Chapter 624

The Emperor of War is so low-key!

Came to Sifang Continent, came to Beicang, and did not show up in front of others!
Dong Shiyu hastily pulled Bei Shaoyao to salute that side: "Dong Shiyu and the empress have met Xuanyuan Zhanhuang."

Xuanyuan Zhan waved his hand: "Excuse me."

After saying this sentence, he ignored the two of them and turned to talk to Lou Qi. The voice and tone were completely different.

Just now, the three words of exempting from courtesy were spoken solemnly and indifferently, but as soon as he turned to Lou Qi, his voice was gentle and warm.

"Your grandfather didn't say that! He just said that the relationship is very important. If those people succeed, I'm afraid it will be out of control."

Lou Qi was a little speechless, it seems that her grandfather also cherishes words like gold and doesn't like to talk very much. If the black mist was really created by the people he was looking for, how can it be summed up by the four words "out of control" describe?
It's the end of the world, isn't it?
But she couldn't figure it out, how can human beings have such a great ability to make such a large-scale thing?
This is simply more powerful than biochemical weapons. Is it Yama who wants to destroy the world? Which evil god wants to clean the earth or something?
If her grandfather finds those people, is there a way to deal with and stop them?

"We have to go and see for ourselves." Shen Sha said in a deep voice.

After hearing Du Wenhui's description, everyone present could not help but feel fear in their hearts, but they could not escape.

Xuanyuan Zhan nodded, and gave Shen Sha an appreciative glance. He is really satisfied with this son-in-law, very satisfied. If one is greedy for life and afraid of death at a time like this, how can he be considered an indomitable man?Where is it like an emperor with the world in mind?
Shen Sha is very good.

"How about this, I, Lao San and Xiao Tian will go and have a look, you stay here with Xiao Qi and wait for our news."

Shen Sha glanced at him: "This emperor will go in person."

"You stay here with Xiaoqi."

"This is the Sifang Continent, and this emperor has the final say."

Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, Lou Qi suddenly felt a headache, and immediately raised his hand to stop: "I protest!"

Xuanyuan said: "Let's vote! Those who agree with the boss's words, raise your hands!"

He, Xuanyuan Zhan, and Xuanyuan Huantian raised their hands at the same time.

"Three to two, we won." Xuanyuan immediately came to a conclusion.

Lou Qi was furious: "Win a fart! Old man, what do you want my father, my elder brother, these two ancients who don't understand anything to see? Can they see a flower?"

Xuanyuan froze, and Xuanyuan and his father and son glared at each other very similarly, "What is an ancient man who doesn't understand anything?"

"Then I'll go, I'll go by myself." Xuanyuan said.

"You know as much about these things as I do?" Lou Qi glanced at him sideways, "Are you sure?"

One word kills them all.

What Lou Qi said is also the truth, here, no one knows more than her, they may not be able to see anything, but when Lou Qi goes, there is hope.

"In this case, let's all go together." Xuanyuan Zhan said slowly: "Let's all go together, our family, even if we really reach a dead end, we will have companions."

Shen Sha looked at Lou Qi, and before she had time to speak, Lou Qi had already made a decision: "Okay! Let's go together!" She turned to him, knowing that he wanted to object, so she preemptively said: "If you can't protect me there, I will I can't resist and can't escape, so it doesn't matter where I hide. Besides, let me worry about you here alone, do you think it's a good thing?"

As she spoke, she placed her hand gently on her stomach.

Shen Sha understood what she meant.

If so many people can't protect her when they go, then no matter where they go, they can't stop the black mist from advancing and devouring them. In the end, they still have nowhere to escape.

If her husband, her father, her elder brother, and the stinky old man who is also a teacher and father all face such dangers and have accidents, then what if they leave her in a safe place?

If something happened to her, he couldn't live alone.

And vice versa.

With a slight sting in his throat, he stretched out his hand to hold her hand in his, lowered his eyes slightly, and said, "Okay."

Lou Qi breathed a sigh of relief, because of his rare retreat, but also because he was able to understand his own mind.

Looking at them, Bei Shaoyao felt deep envy and jealousy in her heart.

The wind and rain depend on each other, no matter when, no matter what they face, these two people will join hands side by side like this, right?She envied the feeling between them.

Not letting Lou Qi go is to protect her and for her own good, but letting her go is also because they want to be together.

She glanced at Dong Shiyu again.

Dong Shiyu is also very handsome, moreover, he is a good man, a good emperor, but he is not a good husband.He has three thousand beauties in the harem, and when she is happy, other women are also happy.

Thinking of this, she suddenly seemed to think of something, looked at Lou Qi, and couldn't help asking: "Is the empress happy?"

Lou Qi smiled and didn't answer, but it was considered tacit consent.

