I have a god-level invincible system

Chapter 404 Finding Treasures

Chapter 404 Finding Treasures
After Wang Chao signed the contract, he hurried back to tell his family the good news. Before he left, Wang Chao told Liu Xiaoyuan to go to his house to play after finishing his work in Zhenjiang.

Wang Chao's home is not too far from Zhenjiang, more than 100 kilometers by car, which is relatively close.

After solving Wang Chao's matter, the next step is to do his own thing.

The purpose of coming to Zhenjiang this time is to find the treasure of the Zuo family. Although Liu Xiaoyuan doesn't care much about it, since they are all here, he must go to find it and see if there is any information about cultivation in the treasure of the Zuo family.

Liu Xiaoyuan dialed Zuo Xintian's phone number and told him that he could go look for Zuo's treasure tomorrow.

These few days of waiting made Zuo Xintian thank the flowers he was waiting for, and now he finally got Liu Xiaoyuan's reply, Zuo Xintian is of course so happy, Zuo Xintian can't wait to get the treasure of the Zuo family.

The next day, Zuo Xintian got up early in the morning and stood at the door of Liu Xiaoyuan's room. He didn't dare to knock on the door of Liu Xiaoyuan's room, for fear of making Liu Xiaoyuan unhappy. Not worth it anymore.

After Liu Xiaoyuan opened the door, he saw Zuo Xintian standing there with a smile on his face. He was startled and asked angrily, "What the hell are you doing standing here so early in the morning? Are you trying to scare people? "

Zuo Xintian felt aggrieved, I wanted to knock on the door, but I was afraid of making you unhappy, so I'm standing at the door waiting for you, and you said I was trying to scare you, my baby feels wronged!

After breakfast, Liu Xiaoyuan drove the Mercedes-Benz to Zuo's original address.

The address of Zuo's family is in the suburbs of Zhenjiang County. Along the way, the scenery is very beautiful. There are exquisite buildings scattered on both sides of the road.

"How much longer?" Liu Xiaoyuan glanced at Zuo Xintian who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

It had been driving for nearly half an hour after leaving the county seat, but it hadn't arrived yet, so Liu Xiaoyuan couldn't help asking.

Zuo Xintian said: "Judging from the navigation information, there should be about ten miles to go."

For a car, ten miles is a matter of minutes.

"Turn left!" Zuo Xintian said after arriving at a fork in the road.

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoyuan looked to the left and asked, "Are you sure you turned left instead of going on?" Because the road that turned left turned out to be a dirt road, and it was just enough for a car to pass.

"It's a left turn, that's right!" Zuo Xintian said with certainty.

"I trust you just once!" Liu Xiaoyuan turned the car left onto the dirt road. After entering the dirt road, the speed of the car slowed down significantly. Because the dirt road was uneven, the speed of the car did not dare to drive too fast, or it would be too bumpy.

After driving for about three miles, Zuo Xintian said, Liu Xiaoyuan stopped the car, got out of the car, and the surroundings were deserted, which was in stark contrast to the bustling Zhenjiang before.

Why is there no one here?Moreover, the surrounding vegetable fields were barren and overgrown with weeds.

"Are you sure it's here?" Liu Xiaoyuan looked at Zuo Xintian and asked.

Zuo Xintian said: "This is the old house of the Zuo family."

"Then why is there no one around here, and why are these vegetable fields deserted?" Liu Xiaoyuan asked.

Zuo Xintian replied: "We have inquired about this. Back then, the Zuo family's family was wiped out, and the nearby residents were so scared that they all moved out. They didn't even dare to plant the vegetable fields here. Later, after the liberation, the ruined The Four Olds, overthrowing all ghosts and ghosts, people have moved here one after another, and vegetable fields have been re-planted. In the past 20 years, everyone's living standards have improved, and they are all superstitious about ghosts and gods. Residents here have moved out one by one.”

"Let's go, go and have a look!" Liu Xiaoyuan led Su Xue and the other two sisters to the front.

There are more than ten houses here, the largest one covers a large area, it should be the old house of the Zuo family.

Zuo Xintian led the way, and led Liu Xiaoyuan and the three of them into Zuo's old house.

Since no one lives there all year round and no one comes here, the old house is full of cobwebs and dust.Moreover, it is backed by a small mountain, so this house has also become a living place for some poisonous insects, ants and snakes.

"Brother, be careful, some poisonous insects and snakes in the mountains like to come here to enjoy the shade, don't let these things bite you." Zuo Xintian reminded.

Looking at the dilapidated house, Liu Xiaoyuan can imagine the prosperity of the Zuo family back then. He remembered that the Zuo family was rich and full of servants, and the lights were brightly lit at night. People in the nearby villages wanted to send their children to Zuo The family is a current person, because entering Zuo's house can eat and clothe warm.

After looking at Zuo's old house, Liu Xiaoyuan took out the treasure map and called Zuo Xintian over to study the treasure map together.

Zuo Xintian said that the old man of the Zuo family said before he died that even outsiders could not understand this treasure map, only people from their Zuo family could understand the road map of this treasure map.

"Let's take a look and see if you can understand the route map of this treasure map." Anyway, Liu Xiaoyuan couldn't understand it, because the treasure map was drawn very simply.

Zuo Xintian carefully looked at the treasure map for about half an hour. During this half hour, Liu Xiaoyuan took the two sisters, Su Xue, around Zuo's old house.

When Liu Xiaoyuan came back, he found that Zuo Xintian was gone.

Liu Xiaoyuan patted his thigh, he was careless, it seems that Zuo Xintian planned to run away with the treasure map, and wanted to steal the treasure of the Zuo family.

Depend on!Liu Xiaoyuan swears and slaps himself on the head suddenly, he is really careless, he should be staring at Zuo Xintian just now.

Just when Liu Xiaoyuan was regretting, Zuo Xintian ran back, seeing the cold expression on Liu Xiaoyuan's face, Zuo Xintian smiled and said: "Brother, I just went to the bathroom just now."

Liu Xiaoyuan looked at Zuo Xintian coldly, and asked, "Did you really just go to the bathroom?"

Zuo Xintian knew that he couldn't hide it, so he immediately knelt down and said, "Big brother, I was wrong, big brother, I was deceived by lard, big brother, please forgive me this time..."

"Tell me, why did you come back again?" Liu Xiaoyuan wondered why Zuo Xintian ran back since he had obtained the treasure map.

Zuo Xintian said: "Brother, there are other people who have also made an idea of ​​the treasure of the Zuo family, and not just one or two, but a total of five people, all of whom are above the first stage of innate cultivation."

After listening to Zuo Xintian's words, Liu Xiaoyuan finally understood why this guy came back. His feeling was that he saw a strong enemy coming and ran to him to seek shelter.

"Weeds!" Liu Xiaoyuan raised his foot and kicked Zuo Xintian to the ground, and stepped on him a few times. This guy really deserves a beating!
(End of this chapter)

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