Chapter 615

The spring of the second year of Dasheng.

Although the New Year and Lantern Festival have passed, the city is full of lights and festoons, and it is full of joy.

Almost everyone put on new clothes, the men solemnly wore their hair crowns, and the women put on their favorite bushas and dressed up.

As soon as the sky was dim, everyone began to prepare.A child was awakened by his mother, with half-opened eyes still stained with sleep, asking innocently.

"Mom, what day is it today?"

The young mother happily replied: "This afternoon, our grand emperor and empress will be back!"

"Afternoon? It's still early."

"You have to dress up, and you have to cook sweet wine for the soldiers of the army, but you have to let them eat sweet enough so that they can stay in great prosperity for a long time. Don't go to Longyin Continent."

Children seem to understand but not understand.

In the sky that had not yet turned white, a huge shadow suddenly flew across the sky, and soon flew to Jiuxiao Mountain and landed on the back mountain of Jiuxiao Temple.

Two figures floated down.

Linglong's figure turned around and patted the giant eagle, and said in a low voice: "Dabai has worked hard, go to the back mountain and find a nest to rest."


A little purple and silver fox appeared on the giant seat, and it gave a low cry, as if telling her that it would take good care of Dabai.

Lou Qi glanced at Linglong's figure amusedly, "Take care of yourself, there are not so many good herbs here for you to steal."

Wuwu ate so many good things at Xuanyuan Shen's, now that purple and silver hair can almost shine, and it is shiny and shiny.

"Don't come to disturb this emperor, otherwise." Shen Sha also glanced at it, but this glance was full of threats.

"Woooo!" It was scary.

The man who has been holding back for more than half a year is so murderous, it's better to stay away!
Wuwu distanced himself from Dabai all of a sudden.

Shen Sha hugged Lou Qi's waist, leaped a few times, and he had already returned to the triple palace where he had been away for more than a year.

Everything in the Triple Hall remains the same, but the vegetation is more lush than before.

A brand-new palace lantern is hung every two meters in the corridor, because it has been carefully arranged and cleaned to welcome the return of the emperor and empress.

Opening the door and entering the bedroom, there is a faintly fragrant silver charcoal stove burning inside, which is warm.

The big bed was newly covered with quilts, and there was a sandalwood tray on the table next to it, on which were neatly stacked two sets of red coats, among which the women's set had a bright red apron on it.

Lou Qi hooked the belt with his fingers to pick it up, and unexpectedly saw a pair of cross-necked mandarin ducks embroidered with gold thread on the bellyband.

Lou Qi immediately felt it was funny, and squinted at Shen Sha, "Is this the purpose you asked Yue Wei to bring Er Ling back first?"

A certain emperor had already started to undress, stripped herself naked, took a cloak and tied it, and then came to undress her.

"No, what are you going to do?" Lou Qi burst out laughing, wearing only a cloak with all the light inside?

"Overturning the clouds and rain, the joy of fish and water, the bridal chamber, you can say it any way you like." Shen Sha's eyes turned green, and he tore off her clothes a few times, wrapped her naked in his cloak, and Holding her in his arms, he picked up the sandalwood tray with one hand and left the bedroom.

Lou Qi just felt uncomfortable everywhere in his body, "What if someone sees it? Why do you want to come out?"

"Empress, you must have forgotten that no one dares to enter the triple hall. Let's go to the Qingfengdian hot spring." As for why he made this trip, it was because he didn't want the maid who prepared the clothes to guess that they would go to the hot spring.

Best to be left alone.

God knows that in the past half a year, apart from the inconvenient battlefield when they fought south and north at the beginning, too many people robbed him of women in the following time!

Xuanyuan Que, Lou Huantian, Yun You, and even his father, queen and mother, the Supreme Emperor!The most outrageous thing is his father-in-law Xuanyuan Zhan!

Who ever heard of a father who slipped to his daughter's bed in the middle of the night and said he wanted to see if she kicked the quilt and help her cover the quilt?

Who has heard that her daughter is 21, and she always asks her whether she wants to ride a horse on her back?

Who has ever heard of the person who said that he would take his daughter out to the street to buy snacks all the time?
These, Xuanyuan Zhan, the new Supreme Emperor of the Xuanyuan Dynasty, will do it!arrive!up!

He still has plausible arguments. He couldn't be with his daughter for the past ten years, so he has to give him a chance to make up for it!
Shen Sha regretted more than once that he helped his father-in-law "force" Lou Huantian to succeed him as emperor.He should be allowed to continue to be the emperor, so he doesn't have so much time to pester his Qiqi.

This made him hold back for more than half a year, and he had no chance to make out with Lou Qi, so much so that his father and queen mother were about to give birth to a royal brother for him, but Lou Qi's waist was still getting softer and slender, which made him have to shower with cold water every day. bath!
So, regardless of everyone's objections, he resolutely took Lou Qi to leave Longyin Continent, back to Sifang Continent, back to Dasheng, at least it's quiet here!

He was supposed to arrive in the afternoon, and the common people would line the road to welcome him, but before dawn, he took Lou Qi and took Dabai back to Jiuxiao Hall.

"This emperor should compensate you for a wedding night in the bridal chamber."

Beside the hot spring, he took off his cloak and walked into the smoky hot spring with his arms around her.Seeing the hot water and white smoke overflowing her wonderful body, he was instantly ignited.

