Chapter 15
[A flower] (Jing pretends to be Fan Wang and leads the crowd) Tianxin destroys Liao, and the world divides Zhao equally.Jing Whip replaced Hu Jia Whistle.Beat the drum and ring the bell to see the arrival of the civil and military classes.Gululu southerners smile, with a concave nose, a cheeky mouth, and a hairy mouth. "Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, thousands of miles of dust. One emperor and one courtier. I can't forbid the sun and the moon in the north, but the people in the south occupy the heaven and earth." It's true for his own great Jin emperor, Wan Yanliang.As a barbarian, she has coquettish sex.It has been more than [-] years since my grandfather, Agudu, robbed the land of the Southern Dynasty, and King Zhao Kang went to Hangzhou.Hearing that he adorns Hangzhou is better than the scenery of Bianliang.A West Lake, happy in the morning and evening.There is a song that says he "three autumn osmanthus, ten miles of lotus." Waiting for a million soldiers, how difficult is it to swallow them?The art of war is false and true, and I will use a southerner to guide my hometown.I like him, Li Quan, a traitor in Huaiyang, who has the courage to be undeserved.He has a good heart with me, so I first named him the gold king.He was limited to recruiting troops to harass Huaiyang within three years.Walk with the camera to open the way to advance.Ouch, I can't wait to relax on the West Lake!
North [Second offender Jiang Ershui] Divides the way of heaven equally, even though it divides the way of heaven equally, the head is high and my photo is biased.The roof of our company marks the Southern Dynasty, and his answer is good. (Audience) How about there? (Jing Xiaojie) You said how charming Xizi is, smiling on the West Lake and leaning on the blue radius. (All) Is the West Lake as big as Nanhaizi and Beihaizi like mine? (net) three hundred miles around.The flowers sway on the waves, and the fragrance floats outside the clouds.In the night of ignorance, Jin Shengge is surrounded by drunkenness. (All) Lord Long Live, borrow him to play. (Jing) The painter has been dispatched to steal his panorama.There is the first peak of Wushan Mountain on that lake, and I immediately painted it on it.I'm so ruthless!Wushan is the highest, and I will be the highest in Wushan immediately.Jiangnan is low, and I have seen Jiangnan low, (Mai Jie) I am afraid that I will not occupy the space and make a "Ma Jiao on Jinxi Lake". (All) Play Long Live Lord, I'm afraid I can't get to the West Lake in a hurry, where can I stop?

North [Tail] (Jing), I am eager to draw a horse to whistle the West Lake, and look at the flowers and walk towards Luoyang.Me, it is inevitable to take up all the remaining water and mountains of King Zhao Kang.

The line of the Yangtze River fanned the sky, and the flag of Tan Qiao was blowing in the distance.Sikong Tu
Can Sheng drink all the Jiangnan wine?Zhang Hu delivered mountains and rivers to Yan.Wang Jian

(End of this chapter)

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