Chapter 23
North [Dianjiang Lips] (pretend to be a judge, ugly to pretend to be a ghost with a pen, and a book) Ten local missions, one day worship.Yan Fujie, Yangshi planted and buried, and opened the door of my place.It is also true that His Royal Highness King Yama of the Ten Lands is a judge Hu.The original ten highnesses, because Zhao Dalang's family in the Yang Dynasty, competed with Jin Dazi to occupy the country and harm all living beings, ten stopped and one stopped. Therefore, the Jade Emperor God, seeing that the people are scarce, enshrines the case of reduction.Of the nine highnesses in Kyushu, I have only lost the position of my tenth highness, and there is no seal.The Jade Emperor pitifully saw that the subordinate officials were upright and smart, and they were in charge of the seals of the Ten Hells.Today, it is not easy to go to the post on horseback, ghosts and yakshas, ​​with swords on both sides. (Ugly holding a pen introduction) When a new official takes office, he must have the name of the sentence, which is printed in Chinese characters.Ask the new official to applaud him. (Just look at the pen introduction) The ghost, it doesn't matter if you hold this pen.

[Hunjianglong] This pen stand is outside Naluojia Mountain, and the fleshy lotus is towering in the front row.What is praised is the meritorious service of Cao Lingshi, and literacy should be deserved. (Ugly) Pen tube? (Jing) The barrel of the pen is round like a bamboo tube. (Ugly) pen cents? (Jing) The hair of the brush is the beard of a bull's head and the hair of a yaksha, and the iron wire is rubbed to fix the red branch. (Ugly) Is it the judge's choice? (Jing) This pen head is a talent selected by the country of Zhexu. (Ugly) What name do you have? (Jing) This Guanchengzi was worshiped in Yelang City. (Ugly) The judge is happy? (Just making a laugh and dancing) With a whistle, Zhi Wu made Zhong Kui of the Han Dynasty crook his crown.Dance for a while, Shula Shadou, Hekui, and Mo Zhehei. (Ugly) Hi? (Net) In the happy season, play with the inscription pen on the Kouhe Bridge. (Ugly) Bored? (Net) In the boring season, the gate of ghosts is closed and the pen returns. (Ugly) Can the judge be on the list? (Jing) I have also tested the gods, and Shuo Wangdan was named on the Tianbang. (Ugly) Can you read books? (Net) Take pictures of the stars, wells and ghosts, I can also study Wenhui. (Ugly) The judge is highly talented. (Jing) Be a ghost and fairy talent in Fudi, and Baiyulou Mokong will write a fu; if you can accompany the Lord of Fengyue, you will meet Wan Shuhuai in Furong City.It is impossible to write the four continents, the sun and the moon, and the five plague envoys command the wind and thunder. (Ugly) The judge sees that there is land? (Jing) If there is land, it will be combined with Beidousi and Yanfu Hall, and stand beside me; if there is no yamen, how can Dongyue Temple and Chenghuang Temple be born, and the left side of people will be molded. (Ugly) Who? (Jing) Hold your hands high in the city of Baili, and let the great Bodhisattva sit on the seat solemnly. (Ugly) Who is annoying? (Jing) Why three feet of soil, low energy, for little ghost soldiers, clear and weird to establish a foundation. (Ugly) The gauze hat is more old-fashioned. (Jing) But stand on your feet, with a pen and a book, the dust and mud are crowned. (Ugly) The pen is dry. (Jing) To moisten the pen, ten ingots of gold, ten banknotes, and paper money. (Ugly) Click on the ghost book here. (net) You can see that there is no fish tail book for three exhibitions of flowers, and there is no reward for a day tiger head card.It's really the ghost Donghu's payment. "Chunqiu Zhuan" is published on a certain day of a certain month in a certain year.If he had a kind of praying beast, he would subdivide the king of Yu, all the mountains, all the rivers, all the roads, monsters, monsters, and demons into gills. (Ugly) Wait for me to grind the ink. (Jing) When looking at other sons, look at the inkstone, and look at it, and the oolong dips in the eyes to show the spirit. (Ugly) The chicken sang. (Jing) Listen to the T-shaped card, Dongdong Dengdeng, the golden rooster chases the soul after dreaming. (Ugly) Tell me to order the rolls. (Jing) But dot the grid eyes, string out 140 three realms, there are omissions of names, black stars cannons.How to press the nib of the pen, insert it into [-] double seamless hell, and the iron tree blossoms. (Ugly) Big pressed flower. (Jing) Hey, the stamping of Chinese characters can only be done by chopping, burning, pounding, and grinding. (Ugly) One less please. (Jing) On the invitation letter, on the left is the hall of nothingness, the four