Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 120 Escape

Chapter 120 Escape
Seeing this, Swing Snow, who flew upside down, shrank her beautiful eyes rapidly, and she immediately called for help to the black-robed old man: "Help me!"

The black-robed old man who was flying upside down also stabilized his figure immediately, and at the same time slashed out with a knife.

Ling Lie's blade glowed with terrifying power, and he slashed at Ye Tianling for a month.

This knife seemed to split Ye Tianling in half!
Ye Tianling, who is like a diamond, is fearless, even if the sword of the old man in black is very strong!

He communicated with the book of fate, and the power of vitality has spread in his limbs.

At the same time, his whole body was covered with a layer of golden light, which was formed by the gathering of earth attribute spiritual power, and it was mainly used for defense.

Ye Tianling's vajra body instantly came into contact with the blade light of this domineering sword.

one strike!
The sword light collapsed.

The golden light covering Ye Tianling's body collapsed, but the knife was too strong, and a wisp of the light still hit Ye Tianling's forehead and whole body.

Ye Tianling's forehead went down, and a deep wound was printed there, causing a lot of blood to flow all over his body.

When the old man in black robe and Qiu Qianxue saw this, a look of joy flashed in their eyes.

Although Ye Tianling's method was weird, it still couldn't stop this domineering strike.

However, in the next scene, both of them stared at Ye Tianling in disbelief.

I saw the wound on Ye Tianling's body recovering intact at lightning speed!
"This...how is this possible! How could your injury suddenly heal!" The black-robed old man stared at Ye Tianling in shock with his old eyes.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Ye Tianling's mouth: "Do you think I will tell you?"

"Continue! Kill until you are weak!"

Ye Tianling let out an indifferent voice, standing in the air, suddenly...

The big sun in the sky is falling, the clear sky is gone, and what follows is the dusk shrouded in twilight!

"The Silent Field!"

At this moment, the old man in black robe and Qiu Qianxue seemed to be in another world.

There is no big sun in this world, only endless dusk, and the most frightening thing is that there is no sound here!

When Qiu Qianxue saw this scene, her pretty face suddenly darkened, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help but become serious.

At that time in Yunxia Sect, she teamed up with Mo Wentian, and suffered heavy losses because of Ye Tianling's move.

"Be careful, this trick is very weird!" Qiu Qianxue immediately reminded the old man in black.

But after she finished speaking, her pretty face turned pale, and she realized that she couldn't hear what she said.

And the old man in black robe couldn't hear Qiu Qianxue's voice, but he possessed special skills and learned lip language since he was a child.

Even though he couldn't hear what Qiu Qianxue said, but through the shape of Qiu Qianxue's cherry red lips, he still knew what Qiu Qianxue said!
The black-robed old man was surprised, Qiu Qianxue didn't make a sound no matter how she spoke, could it be that she was frightened?
"Don't be afraid, there is an old man here, he can't hurt you!" After the old man in black robe finished speaking, his old face couldn't help but become solemn.

He couldn't hear his own voice. At this moment, he understood that everything was Ye Tianling's fault.

"Killing Field!"

Ye Tianling used the killing field on the third page of the Book of Destiny.


In this silent world, there was a frightening voice.

This sound is roaring, every time it roars, the whole world hides endless murderous intentions!
The black-robed old man and Swing Snow immediately leaned together, and the two were vigilant in all directions.

The two felt that there were murderous intentions everywhere, and it seemed that an attack would strike them at any moment!

With one hand behind his back, Ye Tianling used his dark attribute talent to hide himself.

But he still stood at the original position, he raised his hand, his eyes were indifferent: "The wind is coming!"

Immediately, this world was full of endless storms, the wind howled, and the wind contained lingering power, and they all roared towards the two in black robes!

The black-robed old man and Swing Snow immediately shrouded their whole bodies in defensive light, and tried their best to resist this endless storm!

"Thunder!" Ye Tianling said indifferently again.


There was a rumbling sound in the sky, accompanied by terrifying lightning, which continuously struck at the two black-robed old men.



A series of terrifying blue lightning bolts struck the two black-robed old men continuously!
"It's too scary here! It's better to leave first!" The black-robed old man immediately grabbed the swing snow, and quickly ran in one direction.

Ye Tianling still controlled the endless lightning, and kept chasing after the old man in black robe!

A flash of lightning struck Qiu Qianxue's left shoulder, and under the blow, blue smoke emitted from Qiu Qianxue's left shoulder.


A flash of lightning struck the black-robed old man, causing the whole body of the black-robed old man to tremble, revealing a blue-glowed skeleton.

But these two attacks did not cause fatal damage to Qiu Qianxue and the others.

Within ten breaths, the black-robed old man and Swing Snow had disappeared.

at this time.

The world at dusk is gone, the world has returned to normal, the sun is still high in the sky, and the clear sky is still shining on the earth!

Ye Tianling stood in the air, and the aura around him fell from the peak Linghuang to the one-star Linghuang.

Looking at the place where the two old men in black robe left, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "The gap between Lingzong and Linghuang is too big. If he is only a two-star Lingzong, he will definitely die today! It's a pity... he It happens to be the Three Star Spirit Sect!"

At this time, two figures flew towards Ye Tianling from a distance.

Ye Tianling looked over, a faint smile appeared on his face.

He looked at the two and said quietly: "Let them escape, but... they should escape to the first-rate region this time, and will not come to the second-rate region again."

The visitors are Ye Li and Ding Wuya.

Ding Wuya looked at Ye Tianling in shock, and with his own strength, he was undefeated against the three-star Lingzong, and even drove away the black-robed old man.

This is enough to show that Ye Tianling's combat power is in the four-star spirit sect!
Ye Li looked at Ye Tianling, and couldn't help but relax. She had been observing here in the dark before, for fear that Ye Tianling might make a mistake.

"It doesn't matter if you run away, it won't be too late to kill them when we go to the first-class area!" Ye Li said slowly.

Ye Tianling nodded.

"Let's go." Ye Tianling said, and flew towards where Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan were.

Several people came to Wanjin City together, in a hall of Ding Mansion!
Several people sat there, while Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan waited on Ye Tianling.

Ye Tianling sat lazily on the chair, looked at Ding Wuya and Ye Li and said slowly: "Now the crisis is over, I plan to stay in the second-rate region for a month, and then go to the first-rate region!"

"I'll go too!" Ye Li looked at Ye Tianling with beautiful eyes.

Ye Tianling smiled and looked at Ye Li: "Your strength is too low, you should stay here obediently, so as not to drag me down."

After hearing this, Ye Li's pretty face sank. She stared into Ye Tianling's eyes and said loudly, "I won't drag you down!"

(End of this chapter)

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