I have a god-level invincible system

Chapter 906 Let This Cat Take Care of You

Chapter 906 Let This Cat Take Care of You
The old man in Jianlu went southeast with his granddaughter, Liu Xiaoyuan couldn't wait to chase after him, but when he thought about it, what can he say if he catches up?

Do you want to ask them if they know the whereabouts of the evil sword?If the other party refuses to tell, Liu Xiaoyuan will kill the other party?
Besides, she was still accompanying Lu Siyao at night, if she went, Miss Lu Siyao's temper would probably explode again.

However, if he didn't go after it, Liu Xiaoyuan would have no idea where he got the Poxie Sword.

After thinking for a while, Liu Xiaoyuan decided to chase after dawn. Anyway, the old man in Jianlu and his granddaughter left during the day, and now he may not be able to catch up, so he is not in a hurry.

There was nothing to say all night, after dawn, Liu Xiaoyuan sent Lu Siyao to work at the police station, Liu Xiaoyuan drove back home, and told Su Xue and his parents that he was going out.

Knowing that Liu Xiaoyuan was going out again, his parents immediately asked Liu Xiaoyuan where he was going, because Liu Xiaoyuan had just come back, so why did he go out again.

Liu Xiaoyuan is also not good at telling his parents about the matter, so he can only say that he has to go out to do some errands, and it should take some time before he comes back.

Although parents are unwilling, they don't force it, because they know that Liu Xiaoyuan is going to do it again, and force is not enough, men should aim everywhere.

Su Xue could only look at Liu Xiaoyuan with resentful eyes, and Liu Xiaoyuan could only cast apologetic eyes.

Afterwards, Liu Xiaoyuan took the white tiger with him and rushed to the southeast.

Along the way, Liu Xiaoyuan didn't stop, and zoomed in to search for the traces of the two of them, but after searching for a while, they didn't find any traces of the two of them.

Liu Xiaoyuan also asked Baihu to let go of his consciousness to help him find it, maybe Baihu's consciousness spread wider.

After flying for about half a day, there was still no trace of the two of them. Liu Xiaoyuan wondered if the disciple of the Hehuan Sect was deceiving him.

If it wasn't for completing the cheating task assigned by the system, Liu Xiaoyuan would not be willing to find this evil-breaking sword. Wouldn't it be better to stay at home honestly with his woman.

"Could we have gone in the wrong direction?" Bai Hu looked at Liu Xiaoyuan and asked.

How did Liu Xiaoyuan know whether he was going in the wrong direction? Liu Xiaoyuan also heard what the disciple of the Hehuan Sect said.

"I don't know either. Let's go first. If you don't find any trace of the two tomorrow, then go home." Liu Xiaoyuan said angrily. Anyway, he has a year to find the evil-breaking sword, so there is no rush at this moment.

Liu Xiaoyuan and Bai Hu continued to fly forward, took a short rest when they were tired, and then continued on their way. While flying in the sky, they let go of their spiritual sense to search, which was a very exhausting task.

But in order to find someone, Liu Xiaoyuan didn't care so much, as long as he could find the old man and his granddaughter in Jianlu, it would be worth it.

In the middle of the night, Liu Xiaoyuan and Bai Hu still didn't rest, and the two traveled side by side in the starry night.

"Master, I feel it. There seems to be a fight hundreds of miles ahead. It should be the old man and his granddaughter you are looking for." Bai Hu said suddenly.

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoyuan immediately extended his consciousness to the front, and immediately found someone fighting on the mountain hundreds of miles ahead. Looking carefully, it was indeed the old man from Jianlu and his granddaughter.

The man fighting with them was a man from the late stage of Nascent Soul. The two male monks seemed to be twins.

"Go, hurry up!" Liu Xiaoyuan said to Baihu, if the old man was killed by these two male monks, who would Liu Xiaoyuan turn to to ask about the whereabouts of the Poxie Sword.

For a monk like Liu Xiaoyuan, it didn't take long to reach the distance of several hundred miles.

After a while, Liu Xiaoyuan and Bai Hu arrived at the scene. The four of them were surprised and pleasantly surprised when they saw Liu Xiaoyuan and Bai Hu's arrival.

The ones who were surprised were naturally the twin brothers, and the ones who were surprised were naturally the old man and his granddaughter in Jianlu.

The old man and his granddaughter had seen Baihu's abilities, and knew that with Baihu around, the twin brothers would not be worth mentioning at all.

"Liu Daoyou." The old man hurriedly greeted Shao Yitian.

When the twin brothers saw the old man greeting Liu Xiaoyuan, they knew that they were familiar with each other. They knew that this matter would be tricky tonight. cheap.

"Fellow Taoist, this matter has nothing to do with you, so please don't get involved." One of the men looked at Liu Xiaoyuan and said.

Liu Xiaoyuan glared at the other party, and said, "Get out, you two get out of here immediately, or don't blame me for killing me."

Seeing Liu Xiaoyuan's arrogance, the expressions of the two brothers immediately changed. Telling them to get lost would be like slapping them in the face.

"This fellow Taoist, don't go too far in anything you do, or it won't do you any good." The man who spoke just now continued.

Liu Xiaoyuan said coldly: "Are you deaf? I told you to get out, did you hear?"

"Huh!" The man snorted coldly, and another man said, "Brother, don't talk nonsense with this kid, even if there are three of them, the two of us are not afraid."

Hearing the other party's words, Liu Xiaoyuan sneered and said, "Just you two guys, without me taking action, the cat next to me can deal with both of you."

The white tiger immediately protested, saying, "I'm not a cat, I'm a tiger, a white tiger!"

Liu Xiaoyuan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just a title, it's okay, as long as you have the ability, the title doesn't matter."

When the twin brothers saw the white tiger beside Liu Xiaoyuan, they all burst into laughter.

They laughed so happily that one cat could beat the two brothers. Could it be that this cat is a god cat?
"Go, let these two guys who laughed at you see how powerful you are." Liu Xiaoyuan said to Baihu.

The white tiger immediately yelled, and then its body suddenly grew bigger. After the white tiger's body became bigger, the laughter of the two men who were still laughing stopped abruptly, because they found that the cat they were laughing at was not simple.

"Roar!" The white tiger yelled at the two men, and then attacked the two men.

Liu Xiaoyuan walked up to the old man and asked, "Old man, are you alright?"

The old man glanced at Liu Xiaoyuan and said, "I'm fine, thank you for coming."

Liu Xiaoyuan said: "Old man, to tell you the truth, I came here specially to chase you."

Hearing Liu Xiaoyuan's words, the old man froze for a moment, stared at Liu Xiaoyuan with wide eyes, and then asked, "I don't know what's the matter with you, Daoist Liu, chasing an old man like me?"

(End of this chapter)

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