upright guests of paralysis, tuberculosis, Gu, and diaphragm. (Ugly) Lift the weighing pole. (All the soldiers should be introduced) (Jing) The hair weighs the rod, and the career is more important than the body. Hengshi Chengshu Qin jailer. (Introduction of "Ouch", called "Rao Ye, Bitter Ye") (Ugly) The Ninth Prince next door tortures ghosts. (Net) meat preaching, listening to gods crying and ghosts crying, hair pliers knife pen Hanqiaocai.At this time, you just have no joints to wait for the system, "people hate laughing". (Internal Crying Intermediary) Such scenery, who has heard Yan Xiuwen's "Sorrow of Crying" without a coffin! (Ugly) The judge is afraid. (Jing Anjie) Hey, "Lou Tan Jing" is my six subjects and five judgments.The knife flower tree is my nine thorns and three locust trees.The face is loud and bearded.The eyebrows are raised, and the electric eyes are on the cliff.It is a must for the ghost test in the middle school, and the record is amazing.Compared with the Jinzhou sentence, the Yinfu sentence, the Tongsi sentence, the Tieyuan sentence in Yangshi, and the white tiger coming to the official, the price is the same as that of the punishment. The eggs are born, the bluebottles repay the pardon, and the very Lei Qi merits are transferred to the third level.The majestic command of life in the world, the trembling sky to eliminate disasters.It is called the person in charge of the case, and the expulsion is also clear in this book.How many other criminals should be released? (Post up the official) "The world makes history, and the underground makes meritorious deeds." My lord, because of the absence of His Highness, hell has been empty for three years.There are four men who committed minor crimes in the city of death in vain, Zhao Da, Qian Shiwu, Sun Xin, and Li Houer; one female prisoner, Du Liniang: she has not been released. (Net) Take four male prisoners first. (Sheng, Mo, Foreigner, and Lao Dan pretend to be the four criminals, and the ugly ones are placed on the charge) (Ugly) The male criminals are brought here. (Net name introduction) What crime does Zhao Da have, and he escapes in the city of death in vain? (Health) ghosts are not guilty.I like to sing some songs during my lifetime. (net) go aside.It's called Qian Shiwu. (End) The ghost is innocent.Then I made a small house with agarwood and mud walls. (net) go aside.It's called Sun Xin. (Old Dan) The ghosts are young, so that they can spend some money. (Jing) called Li Houer. (External) Ghost offenders are some crimes, so masculine. (Ugly) It's true.Even in hell, he hooked up with this little grandson. (Jing Anjie) Who told you to interrupt!Get up and serve. (As a book writer) Ask the ghost criminal to listen to him. (The four offenders kneel together) (Jing) I have the right to seal at the beginning, and I don't need to be punished.Forgive you for giving birth to eggs. (External) The criminals asked the benefactor, what kind of egg is this egg?If it returns to the egg, it will be born in the side again. (Jing) Hey, do you still want a human life?Go inside the eggshell. (Fourth prisoner weeps) Hey.Was slaughtered! (Jing) Forget it, I don’t want to teach Yang Jian to eat you.Zhao Daxi sang and was demoted to be Huang Yinger. (Student) All right.Be Miss Yingying. (Net) Qian Shiwu lives in a fragrant mud house.Forget it, you are allowed to go to the swallow's nest and be a little swallow. (End) Just to be the queen of flying swallows. (Jing) Sun Xin sends money for pollen to be a butterfly. (Outside) The ghost prisoner and Sun Xin went as butterflies. (Jing) You are that masculine monkey Li, I want you to be a bee, dragging a needle in the ass hole. (External) Oh, tell me who to nail? (Net) Four worms listen to pay:

[Oil Gourd] Butterfly, your pink flowered dress is better than cutting; Bee, you are so powerful, sweet, you are so sweet, you are slender waist; Shengge Jingmeng outside the screen window: it happens that the four friends in Huajian are free.Then the children in the Yang world are frivolous, and they are afraid that the marbles will be stunned and the fan tips will be broken. It is worthwhile for you to be included in the painting and be loved by others. (External) If I don't come here as a bee, I'll swell your judge's brain again. (Net) to discuss playing. (External) Poor see the little life. (net) nothing more.Let go with the wind, go fast. (Jing Qijie) (Four people fly down in various colors) (Jing Zuo boos to the ghost gate) (Ugly band Dan enters) "There is a road on the roof and I can't meet me, who is the ruthless hell to hate?" See the female ghost . (Jing raises her head and introduces herself) This female ghost is quite colorful!

