Chapter 602
"If you develop the antidote, this emperor can bear it any longer."

Shen Sha's voice was extremely cold.It means that he can only bear it any longer, and he will never be able to bear it after a while!

Such a perverted palace, such a perverted royal family, they just want to destroy it!Completely ruined!
"I will as soon as possible."

But at this time, Dabai flapped his wings and brought Xuanyuan and Lou Huantian to the military camp outside the city.Yue and Yun immediately greeted them.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Xuanyuan, the Emperor and Empress invite the two of you to take over the army immediately and attack the city!"

Lou Huantian frowned fiercely: "Where are the two of them?"

"Emperor, Empress and Eagle. Entered the Helian Palace!"

"Nonsense, this stinky girl, why can't I wait!" Xuanyuan patted his thigh, touched his waist, gritted his teeth and said, "Just listen to them, send troops and attack the city!"

The snow has just stopped, and the night will be thick.

Nearly 70 troops marched towards Helian Imperial City.The darkness covered a large area, and soldiers approached the city.

"Boom him!" Xuanyuan stood on top of the handsome car, holding the command flag in his hand, and waved it down forcefully.

The entire row of Lou Qi's thousand-breaking ammunition was thrown out.

boom!Boom boom boom!
A loud noise broke the silence of the night.

The sparks from the explosion fell on the flag and dry grass, and quickly ignited.

"He Lianming! How dare you come out to fight!"

"He Lianming! How dare you come out to fight!"

Lou Huantian rode on the steed, and his voice was sent in from a distance with internal force.

In the palace, He Lianming slapped the maid who came to wait for him to change his clothes, pulled up the men and women who were sleeping beside him, and pushed them out.

"Come on! Hang these two people to the tower!"

He gave the order, a tear welling from the corner of his eye.After being with me for so many years, it turned out that he was still more or less reluctant. He thought he could sleep for a while, so damn it, he came to attack the city at this time!

"Your Majesty!" Thinking of something, he rushed to the hall in a hurry, completely not seeing the cold gleam in the guards who took those two people away, looking at each other.

A corner of the palace.

Lou Qi tore off the bodyguard uniform on her body, looked at the stiff two people, took out more than a dozen long needles, and quickly pierced the woman's various big holes, then made a tactic with one hand, and imprinted it on her chest. on the forehead.

While she was doing these things, Shen Sha looked at those faces that somewhat resembled Lou Qi, and with two fingers forming a sword, he slashed towards his face.

"Go to hell."

The man was powerless to resist at all, and was struck in the face by the black evil spirit of his sword, and that handsome face was instantly destroyed.


Shen Sha slapped his palm down from the top of his head again, nailing his feet into the ground, and his whole body was deformed.

When Shen Sha was in a bad mood, no one could die too well.

Lou Qi didn't look at him, she didn't want to see that face at all, because it was fake.She also doesn't know how to do it by herself, Shen Sha knew this, so she immediately took action to solve one.


There was another explosion from the tower outside.

"They can attack in an hour." Lou Qi kept his hands on and listened to all directions.

"You do yours."

Lou Qi put a bottle of medicine into the woman's mouth.

"Cough cough cough."

As soon as the medicine was put in, the woman coughed, and then her eyeballs finally rolled like a normal person, and then landed on Lou Qi's face.


As if frightened, she screamed and wanted to back away.But Lou Qi grabbed her collar immediately.The other hand made a tactic in front of her, with a charming voice.

"Don't resist me, you listen to me." She asked softly, "I ask, you answer."

The woman's eyes blurred again, and she nodded.

"What's your name?"

"Gu Qiulan"

"Did you poison Emperor Shen's son?"

Gu Qiulan hesitated for a moment, her eyes slowly became fierce: "Yes! Brother Ming wants him to live a miserable life, I originally wanted him to die, but Emperor Shen blocked another medicine for him in the end"

After hearing her answer, Shen Sha's breath also cooled down.Isn't that the person?This is the person who made him suffer for so many years!
Finally found this guy, finally found it!

"One more question." He gritted his teeth and asked, "Where are Emperor Xuanyuan and Emperor Shen?" Getting their whereabouts out of this woman's mouth was the last question they sneaked in.

"They. Saint Fairy Mountain."

Lou Qi and Shen Sha were stunned for a moment.

Holy Mountain?
They are all in Shengxian Mountain?
But they were all in Shengxian Mountain before, so there is still a place for people?But if it was about someone, why didn't Master Shengxianshan even mention it?
"That Mrs. You" Lou Qi was startled.

"We have to hurry to Shengxian Mountain!"

Lou Qi snapped his fingers in front of this woman, and she must wake up immediately.He looked at Lou Qi, then at Shen Sha, and then touched his own face.
"You are..." She suddenly became shocked, pointed at them, and wanted to back away, but found that she couldn't move. "Shen's little prince? You are, so like Xuanyuan Zhan."

