Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 124 Ordinary Days

Chapter 124 Ordinary Days

"Then how do you fight against each other?" Ye Tianling asked curiously.

"She and I each secretly cultivate seeds that can dominate the world, and whoever's seed dominates the world in the end will win!" The Book of Destiny.

After Ye Tianling heard this, all the doubts in his heart were suddenly resolved.

He has always felt that his destiny trajectory is being controlled by others. The people he meets and the things he experiences seem to have been deliberately arranged by a certain power.

It turns out...all of this is caused by the Book of Fate!

But... when he thought that he was being manipulated by the Book of Fate as a pawn, he was very upset!

"You manipulated my fate like this, did you consider my feelings!" Ye Tianling said in a deep voice.

"No." Book of Fate.

"You! You are going too far!" Ye Tianling said.

"Excessive? That's okay. At worst, I will restart the time and let you go back to the past. You should still be your holy saint, and go have a good time with your baby Ruoxi." The book of fate.

"..." Ye Tianling: "Not too much..."

In Ye Tianling's heart, it was as if 1 dark horses had stepped on him, and if he really went back to the past.

Then Ye Qingxue, Lin Menghan, Ye Li, Ye Wuchen, don't these four people have nothing to do with me...

"Okay, just to tease you, in fact, this book has a lot to do with you, but not with your previous life, but with your previous life's previous life, specifically, when you break through the realm of Lingdi, you will know everything .” The Book of Destiny.

"Okay!" Ye Tianling nodded, Lingdi, in the past he would have felt that the realm of Lingdi was so out of reach!
But... now, he felt that Emperor Ling was like that.

Ye Tianling's consciousness withdrew from the Book of Fate, he walked out of the room, stood outside, and stretched long facing the sun.

And Ye Li's three daughters were practicing earth-level martial arts on an empty mountain not far away.

This continued until the evening, when the girls cooked some dishes and sat down to eat together.

"After eating, let's rest." Ye Tianling looked at the three girls and said.

"It's getting late, it seems like there's nothing to do except rest?" Ye Qingxue.

"Life in Tianling Continent is a little monotonous. It's not for improving the state, it's for improving the state. There is such a thing that everyone likes to play at night." Ye Tianling said with emotion.

In his previous life, he had broken through to the peak of the Holy Spirit, and was already invincible in the world. He enjoyed many honors and was admired by countless people.

But what really makes him happy is when he is with Jun Ruoxi.

"Eat." Ye Tianling put down his chopsticks and looked at the two women: "I'll wait for you in the room."

Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan's pretty faces suddenly flushed, they lowered their heads, not daring to look at Ye Tianling.

Ye Li on the side was very angry, she stared at Ye Tianling with her beautiful eyes: "Tonight, they will sleep with me!"

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, feeling upset, and looked at Ye Li: "They are my daughter-in-laws, why should they sleep with you!"

"No reason!" Ye Li said.

"I refuse!" Ye Tianling looked at the two girls: "I'll wait for you in the room first."

The two women didn't reply, they still lowered their heads, blushing pretty faces.

Ye Tianling walked into the room with a smile.

Outside, Ye Li frowned, looked at Ye Qingxue's two daughters, and said in a deep voice, "You two serve Ye Tianling at the same time?"

Ye Qingxue shook her head, she didn't know.

Lin Menghan also shook her head, but she didn't know either.

"It's too much! This is simply for my own selfish desires, regardless of your feelings!" Ye Li said angrily.

The two women didn't say anything, they finished their meal, took a shower, and then entered Ye Tianling's room.

It continued until dawn.


In the early morning of the next day, Ye Tianling took out the Juling Fruit from Xiantian and asked Lin Menghan to take it.

After taking it, Lin Menghan's cultivation gradually climbed upwards until he was at the peak spiritual master level, and he barely stopped.

Ye Li stood there, raised his head slightly, looked at the sky with beautiful eyes, and said slowly: "Before going to the first-class area, let's go back to the family first."

"Alright." Ye Tianling said lightly.

Ye Qingxue showed nostalgia, she had been away from home for so long, she should go back and have a look.

After a few people finished speaking, they flew directly towards the sky and flew towards the direction of Nanyang Town.

After flying for half a day, they finally landed in Nanyang Town, Ye Family!
When Ye Li and the others returned to the family, they couldn't help alarming many members of the family.

"The patriarch and the others are all back. Could it be... that they defeated the empire and the Yunxia sect?" the disciples of the Ye clan guessed.

"Perhaps... Otherwise, the patriarch and the others will not be safe."

"I hope so, otherwise, the entire Ye family may be doomed."

Many family disciples are discussing this matter, although Nanyang Town is located in a remote place.

But when the Empire and Yunxiazong were at war with Congee Hall and Wanjin Chamber of Commerce at the same time.

There are many people who want to live a stable life, so they live in some remote towns.

It was they who spread the news to many small towns.

Ye Li asked the acting patriarch what happened recently.

Ye Tianling and the two daughters wandered around the entire Ye family.

Along the way, many disciples of the Ye family watched this scene enviously.

They were not jealous this time, and completely admired Ye Tianling.

"It would be great if we could always be peaceful like this." Ye Qingxue said with a smile.

"It's pretty good." Lin Menghan smiled.

Ye Tianling glanced at the two women, and slowly said: "With absolute strength, you can live in peace forever."

The two women nodded in agreement, and couldn't help yearning for this kind of life in their hearts.

Until noon, the four of Ye Tianling were eating in the yard.


Ye Tianling looked at Ye Li and asked doubtfully, "Why don't you have dinner with the elders of the clan? After all, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

After hearing this, Ye Li felt upset, stared at Ye Tianling and said, "What? Do you think I disturbed your three-person world?"

"I didn't say that... just a little confused." Ye Tianling.

"Hmph." Ye Li snorted, and explained: "There's nothing to talk about, eating with them, they are uncomfortable, and I am also uncomfortable."

"Hey...does Beauty Ye feel comfortable with us?" Ye Tianling teased.

Ye Li glared at Ye Tianling, this time he didn't scold him angrily because of the title problem.

After eating, Ye Tianling taught the girls how to use martial arts.

During this period, Ye Li looked at Ye Tianling suspiciously, and asked, "How do you know so much? It seems that you know all these martial arts."

"You will know later." Ye Tianling smiled.

Ye Li didn't continue to ask any more questions, he just thought that Ye Tianling was a person with a great opportunity.

Ye Tianling didn't explain either. When the time is right, everyone who should know will know.

(End of this chapter)

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