Peony Pavilion

Chapter 9 Su Yuan

Chapter 9 Su Yuan
[One River Breeze] (pasted) Xiaochunxiang, a kind of slave, who is pampered in the painting pavilion.Maids go, making powder and vermilion, sticking emerald greens and flowers, used to go to the dressing table.Accompany him to arrange the embroidered bed, and accompany him to burn the night incense.What Xiaoslim ate was Mrs. Cane. "The flower-faced girl is thirteen and fourteen. When spring comes, she will save people. I have to wait for a love flower, and I will follow you everywhere." I, Chunxiang, follow the lady day and night.Seeing that his name is Guose, he actually guards the reputation of his family.Young face is shy, mature and respectful.Only because the master Yan Shi read Chapter 1 of "Mao Poems": "A fair lady, a gentleman is so good." He quietly discarded the book and sighed: "The love of a saint can be seen here. Is it true that the same feelings of the present and the past? Chunxiang then said: "Miss is bored with studying, how can I have fun?" The lady pondered for a while, then hesitated to get up.Then he asked, "Chunxiang, how can you teach me how to have fun?" I replied, "Miss, there is no other way. Let's go for a walk in the back garden." " Chunxiang replied, "It's been a few days since the master went to the countryside." The young lady kept silent for a long time before she took out the almanac and chose to read it.It means that the day is not good, the day after tomorrow is not good, except for the day after tomorrow, which is an auspicious period for wandering spirits.Call the flower man in advance to clear the flower path.I agreed for a while, but I was afraid that the old lady would know.But also by him.And he asked the little flower man to pay for it.Ah, on the other side of the corridor, Master Chen is here.It's exactly: "Time is rewarding everywhere, and idiots never know."

[Qianqiang] (last part) Old Shutang, temporarily borrowing the Fufeng tent.The sun is warm and the curtains are swinging.Ah, in that corridor, there are two small servant girls standing there, seemingly speechless, how do you look at it up close?It's Chunxiang, where is your benefactor?Madame is there?Why doesn't the female scholar come to the book? (post) It turned out to be Master Chen.My miss has no time to write books these days. (End) Why? (post) Listen.

[Front cavity] Very old!Tesha is transparent and transparent, and what matters is related to the situation. (End) What's the situation? (Post) Teacher and father don't know yet, master blames you. (End) what? (Posted) Said that you talked about "Mao Poems", Mao's insane.Miss, for the poems, I speak emotionally. (At the end) he talked about "Guan Guan Jujiu". (post) So that's it.The young lady said that the closed Jujiu still has the prosperity of Zhouzhu, and it is better to be a human than a bird!You have to bury your head in the book, but look up at the scenery.Pay now, and visit the back garden tomorrow. (End) Why go swimming? (Paste) He was injured in spring for no reason.Because of the rush of spring, the back garden will be full of spring sorrow. (End) It's time for a shot.

[Qianqiang] Talking about motherhood, people wait and see when going in and out, and barriers are required when walking.Chunxiang, your master is also in his sixties. He never knows how to hurt a spring, and he never swims in a garden. (post) Why? (End) You don't know.Mencius said it well, when a sage speaks a thousand words, he asks people to "take it at ease".But as usual, what about the spring injury?Do you want a spring outing?You let the spring return, how can you put your heart at ease?Since the lady doesn't go to the book, I will return for a few days.Chunxiang, when you usually go to the lecture hall, you often look to the window for fear that the scent of swallow mud will smear on the piano and books.I went. "The embroidered girl is busy fighting grass, but I don't want to see the garden." (Paste the hanging yard) and Xixi Master Chen has gone.Is Hwarang here? (Calling Jie) Hwarang!
[Song of Samantabhadra] (Ugly disguised as a little flower man and drunk) All his life, he has spent his life in the yamen, and steals to the street to learn how to sell flowers.Let the historians kill me, and wait for them to set me up, burn the knife fiercely, and threaten to force my tender intestines to death. (See Jie) Sister Chun is here. (post) easy to fight.I went out to the Yaqian to cheat wine, and I didn't deliver food these days. (Ugly) There is a cook. (post) The water is not soapy. (Ugly) There are watermen. (Stick) flowers are not sent. (Ugly) Send flowers every morning, one point for the wife and one point for the lady. (post) One more point? (Ugly) It should be played. (post) What's your name? (Ugly) Hwarang. (Post) You tell the meaning of Hwarang, and I will listen to a song.The mouth is good, please fight. (Ugly) makes.

[Pear Blossom] Xiaohualang has seen all the flowers into waves, and then sister Chun's Huaqin's water waves.Stealing mouths and mouths with your high head today, oh, what a shame that the flower branches are dry! (post) Wait for me to return it to you, brother.

[Front cavity] The little flower man is doing all the flowers, and the little man is the big man? (Ugly) Ouch. (Post) I will talk about it when the master comes back, (Choice ugly hair introduction) Hey, I dare to split you up with a few small hammers. (Ugly intro) Forget it, why did my sister come to Xiaoyuan? (Post) The young lady will come to visit the garden in the future, and she will clean up the flower paths. (Ugly) Got it.

The scenery in the eastern suburbs is full of fragrance, and Cui Riyong Yingxijiashan picks up actresses.Chen Tao

Don't send children to touch pink, Wei Yingwu will teach Yingyu Taiding.Du Fu

(End of this chapter)

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