I have a god-level invincible system

Chapter 973 War of Attrition

Chapter 973 War of Attrition
Sima Lian was in the middle of the formation, and was immediately attacked by the murderous aura of the Xuangang Heavenly Killing Formation. However, Sima Lian was a monk in the middle stage of Mahayana after all, so he still didn't take this attack seriously.

Seeing a wave of killing intent coming towards him, Sima Lian immediately formed a protective shield to protect his entire body.

And those murderous auras directly attacked the protective shield, making Sima Lian's protective shield ripple like circles, as if they wanted to break Sima Lian's protective shield, but they couldn't break it.

Although this kind of attack didn't have much impact on Sima Lian, it shocked Sima Lian quite a bit. Although the killing intent couldn't hurt Sima Lian, these were all temporary.

In order to resist these killing intents, Sima Lian's spiritual energy was constantly being consumed. Sima Lian knew that if things went on like this, he would really be in danger.

And more importantly, Liu Xiaoyuan and Bai Hu were watching.

Therefore, Sima Lian was very anxious in his heart, he just wanted to destroy this formation as soon as possible, or kill Liu Xiaoyuan.

Sima Lian thought for a while, breaking the formation could not be accomplished overnight, because if the formation was easy to break, he would have broken it already, so why wait until now.

Therefore, what Sima Lian needs is to kill Liu Xiaoyuan in the formation, this is the most effective way.

After Sima Lian thought of this strategy, he immediately walked towards Liu Xiaoyuan, wanting to kill Liu Xiaoyuan.

When Liu Xiaoyuan saw Sima Lian walking towards him, he immediately guessed Sima Lian's intention, and immediately called Baihu to attack Sima Lian.

Seeing that Liu Xiaoyuan, a cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage, attacked him recklessly, Sima Lian snorted coldly, this matter was courting death.

Sima Lian snorted coldly, and immediately hit Liu Xiaoyuan with a mace. When the mace came down, Liu Xiaoyuan felt as if he was fixed by something. He couldn't escape at all, so he could only watch. Watching the stick hit him.

How is this going?Liu Xiaoyuan was taken aback, how could such a situation suddenly appear?

Seeing the mace falling towards him, Liu Xiaoyuan instantly understood what was going on. It must be the aura of the mace that enveloped him, making him unable to move at all.

Grandma, of course Liu Xiaoyuan can't wait to die, so he immediately summoned the late-stage cultivators through the god-level invincible system.

As soon as the cultivator in the late stage of Huashen got up, Liu Xiaoyuan immediately felt relaxed and able to move.

The moment Sima Lian's mace came down, Liu Xiaoyuan immediately disappeared from the spot and appeared in another place.

Seeing this scene, Sima Lian showed an inconceivable look on his face. This kid has suddenly changed from a cultivation base of the late Yuan Ying to a monk of the late Huashen stage.

In such a short time, he has risen to a great level. All Sima Lian could think of was that Liu Xiaoyuan had hidden his power before.

However, Sima Lian wasn't too worried. Even if he hid his power, it didn't matter. He was a monk in the middle stage of Mahayana, and he was still struggling to deal with monks in the late stage of Huashen.

"Boy, give me another stick." The mace in Sima Lian's hand flew towards Liu Xiaoyuan at an extremely fast speed, and when flying over, the mace continued to grow in size.

Naturally, Liu Xiaoyuan would not be so stupid as to confront Sima Lian head-on. After all, he is a mid-term Mahayana cultivation base, and if he confronts him head-on, he will definitely not gain any advantage.

Therefore, facing Sima Lian's attack, Liu Xiaoyuan had no choice but to avoid the edge and wait for the opportunity.

The white tiger here also took the opportunity to attack Sima Lian, directly attacking Sima Lian's protective shield.

Under the attack of the white tiger, Sima Lian's protective shield seemed to be broken immediately, but he persisted in the end.

Sima Lian's target was on Liu Xiaoyuan just now, and he didn't notice the white tiger at all. This time, being attacked by the white tiger like this, Sima Lian immediately became angry. It seems that the white tiger must be dealt with together.

However, if Sima Lian wanted to solve Liu Xiaoyuan and Bai Hu, it would be an easy task. With the cooperation between Liu Xiaoyuan and Bai Hu, Sima Lian couldn't find a chance at all.

Although Sima Lian's mace posed a big threat to Liu Xiaoyuan, Liu Xiaoyuan could easily dodge it.

Furthermore, Sima Lian was not at all easy, he had to guard against Liu Xiaoyuan's and Bai Hu's attacks, and he also had to guard against murderous attacks, it could be described as a double attack.

Liu Xiaoyuan knew that Sima Lian couldn't last long in the formation, and the longer it took, the more effective it would be for him.

Therefore, if Liu Xiaoyuan doesn't attack Sima Lian with you, I just delay the time and see who has more time.

As time passed by, Sima Lian found that the spiritual energy in his body was losing more and more. If this continued, he might end up here.

Seeing that Liu Xiaoyuan was dodging instead of attacking, Sima Lian knew that Liu Xiaoyuan had seen Sima Lian's weakness long ago, so he immediately cursed, but he was helpless.

Seeing Sima Lian's appearance, Liu Xiaoyuan stood in the distance and said with a smile: "Sima Lian, I like your look of wanting to kill me but helpless, haha..."

Hearing this, Sima Lian gritted his teeth angrily when he saw Liu Xiaoyuan's arrogant appearance.

The mace in his hand flew towards Liu Xiaoyuan again, and Liu Xiaoyuan avoided it again with a smile.

Liu Xiaoyuan thought to himself, I can't beat you, so can't I hide from your weapon attack?
Seeing that Liu Xiaoyuan dodged his attack again, the anger on Sima Lian's face naturally became more intense.

Just as he was attacking Liu Xiaoyuan, Baihu once again slapped Sima Lian's protective shield with his paw.

This time, the white tiger's attack was effective, this claw directly broke Sima Lian's protective shield.

As soon as the protective shield was broken, waves of murderous intent rushed towards Sima Lian like a tide, and Sima Lian roared angrily, shattering the murderous intent without a trace.

However, these murderous auras are simply not something that you, Sima Lian, can finish with a yell.

After you yell, the murderous aura continues to fly over, allowing you, Sima, to continue to bear the murderous attack.

After seeing that Sima Lian's protective shield was broken, Liu Xiaoyuan was overjoyed, "Damn it, your protective shield is broken, so it's time for you to attack."

At this moment, Liu Xiaoyuan's enthusiasm came, and he took out the Blood Drinking Sword, and said to Baihu: "Intensify the attack, don't give this guy a chance to fight back."

We must beat the dog in the water and not give him a chance to go ashore.

Liu Xiaoyuan and Bai Hu are going to beat the dog in the water now, since Sima Lian's protective shield is broken, they will naturally attack non-stop, so that he has no time to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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