now! Let me be a small vanguard, okay?"

Lou Qi laughed loudly: "Okay, I'll let you be a little pioneer!"

But Xuanyuan walked over with his hands behind his back, first sized up the Snow Mountain White Eagle King, and his eyes showed satisfaction, "This eagle is not bad, it will definitely be able to defeat a thousand in battle!" Then he looked at Tu Ben, "It looks the same, Not be considered."

Consider what?
He looked at Dong Shiyu again, his eyes lit up: "This is not bad. Hey, kid, what's your name, how old are you this year, and have you married yet?"

Dong Shiyu was stunned by him, and before he could answer, he heard the handsome man ask: "If not, are you interested in running for the position of Qiqi's imperial husband?"

"Xuanyuan Que!" Shen Sha gritted his teeth, and slammed towards him with a palm.

Lou Qi stroked his forehead, it came again, it came again.Why does the smelly old man like teasing Shen Sha so much?
How did she know that Xuanyuan had never seen their previous way of getting along, since he came back, she always felt that Shen Sha was too indifferent, such a cold man, what interest could there be to talk about?Don't bore Qiqi in his house.Therefore, to teach Shen Sha, he is responsible.

The first step is to break his iceberg face.

Look, didn't this make him grit his teeth and distort his face?

"Let them fight." Lou Qi sighed, and said to Lao Li and other generals: "Do you still have any objections, do you want to fight? If you are not objected, it's fine, I let Dabai fight with you?"

The crowd fell.

Dabai, they already know the name of the great white eagle, let such an eagle king who can fight against them with one enemy a thousand, can you be more shameless?
But they really dare not say more.

Lou Qi nodded and said: "Since everyone has no opinion, let's do it like this, don't stop, go directly to the border of Shen's family, and help the Shen's army resist foreign enemies, as for the general and the old prince, just leave it to us! "

Except for the Helian Dynasty who always likes to meddle, who would take action against the general and prince of the Xuanyuan Dynasty at this time?Since they want to prevent Xuanyuan's army from helping the Shen family, there is a possibility that the Helian Dynasty has already surrendered to the Mo Kingdom.

At this time, Lou Qi suddenly remembered a person, Helian Jue.

He Lianjue, where has he been since he went back to Lou's cemetery?Lou Qi always felt that He Lianjue was not so easy to be hit. She didn't know where this feeling came from, but she always felt that way.

Hasn't the Helian Dynasty been making tricks behind it all the time?She felt that if someone was arrested, they wouldn't run away. After all, they still had to wait to negotiate terms. If they really went back to the Helian Dynasty, what was there to talk about?

Therefore, Old General Di and Xuanyuan Song must be nearby, and there must be someone on the other side who can talk to them.

Then, let's see if the other party will hide, or she will look for it!

"Let's go, Er Ling, help me sharpen the ink first, I'm going to write a letter to my eldest brother!"

Since the army from the Sifang Continent needs to be released, this matter has to rely on Lou Huantian and Xuanyuanzhi's methods.If it is not dealt with properly, the news will spread quickly, and the people of the Xuanyuan Dynasty will panic.

With Dabai, sending letters is extremely fast.

Lou Huantian jumped up immediately after receiving the letter, "Okay, it's my sister and brother-in-law! There are so many soldiers coming to support!" He was overjoyed, "It's just right, this time we will use this soldier to rush first. Go into the palace and arrest that queen!"

They have been dormant in the imperial city for many days, but although the Xuanyuan Dynasty has sent out all the troops, the imperial palace is still tightly guarded by the imperial guards, and it is not easy to enter.

It should be that the "queen" was prepared, and there were many more top experts guarding the palace.That woman is so afraid of death, she must know that the real royal will come back.

Xiaoqi said in the letter that the so-called prince had been dealt with by Shen Sha, Lou Huantian was in a good mood, and Shen Sha was much more pleasing to the eye.

"No! I firmly oppose it!" Xuanyuanzhi objected angrily.

"Old man, what can you object to? Don't tell me you don't want to go back and see your lair immediately." Lou Huantian squinted at him, still holding the letter written by Lou Qi in his hand. The letter sent by Lou Qi smelled like ink.

Xuanyuanzhi was furious when he saw it, this bastard, call him an old man, and call the palace an old nest?That's all, "You want other people's soldiers to attack your home? Are you a jerk?"

"I'm a bastard, are you an old bastard?" Lou Huantian's extremely handsome face showed a trace of evil: "Besides, you don't want to snatch it back after being taken over by another woman? Anyway, my sister's brother-in-law's soldier, I can trust it! I'll go right away."

"Come back!" Xuanyuanzhi was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Lou Huantian reasoned that he was stupid.

"What orders does the young master have?" The forces of Huihualou had secretly gathered in the imperial city, and they were summoned at this time.

"From the border city to the imperial city, all the way to the city, I stole the general order, and opened the way for the army of the four continents! Is there any problem?"

This difficulty is not low, but everyone on the thirteenth floor of Huahua has firm expressions and shouted in unison: "No problem!"

The people were scattered and sent out. At this moment, the world pattern has accelerated the speed of change. The forces of Sifang Continent finally entered the big stage of Longyin Continent that they always thought was very mysterious.

The 90 army, under the premise that most of the Xuanyuan Dynasty's army had been transferred, drove straight in, and finally, the soldiers approached the city.

But the woman in the phoenix robe in the palace sneered and said: "Okay, let that bitch watch how I torture and kill her r son! It's exciting to think about it, hahahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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