Chapter 41
[Phoenix Pavilion] (Jing pretends to be Miao Shunbin and leads the crowd) Beacon fire on the nine sides.How does the autumn water ichthyosaur transform?Guanghan osmanthus spits out layers of flowers, who folds them to the clouds? (Combined) The hall is deeply locked, take the test paper and read it for details. [Ji Tang] "At the time of casting, the craftsman waited for the hero Tan to use it. Why not use it to catch Ao Li Xian? Repay the spring and know that there is a place for Du Fu, and the article will be divided into Phoenix Mao Yuanzhen." Xiaguan Miao Shunbin is.Because I, Xiangshan, can distinguish the precious color of Fanhui, the holy majesty took it to Beijing for an examination.Because the golden soldiers were shaken, the strategists in Linxuan asked which is more convenient to fight and defend?All the houses have taken the first volume, and the imperial decree has been determined in detail by the lower officials.Thinking of reading Baoyi, it is difficult to read text.Why are you here?My eyes were originally cat's eyes, no different from emerald green glazed crystals.So when I saw the real treasure, my eyes burst into flames.Speaking of words, I have never seen them.But now they are helpless according to the order, left and right, open the box and take the papers of each house. (All take the test papers, and read the introduction only) There are so few test papers.And take the three volumes of Tianzihao to see how it is.In the first volume, "Imperial Question: 'Which is more convenient for peace and defense?'" "I would like to answer: "I heard that the peace between the country and the thief is like the old man's peace.'" Ah, the old man makes peace with things. , stop; national affairs, and not come, what's the matter?This room intends him to be the number one scholar, so I don't know.Let's look at the second volume, which means to guard. (Look at the introduction) "I heard that the emperor's defense of the country is like that of a woman's body." It is also smaller.Look at the third volume again, it is the main battle. (Look at the introduction) "I heard that the battle between the Southern Dynasties and the North is like the battle between the old Yang and the Yin." This sentence is so strange.But "Book of Changes" has a saying that "yin and yang are at war". ——In the past, the master of peace was misunderstood by Qin Taishi.Today, the main fighter is the first, the main defender is the second, and the main peace is the third.The rest of the volumes depend on the order.

[A book] (net) The article is five-color false.I'm afraid that winter will dry my mind too much.It took him a long time to grind the ink, but there was not a single pen tip.Here, the dragon gate, the sun and the moon are open, and there is nothing there, and it will turn a foot of water into a zhang wave.But it's helpless, it's also a branch of peach blossoms, if there is no fish in the pond, there is nothing to do! (cover)

[Shen Zhan'er] (born) Wind and dust fight, wind and dust fight, strange materials converge. (Ugly) It's time for the scholar to come, the trial period has passed. (Student) Ah, the trial period is over.Can text be submitted? (Ugly) If you don't submit, are you waiting?When the hero is in the game, it is just the time to lock the courtyard. (Student) I am afraid that there is no champion in Li Ye. (Ugly) Not many, there are three. (Health) Thousands of horses strive to be the first, but Hualiu lags behind.Hurry up and report, there is a bereaved champion who wants to see you. (Ugly) This is inside the court room.The county road in Fuzhou is a mile to tell the legacy. (Student) Big brother, are you really not talented? (crying) My God, Miao Lao sent me to present treasures first.Unable to stop Bian He being ashamed, he burst into tears at the double pupil. (Jing Tingjie) Master, what is this!bring here. (Ugly pull students to intervene) (Students) Those who sue their talents, hope that the elders will accept the exam. (Jing) Hey, the imperial decree Linxuan was sealed by the Imperial Academy.Who dares to take it again? (Students cry and introduce) The students came from thousands of miles south of the Five Ridges with their families.There is no way out, and I am willing to touch the golden steps and die. (Give up to touch the steps, ugly stop referral) (Jing back referral) This scholar is like Liu Sheng, and he is really a legacy of the South China Sea. (Return to the introduction) The scholar came up.Is there a paper? (Health) papers are available. (Jing) For these, Gu Zhun accepts the test and treats them equally. (Student kneels) A thousand-year adventure. (Jingnian topic introduction) "Imperial decree: 'Ask you Doshi, I recently heard that the golden soldiers have invaded the country, and there are only three strategies to fight and defend. What is it like?'" (Sheng kowtow referral) received the imperial decree. (Start up) (Ugly) The East seat is discarded. (Written strategy introduction) (Review the previous volume carefully) The first volume is the main battle, the second volume is the main defense, and the third volume is the main draw.The Lord and those who are afraid of not meeting the Holy Will. (Student handed in the volume, just read the introduction) Ah, the sundial with a windy eaves, you can scan a thousand words immediately.Respectable, respectable.I was in a hurry and ugly.Just talk about three things, fighting and defending, which one is your master? (Students) The students are also impartial.You can fight, you can defend, and then you can make peace.Such as medical medicine, war is the exterior, defense is the interior, and between exterior and interior. (net) high opinion, high opinion.So what is the current situation?

