I have a god-level invincible system

Chapter 903 I have something to do with you

Chapter 903 I have something to do with you
Liu Xiaoyuan and Lu Siyao continued to stroll around the mall, apparently not paying attention to Tan Jingyang's revenge.

Soon, Tan Jingyang came over with a group of people who looked like they were raising thugs.

It seems that Tan Jingyang's work efficiency is still very fast. It didn't take long for a group of people to come over.

"Boy, come out, come out for a while, I'll talk to you about something." Tan Jingyang waved to Liu Xiaoyuan.

Liu Xiaoyuan said to Lu Siyao: "Siyao, help my parents choose a dress in the store, I'll go out and deal with things."

Lu Siyao said: "But I don't know what size uncle and aunt wear. What if I bought the wrong size?"

Liu Xiaoyuan said: "Didn't you go to my house last time, you just bought it based on your own memory, it's okay, Siyao, I trust your vision. Besides, if my parents know that it is their future daughter-in-law who bought it Yes, even if the clothes are worn as skirts, they will be happy."

Seeing that Liu Xiaoyuan's words were becoming serious again, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at this guy.

Tan Jingyang saw Liu Xiaoyuan flirting with Lu Siyao in front of his face, of course he was so angry, he must teach Liu Xiaoyuan a good lesson later, so that he can vent his hatred.

Liu Xiaoyuan walked out, walked up to Tan Jingyang, looked around, and saw that Tan Jingyang brought six people over.These six people are all tall and big, and they look like young fighters at first glance.

"What do you need from me? I'm very busy." Liu Xiaoyuan asked with a smile on his face.

For Tan Jingyang, Liu Xiaoyuan looked at him like a cat playing with a mouse, this guy is really interesting.

"What are you doing? Boy, you provoked me, and I want you to know the consequences. You threw me off the top just now, didn't you?" Tan Jingyang asked, pointing to the bottom.

Liu Xiaoyuan nodded and said, "Yeah, what's the matter? Are you going to throw me off the top?"

Tan Jingyang shook his head and said: "No, you don't have the protection of the gods. I'm afraid that if I throw you off the top, you will be finished immediately. Although I can't throw you down, I can give you a good beating."

When Liu Xiaoyuan heard Tan Jingyang's words, Liu Xiaoyuan smiled, this guy is really interesting!
"Boy, what are you laughing at? You dare to laugh when your death is imminent. Come on, teach this guy a lesson!" Tan Jingyang waved his hand, and six strong men shot at Liu Xiaoyuan.

Liu Xiaoyuan easily dealt with the six strong men. Seeing his subordinates being knocked to the ground, Tan Jingyang couldn't close his mouth in surprise.

"You...how are you so good?" Seeing Liu Xiaoyuan's skill is so good, Tan Jingyang was so frightened that he couldn't speak easily.

Liu Xiaoyuan said with a smile: "Because I am also protected by the gods, but I don't know if you, the god, are better protected, or I, the god, are better protected?"

Tan Jingyang looked at Liu Xiaoyuan and asked tremblingly, "What do you want to do?"

Liu Xiaoyuan said with a smile: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to compete with you to see who is better."

Tan Jingyang is just a playboy, he is not good at punching and kicking at all, seeing Liu Xiaoyuan easily dealt with the six people he brought, knowing that he is not Liu Xiaoyuan's opponent at all.

"Don't mess around, I tell you, this is my territory, I tell you, don't mess around..." Tan Jingyang said with a look of fear.

Seeing Tan Jingyang's frightened expression, Liu Xiaoyuan smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, I know this is your territory, and I dare not mess around."

"Then you stay away from me, stay away from me." Tan Jingyang said in fear.

Liu Xiaoyuan took a step back and said, "How about it, am I obedient? Take a step back, you see, in your territory, I am still very obedient."

Seeing Liu Xiaoyuan take a step back, Tan Jianyang breathed a sigh of relief.

When Liu Xiaoyuan saw Tan Jingyang heaved a sigh of relief, he immediately smiled and used his magical powers to make Tan Jingyang's whole body suspend in the air again.

When Tan Jingyang saw this scene, he was so frightened that his courage broke, and he shouted: "Help, help..."

The more Tan Jingyang shouted, his body flew out, and he was about to fall.

Looking at such a high altitude below, if you fall, you will fall like a watermelon that has been opened.

"Help, help..." Tan Jingyang shouted loudly, and his cry immediately attracted many people to watch. Everyone pointed at Tan Jingyang, and there was a lot of discussion.

Liu Xiaoyuan smiled and said to Tan Jingyang: "It's okay, you don't have to worry, you are protected by gods, it's okay."

Although Tan Jingyang felt that he was protected by the gods, if he fell from such a high height, if the gods did not protect him, he would die.

"Goodbye." Liu Xiaoyuan waved at Tan Jingyang, and Tan Jingyang fell down, and fell heavily on the ground.

This time, Tan Jingyang still didn't fall to his death, because Liu Xiaoyuan didn't want to cause death.

However, this time Tan Jingyang fell much harder than last time. Everyone thought that Tan Jingyang would have to fall to his death if he fell from such a high height, but they didn't expect that Tan Jingyang didn't fall to his death.

Tan Jingyang stood up slowly from the ground, but found that his leg was broken and fell down again.

"He's fine, he's really fine, it's a miracle..."

"It's really a miracle..."

Seeing that Tan Jingyang didn't fall to his death, the people present were all surprised, and many people immediately took photos and posted them on Moments.

Of course, some people immediately called 120 for an ambulance to come for treatment.

Liu Xiaoyuan immediately returned to the clothing store, Lu Siyao was still helping Liu Xiaoyuan's parents choose clothes, she didn't have the heart to watch this excitement, she wanted to choose good-looking clothes for her future parents-in-law.

"Siyao, how did the selection go?" Liu Xiaoyuan walked in and asked with a smile.

Lu Siyao said: "Xiao Yuan, come and help me see, do you think it's better to buy this dress for auntie, or this one?"

Lu Siyao was holding two pieces of clothes, one was more colorful and the other was relatively plain.

Liu Xiaoyuan said: "Just buy the one with a less colorful color. After all, my mother is too old, so it's not good to dress too brightly. My mother doesn't like bright colors either."

After getting Liu Xiaoyuan's suggestion, Lu Siyao finally chose the unattractive dress.

Later, with Liu Xiaoyuan's help, Lu Siyao chose another piece of clothing for Liu Xiaoyuan's father, and then bought trousers for the two of them.

After buying the clothes, Liu Xiaoyuan took Lu Siyao back to his home. On the way back, Lu Siyao was still a little nervous, after all, this was the first time he went there in the name of his daughter-in-law.

 Dear readers, Happy National Day!
(End of this chapter)

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