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Chapter 594 Returning with Destiny

Chapter 594 Returning with Destiny
The flames of war spread in the confusion of the people.

The border of the Shen Dynasty was naturally the place where the fire was first seen.

At the beginning, many people thought that the Shen Dynasty would fail, and some dynasties and some people even took a bit of complicated gloat.Because more than 20 years ago, Xuanyuan and Shen were the two strongest countries in Longyin Continent.

Not to mention the strong soldiers and strong horses, they are young and new emperors, they are all the top masters in Longyin Continent. Xuanyuan Zhan once had a man, a horse and a sword, and picked up five thousand soldiers from a small country.In the three times of Longyin's master competition, he won the first place three times in a row, no one can match.

Compared with his bravery, Shen's new emperor is black-bellied and scheming. Whoever offends him will be tortured to the point of regret.

What's even more frightening is that these two people are good friends and cherish each other.And the queens of the two hit it off.

They ascended the throne in the same year, and after assuming the throne, the two countries signed a letter of credence, became allies, and joined hands with foreign countries.Therefore, if one offends, it is equivalent to offending the Xuanyuan Dynasty and the Shen Dynasty at the same time, and everyone has to worry about it.

But at that time, Emperor Xuanyuan and the new emperor of the Shen family were both young and vigorous, proud, and their attitudes and tone were rather irritating, so they offended some old ones to some extent.

In recent years, these two dynasties have been struggling so precariously. These people are more or less optimistic about the show, and some people have been advocating a war to win the two great dynasties.

After all, no one would think that the country is too big.

Xuanyuan and Shen's lands are rich and rich in products. If they really want to take them down, they will definitely be able to greatly increase the national power.

But the Supreme Emperor of the Shen family is not a vegetarian, and Xuanyuan is supported by the old prince Xuanyuan Song and the old general Di. To them, Xuanyuan and the Shen family are centipedes who die but not stiff. Besides, there are other dynasties , each has its own plans, and it is not so easy to form an alliance. Who knows if they make a move, will other dynasties take advantage of it?So just wait and see and hesitate, and occasionally find a little bit of trouble to test, and so many years have passed.

Those petty fights are naturally all kinds of insults and oppression against Xuanyuan and the Shen family, both openly and secretly. They smashed stores or something, and some people went to the two dynasties to make troubles, and then the government came forward, no matter what they did, they would forcefully protect their own people back.

After so many years of quarreling, they finally felt that the time was almost up. It seemed that the two dynasties could only bear with it and did not dare to confront at all, so they finally started to move secretly in private, each picking their own to form an alliance, and there were a lot of secret activities.

At this time, the Moroccan Kingdom suddenly became popular, and they attacked the Shen Dynasty one step ahead of them.The dozen caught them off guard, so they could only continue to stare at the situation to see if they could take a spoonful of good soup by the way.

They all thought that Morocco could win, after all, the attack was menacing, and the ferocity and cruelty of the previous two cities was really shocking, but the situation turned sharply, and the royal family of the Xuanyuan Dynasty suddenly returned?
The emperor, the queen mother, the queen, the prince, the prince, the little princess?
Wait, is that the little princess?

"Xuanyuan's Little Phoenix Princess is back!"

"The Phoenix is ​​still here!"

"The phoenix returns with the destiny, and whoever wins the phoenix wins the world!"

Such rumors began to spread, and everyone began to move around again. Some dynasties even sent elite forces at the bottom of the box to investigate the whereabouts of the little princess.

Phoenix returns with destiny.

What he said was too tempting and demagogic. No one who loves power can resist the temptation.

But, two days later, their faces were slapped.

None of those sent out survived.

No life.

In addition, another piece of news suddenly exploded.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Shen returns.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Shen family returned with an army of fifty thousand gods and ghosts.Return with hundreds of thousands of troops from the Quartet Continent.

At the beginning, no one took His Royal Highness seriously, but soon, the Helian Dynasty received nearly a hundred heads, which were sent by them to arrest the little princess' death guards.

Those hundred death guards were the secret weapon in He Lianming's hands. It was said that they were extremely skilled in martial arts and were good at hidden weapons, but they were all killed in one encounter. It came down, but it was all screwed-off-!
Why do you say that there are only nearly a hundred heads among the one hundred death guards? It is because the other party left one person to go back with nearly a hundred heads.And when he arrived in a hurry, he fell down and vomited blood, and the big box fell off the carriage. The sturdy box fell to pieces as soon as it fell, and the bloody head rolled all over the ground.

Everyone had a gray face, and both eyes were wide open, and the unbelievable fear before death was deeply frozen, so many pairs of terrified eyes made everyone present tremble with fright. Trembling, some people even fainted.