"That's right, I'm Lou Qi, the daughter of Xuanyuan Zhan." Lou Qi looked at her, thinking of Shen Sha's suffering for so many years, the pain of every attack of poisonous gu, and the moment when he seemed to be walking in the best moment of his life She really hates this woman for the feeling that there is no tomorrow today.

"I have something for you here."

"You, what do you want to do?" Gu Qiulan was horrified.She actually had a vague memory of all these years, but it was like a long dream, in a trance, and some fragments were vague.

Shen Sha also looked at Lou Qi, in his thinking, this woman should be slapped to death, but Lou Qi seemed to have her own thoughts.

Lou Qi took out a small bottle from her waist, she opened the lid carefully, then squeezed Gu Qiulan's mouth, and forced the bottle into it.

"Ahem, what did you give me to drink?"

"Very good stuff, big tonic, don't worry, I'll feed He Lianming a little too, then you can just find him. Yin girl? I'll let you 'Yin female match Yin male', you have fun enough, how?"

When Lou Qi thought of the pain they had brought to Shen Sha, her heart couldn't soften, she pulled out a few needles, some of them patted into her body, and then threw her acupuncture point into a corner.

She said to Shen Sha: "Go, find He Lianming."

Shen Sha was dragged away by her, and glanced back: "What kind of medicine is that?"

"Good thing, let her taste the good thing a few times before she dies in pain." Lou Qi gritted her teeth: "Don't worry, she won't survive."

At this time, they heard another bang, and the artillery fire outside was gradually approaching.

"Could it be that my elder brother and old Taoist have already breached the city gate?" Lou Qi paused and looked back.The moment she turned her head, arrows shot towards them densely from all around.


There was a sound of piercing the air followed by another sound, and one could tell how strong the arm of the person who drew the bow and shoot the arrow was, and how powerful the arrow was!There is a strange, spicy smell in the air.


Shen Sha took Lou Qi into his arms with one hand, and led her figure to spin round and round, so that she was already raised from the spot.He glanced around in the air, but couldn't see where the archers were.

And those densely packed sharp arrows didn't shoot towards their bodies, but intertwined, one by one, rubbing off tiny sparks.

Gradually, the spicy taste became stronger.

Lou Qi always felt that something was wrong, but as soon as they fell, they would be forced by the arrows flying all over the sky and had to use the power of the arrows to escape again, which made her unable to think clearly for a while.

Murderous intentions are hidden, but for the first time they don't know where the enemy is hiding!There are all around, but there is no one in sight!

"Sha, find a way to retreat!"

Lou Qi suddenly thought of a possibility.

The other party is going to use Gu Qiulan and the two as bait tonight, but have they been thinking wrong all along? They are not going to send these two people to the tower as bait, but it may be that the crazy woman has already known her by some means. it's here!Just now, those two people have been used as bait!
And they really didn't notice!
She and Shen Sha kidnapped people, because the defense in this direction is relatively weak, so they came this way, this place is relatively remote, so they are dealt with here.

But these, the other party can arrange!In other words, they simply walked into each other's trap step by step!This place is very likely to be the place where the crazy woman has already arranged to deal with her!
Thinking about this point clearly, Lou Qi almost swears.

In the main hall before, she thought she had deceived that crazy woman, but in fact, the crazy woman had deceived her by acting!At that time, the other party must be sure that she is Lou Qi!

"Don't panic!"

Feeling a little restlessness in her heart, Shen Sha hugged her waist tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Calm down, we have no fear."

No fear, no fear.

The sharp arrows were still intertwined and shot out continuously, and the friction between the arrows made a slight sound.Lou Qi felt that there was something wrong with the voice when he heard it.

And at this time, in the sleeping hall below the Soul Stripping Formation, the red candles were shaking lightly, dripping into tears.

"Yunfeng" took off his clothes lightly, leaned on Dahong's bed, looked at the eagle who was a little far away with his eyes, and hooked it with a finger.

"Ying, come here quickly, you have served me comfortably tonight, after I use Lou Qi's body, I will be the first to pamper you. Come here, Ying, come here. I can tell that you like Lou Qi, Isn't it?"

Eagle had a nauseous expression on his face at first, but for some reason, his head became more and more dizzy, his eyes became more and more blurred, and the shadow of the candle was red, and he looked on the bed again, only to see that there were clothes lying there. The half-understood Lou Qi.

The beautiful Lou Qi, the charming Lou Qi, the enchanting Lou Qi, the tender Lou Qi.There seemed to be a circle of light around her, catching the longing in his heart that had already been severely suppressed.

"Come on, come on, Eagle, my beloved man, strong man, handsome man, how much I like you, come quickly."

The voice was like a magic voice, making him walk towards her involuntarily. "Qiqi." He murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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