Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 135 Ye Fu

Chapter 135 Ye Fu
The bald young man killed the Ling King of the Ao family without showing the slightest sign of panic.

He slowly walked in front of Ye Li's three daughters, twirling the beads, looking at them, and slowly said: "You give me a very familiar feeling."

Ye Li and the three daughters looked at the bald young man, wondering what was wrong, and they also felt that the bald young man was somewhat familiar.

But I just can't figure out where I am familiar with.

"My name is Ye Fu!" Ye Fu twirled the beads and said slowly.

"Ye Li!"

"Ye Qingxue!"

"Lin Menghan!"

The three women reported their names.

Ye Fu nodded, looked at the three women, and said calmly: "With your strength, you may be in danger in Donghai City. Are there any elders protecting you?"

"My man is protecting us." Lin Menghan and Ye Qingxue said.

"Oh?" Ye Fu raised his star eyebrows slightly, and said curiously: "I really want to see what your men are like."

The two girls smiled and said nothing.

And the scene of Ye Fu chatting with the three women made passers-by feel uncomfortable.

"This monk is simply taking the opportunity to strike up a conversation! It's too hateful!" Someone said angrily with jealousy.

"Who made him have this strength, but he is wearing a monk's coat and pretending to be serious, it's really hateful!" Someone was upset.

"Hehe, I will be relieved in a while, and this monk will definitely be beheaded by the strong Ao family." Someone said coldly.


But time for a cup of tea.

A terrifying aura suddenly swept across the entire East Sea City, and a middle-aged man was seen standing in the air.

With his hands behind his back, his face was stern, and a coercion naturally spread out.

He looked down at Ye Fu indifferently, and said indifferently: "You committed suicide! I still want the emperor to kill you himself!"

Ye Fu raised his head, his face was indifferent, he could tell at a glance that this man was a strong Spirit Emperor, and he was also a high-ranking Spirit Emperor.

"Are people so domineering?" Ye Fu twirled the beads, looked at him, and said lightly: "My Buddha is merciful, and I will give you a chance to turn around!"

"Death!" The middle-aged man lost his patience. He punched out a punch, and a terrifying power, like a shock wave, directly ravaged the space and attacked Ye Fu.

"Since you want this Buddha to die, then this Buddha has no choice but to kill you!" Ye Fu said coldly, and his whole body was immediately enveloped by a holy golden light!

At this time, Ye Fu, like a true Buddha descended into the world, judged the darkness in the world.

He punched out a punch, which was covered by a complex rune, which contained terrible power.

The two fists collided, and a terrible aftermath immediately spread over!

clap clap clap!

The aftermath directly collapsed the buildings in all directions.

What's more, under this aftermath, many innocent people were severely injured!

at this time.

Ye Fu's punch directly crushed the middle-aged man's blow, but this golden fist still rushed towards the man unstoppably!
Seeing this, the middle-aged man's eyes were fixed, and a ray of light immediately shrouded his whole body.

But Ye Fu's punch was too domineering. With one blow, the light covering the middle-aged man's body was blown away.

At the same time, the middle-aged man was directly blasted into blood mist!
At this time, the blood mist filled the sky, and under the scorching sun, a strange rainbow appeared.

The onlookers in the distance all stared wide-eyed.

"This monk is so powerful!"

"It's too strong! It's simply crushing!"

This time, when everyone looked at Ye Fu again, there was no contempt, only endless awe!

Such an existence!Will there be no deep background behind it?They don't believe it.

Ye Fu's face was indifferent, and he said slowly to Ye Li's three daughters: "Don't worry, I'm not afraid of the people who ruin the family!"

The three daughters of Ye Li smiled, but looked at Ye Fu in surprise.

This Ye Fu is so young and has such strength. Could it be that he is another person who has all kinds of means and can stand shoulder to shoulder with Ye Tianling?

But they quickly denied this idea. Ye Tianling had too many methods, each of which was against the sky, and Ye Fu couldn't match it at all.

This time!

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Ye Li's three daughters!

Seeing this, Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan immediately took his arm and said happily: "You are finally back, otherwise we will suffer."

It was Ye Tianling who came. He rolled his eyes at the two girls and said, "With Ye Li here, what will happen to you?"

The two women stuck out their tongues, but said nothing.

Ever since Ye Tianling appeared, Ye Fu's eyes have been fixed on Ye Tianling.

There was doubt in his eyes.

Ye Tianling was also looking at Ye Fu, just now when Ye Fu was fighting the Linghuang powerhouse.

He was already in the dark, but he didn't show up.

When he was in the dark, he felt that Ye Fu gave him a very familiar feeling.

This kind of familiarity is not ordinary familiarity, but very, very familiar.

But where he is familiar with, he does not know.

Ye Fu was even more puzzled. When he saw Ye Li's three daughters, he had a familiar feeling.

When I saw Ye Tianling, I felt even more familiar.

"You give me a very familiar feeling!" Ye Tianling spoke first, looking at Ye Fu.

After Ye Fu heard this, he was even more surprised that he also felt this familiar feeling to himself?

"You also give me a very familiar feeling." Ye Fu looked at Ye Tianling, frowned slightly, and said slowly: "This kind of familiarity does not seem to come from this world, but more like from the past."

After hearing this, Ye Tianling's heart tightened suddenly, past life, past life again!
He communicated with the Book of Destiny and asked, "Why does this Ye Buddha give me a familiar feeling?"

"He is your brother in the previous life! He is also the one who is bound to your fate in this life." The Book of Destiny.

Ye Tianling was puzzled in his heart, and he said to the book of fate: "What's going on? People from the previous life are also reborn in this world?"

"Break through the Spirit Emperor, you will know it all." The Book of Destiny.

Ye Tianling sighed, he was in the realm of Lingdi again.

"Maybe it's really the previous life..." Ye Tianling said slowly, looking at him, "My name is Ye Tianling!"

Ye Fu nodded, looked at Ye Tianling, and said quietly: "You have been hiding in the dark just now, you should know my name."

Ye Tianling nodded, and at the same time couldn't help being shocked. He used the talent of the dark attribute to hide in the space.

Only under the careful investigation of the spiritual sect powerhouse can he be able to discover his existence.

But through the secret method, he saw that Ye Fu's realm was only the same as his own.

He was surprised that someone in the same realm could discover him.

"Since we both feel familiar with each other, how about having a drink?" Ye Tianling said with a smile.

"Okay." Ye Fu smiled lightly.

 Recommend a book written by the author of Married Beauty and Young Woman [Dan Sheng God Emperor] Young woman, you know...


(End of this chapter)

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