A man wearing a golden dragon robe, handsome but obviously over-indulgent, pushed everyone away and took two steps forward, looked at the death guard who fell on the ground and asked: "What's going on? ? Who killed it?"

So many heads look like the same method, but how can one person kill so many people in a row with the same method?You know, they are all masters, it's fine if one or two are twisted, and the rest are not dead, so they will be twisted by him again with the same method?
"Yes, it's the prince of the Shen Dynasty! His martial arts are too awesome and terrifying, and his subordinates can't resist him. He asked his subordinates to bring back a sentence."


That's what Shen Sha said.

"The little princess of the Xuanyuan Dynasty is the empress of this emperor, and whoever dares to make up her mind, this emperor will wring his head off."

The death guard shuddered when he thought of the image of Shen Sha in black clothes standing there like Yama against the background of the setting sun amidst the blood-stained blood.

That man is a killer, terrible, terrible.

"Also, the Crown Prince Shen said, let the emperor wash his neck, he has reserved the head of the emperor."

He Lianming took two steps back uncontrollably after hearing his words, and suddenly remembered: "Where is Helian Jue? Find him back for me!"

Shen Sha's ferocious name and these two words also spread overnight.

The eight dynasties all knew that Xuanyuan's little princess had already married the Shen's crown prince, so the Xuanyuan Dynasty and the Shen's dynasty had formed a stronger alliance.

In the past few days, the army led by Shen Sha and Lou Qi rushed towards the border of the Shen family.Morocco once again mobilized 30 troops to attack Jingcheng, and this time they came even more fiercely.

Because of their defeat last time, this time they did everything they could.The two sides fought for three days, each with casualties, but Jingcheng was defended, and the magic army was temporarily stationed three miles away.

"The Supreme Emperor, are they too quiet today?" In the early morning of this day, the Supreme Emperor of the Shen family climbed up the tower together with everyone.Here they could vaguely see the camp of the demon army, but they couldn't see any movement from them.

"No matter what they want to do, we must defend Jingcheng." The Supreme Emperor of the Shen family said firmly: "The demon army is ferocious, we must not let them pass!"

"Grandpa, you don't need to get up so early, we'll just watch." Xuanyuan Zhongzhou followed, looking at the old man's gray temples with a bit of sadness.Although they came, the magic army was able to gather 30 elite soldiers so quickly, and the city walls were shaken every day. The old man couldn't feel at ease.

Yue respects this old man very much, not only because he is Dijun's grandfather, but also because of his spirit. "Yes, the Supreme Emperor, I received the news that the emperor and empress are coming three days ago, and they will probably arrive today."

Is his grandson coming soon?
The Supreme Emperor of the Shen family couldn't control the joy in his heart.

But immediately, he said worriedly: "They come whenever they want, why are they so ostentatious along the way?" Moreover, Shen Sha was extremely cruel and fierce, and he didn't know if the little princess of Xuanyuan would be frightened by him.

"Emperors and empresses have always been..." Yue wants to say that they are publicized and not afraid of publicity, but they feel that it is not appropriate to say this as a subordinate.

Xuanyuan Zhongzhou suddenly frowned and said, "I think they have other intentions."

"Oh, what do you say?"

"Think about it, Xiaoqi is like a piece of honey now. Many bees, butterflies and insects are moving after hearing the news. Everyone wants to run towards her. I believe they know this, but they reveal their location and whereabouts from time to time. , I’m afraid I’m too busy to deal with the people who want to arrest her these days. If their purpose is to go to Jingcheng, why bother?”

Yue thought for a moment, "What does Chong Wang mean, are they deliberately attracting attention?"

"Yes," Xuanyuan Zhongzhou said solemnly, "They must be trying to lure someone out."

The Supreme Emperor became worried when he heard the words: "I'm afraid the people they want to lure out are difficult to deal with, Zhou'er, why don't you send people to meet them."

He desperately wanted to see his grandson and grandson-in-law. These days, he was surprised to hear Chongzhou and Yuewei tell their stories at such an old age.

At this moment, Yue moved his nose, took a breath, and his face changed slightly, "They attack with poison!"

They have all heard of the ruthlessness of the magic army, and they have done the massacre of the city, not to mention using the wind direction to attack with poison!

The wind is blowing towards Jingcheng, as long as they use poisonous powder or poisonous smoke at the outlet, the people and the army all over the city will be poisoned, even if they have the good medicine given by Lou Qi before, they will not be able to save so many people !

At this time, some riders came galloping from outside the city, and when they were still some distance away from the city gate, the leading general looked up and shouted: "We are here under the order of the king of the Mo Kingdom, and Jingcheng Negotiations! If the Supreme Emperor of the Shen family is willing to go with us, we will retreat immediately! Otherwise, the whole city of Jingcheng will die under the poison!"

(End of this chapter)

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