Chapter 38
[Shuangtian Xiaojiao] (Jing cited everyone on the top) The hero is outstanding, and the red flag is clamoring.For three years, the armor was embroidered with brocade and velvet, and the handle of the sword was carved with a saddle. "The hero of the thief is Li Quan, who is loyal to Hu Tian. He kicked down the long moat with the toe of his boot, but laughed at the unsteady soil in the south of the Yangtze River." The King of Jin was ordered by Da Jin to harass Jianghuai for three years.Inquire about the gathering of soldiers and supplies of the Dajin family, and then march south to teach me to open the way in Huaiyang.Chinese army please. (All call Jie) The king is called Jianfang. (Lao Dan pretends to be a soldier and goes up with an arrow) All the archery workshops have been built. (Jing laughs annoyedly) What do dogs say? (Old Dan) Your Majesty said, please come to the Arrow Workshop to discuss. (net) nonsense!I invite Niangniang Yang, is it your archery workshop? (Lao Dan) Yang Niangniang is the king's archery workshop, and the young one is also the archery workshop. (net drinking medium)

[Qianqiang] (Ugly on the top) The tent lotus is deeply embraced, and the plot to suppress the village is heavy. (See introduction) King Xingye!You come to fight fiercely at night, you are a good hero.I am so sleepy that my heart is open.Majesty, I am tired of sleeping.What can I discuss please? (Jing) Hearing that the gold master invaded the south, he taught me to attack Huaiyang in order to conquer.Thinking that Yangzhou is guarded by Du Anfu, it is urgent and difficult to attack.What should I do? (Ugly) According to what the slave family saw, Huai'an was surrounded first, and Du Anfu decided to go to the rescue.I divide the troops in Yangzhou, cut off their solidarity, and take matters from them. (net) high, high!Li Quan will be afraid of you with this trick. (Ugly) You are not afraid of the servant family! (net) nothing more.Before I became king, I was a henpecked robber, and after I became king, I wanted to be a henpecked king. (Ugly) Got it.Quickly raise troops to attack Huaicheng.

[Jin Shang Hua] (net) Turn to grind the flag peak, and promote the vanguard.Thousands of soldiers are lined up, and thousands of horses are rushing.Drum tong tong, drum tong tong, the noisy Huai Yang moved.

[Qianqiang] (all) the female tiger in the army is full of prestige.A series of formations, a cage of smoke powder.Ha coax coax, ha coax coax, coax Huaiyang to move. (Ugly) The gold king listens to my payment: the army is everywhere, you are not allowed to seize half of the women.If it is violated, it shall be dealt with according to military law. (Net) dare not.

(Ugly) On the ancient battlefield with wind and sand at dusk, Wang Changling (Jing) is a man in the military camp who learns the makeup of the inner family.Sikong Tu
(Everyone) is now leading the red banner, Zhang Jianfeng (all) broke the golden phoenix.Cao Tang

(End of this chapter)

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