Chapter 604
Lou Huantian was also concerned about it for a while, but he should have thought of it, if he could meet, Lou Qi and Shen Sha would have already come out, why bother to be trapped?

The sword in his hand had already touched the arrow tower, and what made his eyes widen instantly was that the arrow tower didn't move at all when he was chopped down with such a strong internal force, and the blue flame seemed to come alive, licking him. On the sword, even his sword was on fire.

But it was obviously a flame, but he felt a chill that pierced his bones instantly.


Lou Huantian couldn't help but look up at Shen Sha inside, what kind of flame is this?And a bone-chilling flame?How did it get so cold?

However, what he wanted to know more was, how did Shen Sha sweat in such a cold flame?

"Brother, try your best to let go." Lou Qi's voice became hoarse.

Lou Huantian didn't quite understand why he had to try his best to let go, but when he wanted to let go of the ice-like sword in his hand, he found that he couldn't move his hand at all, and his fingers seemed to be frozen. This feeling continues to spread upwards.

"I rely on."

Lou Huantian couldn't help cursing, and was about to use his internal energy on his hands. Shen Sha was sweating profusely, and glanced at him lightly: "If I were you, I would put all my internal energy away."

"Brother-in-law, do you know that the way you speak and the tone of your voice are very flat?" Damn it, can't you just tell him not to use your internal strength?

"Qiqi likes this emperor." Shen Sha said again coolly.

Lou Huantian exploded: "You come out! I'm applying for a replacement! I went in and hugged my Xiao Qi and got trapped! I'm willing to be trapped to death."

"It's not your turn."

"You have the ability to come out."

"You have the ability to come in."

Being hugged in Shen Sha's arms, the dizzy Lou Qi only felt helpless.Why are there more and more teasers around her?Still childish and funny.

She said weakly: "Can we all be more mature?"

The two men replied to her in unison: "I have always been very mature."

"It's been steady."

Lou Qi bumped his head against Shen Sha's arms.

"Where is the smelly old man?"

"He said to get that pervert out."

Lou Qi regained his energy all of a sudden, "Did he bring any good things?"

"I brought a carriage, I don't know what it is."

At this time, Lou Huantian realized why their voices were hoarse and they kept talking to him, because when he was not talking, he felt that his spirit was about to pass away. Only when he was talking, could he feel that he was still there. Not frozen.

This kind of coldness is not like the kind of coldness that snows and freezes, it is like a kind of coldness that can penetrate into the bones, a trace, piercing, like a living coldness, constantly moving towards it Drill in.Drilling down to the bone without stopping, it has been drilling all the time, making people feel that even the soul is about to be frozen.

"What the hell is this flame!"

Lou Qi spoke with great difficulty: "This is not fire, it's a kind of gray frost. The frost scraped out after soaking the bones of dead people in water for three years is burned with ghost grass. The burning point is very strange."

Although he didn't know what the hell it was, he knew about the ghost grass. Lou Qi had told him about the ghost grass before, but Xuanyuan has been making this thing these days, saying that it was given to him by Xiaoqi , he once wanted to touch him, but was chased and beaten by Xuanyuan.

Ghost grass, extremely dark ghost grass, is what they have to be careful about.Now add the ashes of the dead, what kind of dead?The bones of the dead will still be soaked in potion for three years. Does this mean that the other party has already made such a plan three years ago?
Their little Qi is still not that perverted, so it's normal that he can't resist this ghost.

He certainly wouldn't think it was as simple as an ordinary dead person.None of these perverted things are normal, he really wants to swear, what should I do?But he wants to keep his pure princely demeanor
Lou Qi suddenly seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "Brother, Sha, listen to me, force yourself to fall asleep"

Shen Sha and Lou Huantian were stunned at the same time, at this time, forcing themselves to fall asleep?Why?
Can you fall asleep in such a cold place?Besides, if you fall asleep, you won't really faint. What will happen to others? Isn't that just letting others slaughter you?

But both of them trusted Lou Qi very much. Although they thought it was very strange, since she said it, they listened.

Both of them closed their eyes at the same time, forcing themselves to fall asleep.

Those around the outside were all stunned.


"How is it possible to sleep at this time? Will there be a problem? Your Majesty said that this Lou Qi is full of tricks, no matter what she does, she can't be taken lightly. Now we should report to His Majesty, right?

In a certain place, if Lou Qi finds out about the few people gathered together, they will find that they are those people from the Duanchen Sect. Although some of them have never met before, they should be regarded as having fought against each other indirectly.

It's like the master who secretly guided Matsuyama's Tiger Army when Matsuyama sneaked into the territory.

