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Chapter 619 Extra Story 5 Grandpa's Origin

Chapter 619

Triple Hall, Emperor's Study Room.

This study is rather a place for Shen Sha and Lou Qi to enjoy their quiet time together in their free time, after all no ministers can come to this study, and there is no discussion of state affairs or war affairs here.

So when Xuanyuan Huantian took out a picture book with exquisite drawings from the bookshelf, Shen Sha and Lou Qi had calm expressions, without any shame.

"What's the matter, can't I read picture books?" When Lou Qi met his narrow eyes, he lifted his chin and said arrogantly: "Sha also read picture books."

After being arrogant, she looked at Shen Sha's eyes full of contempt.

Shen Sha's face darkened immediately, and he gritted his teeth, wanting to press the girl on her lap and beat her up.

Then Xuanyuan Huantian was like discovering a new continent, discovering Shen Sha seemed to be...
"Brother-in-law, are you blushing?"

"I don't have any."

"Yes, you're just blushing!" Xuanyuan Huantian raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "What's so blushing about reading picture books?"

At this time, Xuanyuan said leisurely: "What's so strange about this? If what you saw was that kind of passionate picture book, shouldn't he blush?"

"That kind of passion? What is it?" Xuanyuan Huantian was puzzled, and the back of his head was hit by a lumbar pillow.

"Fuck, who dares to hit me?"

"Your old man." Xuanyuan Zhan glanced at him contemptuously, "Don't say it, it's really embarrassing to your old man, you're in your twenties, haven't you seen the 'Spring' Palace Picture?"

Sure enough, he was taken by his mother all the time, so he didn't teach this knowledge well.Their Xuanyuan royal family didn't have the habit of sending the princes to teach maids, could it be that his son is still a
The hairs all over his body stood up by Xuanyuan Zhan's weird gaze, Xuanyuan Huantianxia consciously flashed behind Lou Qi.

"Xiaoqi, Father's eyes are too disgusting, do you feel that?"

"Bastard, who are you calling disgusting?"

"Whoever answers the conversation can talk about whoever is."

Seeing that a battle was about to start again, Lou Qi rolled his eyes helplessly, and slapped the table, "Who will make any more noise!"

The men shrank their necks and fell silent.

Xuanyuan patted Shen Sha's shoulder sympathetically: "Boy Shen, you haven't had a husband's guide after so long, look, let your wife pat the table in front of you."

Shen Sha glanced at him, shook his shoulders, and shook his hand away.Are you kidding me, if he did something to Lou Qizhen, probably this one would be the first one to find him desperately, and he is still talking about Zhenfugang.

Besides, he just likes his woman's nature.

"Let's get down to business." Lou Qi stroked his forehead, feeling very helpless towards these men, can we all stop being so childish?Didn't you come here to discuss business?

At this time, Yue knocked on the door outside.

"Emperor, Empress."


Yue came in holding a porcelain vase as white as the moonlight, and put the porcelain vase on the desk.

"This time it is Lu Dali who sent the dragon to divert the water." He said, "Lu Dali is outside the triple hall, saying that he has something important to report to the empress."

When they arrived at the Longyin Clan, Lu Dali voluntarily stayed there to guard the Longyin Shenshui. After all, it was dedicated to Lou Qi, and they didn't want the water to cause any problems.


After Lu Dali came in, Lou Qi found that the stupid big man from back then had lost a lot of weight, and his brows had also become more refined, his naivety had faded a bit, and his whole person was different.

Is this still the stupid Lu Dali who carried Xiaobao on his back all the way and chased Xiaosi pretending to be a genius doctor and asked her to treat Xiaobao?

"Girl, no, the empress!" Lu Dali was still the same Lu Dali as soon as he spoke, he didn't seem to see anyone else in his eyes, only Lou Qi.

"Empress, there is something strange going on with the Longyin Clan!"

Lou Qi froze for a moment, "What's so strange?"

"The mountain behind the forbidden area was suddenly covered by black mist! The patriarch asked me to find you quickly to find a solution. They are afraid that the clan land will also be swallowed up by the strange black mist!" Lu Dali said anxiously.

"Black mist?" Lou Qi and Shen Sha looked at each other, and at the same time, they remembered that when they went to the Longyin Clan, they saw a forest in the distance when they were approaching, and there seemed to be black mist rising there.

But at that time, there was only one black mist, and they didn't care too much.Could it be that the black mist will grow and increase, will it spread out?
"What does it mean to be swallowed by the black mist?" Xuanyuan Zhan straightened his face and asked.

Lu Dali said anxiously: "It means to swallow it up. Now the black mist has run to the peach forest outside the forbidden area, and it is running very fast!"

Lou Qi understood what he said, and immediately asked: "What will happen after being swallowed? Have any of you been swallowed?"

"Someone was swallowed, that is, an uncle in the clan. He went hunting and ran into the mountains, but was swallowed and never came out again, but someone heard his screams, it was very scary At this point, Lu Dali showed a fearful expression as if he had heard that voice.

