Your heart is free

Chapter 621 Extra Story 7 Xu is the truth behind it

Chapter 621
As soon as these words came out, Shen Sha flew in immediately, and said in a deep voice: "You are pregnant, and you still want to go to the Longyin clan?"

"Aren't I going? It's about my grandfather. Do you think I'll go or not?"

"My emperor forbids it."

Lou Qi immediately stood up: "Shen Sha, are you being unreasonable?"

"It's you who are unreasonable. The genius doctor said that in the first three months of pregnancy, you are not even allowed to have sex with this emperor. You still want to travel long distances to take risks?"

Hearing this, Lou Qi's pretty face turned red again.

Her father, elder brother, and the stinky old man are all still here, and they have sex with each other, how shameless are they?

She really didn't know that this ancient man was more open than her.

The three men in Xuanyuan's family also couldn't laugh or cry, it seems that Shen Sha really couldn't let go of the matter of not being able to have sex in Sanyue, so he had to come here no matter what.

"Ahem, we are on Shen Sha's side in this matter, Xiaoqi, you are pregnant for the first time, so you really can't take risks." Xuanyuan deliberately put on a straight face.

But as early as when Lou Qi was ten years old, she stopped following his tricks, and when she saw him make a serious face, she would cut him off.

"I'm just having a child now. You let me out to make money when I was a child myself."

But Xuanyuan felt bad when he heard what she said now. Sure enough, the father and son of the Xuanyuan family, who loved their daughters like their own lives and spoiled their sisters like their own, seemed to be blown out of their hair, and stared at him with four eyes wide open. looked over.

This pair of punches is hard to beat with four hands, not to mention that he couldn't even beat his elder brother, plus the brat Xuanyuan Huantian
But Xuanyuan immediately put oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away.

"Third brother! Don't run away! Tell me clearly, didn't you say that you hurt Xiaoqi like a jewel in such a modern age? Didn't you say that she stretched out her clothes and opened her mouth?"

Shen Sha answered flatly, "How is it possible? Qi Qi was thrown out by him when she was very young to kill people to earn money to buy a house."

"Too much! Third Uncle!"

Seeing Xuanyuan's father and son chasing them out angrily, finally only the husband and wife were left in the hall, and when it was quiet, Shen Sha immediately closed the gate with a wave of his sleeves, threw the blood-drinking sword out, and accurately acted as a door latch.

He walked into Lou Qi step by step.

Lou Qi suddenly felt that the temperature in the sleeping hall had risen by several degrees, and couldn't help but step back step by step.

Seeing her like this, Shen Sha reprimanded in a low voice: "Stop, don't retreat any further!"

Lou Qi was inexplicably aggrieved: "You told me twice just now!"

Seeing her sudden flushed eyes, Shen Sha threw up his weapons and surrendered. "I am not trying to hurt you, but I am afraid that you will trip me up again. Look, there is a chair behind."

While she was looking back, he took two steps forward and pulled her into his arms. "Okay, stop making trouble. Your current body is really not suitable for going to the Longyin clan. Who knows if the black mist will affect the baby in your belly? Let Yue and Chen Shi go, anyway, they don't Getting married is not like Ying, Yun and Lou Xin who just got married and want to accompany their wives."

Yue and Chen Shiqi, who were guarding in the garden of the Triple Hall, sneezed together.

If they hadn't heard this, if they had heard it, the two of them would have been wronged to death.Is it a sin to be single?It's pitiful to be single, but to be sent far away?Then leave them here hugging the lady, Qingqing, me, you, me, you, me, me, ah?
Dijun, I beg you not to be partial!

It's just that the development of the situation gradually shocked them.

Three days later, there was another urgent report from Yicheng far away from Beicang. A small village in Beicang closest to the Longyin clan was silently shrouded in black mist in the dark night. There were more than a hundred mouths, none escaped, and it seemed that overnight, in sleep, they were quietly swallowed by the black mist.

It could be that they simply didn't have time to react.

After devouring the village, the spreading speed of the black mist seemed to accelerate again.

Now, the people in another small town closest to this village are panicking. Regardless of the court's appeasement, every household has packed up their belongings, and they are preparing to leave their homeland with their children and rush to Dasheng.

If this continues, the prosperous Dasheng Kingdom, which is far away from the Longyin family, will become the first choice for the people of Dongqing and Beicang to flee. Peace will eventually be broken.

And the southern and northern borders, which have always been covetous, will definitely fish in troubled waters, and then there will be wars everywhere, and no one can be alone.

"We have to go."

Lou Qi looked at Shen Sha who had a dark face after reading the emergency report.

Xuanyuan Zhan frowned and said, "I'll go with your third uncle. Your grandfather's wish back then must be fulfilled by our Xuanyuan family for him."

"Don't keep arguing about this issue, I'm going too." Lou Qi insisted, she still had too many questions about why that crazy woman came here back then, she always had a feeling that she might be able to investigate after this trip. To know the truth of the matter, and why Minglie had to die.

