Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 148 Gathering

Chapter 148 Gathering
This made her feel a sense of crisis in her heart. She is just a loli now, and she can't attract Ye Wuchen at all.

And Ye Li has already matured and radiated charm. This is a strong enemy, a very strong enemy.

At this time, Ye Wuchen looked at Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan, and asked with a smile, "Are you pregnant?"

The pretty faces of Ye Qingxue and the two girls immediately flushed, this question is too straightforward!

Ye Li stared at Ye Wuchen with beautiful eyes, and lightly reprimanded: "Can you look a little like an elder?"

Ye Wuchen shrugged and said nothing.

"By the way, this is Ye Fu!" Ye Tianling looked at Ye Wuchen and introduced Ye Fu.

Ye Wuchen looked at Ye Fu's attire, as well as his clear eyes and bright breath, and knew that Ye Fu was a good person.

"My name is Ye Wuchen."

Ye Fu twirled the beads and said politely, "I've seen Uncle Ye."

Ye Wuchen smiled, then looked at Ye Tianling and the others and said, "Follow me into the sect."

Everyone nodded and followed Ye Wuchen into the Heavenly Sword Sect.

There are emerald green mountains everywhere in Tianjianzong, and each mountain has many disciples.

At a glance, you can see many disciples practicing swords.

Ye Tianling and the others came to a mountain peak, and a small palace stood on this mountain peak.

Looking at the palace, Ye Tianling couldn't help looking at Ye Wuchen, and asked curiously: "To monopolize a mountain in Tianjianzong, at least you need the identity of an inner sect elder?"

After Ye Wuchen heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, without explaining.

But Ye Tianling kept chasing after him, and continued to ask: "Father, what position do you hold in Tianjianzong?"

"..." Ye Wuchen thought for a while, and then said: "There is no position...just in charge of the medicine field."

"This position is not bad." Ye Tianling praised.

Immediately a few people sat down, Ye Wuchen frowned slightly, he looked at Ye Tianling and said: "Some time ago, a strange thing happened to me, I can clearly perceive your exact location."

Ye Li's three daughters couldn't help smiling after hearing this.

Seeing this, Ye Wuchen frowned slightly, what's so funny about that?

Ye Tianling explained: "I made it... the few of us can sense each other's specific location."

Ye Wuchen nodded suddenly, he was not too shocked, he knew that Ye Tianling had many mysterious means.

It is not surprising to have such a magical method.

"I sensed your mother's specific location!" Ye Wuchen took a sip of wine, his eyes were a little sharp, and he said in a deep voice: "Your mother seems to be imprisoned. Since this period, the range of her activities has not exceeded ten meters. !"

Ye Tianling's gaze shifted slightly, and a cold light appeared in his eyes. He also knew that Jun Qingyue's range of activities was only ten meters!
Ten meters!It was as big as a bedroom, but for more than a month, I only moved within this distance. Thinking about it with my toes, I knew that I was imprisoned!
"Practice hard! In two years, I will be able to step into the Holy Land of King's Landing!" Ye Tianling said in a deep voice.

He has enough confidence to break through to Lingsheng within two years, and he himself has escaped the rules of heaven and earth!

At that time, you can also rely on the realm of a one-star spirit saint to rival a nine-star spirit saint!

Ye Wuchen nodded lightly, he felt very uncomfortable, his wife must have been imprisoned for 18 years!
In the past 18 years, has she lived a life like this?

He is anxious in his heart, and urgently needs to improve his strength!
But he also knew that there was no rush for this thing, so he could only endure it for the time being, and wait for the day when his strength was strong enough to rescue Jun Qingyue!

"By the way! In my perception, there is another woman who is also in the Holy Land of King's Landing, and her specific location is the Forbidden Sea Cliff. As far as I know, the Forbidden Sea Cliff is like a purgatory, where you can only suffer endless torture! "Ye Wuchen looked at Ye Tianling and asked, "Do you know that woman?"

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, his face was sullen, and his heart was full of murderous intent!
His woman, Jun Ruoxi, has been tortured in the Forbidden Sea Cliff for 17 years!
And he urgently needs to improve his strength so that he can step into the Holy Land of King's Landing, kill Jun Changkong, and rescue Jun Ruoxi.

The three daughters of Ye Li at the side raised their eyebrows slightly, stared at Ye Tianling, and asked, "Who is that woman?"

"You will know in the future." Ye Tianling did not explain. If he explained at this time, he would have to explain his identity as well.

Judging from the current situation, it is not suitable to reveal his identity.

The three daughters of Ye Li didn't ask, but they became more and more curious.

Who could that woman be?And what kind of relationship does it have with Ye Tianling?
Ye Wuchen didn't ask any further questions, he looked at Ye Tianling and asked, "How is the second-rate region now?"

"Yunxiazong and Tengfeng Empire have been wiped out from the second-rate region!" Ye Tianling said.

Ye Wuchen's eyes twitched slightly, and he looked at Ye Tianling: "More than a month ago, Qiuqianxue came to the lower-rank region. At that time, I was still surprised, it turned out that the Tengfeng Empire was destroyed."

Ye Wuchen didn't ask why Yunxia Sect and Tengfeng Empire were destroyed, he knew... only his son was the one who wiped out Yunxia Sect and Tengfeng Empire.

Ye Tianling nodded, his eyes could not help but light up slightly, he raised his brows, and looked at Ye Wuchen: "How is your relationship with Xia Qingcheng?"

Ye Wuchen pondered for a while, frowned and said: "It's okay..."

Ye Tianling looked at Ye Wuchen, and said slowly: "Qiuqianxue is now the mother of Siyang Kingdom, and Yu Siyang, the lord of Siyang Kingdom, is a half-star Spiritual Venerable or a one-star Spiritual Venerable. To kill them, we can only rely on Xia Qingcheng's hands."

After hearing this, Ye Wuchen couldn't help saying: "Xia Qingcheng may not be able to make a move..."

"We'll see the situation then." Ye Tianling smiled.

"En." Ye Wuchen nodded, his eyes flickered.

Not long after, the meal was ready, and it was Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan who cooked.

The dinner table.

"Uncle Ye, it's time to eat." Ye Qingxue looked at Ye Wuchen and said softly.

"En?" Ye Wuchen's complexion was serious, he stared at Ye Qingxue, and said solemnly: "What did you call me just now!"

"I..." Seeing him like this, Ye Qingxue felt a little scared, she lowered her head, blushed pretty face, and said weakly: "Father."

"En." Ye Wuchen nodded and laughed, looked at Lin Menghan again, and said, "What should you call me!"

Lin Menghan's beautiful eyes dodged, her pretty face flushed, she lowered her head, and said shyly, "Father."

"En." Ye Wuchen nodded in satisfaction, looked at Ye Li, and said, "What should you call me!"

"I call you uncle!" Ye Li glared at Ye Wuchen, and reprimanded: "Eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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