Chapter 933
Hearing what Su Xue said, Liu Xiaoyuan felt that there were many similarities between this woman in white and Su Xue.

For example, with a cold look, Su Xue before also had a cold look, as if he had lent her fifty cents to buy a popsicle and hadn't returned it.

In addition, the peaks of both of them are so big, Liu Xiaoyuan doesn't know if this is their genetic factor, because Su Yu's is also big.

"Xue'er, do you feel right?" Liu Xiaoyuan looked at Su Xue and asked.

Su Xue nodded seriously and said, "Yes, I don't feel wrong, this person should be the same as me."

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoyuan looked a little confused, how could the Kunlun School allow the vixen to practice?
If this woman in white wants to hide the truth from the Kunlun School and practice here, it is obviously impossible. The Kunlun School is the number one school. If she doesn't even have this ability, then what qualifications do she have to be the number one school.

In addition, this woman in white swaggered out in broad daylight, obviously not avoiding the Kunlun Sect, but, this woman must be a disciple of the Kunlun Sect.

If this woman in white is really a disciple of the Kunlun School, then there is a problem with this point. Why did the Kunlun School make the vixen a member of the Kunlun School?
Could it be that the Kunlun School is inclusive and has a tolerant heart?
Liu Xiaoyuan thinks it's possible, but Liu Xiaoyuan doesn't know if it's the case, it's all his own guess.

Su Xue looked at Liu Xiaoyuan and said, "Xiaoyuan, why don't we catch up and have a look?"

Liu Xiaoyuan looked at the hopeful expression on Su Xue's face, Liu Xiaoyuan knew that Su Xue hoped that he would promise her.

"Okay, Xue'er, as long as you are happy, I promise you." Liu Xiaoyuan nodded and said.

Anyway, with the white tiger by his side now, even if there is any danger, the white tiger will resist, besides, the current Liu Xiaoyuan is not weak, so ordinary threats are still ignored.

"Master, I also think that woman just now is not human." Bai Hu suddenly made an afterthought.

Bai Hu continued: "It's because she is not a human being that I did what I did just now. If it were a human woman, I wouldn't do this."

Damn, who will believe your nonsense, your pervert is getting more and more perverted, it seems that I have to guard against your pervert.

"Xiaoyuan, you are so kind." Seeing that Liu Xiaoyuan agreed to her request, Su Xue immediately kissed Liu Xiaoyuan's face to express her gratitude.

Seeing this scene, Baihu immediately said: "Master, please don't do this in front of the single tiger, it will make me unbearable."

Liu Xiaoyuan's head was covered with black lines all of a sudden, and the white tiger looked less and less like him.

"Let's go, Xue'er, Baihu, follow me too." Liu Xiaoyuan said to Baihu, and then took Su Xue's hand and flew forward.

Anyway, when Liu Xiaoyuan saw the woman in white, he flew forward. As for where he flew, Liu Xiaoyuan didn't know, he could only try his luck.

After flying forward for nearly ten miles, Liu Xiaoyuan saw another peak in the distance, and there were obviously several white foxes running on the peak.

Seeing Liu Xiaoyuan, a stranger, coming, he disappeared in an instant.Moreover, on this peak, there seems to be a formation protecting it.

Liu Xiaoyuan took Su Xue's hand and flew towards the peak, but before he reached the peak, he was blocked by the woman in white just now.

The woman in white stared at Liu Xiaoyuan and Su Xue coldly, and asked coldly, "What are you two doing here? This is not where you came from, please leave quickly."

Liu Xiaoyuan said with a smile: "I just want to come here to see the scenery. The beautiful and picturesque scenery here makes me very intoxicated. I also ask this fairy to let me have a look at the scenery on the mountain."

Hearing Liu Xiaoyuan's words, the other party glared at Liu Xiaoyuan and said, "I'm sorry, I don't welcome others to enjoy the scenery here, and please leave quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Fairy, we are distinguished guests of the Kunlun Sect. This is how you treat distinguished guests. Isn't it a little too rude?"

The woman in white said coldly: "That has nothing to do with me, please leave!"

While talking, the woman took out a flying sword on her body, and it seemed that she was about to strike if she disagreed.

Liu Xiaoyuan smiled and said, "Fairy, if you have something to say, why bother? I just saw several white foxes on your peak. I don't know if they are all raised by fairies?"

Seeing Liu Xiaoyuan's mouth talking non-stop, the white-clothed woman snorted coldly, talked too much, then stabbed at Liu Xiaoyuan with a sword, and Liu Xiaoyuan dodged immediately.

"Fairy, that's how you treat guests, isn't it?" Liu Xiaoyuan said with a smile, but his hands were not idle, and he immediately sacrificed the Blood Drinking Sword.

As soon as the Blood Drinking Sword came out, it flew directly towards the woman in white.

Seeing the long blood-red tail dragging behind the Blood Drinking Sword, the woman in white snorted coldly.Said: "Small tricks, demons and heretics, it's not worth mentioning."

It seems that this woman in white is still a proud woman in white.

Seeing himself as a heretic, Liu Xiaoyuan sneered.

"Crack!" The woman in white let her flying sword face Liu Xiaoyuan's blood-drinking sword, and the two flying swords collided with each other, making a crisp sound. This touch surprised the woman in white.

From the perspective of the woman in white, at least Liu Xiaoyuan would suffer a lot from this collision, but unexpectedly, everyone was equally divided.

"You're very good." The woman in white saw Liu Xiaoyuan and followed her with a move, and it could be said that she was evenly matched. This surprised the woman in white, but also admired Liu Xiaoyuan's ability.

Liu Xiaoyuan nodded with a smile, and said, "Of course I'm good. If I'm not good, how can I protect the women around me?"

When the woman in white heard Liu Xiaoyuan's words, she thought that Liu Xiaoyuan was speaking rudely, she immediately became furious, and said directly: "Then I want to see how powerful you really are."

"What are you doing?" Just then, an old voice sounded.

Afterwards, an old man in his 60s, with silver hair all over his head, stepped on the void, and slowly walked over.

"Grandma." Seeing this old man, the woman in white immediately called grandma respectfully, and then stepped aside.

Liu Xiaoyuan looked at the old man, but he didn't expect that the old man turned out to be the grandmother of the woman in white, who was also a vixen.

The old man nodded towards the woman in white, then looked at Liu Xiaoyuan and asked, "Young man, why do you want to break into my mountain?"

Liu Xiaoyuan said with a smile: "Old man, you misunderstood, I didn't want to climb the mountain, I just wanted to go up to see the scenery, nothing else."

(End of this chapter)

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