[Tianxiale] When I suddenly saw a talented woman who shook the ground and shocked the sky, Ha Ye Mo Ha, come to me. (Once it is called Kujie) (Jing) In the blood basin, it is easy to complain about suffering. (Ugly whispering) Punisher Quan accepts her as his wife in the back room. (Jing) Hey, there is a rule of heaven, those who take advantage of the prisoner's wife will be beheaded.Then your little devil sifts at random, where can I buy it, judge? (Dan is called Aijie) (Jing turns around) I have never seen him get his hair so pink.Tell that female ghost to come up.

[Na Zha Ling] I saw you moisten your cheeks and go to the flower stand and wine stand?Slip some short hairpins, pass the song stage, the stage?Xiao Weiwei has a beautiful bosom, live in Qintai, Chutai?Because of the sickness?Whose lineage is it?This color does not seem to be in Quantai. (Dan) The female prisoner has never been to others, nor has she ever drank alcohol, so she is of such a color.It is under the plum tree in the back garden of Nan'an Mansion, dreaming of a scholar who broke a willow branch and asked his slave to chant it.Linger tactfully, very affectionate.After waking up from the dream, he meditated and wrote a poem: "If he is a guest of the toad palace in his age, he will be by the side of the plum blossom or the willow." I was sentimental because of this, and my life was ruined. (Net) lie also.Is there a reason to die in a dream?

[Magpie Stepping on Branches] A yo-yo baby girl, she can be peaceful in her dreams!Who once hung up the signboard of realizing dreams, and who told you the truth?Ha Ye Mo Ha, where is the talent?Who did you see in the dream soul? (Dan) I have never seen anyone.Then I saw a flower flashing down, I was so surprised. (Jing) Call the God of Flowers in the back garden of Nan'an Mansion to inquire. (Ugly called Jie) (At the end pretending to be a flower god) "The red rain has been repeated in spring, and the song "Mountain Fragrance" is a female ecstasy." The old judge invited. (Raising hand) (Jing) Flower God, this female ghost said it was a dream in the back garden, and she died because of the flying flowers.But? (End) is also.He is entangled with the scholar's dream, and occasionally wakes up when the flowers fall.The woman died in admiration. (Jing) How dare you pretend to be a scholar and mislead other women? (End) You said I am fascinated by him? (Jing) You said that I don't know in the underworld!
[Flowers in the Backyard] But the usual spring is at ease, and Ye Sihua is so obedient.Steal vitality in the blink of an eye.Restraining his temper, Fei Chungong drowned in alcohol debts.Just nine points, you have to do ten colors.Count your fiddles. (End) will count.Peach Blossom. (Net) He provokes the roof. (end) red pear flower. (net) fan monster. (End) money spent. (Net) under the wealth. (End) hydrangea. (Net) results are adopted. (end) peony flower. (Net) harmony of mind. (End) wooden pen flower. (Net) write clearly. (End) water water chestnut flower. (net) should be a mirror table. (End) hosta flower. (net) worthy of insertion and wearing. (end) rose flower. (Net) exposed gills. (end) wintersweet flower. (Net) spring point amount. (End) Jian Chunhua. (Net) Cloth sleeves cut. (End) Narcissus. (Jing) Kick silk socks. (End) Lantern flower. (net) Hongying sieve. (End) Fengkouhua. (Net) spring drunk state. (end) calendula. (Net) to make a cup. (End) Jindaihua. (Net) make skirt pleats. (End) Albizia julibrissin. (Jing) head lazily lifted. (end) willow flower. (net) Waist swing. (End) Ling Xiaohua. (Net) Masculine and masculine. (end) chili flower. (net) Narrow the Yin and heat. (End) Michelia flower. (Net) Love is coming. (end) red sunflower. (Net) day by his love. (End) Female dill flower. (Net) twisted crooked. (End) crape myrtle flower. (Net) itchy strange. (End) Yinanhua. (Net) people are beautiful. (end) lilac. (Net) knot and half. (end) cardamom flower. (Net) containing the fetus. (End) grandma flower. (net) touching milk. (end) Gardenia. (Net) Knowing and interesting. (End) Naizihua. (net) indulge in love. (end) Citrus aurantii. (Net) benefits wipe. (End) crabapple flower. (Net) Spring sleepiness and laziness. (End) baby flowers. (Net) silly laughing child. (End) Sister flower. (Net) Partial jealousy. (end) Saffron. (Net) can't open it. (End) daphne flower. (Net) Who wants to adopt. (End) Ecliptas. (Net) pity come again. (end) pomegranate flower. (net) can stay in?You can guess how many.Hey, God has no plan.Why do you think that the girl's skirt hairpin is flowing, and the peony pavilion in the field sprinkles his azalea soul? (End) The colors and patterns are determined by the Lord of Heaven.The little god is only obedient and obedient, so how can he deliberately seduce others?Let's look at how many women are beautiful, there are people who die by playing with flowers. (Jing) You said you were a womanizer, and you died without playing with flowers.Count you listen.