She still has the makeup mirror she got back in the cave in the forest in her hand.

The makeup mirror that Minglie left for her.

Lou Qi has never understood why Minglie left this makeup mirror for her.If these things are not investigated clearly, she will always have a knot in her heart.

But if you mention Minglie to Shen Sha, even though she and Minglie really have nothing, Shen Sha will still care about it. After all, Minglie was once the closest man around her. for a long time.

Furthermore, she always feels a little inexplicable. The peaceful days now make people feel like a dream come true, and it is impossible to tell when it will be shattered.

I don't know where this sense of insecurity comes from. Perhaps, this time behind the black mist of the Longyin Clan is the truth.

Shen Sha looked at her steadfastly, but didn't speak.

If it was someone else, they might have been afraid of his ruthlessness at this moment, but Lou Qi looked at him without any fear, without giving in at all.

Until the end, Shen Sha gritted his teeth.

"I really want to be able to spank your ass hard and tie you up."

Lou Qi smiled sweetly, "You don't want to."

He made it all by himself.Shen Sha sighed helplessly: "But you have to promise me that you will stay by my side all the time, and you are not allowed to leave half a step."

If she was going, he would naturally have to go too.

Lou Qi nodded sharply.

The news of her happiness has not been widely spread, otherwise all the officials would have to go to the Cambodian to dissuade her from going abroad.Dasheng Kingdom is no different than other countries, with one queen and a bunch of concubines, no need to worry about the prince's heirs. They only have such a queen in Dasheng. If something goes wrong with her, the prince's heirs will be in trouble in the future.

But in the triple hall and the double hall, those who should know still know.

Before they could be overjoyed, they heard the news that the Empress Dijun was about to go on a long trip, and everyone was concerned.

And in a certain dark place, a rough man's eyes were gloomy.

Going out, just in time, she has never been able to find a chance to do it here.The lucky place they are going to, is it there?Just right, just right, maybe, following them, she could find those people!

Someone called her not far away.

"Hey, you're from the Clothes Bureau of the First Layer Hall, right? Why did you run into the Second Layer Hall?"

She lowered her head and walked towards the court lady. When she saw the palace lady's costume in the double palace, but there was no one around, a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

"The old slave lost his way and came here, you take the old slave out."

"Really, how did you get lost in this place? Follow me quickly." As soon as the word "walk" was finished, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and fell straight backward in disbelief.

The old palace man caught her body and dragged it towards the corner of the garden.

After a long while, the pretty little palace lady who was obviously dead came out again. She stopped under a flower tree, picked a flower and stuck it on her temples, showing a slightly weird smile.She touched her face, and suddenly sighed faintly.

"I forgot when I had such smooth skin." Her eyes were empty, as if thinking of something, first she smiled sweetly, then her face was distorted with hatred, and then she was extremely sad, but no matter what she did. It always feels weirdly tense.

She took out a waist card, quickly left the place, and found the aunt in charge.

"Auntie, I heard that the Empress Dowager will bring a maid with her when she leaves the palace this time?"

The aunt in charge smiled slightly when she saw her: "It's Erwei, really, you are the best informed about these news, what's the matter, do you want to follow?"

"Auntie is so smart!"

"It's not so easy to follow. The emperor has an order. This time, the maids who are leading this time must have martial arts. They must be able to perform three moves under General Chen's command."

It is true that Shen Sha issued this decree just now, they didn't like to take maids with them when they went out before, but this time is unusual, Lou Qi is already pregnant, so every aspect has to be taken care of more meticulously, so the maids must be brought along , but because every time they go out, they don't go on a plain tour of the mountains and rivers, usually it will be ups and downs, dangerous and uneven, so at least they should try their best to save their lives and not hold back the maids.

Chen Shi personally came to select the palace ladies, as long as he could barely support three moves under his command, he would be selected.

"Then Erwei, go and try."

The next day, the emperor's team set off against the first ray of morning glow. Most of the people in the imperial city were still in the last fragment of their sweet dreams. Only the vegetable vendors who got up early and the shopkeepers who shopped early saw this team.

The newly-married Lou Xin, Yun, Ying and others stayed at the Nine Heavens Palace. Yue and Chen Shi led the team forward. Eighteen black armored cavalry and thirty bodyguards escorted ten carriages all the way out of the city, bringing a majestic wind.

Dasheng is now a prosperous and prosperous age. After leaving the imperial city, roads and smooth roads have been built in the wilderness of the year. He listened to Lou Qi's suggestion and built neat trees beside the official road. Now the branches and leaves are lush and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

There is another small town hundreds of miles away, they pass through the road and don't enter, rushing all the way at high speed.

After Bei Cang and Dong Qing formed an alliance, they supported each other to consolidate their national strength. Originally, it was possible to win Dasheng with their national power, but Shen Sha and Lou Qi were behind the entire Longyin Continent, so who would dare to move?Not only that, upon hearing the news of their arrival in Beicang, the royal family of Beicang was a little terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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