[Horseshoe Flower] (Student) Today, if Baojia stays late, he will go to the West Lake for a daytime brocade tour.For Sanqiu osmanthus, ten miles of lotus fragrance, a period of side sorrow.Then the person who wished "Wu Shan immediately" will stop.When will I, Yanyun, be at my fingertips?If it's just peace, the little imperial court will shame Jiangnan to death.Just fight and defend, please get closer to Shenzhou. (Jing) Xiucai is justified.

[Qianqiang] The holy lord hangs down, and wants to collect the beads left behind by weeping jade.There are more than a thousand countermeasures, those who don't know the current affairs, don't know the mind of heaven, how can they be Confucianists.Just like you, three-point words point out the emperor's worries, and ten thousand words check all the leaks. (Student) Xiaosheng Lingnan scholar. (Net low referral) Got it.Your fishing rod has touched the coral, and you dare to hit the head now.Scholars, waiting outside the Meridian Gate. (Responding to birth, backing up) The examiner is Mr. Miao.When suspected, dare not recognize each other. "And when the blue mirror opens its eyes, I only hope that Zhu Yi will nod in secret."Follow in and out. (Introduction) "Your Excellency Silk Lun's article is quiet, and the bell and drum towers are carved with long holes." Ah, where is the drum ringing? (Neiji beating and drum introduction) (Ugly) It is the drum reporting in front of the Privy Council building. (Neima hisses) (Jing) The side calls the police urgently.What's up, what's up? (Pretend to be an old privy secretary outside) "The calyx clips the city to pass through the imperial energy. Furong Xiaoyuan enters the border to worry." (see introduction) (Jing) The old man came to play side affairs? (outside) is.Mr. came here for the paper? (net) exactly. (External) Today's affairs are based on priorities, and they are presumptuous. (External kowtow to play the story) The ministers of the Privy Council, who are in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, would like to play my lord. (Internal Propaganda) What did you play?
[Diliuzi] (outside) Jinren, Jinren's, and rumors of invading bandits. (inside) Who is the pioneer? (External) Li Quan's, Li Quan's, come to fight. (in) Where did you go? (External) Reported to Huaiyang or so. (inside) who can dispatch? (External) You Du Bao is now appeasing Huaiyang.I'm afraid that the border will close sooner or later, so I need Xing to help. (Kowtow to play the story introduction) Miao Shunbin, the minister who reads the scroll, would like to play my lord.

[Qianqiang] Linxuan's, Linxuan's, the article is just read, presenting the imperial reading, presenting the imperial reading, and setting the front of the volume.On the day of the zodiac, it is said that the people are only waiting.Many officials are at the head of the hall, preparing Qionglin banquet for a long time. (Inside) Serve outside the Guanwu Gate. (External and Jing are the same as Qijie) (Jing) Old sir, why did the golden soldiers move after listening? (External) I dare not tell you just now.The patron's trip is only to seize the beauty of the West Lake. (Jing) Idiots, the West Lake is for everyone to use.If you take the West Lake, the Hangzhou pass will be useless. (Internal Xuan Jie) Listening to the decree: I only rule the world, whether it is slow or urgent, it is Wu Naiwen.Now Huaiyang is in danger, so he went to meet the enemy to appease Du Bao.There must be no delay.The matter of his biography is waiting to be edited by Gan Gening and Yan Wuxiu.You can tell the toast.kowtow. (External and net kowtows and "Long live" start)
(External) Zeguo Jiangshan entered the battle map, Cao Song (Jing) dragged his train and flourished as a scholar all day long.Du Fu

(External) Duo Cai has his own hope in the sky, Qian Qi (Jing) Qi Nai is a frontier defense heavy warrior.Du Mu

(End of this chapter)

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