Bei Shaoyao couldn't restrain her jealousy, and said: "It's a coincidence, the palace is also happy. The imperial doctor and the mother in the palace said that the first three months are not suitable for serving the emperor, no Do you know that the empress can bring concubines for the emperor? Oh yes, Emperor Dasheng has no concubines. However, in this special period, it is understandable to have a few concubines. If the empress has not had time to choose for the emperor, it is better to let the palace help Pick a few over here? How gorgeous are my Beicang girls?"


Dong Shiyu interrupted her with an angry shout.

This idiot!
Haven't you seen that the faces of Dasheng Emperor, Xuanyuan Xinhuang, Zhanhuang, and that prince are as black as the bottom of a pot?Why on earth would he marry such a fool!If you want to die, don't hold him back!

Shen Shana was completely trampled on the sore spot. Originally, the miraculous doctor said that he would be banned from the house for three months-this matter had already made him heartbroken, but now Bei Shaoyao brought it up again and again. It really sprinkled salt on his wound!

What concubine?
Can any cat or dog get on his couch?

And the three men of Xuanyuan's family wanted to slap such a woman who dared to find disgusting for their baby Xiaoqi to death.

Does their baby, Xiaoqi, need to serve her husband with other women?
"Hmph, if it wasn't for the sake of your pregnancy, someone would have collected your body now." Xuanyuan Zhan's words, which were as cold as ice, scared Bei Shaoyao soberly, and she was suddenly covered in cold sweat Lie down on the ground.

"I, I, I, I"

She is delusional!
Although Shen Sha didn't speak, the cold air emanating from her whole body had already made her hairs stand on end.How could she forget what a terrible man this is!


Shen Sha uttered a word heavily, Bei Shaoyao wanted to get out quickly, but her legs were so weak that she couldn't get up.Dongshi Yudun felt extremely ashamed, and personally pulled her up.

"Emperor forgive me, Shi Yu will send her away now."

After leaving Huihualou, Dong Shiyu immediately threw Bei Shaoyao to the maid.

"Send the queen back to Dongqing immediately! Send Concubine Hui back too!"

He understood that at this time, there shouldn't be these stupid women around, so as not to cause trouble for him accidentally.There are several men in there, which one is easy to provoke?Anyone who dares to slap him to death at the slightest disagreement!
Since he was going to see the black mist that devoured everything, he needed some preparations, Shen Sha forced Lou Qi to take a good rest for a day and make sure his body was fine before starting.

And Du Wenhui, who is going to lead the way, also needs to heal and rest.

Fortunately, Huihualou is a very comfortable place, and it is not difficult to settle down.

Everyone went to rest, when Lou Qi got out of the bath, she saw Shen Sha sitting in front of the window, silently looking out the window.Outside the window, the distant mountains are like Daisy, and the scenery is picturesque.

Although he didn't say anything, Lou Qi looked at him and felt his mood at the moment.

She walked over, pressed herself against his back, put her arms around his neck, and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Why, the emperor is worried about these landscapes, these small buildings, these cities, are they all swallowed up by the black mist?"

Shen Sha pulled her to the front, hugged her and sat on his lap, took a deep breath of her hair fragrance, and said in a deep voice, "I'm worried, I can't hug you anymore."

Lou Qi was silent for a while, and said: "Don't worry, we may not have a solution."

"A solution?" Shen Sha caressed her face, her voice subconsciously softened: "Qiqi, do you know what this emperor likes about you the most?"

"Hot body? Beautiful face?"

He chuckled softly: "You are really thick-skinned." How could anyone praise himself like that?Although it is true, these are of course two points he likes, but they are not the most important.

"I like you the most. Here." His fingers lightly tapped her chest.

Lou Qi immediately crossed his arms in fear and squinted at him: "Pervert."

"What are you thinking about? You are the heart, you have never been fearless, the heart that never gives up."

The deep voice tapped her eardrums lightly, Lou Qi's nose was slightly sour at this moment, and he was actually moved by his words.I don't know if people will be more emotional after pregnancy.

"Qiqi, this emperor will do his best to protect you and our child." Shen Sha's hand caressed her stomach.

At the moment when it was supposed to be tender, Lou Qi couldn't help but burst out laughing again, teasingly said: "Would you like Shi Ji?"

Shen Sha's face turned dark again.

The next morning, the birds woke people up early.

Outside Huihua Building, Du Wenhui got on the horse first, and when he looked back, a sense of pride rose in his heart.Afraid, what is so terrible!The emperor and empress, the two emperors of the Xuanyuan Dynasty in Longyin Continent, and the master of the empress are all there!Where can I find such an array!

If they have no choice, then, being able to live and die with them, his whole life is worth it!

"Set off."

Lou Qi's clear voice sounded.


Du Wenhui shouted, "Drive!"

The ten riders galloped out, and the people in the city of Nora watched and saw each other with hope.

At the corner of Huihua Building, Erwei, who had changed into men's clothing, also jumped on the horse, walked around the gate before leaving the city gate, and chased after them.

Just let Lou Qi live for a while longer!
She also wants to solve the mystery of the black mist!Is it because of the black mist that she has been looking for people for half her life?

(End of this chapter)

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