Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 144 The Trembling Imperial Capital

Chapter 144 The Trembling Imperial Capital

After hearing this, the middle-aged man frowned slightly, and looked at Ye Fu suspiciously.

This Ye Fu looks like he is only 20 years old, but the coercion that permeates his body is already that of the Linghuang. This alone can prove Ye Fu's excellence.

"General Nalan won't compete with you! You go!" The middle-aged man refused coldly.

Thinking in his mind, General Nalan has a noble status, how can he easily compete with others?

What's more, this leaf Buddha is only the Linghuang!

"That Buddha can only force him to compete with me!" Ye Fu said lightly, and a golden light appeared in his eyes!
He stared at the middle-aged man, and suddenly, the middle-aged man's figure couldn't help trembling heavily.

This look... why does it give him a terrible feeling!

"Since you want to fight! Then the emperor will compete with you!" The middle-aged man sullenly.

Terrible coercion erupted from his body, and this coercion was also boundless, causing the air current in the space within [-] meters around him to be shaken and rippled.

"One move defeats you!" Ye Fu said lightly, and he flicked the middle-aged man slightly with his fingers.

A golden Buddha bead, glowing with ancient mysterious runes, cut through the space and attacked him!
"Hmph!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, thinking he wanted to beat him like this?It's too much to look down on him.


The middle-aged man raised his hand, and a dazzling white ball was condensed in his hand. The white ball glowed with an incomparably dazzling light!

Flickering, it seems that there is a terrible power in it, once it is poured out, it can destroy any living beings within ten thousand meters.

He threw the white ball at Ye Fu suddenly, and when it passed through the space, it was like a shooting star.

The ancient Buddhist beads that Ye Fu popped out suddenly collided with this attack.

This Buddhist bead directly crushed the white light in a devastating way, and rushed towards the middle-aged man unstoppably!
Seeing this, the middle-aged man couldn't help shrinking his pupils slightly, and immediately swung his sleeves and swung a blow to block the prayer bead!

one strike!
The power of the middle-aged man couldn't stop this Buddhist bead at all, and it was thrown upside down and crashed into the tallest pavilion of the General's Mansion!


The pavilion was directly hit by this impact and collapsed!

"Run away..." Seeing this, everyone moved away one by one. The attic is too high, a full 1000 meters high. Once it collapses, it may crush them to death.

At this moment, a majestic force enveloped the pavilion, stopping the pavilion that was breaking and collapsing!
A figure stepped out suddenly, and stood in the air for an instant. With his hands behind his back, his face was serious, he looked at Ye Fu suspiciously, and said lightly: "Your Excellency wants to discuss with me, but the purpose must be impure!"

"It's the general, the general is going to make a move!" Everyone exclaimed when they saw the man in the air.

"The general is invincible and sweeps all directions. He will definitely be able to suppress this stinky monk with his hands." Everyone said one after another.

Ye Fu's gaze was as calm as a pool of stagnant water. He looked at Nalan Kuang and said calmly: "Purity or impurity is not important anymore, what matters is... this Buddha wants to learn from you!"

"Hehe..." Nalan smiled expressionlessly, looked at Ye Fu, and said indifferently: "Here, I am the real king! Do you think you are worthy to compete with this general!"

"You talk too much nonsense!" Ye Fu said indifferently, a golden light suddenly appeared all over his body!
Under this golden light, any light can't help being eclipsed!

"Go!" Ye Fu punched out a punch, which contained terrible power, just like the fist of light that judges the sins of the world, it can judge the endless darkness of the world.

Nalan Kuang made a bold move, and with one palm, the situation changed, and the wind howled furiously, unstoppable.

Under this blow, a domineering gust of wind swept towards Ye Fu.

Ye Fu's face was indifferent, and a faint smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth. He knew that he could not match Nalan Kuang with his own combat power.

Suddenly, a strange rune power suddenly appeared in front of Ye Fu!
The gust of wind suddenly hit the rune light curtain, and then the gust dissipated, and the rune light curtain was not damaged in the slightest.

Nalan Kuang's expression was extremely ugly at this time, and his eyes looking at Ye Fu were extremely serious and vigilant!

"Who the hell are you! How could you use the power of the Nalan family!" Nalan asked in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is! You will be suppressed by me today!" Ye Fu said coldly!
With his voice falling!

From the bottom of the entire General's Mansion, endless waves of Daoyuan power surged out, and this Daoyuan power covered Ye Fu's whole body in an instant at a lightning speed.

A gust of wind enveloped Ye Fu. Ye Fu twirled the beads, looked at Nalan Kuang calmly, and said softly: "This blow! You will definitely be defeated."

Nalan Kuang's pupils shrank slightly, he is the head of the Nalan family, and he controls [-]% of the Dao source power of the Nalan family!
But now, he clearly felt that this leaf Buddha had extracted the complete Daoyuan power of the Nalan family.

"This...how is this possible!" Nalan Kuang couldn't believe it, how could the Daoyuan power of the Nalan family be controlled by outsiders?
He wanted to seize the power of Daoyuan, but he suddenly discovered that he could no longer control the power of Daoyuan!

His complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't help but pale a little.

He has spent many years constantly comprehending the exercises of the Nalan family and the understanding of the exercises by the masters of the past dynasties!
After so many years, he was able to comprehend [-]% of the power of Daoyuan.

But... Ye Fu, an outsider, can actually control the Dao source of the Nalan family, which shows that Ye Fu has completely comprehended the exercises of the Nalan family!

"Defeat!" Ye Fu said lightly, and the endless gust of wind enveloped the entire General's Mansion, under the gust of wind.

Countless people trembled one after another, each with a frightened look in their eyes.

Seeing this, Nalan Kuang's pupils showed a strong sense of fear.

This gust of wind was transformed by the power of the complete Dao source, and he couldn't resist it at all!

"Wait! I admit defeat!" Nalan Kuang immediately surrendered, he knew...

Once the gust of wind really blows out completely, the entire General Nalan's mansion will be completely destroyed!
However, Ye Fu didn't stop, he turned the endless Daoyuan power into raging winds!

Diffuse in all directions!


When the many white clouds in the sky flowed rapidly, it caused a change in the sky!

At this time, countless people in the imperial capital felt trembling all over. This was because the terrible coercion descended on them.

They all raised their heads, and saw that the white clouds in the sky flew away as if they had encountered a nemesis!

"This... this power seems to come from General Nalan's residence..."

Someone's heart froze, and he lost his voice: "Could it be that something happened to the general's mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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