Each of them held strange things in their hands, some were a special copper mirror with spells drawn on it, some were a dagger covered with precious stones, and some were quenched green light.

These people are also the core members of Dust Dust Sect left after a battle with the Eagle Belt people.It can also be said that those who died were the ones they planned to sacrifice.

These people are all fanatical at the moment, looking at the people in Lou Qi's Arrow Tower is like a goblin looking at Tang Seng.

"This critical juncture will never allow failure. After His Majesty has Lou Qi, we will not die, and our great cause will be accomplished. This matter must not fail! Go, find Your Majesty."

"Lou Huantian said that Xuanyuan has already gone to look for His Majesty, so we will send two more people to help."


As soon as the three of them left, what they didn't know was that the aura of this place seemed to be empty.But Lou Qi and Shen Sha felt it immediately.

They couldn't move, firstly because of the flames, and secondly because of the formation suppression.

These people are stepping on the exact spot, and I don't know if the crazy woman didn't tell them not to let them leave, otherwise how would they dare to leave at this time?
Lou Qi was also helpless, they couldn't move anymore, there was no other way except to gamble to see if they could be fooled and loosen the formation a bit.

Shen Sha and Lou Huantian are Yang, they can persist for a while even if they really fall asleep, but she can't, she already feels that her soul is about to be pulled out, so she wants to use the nightmare control here, go in In the dreams of Shen Sha and Lou Huantian, try to stimulate their potential, burst out, and break the formation.

Her fingers squeezed a tactic with difficulty, which already made her a little difficult to breathe.


Pale lips uttered a word with difficulty.


On the main hall, Xuanyuan was holding a big altar with one hand, he bit open the wooden cloth stopper of a big altar, stomped hard with his foot, and large pieces of glazed tiles collapsed one after another.

Some of the fallen tiles fell on Ying's body. He moved his fingers, spat out a mouthful of blood, and laughed.

"Pervert, yes, someone is here to take you in."

A foot stepped on his right shoulder fiercely, and there was a cracking sound, the sound of bones breaking.Ying's face turned pale, but he grabbed his ankles from left to right, and shouted loudly with all his strength: "Come on! I've got him!"

He doesn't know who's up there, but, whoever it is, come on.
He couldn't bear it any longer.
Before that, he hit "Yunfeng" so hard that he spit out a mouthful of blood.Knowing that the body that this crazy woman needs to borrow is also extremely strong, he has no choice but to hurt Yunfeng.

Only when he is injured, can he not fix his soul.

The chances of her being forced out would be greater.

"Hold on!"

There was a roar from above.

"Xuanyuan Que!"

"Yunfeng" recognized his voice immediately, and he gritted his teeth immediately, "Xuanyuan Que! Why are you trying to get along with me!"

He struggled hard, but the eagle hugged his feet as hard as he could, wrapping his whole body around them.

"Let go! Let go!" Xuanyuan's arrival made "Yunfeng" a little flustered, he was entangled tightly by the eagle, he couldn't move away and couldn't avoid it, his eyes filled with endless killing intent.

"I won't let you die." Ying clenched his teeth and let him kick himself non-stop.

"I wanted to save your life, but it seems that you are simply tired of working!" "Yun Feng" showed a killer in his eyes, raised his hand, and his five claws suddenly became slightly transparent and dark green, He clawed hard at the top of the eagle's head.

Just when the eagle general lost his life, a waterfall of water poured down from the sky above the hall.

"Crazy woman! Come out and fight if you have the ability! Nine years ago, I didn't know that I didn't have time to do this, which caused Qi Qi to suffer. This time, I want your life!"

With a "crash", both "Yunfeng" and Ying were drenched all over.


"Yunfeng" let out a shrill scream, and kicked the eagle away fiercely, with such force that he hit two walls and fell out of the hall with a bang.

He spit out a few mouthfuls of blood in a row, and slowly closed his eyes.

"You are not my opponent! You! Lou Qi! Why do you always stop me from reaching the top! This world is mine! It's mine!"

"Yunfeng" roared frantically, leaped towards the roof of the hall, broke the roof of the hall, and sent tiles flying.

"Just in time!"

But Xuanyuan shook the empty jar, opened another jar, and poured the potion inside towards him again.

"Damn you!"

At this time, "Yunfeng" had disheveled hair, and his clothes were half torn and half wet, looking extremely embarrassed.He was splashed by the potion, the makeup on his face was completely blurred, and his expression was distorted and hideous, half human and half ghost.

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, your subordinates are here to help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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