I have a god-level invincible system

Chapter 914 The Weakness of the Formation

Chapter 914 The Weakness of the Formation

"Liu Daoyou, this matter is our fault. In fact, we just want to get the evil-breaking sword. Please forgive Liu Daoyou." Wang Lao immediately apologized to Liu Xiaoyuan.

Unless Liu Xiaoyuan is a fool now, he will no longer believe Mr. Wang's nonsense.

"It's okay, I can understand that." Liu Xiaoyuan nodded with a smile, expressing his forgiveness to Mr. Wang and his granddaughter.

The reason for this is because Liu Xiaoyuan wanted to use them to break the killing formation.It would be very difficult for Liu Xiaoyuan to break through this killing formation by relying on Liu Xiaoyuan's own strength alone, but if he used the formation-breaking shuttle in Wang Lao's hands, there might be hope.

"Liu Daoyou really has a lot of adults, I am very impressed by this old man." Wang Lao immediately smiled and said to Liu Xiaoyuan.

In fact, Wang Lao knew very well in his heart that when Liu Xiaoyuan said to forgive him, it was definitely not what he meant.

However, both parties are taking advantage of each other. On the surface, they are naturally polite, but secretly they must have their own ghosts.

"Old Wang, why don't we go there again, I still have a certain amount of research on formations, maybe I can use your formation-breaking shuttle to destroy this formation, Mr. Wang." Liu Xiaoyuan said with a smile.

Hearing Liu Xiaoyuan's words, Elder Wang was overjoyed immediately, and said: "Liu Daoyou, you know formations, that's naturally the best, then let's go quickly."

So, the three of them and Baihu came to the previous position, and Wang Lao immediately took out the broken formation shuttle, handed it to Liu Xiaoyuan and said, "Liu Daoyou, this is the broken formation shuttle."

Liu Xiaoyuan took the Broken Array Shuttle and looked it over carefully, only to see that the Broken Array Shuttle exuded a chilling aura.

"Liu Daoyou, let's hurry up, if other monks find out, it will be another troublesome matter." Wang Lao said to Liu Xiaoyuan with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoyuan naturally didn't waste any more time, and immediately summoned a late Nascent Soul formation mage to see if he could use the power of the formation-breaking shuttle to destroy this formation.

As soon as the formation master got on his body, Liu Xiaoyuan immediately threw the formation-breaking shuttle, and the formation-breaking shuttle immediately appeared.

Liu Xiaoyuan let the formation-breaking shuttle stay in place, and then began to look for the weak points of the formation.

Everything has its weakness, and the formation is no exception. Since you can't find the position of the formation eye, then look for the weakness of the formation, and see if you can use the formation-breaking shuttle to break the formation.

Seeing Liu Xiaoyuan still not moving, Elder Wang stopped in place and couldn't help asking: "Friend Liu, why are you not moving?"

Liu Xiaoyuan waved his hand and said: "Please don't disturb me, I'm trying to find out the weakness of this formation."

Liu Xiaoyuan's spiritual consciousness began to slowly cover the white protective barrier of the formation, and began to search in a carpet style. Slowly, Liu Xiaoyuan's spiritual consciousness had searched more than half of the formation.

But still did not find the weak point of the formation, nearly ten minutes had passed, Wang Lao and Wang Ruyi seemed very anxious, their eyes had already started to look around, to see if anyone was coming.

As for Baihu, he lay obediently on the ground and closed his eyes, as if the things here were not his business at all.

Liu Xiaoyuan still carefully searched for the weak points of the formation in an unhurried manner. As time passed bit by bit, the formation was almost finished by Liu Xiaoyuan.

After nearly 10 minutes passed, Liu Xiaoyuan finally searched the entire formation, but still did not find any weakness in the formation. Now, Liu Xiaoyuan became a little anxious.

Damn, I searched the whole thing, but found nothing. Could it be that the work just now was useless.

Elder Wang looked at Liu Xiaoyuan expectantly and asked, "How is it, fellow Daoist Liu? How is the situation?"

Liu Xiaoyuan glanced at Mr. Wang, and wanted to shake his head and say he didn't find it, but after thinking for a while, Liu Xiaoyuan said, "Why are you in a hurry? I'm not in a hurry to break the formation, why are you in a hurry?"

After being reprimanded by Liu Xiaoyuan, Elder Wang's old face flushed, and Wang Ruyi showed an angry look on his face. He was about to speak, but Elder Wang stopped him from speaking.

Wang Ruyi had no choice but to stare at Liu Xiaoyuan bitterly. Although Liu Xiaoyuan knew about it, he didn't have the heart to care about it now.

What Liu Xiaoyuan cares about now is where the weak point of this formation is. He has searched everywhere, but he still can't find the weak point of this formation.

No, I still haven't found a place, Liu Xiaoyuan seems to have thought of something.

Liu Xiaoyuan searched the three sides of the formation, but he didn't find it on the ground, so the weak point of the formation may be on the ground.

Thinking in this way, Liu Xiaoyuan was overjoyed immediately, and immediately let go of his consciousness and burrowed into the ground, and then carefully searched for the weak points of this formation.

Following the exploration of his spiritual consciousness, Liu Xiaoyuan immediately discovered a place that was unusual, and the aura fluctuations here were a bit unusual.

This is unusual only compared to other places, if you don't pay attention, it is easy to miss this place, but it was discovered by Liu Xiaoyuan.

"Well, it should be here. The aura fluctuations here are a little bigger than other places." Liu Xiaoyuan thought in his mind.

Right, it depends on now.

Liu Xiaoyuan immediately urged the broken formation shuttle to get under the ground, and then came to the place where the aura fluctuated.

"Break it for me!" Liu Xiaoyuan yelled, and with the infusion of spiritual energy into the formation-breaking shuttle, the formation-breaking shuttle was like a high-speed rotating drill, piercing through the formation's revenge barrier.

Although this is the weak point of the formation, it cannot be broken with three or two strokes of the formation-breaking shuttle.

Liu Xiaoyuan was urging the breaking formation shuttle to break the formation with all his strength, but Wang Ruyi and Wang Lao looked at each other and nodded slightly.

The actions of the two did not hide the truth from Liu Xiaoyuan, who was breaking the formation. When Liu Xiaoyuan saw this scene, he knew that the two were planning bad ideas.

"Bai Hu, you monitor every move of these two people for me, as long as they make any abnormal movements, I will kill you!" Liu Xiaoyuan said to Bai Hu.

Bai Hu, who was resting with his eyes closed, heard Liu Xiaoyuan's conversation, but still closed his eyes and said, "Don't worry, master, with me here, you can break through the formation without worry."

With Bai Hu's words, Liu Xiaoyuan felt relieved. Liu Xiaoyuan was afraid that when he broke the formation, Mr. Wang and his granddaughter would attack him from behind at the same time. At that time, Liu Xiaoyuan would be unable to guard against it and might suffer a big loss.

Now that Bai Hu was watching them, Liu Xiaoyuan was completely at ease. If the two dared to make any moves, Bai Hu would take action directly.

With Baihu's ability, it is not easy to deal with the two of them.

After receiving Baihu's guarantee, Liu Xiaoyuan continued to push the breaking shuttle with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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