Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 142 I will kill you as the patriarch

Chapter 142 I will kill you as the patriarch

"The beauty who looks more mature should be able to compete with the number one beauty on the beauty list..."

While everyone was discussing the faces of the three daughters, Yu Yan's beautiful eyes were also looking at the three daughters of Ye Li.

When she saw Ye Li's three daughters, her dark pupils shrank suddenly.

These three beauties were all more beautiful than her, and at this moment, she immediately knew why Ye Tianling didn't want to marry her.

It turned out that it was because... I already had a daughter-in-law who could rival the beauties on the beauty list.

At the same time, a strong sense of jealousy arose in her heart.

She thinks God is unfair!Why should such looks be given to these three women!

Immediately afterwards, a killing intent rose in her heart!
Yu Yan stood with her hands behind her back, staring at the three daughters of Ye Li with her beautiful eyes, an aura suddenly surged out, forcing them.

"This princess asks you! Are you willing to become Ye Tianling's concubine!"

Ye Qingxue's pretty face was calm, her beautiful eyes looked at Yu Yan indifferently, and said indifferently: "I don't want to!"

With a calm and pretty face, Lin Menghan said coldly to Yu Yan: "I don't want to!"

Yu Yan's beautiful eyes revealed a galloping cold light, she stared at Ye Li, and said in a concentrated voice: "What about you!"

Ye Li stared at Yu Yan, and said coldly: "I am Ye Tianling's elder, you actually want me to be his concubine, do you want to die?"

After Yu Yan heard this, her beautiful eyes couldn't help being stunned, she didn't expect that Ye Li was Ye Tianling's elder.

After being stunned for a moment, a strong killing intent rose in her eyes again.

A leaf but nothing, even said to her, do you want to die!
"My princess is standing here! Do you dare to kill me!" Yu Yan stood with her hands behind her back, staring at Ye Li with her beautiful eyes.

An invisible momentum suddenly filled the surrounding area, making everyone feel extremely oppressed.

"Then I'll show you." Ye Li said coldly, and lightly tapped Yu Yan casually with her slender fingers.


A ripple swept out.

Yu Yan's face was indifferent, she slapped her palm fiercely, and a terrifying force rushed out like a shocking wave.

Looking at this scene, everyone couldn't help but raise their hearts.

They don't want a stunning beauty like Ye Li to suffer any harm.

But I don't want Princess Yu Yan to be hurt a little bit.

At this moment, in their hearts, Qi Qi became unhappy with Ye Tianling.

These two beauties fought, all because of Ye Tianling.

at this time!

The two attacks collided together, and the ripple that Ye Li tapped lightly was the power of the spirit king.

And Yu Yan is just a nine-star spirit general, her attack was easily smashed by Ye Li.

But it's not over yet, this ripple hit Yu Yan like a sharp arrow.

A bang sounded, and Yu Yan's body trembled suddenly, and then her face turned pale suddenly, and a smear of blood overflowed from her mouth.

at this time!

The crowd was stunned.

This Ye Li unexpectedly defeated Princess Yu Yan with a single blow!

call out!
Ye Li's figure appeared in front of Yu Yan like lightning, she stared at Yu Yan with her beautiful eyes, and said indifferently: "How do you want to die!"

At this moment, a terrifying coercion suddenly appeared in the entire huge Xihai City!

"If you want to kill the princess, first ask the old man if you agree!"

A loud shout suddenly sounded, and the power contained in the loud shout rushed directly towards Ye Li!
Seeing this, Ye Tianling frowned slightly, and immediately aroused Daoyuan's power to resist the blow.


Countless people looked up one after another, and saw an old man in the sky, wearing a Chinese robe, looking at Ye Tianling sharply.

Just now.

Ye Tianling used the Daoyuan power of Xihai City, which made the old man's expression tense.

When Yu Yan saw the old man, she immediately ordered loudly: "Slay the wolf! Kill this woman for this princess!"

After hearing this, Ye Tianling couldn't help looking at the old man in the air.

It turns out that this old man is Sha Polang, the lord of Xihai City.

Sha Polang didn't respond to Yu Yan immediately, his old eyes stared at Ye Tianling.

"Why can you mobilize the Daoyuan power of Xihai City!" Sha Polang asked in a deep voice.

"Because I know the art of killing a family better than you!" Ye Tianling said lightly, he looked at Sha Polang indifferently, and said indifferently: "Just now you wanted to kill my beautiful patriarch, but I want you to pay for it!" A terrible price!"

As the words fell, the entire land of Xihai City couldn't help shaking!
When trembling.

Some couples who were having sex in the room in broad daylight jumped up in fright.

Wrapped in sheets one by one, they escaped one after another.

As for the spectators on the competition stage, each of them couldn't stand steadily, and their faces showed panic.

"This is... what's wrong... how did the earthquake..." someone said in a panic.

"No...don't...know..." Some people were incoherent from being frightened.

And when Shapolang was in the air, his expression couldn't help changing drastically, and he looked at Ye Tianling with incomparably serious eyes.

"You...you can mobilize the complete Dao source power of my Shajia!" Sha Polang's voice trembled slightly.

Even he, the head of the contemporary killing family, has not fully comprehended the skills of the killing family. If he cannot fully comprehend, he will not be able to mobilize the power of the Dao source in the peak state.

But... Ye Tianling, an outsider, was able to mobilize him, which surprised him very much!
"I said before, I know more about the technique of killing a family than you do!" Ye Tianling said indifferently.

At this time, under the power of Dao Yuan, the entire Xihai City was filled with strong killing intent!
This is caused by the family-killing skills, and the family-killing skills are in charge of killing!
"It's time for you to pay the price!" Ye Tianling said indifferently.

The endless killing power was continuously extracted from the bottom of the Universal City, and finally condensed into a terrifying red ball of power.

Immediately, he charged at Sha Po Lang!

"Wait for the old man!" Sha Polang threw a harsh sentence, and immediately turned to leave.

He is only a three-star spirit sect, and the power of Daoyuan in the peak state has reached the power of a six-star spirit sect, so he dare not resist!
"Want to escape? It's too late!" Ye Tianling smiled playfully, seeing that the power of this source suddenly hit Shapolang who had already fled ten thousand meters away.

Just hear the bang!
Xihai City trembled, the white clouds in the sky and the earth were shaken away, and Sha Polang was blown upside down and shot directly.

When flying upside down, he couldn't help screaming, with scarlet blood mixed in his mouth.

at this time!

Everyone was shocked, their eyes were wide open, and they looked at Ye Tianling in disbelief!
"He...he actually defeated the killing patriarch..."

"He...can actually control the Daoyuan power of Xihai City...this...what the hell is going on..."

Shocked by everyone, Yu Yan's pupils shrank extremely rapidly!
The man she fell in love with was so powerful!
 Strongly recommend "Crazy Hatred System" five-star strong recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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