Therefore, the black mist is definitely not just ordinary fog, and it is not even ordinary miasma. Ordinary miasma will not spread inexplicably.

Lu Dali said again: "Longyin Shenshui has also been swallowed, this is the last bottle of Shenshui, we have no way to get any more water."

Shen Sha frowned.

Speaking of which, even if this water is not as miraculous as the people of the Longyin tribe said, he still plans to have someone send it to Lou Qi on a regular basis for the rest of his life, because Lou Qi likes to drink this spring water, and this water is indeed very sweet. The cooked food is delicious.

Moreover, he still has strong expectations for the efficacy of this water. He still wants five children, preferably a daughter from his husband, who looks a lot like Qi Qi's daughter.

Of course, the son also needs it. The son is used to inherit the throne. After throwing the country to the son, he can take Qiqi to play in the mountains and rivers. No one can disturb them.

Lou Qi's current waist is still extremely slender, and there is no sign of having a baby at all.Although Shen Sha was also anxious, on the one hand, he felt that they could still live in a world of two, and that they could have fun without restraint, which was also very good.

"After the forbidden area of ​​the Longyin Clan, that's where the small clan I mentioned earlier is." Xuanyuan Zhan didn't care what messed things Shen Sha was thinking, after hearing Lu Dali's words, he kept frowning, With a serious look on his face.He looked at Lou Qi, paused and said, "Your grandfather told me that he came here for that place."

Lou Qi was stunned, "You mean, grandpa is from that place?"

Xuanyuan Zhan shook his head: "No, your grandfather said that he came from a far away place, but he came from the group in the forest behind the forbidden area of ​​the Chonglongyin clan. He said that he had a heavy responsibility to find the leader. A traitor who defected with one of their treasures, but the first time he came here he didn’t find anyone, but met your grandma, and the second time he tracked down someone, but chose to give up that mission in order to save you.”

"Mission? Grandpa came with a mission? Didn't he say where he came from?" Far away, where is that?Lou Qi always felt that her grandfather's origin was a bit strange, and they had already traveled a lot in this world, Sifang Continent, Longyin Continent, it seemed that they had never been to a place that could produce someone like her grandfather.

Lou Qi had a vague guess in his heart, but he never seriously thought about it.

"No, my father-in-law didn't say it, but." Xuanyuan Zhan said solemnly: "He said that the things carried by those traitors are very dangerous. They are their treasures, but they are also the most dangerous weapons. Because I have never heard of that thing. He felt that those people might not be able to use it, and he was relieved for a while, but it also gave me the opportunity to go there to look again, and it is best to make sure that they have given up using that thing."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Xuanyuan Huantian rubbed the center of his brows, "The thing that grandpa said, could it be the black mist that the big guy is talking about now?"

"Brother, I thought so too."

Lou Qi looked at Lu Dali, "Did the patriarch say anything else?"

"The patriarch separated from me and left. They went to find Lord Beicang and asked him to send someone to help. That is the closest place."

What they didn't expect was that there was an urgent letter from the postman the next morning.

Yesterday was a sunny day, the weather was very good, but in the past night, there was a sudden thunderstorm, and when Lou Qi woke up in the morning, he felt a little stuffy.

Then came the urgent letter.

Lord Beicang indeed sent troops to Longyin Clan, but after entering the black mist, the hundred-man team was completely wiped out, and the speed of the black mist spread even faster, and the Longyin Clan was forced to withdraw from the clan land.

The postman in Beicang felt that something was wrong, so he immediately sent a letter back.

"If you let it go and ignore it, the subordinates will worry that the black mist will eventually spread to the city where the common people live, swallowing Bei Cang, and even continue to spread."

The Yi Cheng who wrote this urgent letter back was one of the three hundred Yi Cheng formed by Shen Sha in order to find Lou Qi and deliver her message, and he lived in Lou Qi for a while.The last line he wrote in this letter made both Shen Sha and Lou Qi's hearts jump.

Lou Qi understands the people he cultivated by himself, without observation and analysis, it is absolutely impossible for them to come to such a conclusion rashly.

"Sha?" Lou Qi looked at Shen Sha.

Shen Sha's face sank like water.

It seems that the peaceful and peaceful days have not passed for a long time, and there is a feeling that the storm is about to come again.

He used to be full of pride and wished he could conquer the world, but now he just wants to be with the woman he loves and make people every day.

"We should go and have a look." Seeing that he didn't say anything for a long time, Lou Qi reluctantly took a step closer, and lightly grabbed his belt with both hands, tugging and shaking him in a soothing and coquettish way.The man was fighting again, but she knew he would go eventually.

There are already too many people who need to cherish the great emperor.He just wanted her to coax her, and became more and more "coquettish".

Seeing that his face was still dark, Lou Qi was about to speak when suddenly he felt a churning in his stomach and a sudden nausea.She retched and covered her mouth hastily.

"Qiqi? What's the matter?" Shen Sha's expression changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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