Chapter 936
At the start of the competition, a disciple of the Hehuan Sect took out a goose yellow silk scarf. This silk scarf is her weapon. Although it is just a silk scarf, there are actually many ways in it.

This silk scarf is refined from silkworm silk, impenetrable by water and fire, it can be described as a rare magic weapon.

In addition, this silk scarf can be shortened or lengthened, depending on the user's thought.

What's more, this silk scarf also contains the special medicine of the Hehuan sect, if the other party accidentally inhales it, it will make the whole body weak.

Therefore, this silk scarf is definitely a good magic weapon for women.

Yang Zihan held the flying sword in his hand, which was a high-level spiritual weapon given to Yang Zihan by Yuxiao Pavilion, which was at the same level as the Blood Drinking Sword.

Yang Zihan also knew that the best defense was to attack. In order to avoid the opponent's attack from being too fierce later, Yang Zihan took the lead in launching the attack.

And Yang Zihan's attack was also extremely violent, like a violent storm, trying to finish off the opponent in an instant.

This female disciple of the Hehuan Sect obviously did not expect that Yang Zihan would attack so fiercely as soon as he made a move, which caught her off guard.

However, even if they were caught off guard, the opponent was still able to hold on and did not let Yang Zihan win.

After the female disciple of the Hehuan Sect stepped aside, she shook the silk scarf in her hand, and the silk scarf immediately flew towards Yang Zihan, as if she wanted to entangle Yang Zihan.

Yang Zihan's flying sword stood directly on the silk scarf, as if it was cut on a stone, it was so hard.

Liu Xiaoyuan knew that this silk scarf was a magic weapon, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful, it seems that it is also a high-level spiritual weapon.

Yang Zihan suddenly took a deep breath, and suddenly realized something was wrong, the strength in her body seemed to be passing away bit by bit.

Seeing this scene, the disciple of the Hehuan Sect laughed and said: "You were tired of attacking just now, and it will be my turn to attack later. I just don't know how many moves you can hold on to undefeated."

When Liu Xiaoyuan saw Yang Zihan's situation, he knew that something was wrong with Yang Zihan, maybe he fell into the secret trick of a disciple of Hehuan Sect.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome, and Yang Zihan is likely to be completely defeated.

If Yang Zihan was really defeated by the disciples of the Hehuan Sect, it would be too shameful, and Yuxiao Pavilion would not even be able to hold its head up in front of the Hehuan Sect.

The disciples of the Hehuan Sect didn't seem to be in a hurry to attack, because the effect of the medicine on Yang Zihan's body hadn't fully taken effect. After the effect of the medicine on Yang Zihan's body had fully taken effect, it would be easy to clean up Yang Zihan.

Yang Zihan said inwardly that it was terrible, and immediately thought of countermeasures in his mind. If this situation is allowed to continue, it will be a big trouble.

"Yes." Yang Zihan suddenly remembered that he had learned a kung fu, which he saw in the library pavilion of Yuxiao Pavilion, which was able to confine all kinds of poisonous gas or drugs in a certain corner of the body. But it cannot be dispelled, and the time is only a few minutes.

What's more, when the time comes, the imprisoned poisonous gas will be more serious than before, and the damage to the body will be greater.

Therefore, this kind of kung fu is like a tasteless existence. At that time, Yang Zihan thought it was interesting, so he practiced it a little bit, but it didn't last long.

Now, Yang Zihan has no other choice but to use this method to prevent the effect of the medicine from spreading in his body. In the end, otherwise, the consequences will not depend on the imagination.

"Well, it's ok." After Yang Zihan used the exercises recorded in the book, he immediately found that the situation in his body was under control, and he confined the bad gas in a corner of his body.

Yang Zihan originally wanted to fight the opponent immediately and finish the opponent in just a few minutes.But if you think about it, if you can't solve the opponent in a few minutes, you will really lose.

Rather than using force, it is better to deceive, Yang Zihan immediately had an idea in his heart.

Yang Zihan's idea is very simple, that is to continue pretending to be hit, and then launch an attack when he is not prepared, and he will definitely get a miraculous effect.

"Crack!" Yang Zihan pretended to be weak and sat on the ground paralyzed, the sword in his hand fell to the ground.

Yang Zihan finally picked up the fallen sword with all his strength.

When the people below saw this scene, some were happy and some were disappointed. Yang Xiner and the others were naturally the one who lost. Seeing that Yang Zihan couldn't even lift the flying sword in his hand, how could they use the flying sword in his hand to defeat the enemy.

Elder Meng sighed even more and shook his head, Yuxiao Pavilion was completely wiped out this time.

Looking at Yang Zihan on the stage, Liu Xiaoyuan was very worried, it doesn't matter if he loses, Liu Xiaoyuan was afraid that this disciple of the Acacia Sect would do something aggressive to Yang Zihan, and Yang Zihan would be hurt.

If the disciples of the Hehuan Sect really did something excessive to Yang Zihan, Liu Xiaoyuan would do it right away regardless of the rules, and he would never allow the disciples of the Hehuan Sect to hurt Yang Zihan.

The people from the Hehuan Sect laughed happily, they naturally knew what kind of drug Yang Zihan was in, and they knew that Yang Zihan would definitely lose this time.

The Acacia Sect disciples fighting on the stage saw that the time was almost up. At this time, Yang Zihan should not have any strength to resist, so he could only let himself decide.

"Little sister, let my sister take care of you." The disciple of the Hehuan Sect walked up to Yang Zihan and said with a smile on his face, his victory was sure.

Then, at this moment, Yang Zihan suddenly jumped up as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and the flying sword in his hand was aimed at the throat of the disciple of the Hehuan Sect. The blood of the disciples of Hehuan Sect was splashed on the spot.

This sudden scene directly stunned everyone present, no one expected such a result, originally thought that Yang Zihan would definitely lose, but who knew that Yang Zihan was actually trying to lure the enemy deeper.

The disciple of the Hehuan Sect muttered to himself, " is this possible?"

Yang Zihan snorted coldly and said: "There are many impossible things in the world."

After saying this, Yang Zihan looked at the referee and asked, "Who loses and who wins?"

Because Yang Zihan already felt that he couldn't last long, if the referee didn't announce the result, Yang Zihan was afraid that if he fell down, all his efforts would be in vain.

The referee tactfully announced the result of the match: "In this match, Yang Zihan from Yuxiao Pavilion won!"

Hearing this answer, Yang Zihan showed a smile on his face, and then walked directly down.

Although Yang Xin'er and the others wondered why Yang Zihan didn't get the trick, but at this moment, they didn't have the heart to think about it at all. They immediately walked in front of Yang Zihan, and were about to talk to Yang Zihan happily, but Yang Zihan fell to the ground suddenly. Like being poisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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