I have a god-level invincible system

Chapter 969 Test Formation

Chapter 969 Test Formation
Liu Xiaoyuan sent the mother and daughter to the door of their house, and then drove home.

On the way home, Liu Xiaoyuan couldn't help asking: "Dad, who was that aunt just now?"

Because Liu Xiaoyuan didn't have any impression of this aunt, and he didn't remember knowing such a person at all.

Liu Haimin said: "It's normal that you don't know each other. She is a relative of your cousin's family. She is very warm-hearted. Whenever you meet her on the street, she will take the initiative to say hello and invite you to her house for dinner."

It can be seen that this aunt is indeed more enthusiastic and talkative.

After returning home, Su Xue asked how the banquet was going.As for the banquet, Su Xue has only heard about it, but has never been there. As a vixen, she used to stay in the mountains and lived a life almost isolated from the outside world.

Liu Xiaoyuan said with a smile: "That's it, next time I have a chance to take Xue'er with you."

Hearing Liu Xiaoyuan's words, Su Xue was very happy, because she really wanted to experience the feeling of having a banquet.

What Su Xue wants is not the taste of the dishes on the banquet, but the atmosphere on the banquet, because she has never been there, so she naturally wants to experience it.

Hearing that Liu Xiaoyuan promised to take her to a banquet next time, Su Xue nodded happily and asked, "Really?"

Liu Xiaoyuan glanced at Su Xue and asked, "Xue'er, when did you say I lied to you?"

Su Xue immediately rolled her eyes at Liu Xiaoyuan, and said, "You villain often cheats people."

There was nothing to do, so Liu Xiaoyuan rested leisurely at home. However, during the rest, Liu Xiaoyuan did not give up his cultivation.

Liu Xiaoyuan once again took out the bamboo slips from the Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation, and studied them carefully.

The last time Liu Xiaoyuan took out the bamboo slips of the Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation, Liu Xiaoyuan studied for a long time, but he still couldn't find the trick, which made Liu Xiaoyuan very annoyed.

The Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation is a great killing formation, so Liu Xiaoyuan naturally wants to learn it well. When he encounters a strong enemy in the future, he can directly deploy this formation, and it will be enough for the opponent to drink a pot.

Although the Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation recorded on the bamboo slips is not so complete, in Liu Xiaoyuan's view, the incomplete Xuanhandang Heavenly Killing Formation is already very powerful, and it is very difficult for monks to enter this formation. walk out.

This Profound Handle Heavenly Killing Formation is not only powerful, but also extremely difficult to learn.

Liu Xiaoyuan thinks he is very smart and has the help of the god-level invincible system, but when he encounters the Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation, he is also a big head, and it is difficult to study it thoroughly.

Nothing is unachievable!

Liu Xiaoyuan firmly believes that since others can invent this formation, he must be able to study it thoroughly. If others can do it, I, Liu Xiaoyuan, can naturally do it too.

So, taking advantage of this period of time when nothing happened, Liu Xiaoyuan carefully studied the mystery of the Profound Handle Heavenly Killing Formation.

With in-depth research, Liu Xiaoyuan found that his grasp of this formation is getting more and more thorough. It's like reciting a piece of classical Chinese. Found that, in fact, is the case.

This is the case with the Profound Handle Heavenly Killing Formation. As he slowly researched, Liu Xiaoyuan found that he had mastered more and more things.

Liu Xiaoyuan believes that with his unremitting efforts, this Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation will be studied soon, and then he will find a place to properly arrange this formation and try its power.

Bai Hu's self-cultivation during this period also gradually recovered, which made Liu Xiaoyuan feel very gratified.

It can't help that the white tiger is a great help to Liu Xiaoyuan at this stage. When encountering danger, the white tiger can still play a very important role.

Seeing Liu Xiaoyuan studying the Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation, Bai Hu asked, "Master, how is your research going?"

Liu Xiaoyuan said: "It's almost there. I think it will take a few days before I can set up this Profound Handle Heavenly Killing Formation. By then, it will be a big killer."

Bai Hu was also happy for Liu Xiaoyuan, because the stronger Liu Xiaoyuan was, the more face he would have.

Liu Xiaoyuan was studying the formation carefully, but Bai Hu didn't bother him, he knew that he couldn't half-heartedly study the formation, he had to calm down and think calmly.

After two days, Liu Xiaoyuan felt that he had almost mastered it, and it was time to try it out by himself. If you don't practice it, you will never know how well you have learned.

It's like a student studying. You have been in class for half a semester. If you don't take a midterm exam, you will never know how the student's academic performance is.

If you want to set up a big killing formation like the Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation, you must find a relatively open place, and there should be no people around. If someone breaks in while testing the formation, it would be bad if you accidentally injure someone.

So, this place is kind of hard to find.

In fact, being in the mountains of his own village is the most suitable place, but when Liu Xiaoyuan thought that if Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation were set up in the mountains, all the surrounding trees might be destroyed, which Liu Xiaoyuan didn't want to see.

Therefore, the address of this experiment made Liu Xiaoyuan a little confused, so he had to search slowly.

Fortunately, if you look for such a place with your heart, it is not difficult to find. Liu Xiaoyuan found a place in the next town. This place used to be a quarry for a cement factory, but due to environmental protection issues, the cement factory was closed, so this quarry The field is naturally closed.

This quarry is in the mountains, not too far from the residential area, so if you test the formation here at night, even if there is a little commotion, it should be fine.

After finding the place, Liu Xiaoyuan waited for the dead of night to come here to test the Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation.

It was already late at night, Liu Xiaoyuan looked at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, at this time, people in the countryside were already sound asleep.

Liu Xiaoyuan called Baihu to go out together, calling Baihu just in case, if someone came to disturb, Baihu could stop him for him.

After arriving at the place, Liu Xiaoyuan asked Baihu to help guard the wind, and Liu Xiaoyuan began to arrange the formation.

The white tiger immediately stood on the top of the mountain, let go of his consciousness, and directly enveloped within a few kilometers.

With the white tiger's release, Liu Xiaoyuan can naturally arrange the formation with peace of mind.

Liu Xiaoyuan first took out some spirit stones from his body and put them on the ground, because formations also need spirit energy to support them, even monks must abide by the law of energy conservation.

After taking out the spirit stone, Liu Xiaoyuan immediately began to arrange the formation according to the records on the bamboo slips.

This Profound Handle Heavenly Killing Formation is not like an ordinary formation, its structure is complicated, if one step is not done in place, it will fall short.

Therefore, when arranging the Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation, Liu Xiaoyuan was careful, as if he was walking on thin ice, if he was not careful, he would fall into the ice ditch.

(End of this chapter)

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