Chapter 54
[Swim around the pool] (pasted) Dew cold and timid, Jinjing blows the leaves of the sycamore, and keeps turning the windlass.Cough, it has been three years since my miss died of an illness because she dreamed of a scholar.The master and the old lady always felt that he was alone and helpless.Unexpectedly, the young lady followed a poor scholar alive and lived on the Qiantang River.Mother and son meet again.It's really heaven and earth, it's weird, what's wrong with it!Today, the lady will arrange the embroidery bed and review the needles.Miss came early too.

[Rounding around the Red Chamber] (Dan Shang) After autumn, the equinox day is easy to slant, and I hate to say that Liang Yanyu Zhou Zhe.When people go to the Kongjiang River, they live in guest houses, and there is no Qixiang car. "The autumn wind blows cold and breaks the window screens, and my husband-in-law Yangzhou can't come home. The jade finger tears the grass in the north of the Yangtze River, and the golden needle punctures the Lingnan flower." Chunxiang, Liu Lang and I are here, and we are going to the test room.The tiger list has not yet opened, and Yangzhou is in chaos.I sent Liu Lang starry night to inquire about the news of my parents.And happy to meet Lao Xuantang unexpectedly, so the whereabouts of the old Xianggong are unknown.I think Liu Lang can get it right away, and it is expected that this time it will be a high topic on the list.You must first cut off the Luoyi to line up its brilliance. (Paste) The embroidery bed is ready, please cut with self-respect. (Dan Tailoring Agency) Once it is cut, it will be sewn up. (Sewing) (post) Miss, I'm just chatting lightly, how are you and Liu Lang in the dream and in the underworld?
[Luojiang Resentment] (Dan) There are some dreams in the spring garden, and there is a turning point in the underworld.Farewell to the funny shadow in the dream, but the love that the underworld is more chasing. (post) What does it look like when it is revived? (Dan) wakes up like a dream, and suddenly turns back to let the teacher fall. (Posted) Is there a good place for playing tricks in the underworld? (Dan) Generally, children reincarnate, drive a fragrant car, and love red leaves by the river.Then I went to the gate of hell to look at the autumn moon night by night.

[Qianqiang] (post) Your demeanor provokes evil, and your heart is bad.Miss, your sweet soul teased Mengerdie, and broke the heart of your mother, the snake in the shadow.Don't know that Yanzhong is barren and inclined, and then set up a house for mandarin ducks.Then ask how do you know how to cover the lamp in the study?How can I credit the gift of nostalgic wine?When you are happy, you also need to soak the blood on the tip of the broken head. (Dan) Stupid girl, when you're having fun, each other is like a dream, so ask him what's wrong!Ah, grandma is so busy!

[Playing with Fairy Lanterns] (Lao Dan panics) The human voice is chattering, listening to the wind, it seems to be a girl's joint.Son, I heard the noise outside, the champion of the new division is Liu Mengmei from Lingnan. (Dan) There are such things!

[Qianqiang] (Jing hurriedly walks up) Qi Yinger walks like a dragon and a snake, and even preaches to teach those who come near! (See Jie) Grandma, miss, come on board.I'm going to watch the door too!
[Enter earning] (outsider, ugly, pretending to be a military academy and holding a yellow flag) The door in the deep alley is slanted, and you can't catch the number one scholar.This is it. (Knocking on the door) (Lao Dan) The voice is startled!Take a peek at the door. (Open the door, the school rushes to open the door) (Lao Dan) The yamen came? (School) The stars never stop.You look at this flag, look at the shadow of this flag.It was the official Huangmen who passed on the imperial decree. (Lao Dan is called Jie) My son, it turned out that he was preaching the imperial decree. (Dan Shang) Boldly ask, when will the gold list be revealed?Is Liu Mengmei's name high on the list? (School) He won the first prize. (Dan) really won the first prize? (School) He won the first prize, but was wiped out in a hurry. (Dan Jingjie) What happened? (School) went to Huaiyang and offended Du Canye, and turned him back to Beijing as a thief who robbed the tomb. (Lao Dan) My son, thank God, the master returned to Beijing safely.He didn't know that there was such a thing of rebirth in the world. (Dan) What happened? (Scholar) is hanging a strong peach bar and a thin pull, and is snatched by the officials to parade in the street. (Dan) Exactly. (School) Pingzhang is very powerful, and he is moving.It is said that the thief who robs the grave cannot be the number one scholar. (Dan) Can the number one scholar be identified? (School) champion also has this.That Pingzhang played his bad tea for nothing and stole the Yin.The number one scholar, he said that wearing a Kui Gang on his head would not prevent evil.Even the Lord Long Live became demented after hearing it. (Dan) Later? (School) Fortunately, there is a Chen Huang family who is an old friend of Pingzhang.It is accurate to play that Pingzhang, the number one scholar and the young lady are required to check and match before driving, and then the holy order will be taken. (Lao Dan) Ah, who is Chen Huangmen? (School) is Chen Zuiliang, he said Nan'an Professor Zeng Guanshe.Therefore, Du Pingzhang promoted him to be in charge of the imperial class and pass the imperial court. (Lao Dan) was surprised. (School) It is he who came to proclaim the decree with us.Give your family one night to freshen up, two to eat, three to dress, and four to walk around.When it arrives at five o'clock and three o'clock, ringing Ding Ding Cuipei, that is the time of the dynasty. (Dan) I am afraid of people alone. (School) Are you afraid?Prime Minister Pingzhang, your father-in-law, the champion wife and concubine.I went. (Dan) Say more. (School) The golden palace in the Ming Dynasty, you have gone to the door to ask for your success. (Dan) mother, father Gao Sheng, Liu Lang high school.Xiaoqier reported victory, and it was another safety post.Thank God and Heaven, thank God and Heaven.

[Diliuzi] (introduction) of the day, of the day, Megan Liuye, the road of ignorance, the road of ignorance, once again stacked the wandering soul.The fruit should be dreamed, and the garden will be folded.As soon as he was able to hit the head, he grabbed the victory.Karma in ghost fun, judgment in the world.

[Qianqiang] (Lao Dan) Although it is, although it is, a strange career, what is it, what is it, what a surprise?He said to you, it's the flower demon who is timid, and sees Cheng's Liu Baohuai as a flower robbery.Your father, if you don't get a talisman, you can summon the flower god again.

[End] Daughter, the hairpin is tightly tied to the dust and dances to shake the cheeks. (Dan) Tell me what to play? (Lao Dan) With your living evidence, there is no false threat. (Dan) The indispensable long live king listens to his ministers and concubines. (Go up pretending to be Guo Tuo) "If you want to ask about the turtle cave, you have to pass the Wumagpie bridge." I can't find another Qiantang gate in two days.Just bumped into the old army and said that he knew where his wife was going.Shake it up and go in. (See Jie) (Lao Dan) Who are you? (Jing) The old camel in the champion's family, here to congratulate. (Dan) Hard work, can you see the champion? (Jing) I went to Pingzhang Mansion to grab the number one scholar, and asked my wife to see the court.

(Old Dan) In the past, the dream is about to be divided, and Han Ji (Dan) suddenly saw the gate of heaven this morning.Zhang Ji

(Jing) It is clear that in order to repay the elves, the monk Guanxiu lightly sweeps his eyebrows towards the Supreme.Zhang Hu

(End of this chapter)

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