[Parasitic Grass] Flowers sell youth, and peanuts are beautiful disasters.There is Ye Shulian, who can't pull the fairy belt;Do you think Huarong is playing Huade?I don't know that you, a flower god, lose your sins with the flowers. (End) The flower god is convicted and will not bloom again in the future. (Jing) Flower God, I have already sent it to the four friends of Huajian, and I will pay you to take care of it.The female prisoner died in admiration, and she was demoted to the Yanying team. (End) According to the old judge, this female criminal is a crime in a dream, like the dawn wind and the moon.Moreover, his father was an upright official, and he had only one daughter, so he could be spared. (Net) Who is the father? (Dan) His father, Du Baozhi, is now promoted to the general system of Huaiyang. (Net) Miss Qianjin.Forget it, Mr. Du is on the top, and he should play the heavenly court before discussing it. (Dan) Just trouble Enguan to check for the female prisoner, how can there be such a sad thing? (Jing) This matter is noted on the heartbroken book. (Dan) Check again if the husband of the female prisoner is Liu or Mei? (Net) Take the marriage book to check. (for background check) Yes.There is Liu Mengmei, who is the number one scholar in the new department.His wife, Du Liniang, belonged to You Huan before, and later became a bright match.Meet in the Red Plum View.Do not leak. (Back introduction) There is a difference between this person and your marriage.I let you out of the city of death in vain today, play with the wind, and follow this person. (End) Miss Du, I salute the old judge. (Dan kowtow to introduce) Thanks to the benevolent officer, reborn parents.Then my parents are in Yangzhou, maybe I can meet them? (net) makes.

[Unit article] His Yang Lu is still there, and the number of Yin divisions is not enough.Prohibition of fireworks is a kind of spring rascal, and there is no other love near Liumei.I hope that the sky around Chunxuan will be fine.Then this water glass is piled up to look at the hometown, and you can see paper and copper coins. The night market in Yangzhou?Flower God, you can lead him to watch and play at will on Wangxiangtai. (Once at the end of the stage, looking at Yangzhou and crying) That is Yangzhou, my parents and grandma, waiting to fly. (At the end of pulling Susuke) It's not the time for you to go yet. (Net) down to listen to the distribution.Gongcao was led away by a piece of wandering soul, and Huashenxiu broke his physical body. (Dan) Thank you officer.

[Earn tail] (net) The fire of desire is close to dry firewood, and the green hills left are there, not to be exposed to rain, wind, and sun.Then let you worship the heaven and the earth by the moon and the stars, and let your soul go back and forth.Get rid of the check card of the prison province, and then avoid reincarnation.The four friends in Huajian are arranged by you, called Yingpei, Yanchai, Qianbee and Diecai, the person who dares to guard the broken coffin star and realize the dream. (Next) (last) Ms. Go back to the back garden.

(At the end) Drunk with a black hat and hair like silk, Xu Hun (Dan) is dissatisfied with the flag all day long.Li Shangyin
(Jing) inspects human affairs every year, and Luo Ye (jointly) waits for Xiao He to be the judge.Yuan Zhen

(End of this chapter)

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