This year's battle did not make her dark or thin, but because both her parents were found, Xuanyuan was rescued by Xiao Siying and others later, Lou Qi was in a good mood, smiling almost every day.Moreover, there are too many people who pay attention to her meals and rest every day, and it is really difficult to eat well and sleep well, so Lou Qi has gained some flesh now compared to a year ago.

In the past, Shen Sha felt that she was a little thin, but now it is just right, one point is too much, and one point is too small, and the waist is even more fascinating. The body nourished by all kinds of strange fruits and medicines, the skin is so smooth that it can be easily touched When it goes up, it will slide down. It is white, pink, and soft.

This kind of stunning beauty is still on the top of my heart, but I can't eat it when I see it. Di Junda's temper has become even more irritable this year.
"This...doesn't need to be made up?"

His gaze was so hot that it seemed to fill the entire volcanic rock, making her whole body feel hot, and every part of her body touched by his gaze also burned.

"Need." Shen Sha's voice was a little hoarse, "Hurry up and wash."

The first time between him and her was in a place where puppets died all over the place, on the carriage, there were so many people, no matter how you looked at it, it was wronged her, this was actually a knot in his heart.

He leaned close to her, picked up the warm water and poured it on her shoulders.Lou Qi felt the tension in his body, smiled coquettishly, lightly picked up the thick eyelashes like a feather fan, and glanced at him: "My Emperor, are you sure you can really wait until I finish washing?" His arms hooked around his neck.

Shen Sha's eyes glowed red, longing for the red light that was about to explode.

"It's also good in the water!" He said in a hoarse voice, and immediately rubbed her into his arms, held her waist with his big hands, and lifted her up, "wrap around my waist!"

Before Lou Qi stabilized, he couldn't bear it any longer, he straightened his waist, and got to the bottom by the water.

Lou Qi took a deep breath, her cheeks were blushing, she was so glamorous, she hugged him tightly, panting slightly.

"God..." Shen Sha supported her, and couldn't help biting her earlobe, "Fairy."

It feels so good that he wants to be with her till the end of the day
The temperature in the hot spring seemed to have risen a lot, and the moonlight quietly receded in shock.

The sky slowly turned white.

In the triple hall, from the hot spring, to the sleeping hall, from the table to the dragon bed, they seemed tireless.What made Shen Sha pleasantly surprised and ecstatic was Ye Louqi's cooperation and initiative this night. She was like a banshee, passionate, beautiful, and charming, blooming for him to her heart's content.

Helian Palace.

No, it should be the Silver Moon Palace now.Half a year ago, the Helian Dynasty was officially merged into the Shen family, and there was no royal palace anymore. The original palace was burned down and rebuilt, and it is still unfinished.

Helian has no emperor, only one Silver Moon King.

Yinyue Palace is deserted and quiet.The rain is still leaking, and it seems that the sky will never be bright.Raindrops dripped from the eaves from time to time, hitting the plantain leaves under the eaves, and the small sound was heard in Helianjue's ears, but it seemed so noisy.

Maybe it wasn't the sound of rain, but his heart that made the noise.

Been standing here all night.

With a long sigh, he asked, "At their speed, shouldn't it be time to reach Dasheng?"

Tsing Yi stood in the shadow of the pillar behind him, after many life and death, Tsing Yi finally survived.

Hearing this, he lowered his eyes and said softly, "It's time to arrive."


Tsing Yi paused, and finally couldn't help but said: "Master, can you agree to the matter of choosing a concubine?"The one who went to Dasheng is still far away between Longyin and Sifang. Even if she comes to Longyin again, she will not come here.

"Let's talk about it next year."

next year
Tsing Yi sighed silently.

"Is the branch of Shengyun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. opening tomorrow?"


"Zhao Yunfeng is here?"

"I heard that it's already here. Mr. Zhao has sent you a post. Will you go tomorrow?"

Helianjue let out a low snort. "I won't go. I don't want to see his ugly face." It seemed that everything was perfect. I used to think that Zhao Yunfeng was a bit evil, but now it's fine, he's really a gentleman.The most important thing is that the last time we met in Shen's Imperial City, when Lou Qi was still in Xuanyuan, Zhao Yunfeng talked to him and said: "Lou Qi sent me a letter yesterday, saying that he won the battle, A mountain range has discovered a medicinal herb, which is of great benefit to the aging of the elderly, I will go to see the medicinal herb in person in the next few days, and I will reply to Lou Qi in the evening, do you want to say hello for the prince?"

Show off.Show off what?
At that time, he walked away, just spreading out the letterhead in the study at night, but found that he actually had nothing to write in the letter.

Written, not meant to say.

What I want to say is completely meaningless.

At this time, Zhao Yunfeng was sitting in the newly furnished Yinyue branch of Shengyun Medicine Bank, surrounded by rows of medicine cabinets, and in front of him was a pile of half-processed herbs.

"Boss, in fact, this medicine can be prepared by apprentices. Why do you have to do it yourself?" The shopkeeper who was transferred from the side said respectfully and proudly: "In eight months, Shengyun Medicine has opened sixteen branches. The club has too many things to deal with, so rest as much as you can."

Yun Feng shook his head: "It's okay, she taught me how to make the best herbal medicine, I will always try it myself."

He picked up a herb and remembered what Lou Qi said in the letter.

Shengyun Medicine Store takes good care of it as a medicine store for the health of the people all over the world.She would write to him as soon as a good medicine was found.

"I will." Under the light, he looked at the herbs and smiled slightly.

Even if it was just for a reason to keep in touch with her, he would be happy with it.

The extra episode is over.

(End of this chapter)

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